City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Saint Lucia | 758234 | **** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 75845 | ***** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 75846 | ***** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 758480 | **** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 758481 | **** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 758482 | **** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 758638 | **** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 758758 | **** | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Saint Lucia | 758234 | **** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 75845 | ***** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 75846 | ***** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 758480 | **** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 758481 | **** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 758482 | **** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 758638 | **** | Phone |
Saint Lucia | 758758 | **** | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
AT&T | 758518 | **** |
AT&T | 758519 | **** |
AT&T | 758520 | **** |
Digicel | 758712 | **** |
Digicel | 758713 | **** |
Digicel | 758714 | **** |
Digicel | 758715 | **** |
Digicel | 758716 | **** |
Digicel | 758717 | **** |
Digicel | 758718 | **** |
Digicel | 758719 | **** |
Digicel | 758720 | **** |
Digicel | 758723 | **** |
Digicel | 758724 | **** |
Lime | 758284 | **** |
Lime | 758285 | **** |
Lime | 758286 | **** |
Lime | 758287 | **** |
Lime | 758384 | **** |
Lime | 758460 | **** |
Lime | 758461 | **** |
Lime | 758484 | **** |
Lime | 758485 | **** |
Lime | 758486 | **** |
Lime | 758487 | **** |
Lime | 758488 | **** |
Lime | 758489 | **** |
Lime | 758584 | **** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 999 |
Fire | 911 |
Medical | 911 |
Hazards | 911 |
Hazards | 999 |
Traffic | 999 |
Saint Lucia International Code | +1 |
International phone prefix of Saint Lucia | 011 |
Trunk phone prefix of Saint Lucia | 1 |
Christmas greetings for sms messages
Wives r incoming calls, lovers r outgoing calls, aunties r toll-free calls, callgirls r roaming calls, neighbour girls r missed callsNaughty texts for sms messages
Question: What has for wheels and flies? Ans: Garbage truckLoyalty to friends and loyalty to certain basic principles are essential to success in any sphereSometimes words are hard to find, to form that perfect line to let you know you're always on my mindBut if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything. - Mohammed aliFriendship texts for sms messages
If you're going to do something tonight that you'll be sorry for tomorrow morning, sleep lateA prime candidate for natural de-selectionEvery time we love, every time we give, it's christmasLaughing is the sensation of feeling good all over and showing it principally in one spot |