
good friday texts for sms messages

Perfect text about good friday wishes for sms - Today is a special day, you have a special mood and would like to share it with others? You can send a text message, but how to find good words? Our website will help you with this - it contains many good friday sms texts for every occasion. In this collection you will find greatest good friday texts for sms messages witch you can send to your loved ones, friends or colleagues. Choose the best texts for your sms messages!
Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №1 - Sms l e n g t h: 126 l e t.
He bore it all in silence because he held us dear may he receive our regards may our prayers he hear... Celebrate good friday!

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №2 - Sms l e n g t h: 106 l e t.
He showed us the way he has long been gone and yet in our hearts his name shines on. Wish U a holy friday!

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №3 - Sms l e n g t h: 219 l e t.
Jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. ' He brews 13: 8. His life still gives us hope, may you live in his unchanging love. May jesus who was born in a manger be born again in your heart? Good friday!

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №4 - Sms l e n g t h: 144 l e t.
May on this good friday we start it with fasting and prayers so that we can bring god's mercy and forgiveness on all mankind lets pray together.

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №5 - Sms l e n g t h: 102 l e t.
May the blesssings of the lord shine upon you on dis holy day & may he always keep in his loving care.

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №6 - Sms l e n g t h: 99 l e t.
May the glory of our savior strengthen you & may his graces shine upon you on good friday & always!

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №7 - Sms l e n g t h: 87 l e t.
Mercy, pleace & love may the grace & lord... Surround you & be with you on good friday.

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №8 - Sms l e n g t h: 158 l e t.
On the holy day... May his light guide your path... May his love grace your heart... & may his scarifice strengthen your soul! Thinking of you on good friday!

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №9 - Sms l e n g t h: 132 l e t.
Praying that the lord fills your heart with peace... Holds you in his love & blesses you with his grace... On dis holy day & always.

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №10 - Sms l e n g t h: 102 l e t.
Praying that the lord holds you in his love and blesses U with his grace... On this holy day & always!

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №11 - Sms l e n g t h: 140 l e t.
The cross was to pieces of dead wood and a helpless unresisting man was nailed to it yet it was mightier dan the world and triumphed & will.

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №12 - Sms l e n g t h: 59 l e t.
The lord lights up our way into eternal bliss. Good friday!

Cool good friday sms quotes for status - Sms message text №13 - Sms l e n g t h: 143 l e t.
Three dreams of a man: To be as handsome as his mother thinks. To be as rich as his child believes. To have as many women as his wife suspects.

I would like to warn you against sanding some of this good good friday sms contents for messages - Good friday texts for sms letter read by you, may cause absolutely other emotions in a person whom you will send it. So think carefully before you send some premium good friday sms texts, because each person differently understand your sms.

Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 6 March 2025
Jewish calendar: 15 Adar Aleph 5775
Islamic calendar: 15 Jumada al-Ula 1436
Chinese calendar: 16 day 1 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• World Day of Prayer (International)
• Dentist Day (USA)
• National Anthem Day (Ukraine)
• Shushan Purim (Jewish)
• Independence Day (Ghana)
• Foundation Day (Norfolk Island)
• Arbor Day (Tennessee, USA)
• Employee Appreciation Day (USA)
• Professional Sergeants Day (Ukraine)
• Birth of Imam Zain-ul-Abideen (Shia Islam)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

There may be a million things to smile about, but you're definitely my favorite one

Cute texts for sms messages

One boy to another, what did you do on mother's day? 2nd boy, I tried to help few girls to become a mother

Naughty texts for sms messages

Beauty is not how you look, it is not how handsome U r, it is not ur figure too... Beauty is the inner self, so change ur underwear daily

Funny jokes for sms messages

Time and distance can keep us apart, but we are always heart to heart, no matter its night or day, you are just a thought away

Thank texts for sms messages

There you go again, flushing the sweet milk of human kindness through the u-bend of cynicism

Insult texts for sms messages

You're right, I am a lying whore. I lied, size does matters

Break up texts for sms messages

You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly. - By sam keen

Love texts for sms messages

But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything. - Mohammed ali

Friendship texts for sms messages

Your eyes, your smile your touch, your kiss your promise, your words our everlasting bliss

Romantic texts for sms messages

Hey ma love good morning its doesn't ask qestions but is da way 2 know da condition of one U love! Luv U

Good luck texts for sms messages