City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Beacon Hill | 721545 | **** | Phone |
Belvedere | 721547 | **** | Phone |
Betty's Estate | 721548 | **** | Phone |
Caybay | 721544 | **** | Phone |
Cole Bay | 721544 | **** | Phone |
Cul de Sac | 721548 | **** | Phone |
Cupe Coy | 721545 | **** | Phone |
Dutch Quarter | 721547 | **** | Phone |
Ebenezer | 721548 | **** | Phone |
Guana Bay | 721542 | **** | Phone |
Guana Bay | 721543 | **** | Phone |
Maho | 721545 | **** | Phone |
Middle Region | 721547 | **** | Phone |
Oyster Pond | 721542 | **** | Phone |
Oyster Pond | 721543 | **** | Phone |
Pelican | 721544 | **** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721 | ******* | Phone |
Philipsburg | 7215 | ****** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721525 | **** | Wireless |
Philipsburg | 721527 | **** | Mobile |
Philipsburg | 721542 | **** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721543 | **** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721590 | **** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721595 | **** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721596 | **** | Phone |
Pointe Blanche | 721542 | **** | Phone |
Pointe Blanche | 721543 | **** | Phone |
Saunders | 721548 | **** | Phone |
Simpsonbay | 721545 | **** | Phone |
South Reward | 721548 | **** | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Philipsburg | 721 | ******* | Phone |
Philipsburg | 7215 | ****** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721525 | **** | Wireless |
Philipsburg | 721527 | **** | Mobile |
Guana Bay | 721542 | **** | Phone |
Oyster Pond | 721542 | **** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721542 | **** | Phone |
Pointe Blanche | 721542 | **** | Phone |
Guana Bay | 721543 | **** | Phone |
Oyster Pond | 721543 | **** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721543 | **** | Phone |
Pointe Blanche | 721543 | **** | Phone |
Caybay | 721544 | **** | Phone |
Cole Bay | 721544 | **** | Phone |
Pelican | 721544 | **** | Phone |
Beacon Hill | 721545 | **** | Phone |
Cupe Coy | 721545 | **** | Phone |
Maho | 721545 | **** | Phone |
Simpsonbay | 721545 | **** | Phone |
Belvedere | 721547 | **** | Phone |
Dutch Quarter | 721547 | **** | Phone |
Middle Region | 721547 | **** | Phone |
Betty's Estate | 721548 | **** | Phone |
Cul de Sac | 721548 | **** | Phone |
Ebenezer | 721548 | **** | Phone |
Saunders | 721548 | **** | Phone |
South Reward | 721548 | **** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721590 | **** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721595 | **** | Phone |
Philipsburg | 721596 | **** | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
East Caribbean Cellular | 721551 | **** |
East Caribbean Cellular | 721552 | **** |
East Caribbean Cellular | 721557 | **** |
East Caribbean Cellular | 721558 | **** |
Telem | 721520 | **** |
Telem | 721521 | **** |
Telem | 721522 | **** |
Telem | 721523 | **** |
Telem | 721524 | **** |
Telem | 721526 | **** |
Telem | 721528 | **** |
Telem | 721529 | **** |
Telem | 721550 | **** |
Telem | 721555 | **** |
Telem | 721556 | **** |
Telem | 721559 | **** |
UTS | 721510 | **** |
UTS | 721511 | **** |
UTS | 721553 | **** |
UTS | 721554 | **** |
UTS | 721580 | **** |
UTS | 721581 | **** |
UTS | 721585 | **** |
UTS | 721586 | **** |
UTS | 721587 | **** |
UTS | 721588 | **** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 911 |
Fire | 911 |
Medical | 911 |
Police | 5422111 |
Fire | 120 |
Sint Maarten International Code | +1 |
International phone prefix of Sint Maarten | 011 |
Trunk phone prefix of Sint Maarten | 1 |
Mothers day greetings for sms messages
The sun has once brought brightness to earth! Lazy bone. It's time 2 wake up gd morningGood morning texts for sms messages
This year, all I want is a gift bag filled with laughter & joy, with you. Merry christmas my dearChristmas greetings for sms messages
Dreams makes everything posssible, hope makes everything works, love makes everything beautiful, smile makes all the above keep smiling alwaysI would love you only little when I would be able to say how much I love you!.. KissI think I'm disturbing you sorry this is my last msg & I'll not msg you anymore... Good bye never expect that from me I'm born to disturb youFriendship texts for sms messages
Wishing you a day, soft as silk. White as milk. Sweet as honey and full of money. May all your dreams come true. Advance happy birth dayCan miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there? - Richard bachYou're slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butterHope you have the best of everything in your life. I hope you to be blessed with love, joy and happiness on the christmas. Have a merry christmas |