City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
AiBridge | 62403 | ** | Wireless |
AiBridge | 62404 | ** | Wireless |
Bangtar | 76710 | ** | Phone |
Bartsham | 4563 | *** | Phone |
Basochu | 2470 | *** | Phone |
Basochu | 2471 | *** | Phone |
Betekha | 824060 | * | Wireless |
Betekha | 824061 | * | Wireless |
Betekha | 824062 | * | Wireless |
Betekha | 824063 | * | Wireless |
Betekha | 824064 | * | Wireless |
Bhur | 62405 | ** | Wireless |
Bondey | 82400 | ** | Wireless |
Bondey | 82401 | ** | Wireless |
Bondey | 82402 | ** | Wireless |
Bubja | 3525 | *** | Phone |
Buca | 52406 | ** | Wireless |
Buduni | 5365 | *** | Phone |
Bumthang | 3690 | *** | Phone |
Bunakha | 84605 | ** | Wireless |
Bunakha | 84606 | ** | Wireless |
Bunakha | 84607 | ** | Wireless |
Bunakha | 84608 | ** | Wireless |
Chapcha | 84605 | ** | Wireless |
Chapcha | 84606 | ** | Wireless |
Chapcha | 84607 | ** | Wireless |
Chapcha | 84608 | ** | Wireless |
Chapcha | 8471 | *** | Phone |
Chargary | 5380 | *** | Phone |
Chargary | 5381 | *** | Phone |
Chengmari | 5383 | *** | Phone |
Chukha | 84602 | ** | Wireless |
Chukha | 84603 | ** | Wireless |
Chukha | 84604 | ** | Wireless |
Chumey | 3640 | *** | Phone |
Chumey | 3641 | *** | Phone |
Chuzegang | 62406 | ** | Wireless |
Dagana | 6480 | *** | Phone |
Dagana | 6481 | *** | Phone |
Dagapela | 6483 | *** | Phone |
Daifam | 76711 | ** | Phone |
Damphu | 66708 | ** | Phone |
Dawakha | 824065 | * | Wireless |
Dawakha | 824066 | * | Wireless |
Dawakha | 824067 | * | Wireless |
Dawakha | 824068 | * | Wireless |
Dawakha | 824069 | * | Wireless |
Dechencholing | 2360 | *** | Phone |
Dechencholing | 2361 | *** | Phone |
Deothang | 7260 | *** | Phone |
Deothang | 7261 | *** | Phone |
Deothang | 76714 | ** | Phone |
Doksum | 4785 | *** | Phone |
Dorikha | 824060 | * | Wireless |
Dorikha | 824061 | * | Wireless |
Dorikha | 824062 | * | Wireless |
Dorikha | 824063 | * | Wireless |
Dorikha | 824064 | * | Wireless |
Dorokha | 53900 | ** | Phone |
Dremtse | 4550 | *** | Phone |
Dremtse | 4551 | *** | Phone |
Drugyel | 82403 | ** | Wireless |
Drugyel | 82404 | ** | Wireless |
Drujegang | 6487 | *** | Phone |
Drukgyel Dzong | 823 | **** | Phone |
Dungna | 52407 | ** | Wireless |
Dungna | 52408 | ** | Wireless |
Dungna | 52409 | ** | Wireless |
Gangkha | 82407 | ** | Wireless |
Gasa | 2688 | *** | Phone |
Gedu | 527 | **** | Phone |
Gelephu | 6 | ****** | Phone |
Gelephu | 62400 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 62401 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 62402 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 62407 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 62408 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 62409 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 6250 | *** | Phone |
Gelephu | 6251 | *** | Phone |
Gelephu | 6290 | *** | VoIP |
Gomtu | 5370 | *** | Phone |
Gomtu | 5371 | *** | Phone |
Gyelposhing | 4744 | *** | Phone |
Haa | 8375 | *** | Phone |
Haa Damthang | 82408 | ** | Wireless |
Haa Damthang | 82409 | ** | Wireless |
Haa Damthang | 8371 | *** | Phone |
Isuna | 82405 | ** | Wireless |
Jakar | 3630 | *** | Phone |
Jakar | 3631 | *** | Phone |
Jigmeling | 62405 | ** | Wireless |
Kanglung | 4535 | *** | Phone |
Khaling | 4580 | *** | Phone |
Khaling | 4581 | *** | Phone |
Kharsadrapchu | 2370 | *** | Phone |
Kharsadrapchu | 2371 | *** | Phone |
Kilikhar | 4645 | *** | Phone |
Leo Pani | 62405 | ** | Wireless |
Lhamoy Zingkha | 56706 | ** | Phone |
Lhuntse | 4545 | *** | Phone |
Lingshi | 26700 | ** | Phone |
Lobesa | 23806 | ** | Wireless |
Lobessa | 2376 | *** | Phone |
Lobnekha | 84605 | ** | Wireless |
Lobnekha | 84606 | ** | Wireless |
Lobnekha | 84607 | ** | Wireless |
Lobnekha | 84608 | ** | Wireless |
Lodrai | 62403 | ** | Wireless |
Lodrai | 62404 | ** | Wireless |
Logchina | 52407 | ** | Wireless |
Logchina | 52408 | ** | Wireless |
Logchina | 52409 | ** | Wireless |
Metab | 52407 | ** | Wireless |
Metab | 52408 | ** | Wireless |
Metab | 52409 | ** | Wireless |
Mongar | 4640 | *** | Phone |
Mongar | 4641 | *** | Phone |
Nganglam | 76712 | ** | Phone |
Nobgang | 23807 | ** | Wireless |
Pade | 527 | **** | Phone |
Panbang | 66709 | ** | Phone |
Paro | 8 | ****** | Phone |
Paro | 82400 | ** | Wireless |
Paro | 82401 | ** | Wireless |
Paro | 82402 | ** | Wireless |
Paro | 8270 | *** | Phone |
Paro | 8271 | *** | Phone |
Pasakha | 52403 | ** | Wireless |
Pasakha | 52404 | ** | Wireless |
Pasakha | 52405 | ** | Wireless |
Pasakha | 5260 | *** | Phone |
Pasakha | 5261 | *** | Phone |
Pema Gatshel | 7470 | *** | Phone |
Pema Gatshel | 7471 | *** | Phone |
Pema Gatshel | 76713 | ** | Phone |
Phuntsholing | 5 | ****** | Phone |
Phuntsholing | 52400 | ** | Wireless |
Phuntsholing | 52401 | ** | Wireless |
Phuntsholing | 52402 | ** | Wireless |
Phuntsholing | 5250 | *** | Phone |
Phuntsholing | 5251 | *** | Phone |
Phuntsholing | 5252 | *** | Phone |
Punakha | 2584 | *** | Phone |
Punakha | 2590 | *** | VoIP |
Ramitey | 5265 | *** | Phone |
Rangjung | 4560 | *** | Phone |
Rangjung | 4561 | *** | Phone |
Sakteng | 46704 | ** | Phone |
Samdrup Jongkhar | 7 | ****** | Phone |
Samdrup Jongkhar | 7250 | *** | Phone |
Samdrup Jongkhar | 7251 | *** | Phone |
Samtse | 5365 | *** | Phone |
Sarpang | 6365 | *** | Phone |
Satsham Choten | 82403 | ** | Wireless |
Satsham Choten | 82404 | ** | Wireless |
Shaba | 824 | **** | Phone |
Shamakha | 82407 | ** | Wireless |
Shava | 82405 | ** | Wireless |
Shershong | 62403 | ** | Wireless |
Shershong | 62404 | ** | Wireless |
Sibsoo | 5382 | *** | Phone |
Simtokha | 2350 | *** | Phone |
Simtokha | 2351 | *** | Phone |
Sin | 527 | **** | Phone |
Suray | 6255 | *** | Phone |
Taba | 2365 | *** | Phone |
Tading | 52406 | ** | Wireless |
Tala | 527 | **** | Phone |
Talo | 23807 | ** | Wireless |
Tangmachu | 4546 | *** | Phone |
Tashijong | 5365 | *** | Phone |
Thimphu | 2 | ****** | Phone |
Thimphu | 232 | **** | Phone |
Thimphu | 233 | **** | Phone |
Thimphu | 234 | **** | Phone |
Thimphu | 23800 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 23801 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 23802 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 23803 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 23804 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 23805 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 2390 | *** | VoIP |
Thinleygang | 23806 | ** | Wireless |
Trashi Yangtse | 4780 | *** | Phone |
Trashi Yangtse | 4781 | *** | Phone |
Trashi Yangtse | 479 | **** | Phone |
Trashigang | 4 | ****** | Phone |
Trashigang | 4520 | *** | Phone |
Trashigang | 4521 | *** | Phone |
Trashigang | 4590 | *** | Phone |
Trongsa | 3 | ****** | Phone |
Trongsa | 3520 | *** | Phone |
Trongsa | 3521 | *** | Phone |
Trongsa | 3522 | *** | Phone |
Trongsa | 3590 | *** | Phone |
Tsenkharla | 4785 | *** | Phone |
Tshangkha | 3527 | *** | Phone |
Tshima Lakha | 84600 | ** | Wireless |
Tshima Lakha | 84601 | ** | Wireless |
Tsimasham | 84600 | ** | Wireless |
Tsimasham | 84601 | ** | Wireless |
Tsimasham | 8478 | *** | Phone |
Tsirang | 6470 | *** | Phone |
Tsirang | 6471 | *** | Phone |
Ura | 3635 | *** | Phone |
Wamrong | 4570 | *** | Phone |
Wamrong | 4571 | *** | Phone |
Wangdue | 23808 | ** | Wireless |
Wangdue | 23809 | ** | Wireless |
Wangdue | 2480 | *** | Phone |
Wangdue | 2481 | *** | Phone |
Wangdue | 3490 | *** | Phone |
Wangdue | 3491 | *** | Phone |
Wangkha | 84602 | ** | Wireless |
Wangkha | 84603 | ** | Wireless |
Wangkha | 84604 | ** | Wireless |
Wangkha | 8477 | *** | Phone |
Yadi | 4539 | *** | Phone |
Yongfula | 4535 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 3740 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 3741 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 3790 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 3791 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 3792 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 36703 | ** | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Thimphu | 2 | ****** | Phone |
Thimphu | 232 | **** | Phone |
Thimphu | 233 | **** | Phone |
Thimphu | 234 | **** | Phone |
Simtokha | 2350 | *** | Phone |
Simtokha | 2351 | *** | Phone |
Dechencholing | 2360 | *** | Phone |
Dechencholing | 2361 | *** | Phone |
Taba | 2365 | *** | Phone |
Kharsadrapchu | 2370 | *** | Phone |
Kharsadrapchu | 2371 | *** | Phone |
Lobessa | 2376 | *** | Phone |
Thimphu | 23800 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 23801 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 23802 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 23803 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 23804 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 23805 | ** | Wireless |
Lobesa | 23806 | ** | Wireless |
Thinleygang | 23806 | ** | Wireless |
Nobgang | 23807 | ** | Wireless |
Talo | 23807 | ** | Wireless |
Wangdue | 23808 | ** | Wireless |
Wangdue | 23809 | ** | Wireless |
Thimphu | 2390 | *** | VoIP |
Basochu | 2470 | *** | Phone |
Basochu | 2471 | *** | Phone |
Wangdue | 2480 | *** | Phone |
Wangdue | 2481 | *** | Phone |
Punakha | 2584 | *** | Phone |
Punakha | 2590 | *** | VoIP |
Lingshi | 26700 | ** | Phone |
Gasa | 2688 | *** | Phone |
Trongsa | 3 | ****** | Phone |
Wangdue | 3490 | *** | Phone |
Wangdue | 3491 | *** | Phone |
Trongsa | 3520 | *** | Phone |
Trongsa | 3521 | *** | Phone |
Trongsa | 3522 | *** | Phone |
Bubja | 3525 | *** | Phone |
Tshangkha | 3527 | *** | Phone |
Trongsa | 3590 | *** | Phone |
Jakar | 3630 | *** | Phone |
Jakar | 3631 | *** | Phone |
Ura | 3635 | *** | Phone |
Chumey | 3640 | *** | Phone |
Chumey | 3641 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 36703 | ** | Phone |
Bumthang | 3690 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 3740 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 3741 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 3790 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 3791 | *** | Phone |
Zhemgang | 3792 | *** | Phone |
Trashigang | 4 | ****** | Phone |
Trashigang | 4520 | *** | Phone |
Trashigang | 4521 | *** | Phone |
Kanglung | 4535 | *** | Phone |
Yongfula | 4535 | *** | Phone |
Yadi | 4539 | *** | Phone |
Lhuntse | 4545 | *** | Phone |
Tangmachu | 4546 | *** | Phone |
Dremtse | 4550 | *** | Phone |
Dremtse | 4551 | *** | Phone |
Rangjung | 4560 | *** | Phone |
Rangjung | 4561 | *** | Phone |
Bartsham | 4563 | *** | Phone |
Wamrong | 4570 | *** | Phone |
Wamrong | 4571 | *** | Phone |
Khaling | 4580 | *** | Phone |
Khaling | 4581 | *** | Phone |
Trashigang | 4590 | *** | Phone |
Mongar | 4640 | *** | Phone |
Mongar | 4641 | *** | Phone |
Kilikhar | 4645 | *** | Phone |
Sakteng | 46704 | ** | Phone |
Gyelposhing | 4744 | *** | Phone |
Trashi Yangtse | 4780 | *** | Phone |
Trashi Yangtse | 4781 | *** | Phone |
Doksum | 4785 | *** | Phone |
Tsenkharla | 4785 | *** | Phone |
Trashi Yangtse | 479 | **** | Phone |
Phuntsholing | 5 | ****** | Phone |
Phuntsholing | 52400 | ** | Wireless |
Phuntsholing | 52401 | ** | Wireless |
Phuntsholing | 52402 | ** | Wireless |
Pasakha | 52403 | ** | Wireless |
Pasakha | 52404 | ** | Wireless |
Pasakha | 52405 | ** | Wireless |
Buca | 52406 | ** | Wireless |
Tading | 52406 | ** | Wireless |
Dungna | 52407 | ** | Wireless |
Logchina | 52407 | ** | Wireless |
Metab | 52407 | ** | Wireless |
Dungna | 52408 | ** | Wireless |
Logchina | 52408 | ** | Wireless |
Metab | 52408 | ** | Wireless |
Dungna | 52409 | ** | Wireless |
Logchina | 52409 | ** | Wireless |
Metab | 52409 | ** | Wireless |
Phuntsholing | 5250 | *** | Phone |
Phuntsholing | 5251 | *** | Phone |
Phuntsholing | 5252 | *** | Phone |
Pasakha | 5260 | *** | Phone |
Pasakha | 5261 | *** | Phone |
Ramitey | 5265 | *** | Phone |
Gedu | 527 | **** | Phone |
Pade | 527 | **** | Phone |
Sin | 527 | **** | Phone |
Tala | 527 | **** | Phone |
Buduni | 5365 | *** | Phone |
Samtse | 5365 | *** | Phone |
Tashijong | 5365 | *** | Phone |
Gomtu | 5370 | *** | Phone |
Gomtu | 5371 | *** | Phone |
Chargary | 5380 | *** | Phone |
Chargary | 5381 | *** | Phone |
Sibsoo | 5382 | *** | Phone |
Chengmari | 5383 | *** | Phone |
Dorokha | 53900 | ** | Phone |
Lhamoy Zingkha | 56706 | ** | Phone |
Gelephu | 6 | ****** | Phone |
Gelephu | 62400 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 62401 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 62402 | ** | Wireless |
AiBridge | 62403 | ** | Wireless |
Lodrai | 62403 | ** | Wireless |
Shershong | 62403 | ** | Wireless |
AiBridge | 62404 | ** | Wireless |
Lodrai | 62404 | ** | Wireless |
Shershong | 62404 | ** | Wireless |
Bhur | 62405 | ** | Wireless |
Jigmeling | 62405 | ** | Wireless |
Leo Pani | 62405 | ** | Wireless |
Chuzegang | 62406 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 62407 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 62408 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 62409 | ** | Wireless |
Gelephu | 6250 | *** | Phone |
Gelephu | 6251 | *** | Phone |
Suray | 6255 | *** | Phone |
Gelephu | 6290 | *** | VoIP |
Sarpang | 6365 | *** | Phone |
Tsirang | 6470 | *** | Phone |
Tsirang | 6471 | *** | Phone |
Dagana | 6480 | *** | Phone |
Dagana | 6481 | *** | Phone |
Dagapela | 6483 | *** | Phone |
Drujegang | 6487 | *** | Phone |
Damphu | 66708 | ** | Phone |
Panbang | 66709 | ** | Phone |
Samdrup Jongkhar | 7 | ****** | Phone |
Samdrup Jongkhar | 7250 | *** | Phone |
Samdrup Jongkhar | 7251 | *** | Phone |
Deothang | 7260 | *** | Phone |
Deothang | 7261 | *** | Phone |
Pema Gatshel | 7470 | *** | Phone |
Pema Gatshel | 7471 | *** | Phone |
Bangtar | 76710 | ** | Phone |
Daifam | 76711 | ** | Phone |
Nganglam | 76712 | ** | Phone |
Pema Gatshel | 76713 | ** | Phone |
Deothang | 76714 | ** | Phone |
Paro | 8 | ****** | Phone |
Drukgyel Dzong | 823 | **** | Phone |
Bondey | 82400 | ** | Wireless |
Paro | 82400 | ** | Wireless |
Shaba | 824 | **** | Phone |
Bondey | 82401 | ** | Wireless |
Paro | 82401 | ** | Wireless |
Bondey | 82402 | ** | Wireless |
Paro | 82402 | ** | Wireless |
Drugyel | 82403 | ** | Wireless |
Satsham Choten | 82403 | ** | Wireless |
Drugyel | 82404 | ** | Wireless |
Satsham Choten | 82404 | ** | Wireless |
Isuna | 82405 | ** | Wireless |
Shava | 82405 | ** | Wireless |
Betekha | 824060 | * | Wireless |
Dorikha | 824060 | * | Wireless |
Betekha | 824061 | * | Wireless |
Dorikha | 824061 | * | Wireless |
Betekha | 824062 | * | Wireless |
Dorikha | 824062 | * | Wireless |
Betekha | 824063 | * | Wireless |
Dorikha | 824063 | * | Wireless |
Betekha | 824064 | * | Wireless |
Dorikha | 824064 | * | Wireless |
Dawakha | 824065 | * | Wireless |
Dawakha | 824066 | * | Wireless |
Dawakha | 824067 | * | Wireless |
Dawakha | 824068 | * | Wireless |
Dawakha | 824069 | * | Wireless |
Gangkha | 82407 | ** | Wireless |
Shamakha | 82407 | ** | Wireless |
Haa Damthang | 82408 | ** | Wireless |
Haa Damthang | 82409 | ** | Wireless |
Paro | 8270 | *** | Phone |
Paro | 8271 | *** | Phone |
Haa Damthang | 8371 | *** | Phone |
Haa | 8375 | *** | Phone |
Tshima Lakha | 84600 | ** | Wireless |
Tsimasham | 84600 | ** | Wireless |
Tshima Lakha | 84601 | ** | Wireless |
Tsimasham | 84601 | ** | Wireless |
Chukha | 84602 | ** | Wireless |
Wangkha | 84602 | ** | Wireless |
Chukha | 84603 | ** | Wireless |
Wangkha | 84603 | ** | Wireless |
Chukha | 84604 | ** | Wireless |
Wangkha | 84604 | ** | Wireless |
Bunakha | 84605 | ** | Wireless |
Chapcha | 84605 | ** | Wireless |
Lobnekha | 84605 | ** | Wireless |
Bunakha | 84606 | ** | Wireless |
Chapcha | 84606 | ** | Wireless |
Lobnekha | 84606 | ** | Wireless |
Bunakha | 84607 | ** | Wireless |
Chapcha | 84607 | ** | Wireless |
Lobnekha | 84607 | ** | Wireless |
Bunakha | 84608 | ** | Wireless |
Chapcha | 84608 | ** | Wireless |
Lobnekha | 84608 | ** | Wireless |
Chapcha | 8471 | *** | Phone |
Wangkha | 8477 | *** | Phone |
Tsimasham | 8478 | *** | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
B-Mobile | 17 | ****** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 113 |
Fire | 110 |
Medical | 112 |
Child Help-Line | 113 |
Electricity | 1257 |
Traffic | 111 |
Women Help Line | 113 |
Bhutan International Code | +975 |
International phone prefix of Bhutan | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Bhutan |
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