
Free sms sending
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Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 26 April 2024
Jewish calendar: 7 Iyar 5775
Islamic calendar: 7 Rajab 1436
Chinese calendar: 8 day 3 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• World Intellectual Property Day (International)
• Confederate Memorial Day (Georgia, USA)
• Confederate Memorial Day (Florida, USA)
• Confederate Memorial Day (Texas, USA)
• Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes Remembrance Day (Ukraine)
• National Heroes Day (Mari El, Russia)
• Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes Memorial Day (Russia)
• Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes Liquidators Day (Russia)
• Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl Tragedy (Belarus)
• Frontier Guard Day (Armenia)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

Christmas brings such a time of love each tender heart holds so much of unselfishness thrives, trust is strong the purpose to give, send love along

Christmas greetings for sms messages

You left, and my heart is a ceaseless sermon of loneliness. - Jaesse tyler

Broken heart texts for sms messages

The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears. - John vance cheney

Broken heart texts for sms messages

So I guess that I am the loser cause you have found someone new but I am still here, still all alone just crying over you

Broken heart texts for sms messages

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all

Broken heart texts for sms messages

You're right, I am a lying whore. I lied, size does matters

Break up texts for sms messages

I will remember him not as the one who broke my heart but as the one who taught me how to live with broken heart still... Love you swt heart

Break up texts for sms messages

I know you think you broke my heart but I knew your game right from the start I saw your game and played it to so look here I play the jokes on you

Break up texts for sms messages

A wish for you on boss day hope today is espically filled with the special kind of niceness, you always bring to work happy boss's day

Boss day texts for sms messages

We turn not older with years, but newer every day

Birthday greetings for sms messages