City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Guadalupe | 22310 | ** | Phone |
Guadalupe | 22311 | ** | Phone |
Madalena | 22721 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22330 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22331 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22332 | ** | Phone |
Principe | 2251 | *** | Phone |
Santana | 22650 | ** | Phone |
Santana | 22651 | ** | Phone |
Santana | 22652 | ** | Phone |
Santo Amaro | 22200 | ** | Phone |
Santo Amaro | 22201 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22510 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22511 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22512 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22513 | ** | Phone |
Sao Joao Dos Angolares | 22610 | ** | Phone |
Sao Joao Dos Angolares | 22611 | ** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2 | ****** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 22 | ***** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2221 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2222 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2223 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2224 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2225 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2226 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2227 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2228 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 224 | **** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 228 | **** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 229 | **** | Phone |
Trindade | 2271 | *** | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Sao Tome | 2 | ****** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 22 | ***** | Phone |
Santo Amaro | 22200 | ** | Phone |
Santo Amaro | 22201 | ** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2221 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2222 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2223 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2224 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2225 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2226 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2227 | *** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 2228 | *** | Phone |
Guadalupe | 22310 | ** | Phone |
Guadalupe | 22311 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22330 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22331 | ** | Phone |
Neves | 22332 | ** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 224 | **** | Phone |
Principe | 2251 | *** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22510 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22511 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22512 | ** | Phone |
Santo Antonio | 22513 | ** | Phone |
Sao Joao Dos Angolares | 22610 | ** | Phone |
Sao Joao Dos Angolares | 22611 | ** | Phone |
Santana | 22650 | ** | Phone |
Santana | 22651 | ** | Phone |
Santana | 22652 | ** | Phone |
Trindade | 2271 | *** | Phone |
Madalena | 22721 | ** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 228 | **** | Phone |
Sao Tome | 229 | **** | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
CSTmovel | 98 | ***** |
CSTmovel | 99 | ***** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 222222 |
Fire | 112 |
Medical | 221221 |
Medical | 221222 |
Medical | 221234 |
Emergency | 222222 |
Service type | Phone code | Phone number length |
Internet | 624 | **** |
Premium line | 6 | ****** |
Virtual | 7 | ****** |
Sao Tome and Principe International Code | +239 |
International phone prefix of Sao Tome and Principe | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Sao Tome and Principe |
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