City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Anse Aux Pins | 4315 | *** | Phone |
Anse Aux Pins | 4316 | *** | Phone |
Anse Aux Pins | 4375 | *** | Phone |
Anse Aux Pins | 4376 | *** | Phone |
Anse Aux Pins | 4377 | *** | Phone |
Anse Aux Pins | 4642 | *** | Phone |
Anse Boileau | 4352 | *** | Phone |
Anse Boileau | 4353 | *** | Phone |
Anse Boileau | 4354 | *** | Phone |
Anse Boileau | 4355 | *** | Phone |
Anse Boileau | 4632 | *** | Phone |
Anse Etoile | 4240 | *** | Phone |
Anse Etoile | 4241 | *** | Phone |
Anse Etoile | 4242 | *** | Phone |
Anse Etoile | 4243 | *** | Phone |
Anse Etoile | 4244 | *** | Phone |
Anse Forbans | 4366 | *** | Phone |
Anse Forbans | 4634 | *** | Phone |
Anse Nord D'est | 4246 | *** | Phone |
Anse Royale | 4370 | *** | Phone |
Anse Royale | 4371 | *** | Phone |
Anse Royale | 4372 | *** | Phone |
Anse Royale | 4644 | *** | Phone |
Baie Lazare | 4360 | *** | Phone |
Baie Lazare | 4361 | *** | Phone |
Baie Lazare | 4362 | *** | Phone |
Baie Lazare | 4363 | *** | Phone |
Baie Lazare | 4633 | *** | Phone |
Baie Sainte-Anne | 4231 | *** | Phone |
Baie Sainte-Anne | 4232 | *** | Phone |
Baie Sainte-Anne | 4661 | *** | Phone |
Beau Vallon | 4245 | *** | Phone |
Beau Vallon | 4247 | *** | Phone |
Beau Vallon | 4248 | *** | Phone |
Beau Vallon | 4249 | *** | Phone |
Beau Vallon | 4621 | *** | Phone |
Cascade | 4313 | *** | Phone |
Cascade | 4373 | *** | Phone |
Cascade | 4374 | *** | Phone |
Cascade | 4641 | *** | Phone |
Grand Anse Praslin | 4233 | *** | Phone |
Grand Anse Praslin | 4237 | *** | Phone |
Grand Anse Praslin | 4660 | *** | Phone |
Helvetia | 4378 | *** | Phone |
Helvetia | 4379 | *** | Phone |
Helvetia | 4630 | *** | Phone |
La Digue | 4234 | *** | Phone |
La Digue | 4235 | *** | Phone |
La Digue | 4665 | *** | Phone |
La Riviere Anglaise | 4221 | *** | Phone |
Northolme | 4260 | *** | Phone |
Northolme | 4261 | *** | Phone |
Northolme | 4262 | *** | Phone |
Northolme | 4263 | *** | Phone |
Northolme | 4624 | *** | Phone |
Outer Islands | 4229 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4341 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4342 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4343 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4344 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4345 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4346 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4617 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4222 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4223 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4224 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4225 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4226 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4227 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4228 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4321 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4322 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4323 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4324 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4325 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4326 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4611 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4612 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4613 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4614 | *** | Phone |
Providence | 4600 | *** | Phone |
Providence | 4601 | *** | Phone |
Providence | 4602 | *** | Phone |
Saint-Louis | 4265 | *** | Phone |
Saint-Louis | 4266 | *** | Phone |
Saint-Louis | 4267 | *** | Phone |
Saint-Louis | 4625 | *** | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
La Riviere Anglaise | 4221 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4222 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4223 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4224 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4225 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4226 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4227 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4228 | *** | Phone |
Outer Islands | 4229 | *** | Phone |
Baie Sainte-Anne | 4231 | *** | Phone |
Baie Sainte-Anne | 4232 | *** | Phone |
Grand Anse Praslin | 4233 | *** | Phone |
La Digue | 4234 | *** | Phone |
La Digue | 4235 | *** | Phone |
Grand Anse Praslin | 4237 | *** | Phone |
Anse Etoile | 4240 | *** | Phone |
Anse Etoile | 4241 | *** | Phone |
Anse Etoile | 4242 | *** | Phone |
Anse Etoile | 4243 | *** | Phone |
Anse Etoile | 4244 | *** | Phone |
Beau Vallon | 4245 | *** | Phone |
Anse Nord D'est | 4246 | *** | Phone |
Beau Vallon | 4247 | *** | Phone |
Beau Vallon | 4248 | *** | Phone |
Beau Vallon | 4249 | *** | Phone |
Northolme | 4260 | *** | Phone |
Northolme | 4261 | *** | Phone |
Northolme | 4262 | *** | Phone |
Northolme | 4263 | *** | Phone |
Saint-Louis | 4265 | *** | Phone |
Saint-Louis | 4266 | *** | Phone |
Saint-Louis | 4267 | *** | Phone |
Cascade | 4313 | *** | Phone |
Anse Aux Pins | 4315 | *** | Phone |
Anse Aux Pins | 4316 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4321 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4322 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4323 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4324 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4325 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4326 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4341 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4342 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4343 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4344 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4345 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4346 | *** | Phone |
Anse Boileau | 4352 | *** | Phone |
Anse Boileau | 4353 | *** | Phone |
Anse Boileau | 4354 | *** | Phone |
Anse Boileau | 4355 | *** | Phone |
Baie Lazare | 4360 | *** | Phone |
Baie Lazare | 4361 | *** | Phone |
Baie Lazare | 4362 | *** | Phone |
Baie Lazare | 4363 | *** | Phone |
Anse Forbans | 4366 | *** | Phone |
Anse Royale | 4370 | *** | Phone |
Anse Royale | 4371 | *** | Phone |
Anse Royale | 4372 | *** | Phone |
Cascade | 4373 | *** | Phone |
Cascade | 4374 | *** | Phone |
Anse Aux Pins | 4375 | *** | Phone |
Anse Aux Pins | 4376 | *** | Phone |
Anse Aux Pins | 4377 | *** | Phone |
Helvetia | 4378 | *** | Phone |
Helvetia | 4379 | *** | Phone |
Providence | 4600 | *** | Phone |
Providence | 4601 | *** | Phone |
Providence | 4602 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4611 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4612 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4613 | *** | Phone |
Port Victoria | 4614 | *** | Phone |
Plaisance | 4617 | *** | Phone |
Beau Vallon | 4621 | *** | Phone |
Northolme | 4624 | *** | Phone |
Saint-Louis | 4625 | *** | Phone |
Helvetia | 4630 | *** | Phone |
Anse Boileau | 4632 | *** | Phone |
Baie Lazare | 4633 | *** | Phone |
Anse Forbans | 4634 | *** | Phone |
Cascade | 4641 | *** | Phone |
Anse Aux Pins | 4642 | *** | Phone |
Anse Royale | 4644 | *** | Phone |
Grand Anse Praslin | 4660 | *** | Phone |
Baie Sainte-Anne | 4661 | *** | Phone |
La Digue | 4665 | *** | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
Airtel | 27 | ***** |
Airtel | 28 | ***** |
Cable & Wireless | 25 | ***** |
Cable & Wireless | 26 | ***** |
Mediatech International | 98 | **** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 999 |
Fire | 999 |
Medical | 999 |
Emergency | 112 |
Child Help-Line | 2544344 |
Service type | Phone code | Phone number length |
VoIP | 441 | **** |
VoIP | 442 | **** |
VoIP | 443 | **** |
VoIP | 647 | **** |
Audio | 420 | **** |
Audio | 971 | *** |
Data line | 4605 | *** |
Data line | 4606 | *** |
Free phone | 8000 | ** |
Phone | 42 | ***** |
Phone | 43 | ***** |
Phone | 438 | **** |
Phone | 439 | **** |
Phone | 46 | ***** |
Phone | 467 | **** |
Phone | 4681 | *** |
Phone | 4682 | *** |
Phone | 4683 | *** |
Voice mail | 101 | |
Voice mail | 102 | |
Voice mail | 103 | |
Voice mail | 103 | |
Wireless | 255 | **** |
Wireless | 278 | **** |
Seychelles International Code | +248 |
International phone prefix of Seychelles | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Seychelles |
Birthday greetings for sms messages
In this world people will always throw stones in the path of ur success, it depends on U what you make from them a wall or a bridgeMotivational texts for sms messages
Each morning we will watch the sunrise, while we are wrapped in each other's arms. Good morningGood morning texts for sms messages
Every time we love, every time we give, it's christmasChristmas greetings for sms messages
A word to say, a word to hear even in ur absence I feel U near r relation is strong... Hope it goes long v wil remain d same til d life goes onRomantic texts for sms messages
He dips sparrows in peroxide and sells them as canariesFirst the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, then the sufferingMen are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths |