
Today holidays in the world
World holidays calendar 2025-2026 - choose your holiday for today

Gregorian Calendar: 20 January 2015 - Tuesday, 4 week, 20 day of year
Julian Calendar: 7 January 2015
Jewish Calendar: 29 Tevet 5775
Islamic Calendar: 29 Rabi al-Awwal 1436
Chinese Calendar: 1 day 12 month 31 year of 74 cycle (goat, blue-green, wood)
Indian National Calendar: 30 Pausha 1936
Hindu Lunar Calendar: 30 Pausa 2071 year of Vikram Samvat, Lunar mansion - Uttarasadha
Persian Calendar: 30 Dey 1393
Bahai Calendar: 1 Kull-i-Shay 9 Vahid 19 year (Vahid) 17 month (Sultan) 2 day (Jalal)
Maya Calendar (Long count): 13 Baktun 0 Katun 2 Tun 2 Winal 0 Kin
Maya Calendar (Short count - Haab): 13 day of «Muwan» month
Maya Calendar (Short count - Tzolkin): 10 day of «Men» month
French Calendar: 10 day (Decadi) 3 decade of 4 month (Nivose) 223 year
Interior Ministry Record Keeping Service Day (Russia)
Commemoration Day of Participants of the Barricades (Latvia)
Martyrs Day (Azerbaijan)
Armed Forces Day (Laos)
Armed Forces Day (Lesotho)
National Heroes Day (Guinea-Bissau)
National Heroes Day (Cape Verde)
Armed Forces Day (Mali)
Day of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Crimea, Ukraine)
Foundation Day of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Christened Slava - Saint John the Baptist Day (Republika Srpska)
Tamborrada (Saint Sebastian, Spain)
Camcorder Day (USA)
National Buttercrunch Day (USA)
National DJ Day (USA)
National Penguin Awareness Day (USA)
National Cheese Lover's Day (USA)
National Granola Bar Day (USA)

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Holidays Calendar for 2025 - 2026

Do you want to know what holidays in country for today?.. Then just click on the link above and you will be taken to a page with a list of all holidays for today for 2025. The World Calendar is a holiday in USA, India, United Kingdom and other countries holidays sorted by date. By visiting this section, you will be aware of all holidays for today and any other day.


Holidays are special days that we honor each other, our ancestors, remember the specific events that occurred in the history of our nation and the civilization. Holidays can be separated geographically - for example, the world's holidays that are celebrated around the planet or holidays individual states (example, USA holidays), which are devoted to special events that occurred in the country or with the people of this country. The same division can be in different groups - religious, sports, folk, professional, and other holidays. In the long history of holidays has accumulated a large amount, but, despite this, people are so fond of them that are ready to celebrate not only the large and well-known events, but also completely irrelevant holidays for every day. In 2025, food festivals and even the letters of the alphabet occur almost every day (example, World Chocolate Day). Holidays in each country so many, that all of them do not even know people involved in them professionally.

We have tried to make a detailed world holidays calendar with the holidays, which collect as many kinds of world holidays (including holidays in UK, United States and other countries), so that you always know what holiday is today in any country of the world. You can also subscribe to our mailing list "World Holiday Calendar 2025-2026 year" and then each day to receive an email with a list of all holidays today or tomorrow. Choose your holiday day and celebrate it with friends and family.

Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 20 January 2025
Jewish calendar: 29 Tevet 5775
Islamic calendar: 29 Rabi al-Awwal 1436
Chinese calendar: 1 day 12 month 4411 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• Interior Ministry Record Keeping Service Day (Russia)
• Commemoration Day of Participants of the Barricades (Latvia)
• Martyrs Day (Azerbaijan)
• Armed Forces Day (Laos)
• Armed Forces Day (Lesotho)
• National Heroes Day (Guinea-Bissau)
• National Heroes Day (Cape Verde)
• Armed Forces Day (Mali)
• Day of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Crimea, Ukraine)
• Foundation Day of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

It takes 15 trees to produce the amount of paper that we use to write one exam. Join us in promoting the noble cause of saving trees. Say no to exams

Exam texts for sms messages

To the beautiful couple in all the land, may your anniversary be happy and grand. Happy anniversary

Anniversary greetings for sms messages

Keep the smile, leave the tear, think of joy, forget the fear, hold the laugh, leave the pain, be jouyous till I sms again

Smile jokes for sms messages

The man who says his wife can't take a joke, forgets that she took him - Oscar wilde

Marriage greetings for sms messages

The fluffy cloud may kiss the sky, the rose may kiss the butterfly, the morning due may kiss the grass but you my friend may kiss my lips

Kiss texts for sms messages

He's as red as an overdrawn account at the local blood bank

Funny jokes for sms messages

Missing you a lot on this easter. Wishing you were here to celebrate this holy occasion with me. Happy easter

Easter greetings for sms messages

Few minutes of anger can ruin few days or years of happiness

Angry texts for sms messages

Holding back the tears of sorrow caressing my withered soul cracked lonely lips bleed voices whisper 'Hold on'

Sad texts for sms messages

A wedding is just like a funeral except that you get to smell your own flower

Marriage greetings for sms messages