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Christmas greetings for sms messages
You are one of the most cute persons in the world! Just a second, don't misunderstand. Cute means: Creating useless troubles everywhere. April foolApril fool jokes for sms messages
Special people are very few - Who is special? That would be you. My valentine's day would be so fine, if you would be my valentineValentines day greetings for sms messages
Selfish people may win, in the beginning. But just as everything else in life, there is always an endSelfish texts for sms messages
A new year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the otherYou've never felt pain until you've felt loveIt's easy to say, 'I love U, ' To some1, but it's more meaningful to thank some1 for loving youFor every action there is an equal and opposite criticismWomen are scientifically proven to be right even when they are wrongThis is a message from a friend to a friend for a friend to be a friend so that a friend remains a friend of a friend who is a friend forever |