City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Guadalupe | 22310 | ** | Phone |
Guadalupe | 22311 | ** | Phone |
Madalena | 22721 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22330 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22331 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22332 | ** | Phone |
Principe | 2251 | *** | Phone |
Santana | 22650 | ** | Phone |
Santana | 22651 | ** | Phone |
Santana | 22652 | ** | Phone |
Santo Amaro | 22200 | ** | Phone |
Santo Amaro | 22201 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22510 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22511 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22512 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22513 | ** | Phone |
Sao Joao Dos Angolares | 22610 | ** | Phone |
Sao Joao Dos Angolares | 22611 | ** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2 | ****** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 22 | ***** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2221 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2222 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2223 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2224 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2225 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2226 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2227 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2228 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 224 | **** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 228 | **** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 229 | **** | Phone |
Trindade | 2271 | *** | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Sao Tome | 2 | ****** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 22 | ***** | Phone |
Santo Amaro | 22200 | ** | Phone |
Santo Amaro | 22201 | ** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2221 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2222 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2223 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2224 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2225 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2226 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2227 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2228 | *** | Phone |
Guadalupe | 22310 | ** | Phone |
Guadalupe | 22311 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22330 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22331 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22332 | ** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 224 | **** | Phone |
Principe | 2251 | *** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22510 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22511 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22512 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22513 | ** | Phone |
Sao Joao Dos Angolares | 22610 | ** | Phone |
Sao Joao Dos Angolares | 22611 | ** | Phone |
Santana | 22650 | ** | Phone |
Santana | 22651 | ** | Phone |
Santana | 22652 | ** | Phone |
Trindade | 2271 | *** | Phone |
Madalena | 22721 | ** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 228 | **** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 229 | **** | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
CSTmovel | 98 | ***** |
CSTmovel | 99 | ***** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 222222 |
Fire | 112 |
Medical | 221221 |
Medical | 221222 |
Medical | 221234 |
Emergency | 222222 |
Service type | Phone code | Phone number length |
Internet | 624 | **** |
Premium line | 6 | ****** |
Virtual | 7 | ****** |
Sao Tome and Principe International Code | +239 |
International phone prefix of Sao Tome and Principe | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Sao Tome and Principe |
Friendship texts for sms messages
Yesterday I did love you, tomorrow I will only think of you. You know what... I love youValentines day greetings for sms messages
My girlfriend told me, I should be more affectionate, so I got two girlfriendsI think I'm disturbing you sorry this is my last msg & I'll not msg you anymore... Good bye never expect that from me I'm born to disturb youFriendship texts for sms messages
Lets these words not only touch your eyes, let them rest in your heart as you rest in mine. Be my valentineValentines day greetings for sms messages
Love is the word used to label the sexual excitement of the young, the habituation of the middle-aged, and the mutual dependence of the oldFriendship is vast like universe, deep like ocean, high like sky, strong like iron, kind like mother, cute like me, and sweet like UFriendship texts for sms messages
Thanks to thanksgiving day for giving us an opportunity to thank those who really mean something to usLife is not easy and it will never be, but you've got friends and one of them is meEvery man passes his life in the search after friendship |