City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Ainabo | 276 | **** | Phone |
Arabsiya | 263 | **** | Mobile |
Berbera | 215 | **** | Mobile |
Berbera | 2385 | *** | Phone |
Berbera | 274 | **** | Phone |
Berbera | 6565 | *** | Mobile |
Berbera | 751 | **** | Phone |
Berbera | 825 | **** | Mobile |
Bohotle | 742 | **** | Phone |
Borama | 235 | **** | Phone |
Borama | 2374 | *** | Mobile |
Borama | 261 | **** | Mobile |
Borama | 655 | **** | Mobile |
Burco | 2220 | *** | Mobile |
Burco | 223 | **** | Mobile |
Burco | 2376 | *** | Mobile |
Burco | 271 | **** | Phone |
Burco | 656 | **** | Mobile |
Burco | 731 | **** | Phone |
Burco | 829 | **** | Mobile |
Ceerigaabo | 219 | **** | Mobile |
Ceerigaabo | 732 | **** | Phone |
Ceerigaabo | 8252 | *** | Mobile |
Gibiley | 262 | **** | Mobile |
Gibiley | 6557 | *** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 213 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 214 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 225 | *** | Phone |
Hargeysa | 23 | ***** | Phone |
Hargeysa | 237 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 24 | ***** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 25 | ***** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 651 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 652 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 653 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 654 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 828 | **** | Mobile |
Laascaanood | 227 | **** | Phone |
Laascaanood | 275 | **** | Phone |
Laascaanood | 741 | **** | Phone |
Odweyne | 272 | **** | Phone |
Shiikh | 273 | **** | Phone |
Shiikh | 6567 | *** | Mobile |
Wajale | 2356 | *** | Phone |
Wajale | 2376 | *** | Mobile |
Wajale | 264 | **** | Mobile |
Wajale | 6555 | *** | Mobile |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Hargeysa | 213 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 214 | **** | Mobile |
Berbera | 215 | **** | Mobile |
Ceerigaabo | 219 | **** | Mobile |
Burco | 2220 | *** | Mobile |
Burco | 223 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 225 | *** | Phone |
Laascaanood | 227 | **** | Phone |
Hargeysa | 23 | ***** | Phone |
Borama | 235 | **** | Phone |
Wajale | 2356 | *** | Phone |
Hargeysa | 237 | **** | Mobile |
Borama | 2374 | *** | Mobile |
Burco | 2376 | *** | Mobile |
Wajale | 2376 | *** | Mobile |
Berbera | 2385 | *** | Phone |
Hargeysa | 24 | ***** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 25 | ***** | Mobile |
Borama | 261 | **** | Mobile |
Gibiley | 262 | **** | Mobile |
Arabsiya | 263 | **** | Mobile |
Wajale | 264 | **** | Mobile |
Burco | 271 | **** | Phone |
Odweyne | 272 | **** | Phone |
Shiikh | 273 | **** | Phone |
Berbera | 274 | **** | Phone |
Laascaanood | 275 | **** | Phone |
Ainabo | 276 | **** | Phone |
Hargeysa | 651 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 652 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 653 | **** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 654 | **** | Mobile |
Borama | 655 | **** | Mobile |
Wajale | 6555 | *** | Mobile |
Gibiley | 6557 | *** | Mobile |
Burco | 656 | **** | Mobile |
Berbera | 6565 | *** | Mobile |
Shiikh | 6567 | *** | Mobile |
Burco | 731 | **** | Phone |
Ceerigaabo | 732 | **** | Phone |
Laascaanood | 741 | **** | Phone |
Bohotle | 742 | **** | Phone |
Berbera | 751 | **** | Phone |
Berbera | 825 | **** | Mobile |
Ceerigaabo | 8252 | *** | Mobile |
Hargeysa | 828 | **** | Mobile |
Burco | 829 | **** | Mobile |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
NationLink Telecom | 68 | ******* |
Telcom Somaliland | 65 | ***** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 888 |
Somaliland International Code | +252 |
International phone prefix of Somaliland | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Somaliland | 0 |
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