City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Aioun | 4515 | **** | Phone |
Aleg | 4537 | **** | Phone |
Atar | 4546 | **** | Phone |
Boghe | 4550 | **** | Phone |
Kaedi | 4533 | **** | Phone |
Kiffa | 4563 | **** | Phone |
Kiffa | 45632 | *** | Phone |
Nema | 4513 | **** | Phone |
Nouadhibou | 4574 | **** | Phone |
Nouadhibou | 4576 | **** | Phone |
Nouadhibou | 5975 | *** | Wireless |
Nouakchott | 45 | ****** | Phone |
Nouakchott | 4525 | **** | Phone |
Nouakchott | 4529 | **** | Phone |
Nouakchott | 598 | **** | Wireless |
Rosso | 4569 | **** | Phone |
Selibaby | 4534 | **** | Phone |
Tidjikja | 4569 | **** | Phone |
Zouerat | 4544 | **** | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Nouakchott | 45 | ****** | Phone |
Nema | 4513 | **** | Phone |
Aioun | 4515 | **** | Phone |
Nouakchott | 4525 | **** | Phone |
Nouakchott | 4529 | **** | Phone |
Kaedi | 4533 | **** | Phone |
Selibaby | 4534 | **** | Phone |
Aleg | 4537 | **** | Phone |
Zouerat | 4544 | **** | Phone |
Atar | 4546 | **** | Phone |
Boghe | 4550 | **** | Phone |
Kiffa | 4563 | **** | Phone |
Kiffa | 45632 | *** | Phone |
Rosso | 4569 | **** | Phone |
Tidjikja | 4569 | **** | Phone |
Nouadhibou | 4574 | **** | Phone |
Nouadhibou | 4576 | **** | Phone |
Nouadhibou | 5975 | *** | Wireless |
Nouakchott | 598 | **** | Wireless |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
Chinguitel | 2 | ******* |
Chinguitel | 22 | ****** |
Chinguitel | 270 | ***** |
Mattel | 3 | ******* |
Mattel | 33 | ****** |
Mattel | 361 | ***** |
Mattel | 362 | ***** |
Mattel | 363 | ***** |
Mattel | 366 | ***** |
Mattel | 371 | ***** |
Mattel | 372 | ***** |
Mattel | 373 | ***** |
Mauritel | 4 | ******* |
Mauritel | 460 | ***** |
Mauritel | 464 | ***** |
Mauritel | 465 | ***** |
Mauritel | 467 | ***** |
Mauritel | 468 | ***** |
Mauritel | 469 | ***** |
Mauritel | 474 | ***** |
Mauritel | 475 | ***** |
Mauritel | 476 | ***** |
Mauritel | 477 | ***** |
Mauritel | 478 | ***** |
Mauritel | 479 | ***** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 117 |
Fire | 118 |
Medical | 101 |
Police | 116 |
Service type | Phone code | Phone number length |
Free phone | 8000 | **** |
Phone | 25 | ****** |
Phone | 250 | ***** |
Phone | 258 | ***** |
Phone | 35 | ****** |
Phone | 45 | ****** |
Mauritania International Code | +222 |
International phone prefix of Mauritania | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Mauritania |
Marriage greetings for sms messages
If you don't respect yourself how can you expect others to respect you so always give respect to yourself. Take care and be happyEveryone hears what you say... Friends listen to what you say... Best friends listen to what you don't sayFriendship texts for sms messages
Don't search luv, let luv find U. It's called falling in luv, coz U don't force urself to fall, U just fall and there will be someone to catch UNobody teaches the fish to swim, a birds to fly, a cows to moo, a dogs to bark. They just do & nobody teach me to think of you I just doRomantic texts for sms messages
Christmas ornament you gave us was lovely! It has pride of place on our tree. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful and beautiful giftChristmas greetings for sms messages
What do germans use for birth control? Their personalitiesIt's ur wedding day so perfect & fine with all your friends round you to have a gud timeIf you want to gain knowledge, add something everyday to your mind. Bt if you want to gain wisdom, remove something everyday from your mind |