City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Alfta-Edsbyn | 271 | *****(*) | Phone |
Alingsas-Vargarda | 322 | *****(*) | Phone |
Almhult | 476 | *****(*) | Phone |
Alunda | 174 | *****(*) | Phone |
Alvdalen | 251 | *****(*) | Phone |
Alvesta-Rydaholm | 472 | *****(*) | Phone |
Alvsbyn | 929 | *****(*) | Phone |
Amal | 532 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ange | 690 | *****(*) | Phone |
Angelholm-Bastad | 431 | *****(*) | Phone |
Arboga | 589 | *****(*) | Phone |
Are-Jarpen | 647 | *****(*) | Phone |
Arjang | 573 | *****(*) | Phone |
Arjeplog | 961 | *****(*) | Phone |
Arvidsjaur | 960 | *****(*) | Phone |
Arvika | 570 | *****(*) | Phone |
Aseda-Lenhovda | 474 | *****(*) | Phone |
Asele | 941 | *****(*) | Phone |
Askersund | 583 | *****(*) | Phone |
Atvidaberg | 120 | *****(*) | Phone |
Avesta-Krylbo | 226 | *****(*) | Phone |
Backe | 624 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bastutrask | 915 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bengtsfors | 531 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bergsjo | 652 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bjorna | 662 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bjurholm | 932 | *****(*) | Phone |
Boden | 921 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bollnas | 278 | *****(*) | Phone |
Boras | 33 | *****(**) | Phone |
Borlange | 243 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bracke-Gallo | 693 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bredbyn | 661 | *****(*) | Phone |
Burtrask | 914 | *****(*) | Phone |
Byske | 912 | *****(*) | Phone |
Charlottenberg-Amotfors | 571 | *****(*) | Phone |
Deje | 552 | *****(*) | Phone |
Delsbo | 653 | *****(*) | Phone |
Dorotea | 942 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ed | 534 | *****(*) | Phone |
Eksjo | 381 | *****(*) | Phone |
Emmaboda | 471 | *****(*) | Phone |
Enkoping | 171 | *****(*) | Phone |
Eskilstuna-Torshalla | 16 | *****(**) | Phone |
Eslov-Hoor | 413 | *****(*) | Phone |
Fagersta-Norberg | 223 | *****(*) | Phone |
Falkenberg | 346 | *****(*) | Phone |
Falkoping | 515 | *****(*) | Phone |
Falun | 23 | *****(**) | Phone |
Fargelanda | 528 | *****(*) | Phone |
Filipstad | 590 | *****(*) | Phone |
Finspang | 122 | *****(*) | Phone |
Fjugesta-Svarta | 585 | *****(*) | Phone |
Flen-Malmkoping | 157 | *****(*) | Phone |
Follinge | 645 | *****(*) | Phone |
Fredrika | 943 | *****(*) | Phone |
Furudal | 258 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gaddede | 672 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gagnef-Floda | 241 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gallivare | 970 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gamleby | 493 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gavle-Sandviken | 26 | *****(**) | Phone |
Gislaved-Anderstorp | 371 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gnesta | 158 | *****(*) | Phone |
Goteborg | 31 | *****(**) | Phone |
Gotland | 498 | *****(*) | Phone |
Granna | 390 | *****(*) | Phone |
Grastorp | 514 | *****(*) | Phone |
Grebbestad | 525 | *****(*) | Phone |
Grums | 555 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gullspang | 551 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hagfors-Munkfors | 563 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hakkas | 975 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hallefors-Grythyttan | 591 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hallen-Oviken | 643 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hallsberg | 582 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hallstahammar-Surahammar | 220 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hallstavik-Rimbo | 175 | *****(*) | Phone |
Halmstad | 35 | *****(**) | Phone |
Hammarstrand | 696 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hammerdal | 644 | *****(*) | Phone |
Haparanda | 922 | *****(*) | Phone |
Harads | 928 | *****(*) | Phone |
Harnosand | 611 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hassleholm | 451 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hede-Funasdalen | 684 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hedemora | 225 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hedesunda-Osterfarnebo | 291 | *****(*) | Phone |
Helsingborg-Hoganas | 42 | *****(**) | Phone |
Herrljunga | 513 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hindas | 301 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hjo | 503 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hofors-Storvik | 290 | *****(*) | Phone |
Horby | 415 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hoting | 671 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hudiksvall | 650 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hultsfred-Virserum | 495 | *****(*) | Phone |
Husum | 663 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hyltebruk-Torup | 345 | *****(*) | Phone |
Idre-Sarna | 253 | *****(*) | Phone |
Jokkmokk | 971 | *****(*) | Phone |
Jonkoping-Huskvarna | 36 | *****(**) | Phone |
Jorn | 916 | *****(*) | Phone |
Junsele | 621 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kalix | 923 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kalmar | 480 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlholmsbruk-Skarplinge | 294 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlsborg | 505 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlshamn-Olofstrom | 454 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlskoga-Degerfors | 586 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlskrona | 455 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlstad | 54 | *****(**) | Phone |
Katrineholm | 150 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kil | 554 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kinna | 320 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kiruna | 980 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kisa | 494 | *****(*) | Phone |
Klippan-Perstorp | 435 | *****(*) | Phone |
Koping | 221 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kopparberg | 580 | *****(*) | Phone |
Korpilombolo | 977 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kramfors | 612 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kristianstad | 44 | *****(**) | Phone |
Kristinehamn | 550 | *****(*) | Phone |
Krokom | 640 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kungalv | 303 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kungsbacka | 300 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kungsor | 227 | *****(*) | Phone |
Laholm | 430 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lakatrask | 925 | *****(*) | Phone |
Landskrona-Svalov | 418 | *****(*) | Phone |
Laxa | 584 | *****(*) | Phone |
Leksand-Insjon | 247 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lerum | 302 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lessebo | 478 | *****(*) | Phone |
Liden | 692 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lidkoping | 510 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lindesberg | 581 | *****(*) | Phone |
Linkoping | 13 | *****(**) | Phone |
Lit | 642 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ljungby | 372 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ljusdal | 651 | *****(*) | Phone |
Los | 657 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lovanger | 913 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ludvika-Smedjebacken | 240 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lulea | 920 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lund | 46 | *****(**) | Phone |
Lycksele | 950 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lysekil | 523 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mala | 953 | *****(*) | Phone |
Malmo | 40 | *****(**) | Phone |
Malung | 280 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mariannelund | 496 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mariefred | 159 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mariestad | 501 | *****(*) | Phone |
Markaryd-Stromsnasbruk | 433 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mellerud | 530 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mjolby | 142 | *****(*) | Phone |
Molkom | 553 | *****(*) | Phone |
Monsteras | 499 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mora-Orsa | 250 | *****(*) | Phone |
Motala | 141 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mullsjo | 392 | *****(*) | Phone |
Munkedal | 524 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nasaker | 622 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nassjo | 380 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nora | 587 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nordmaling | 930 | *****(*) | Phone |
Norrkoping | 11 | *****(**) | Phone |
Norrtalje | 176 | *****(*) | Phone |
Norsjo | 918 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nybro | 481 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nykoping-Oxelosund | 155 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ockelbo-Hamrange | 297 | *****(*) | Phone |
Odeshog | 144 | *****(*) | Phone |
Oland | 485 | *****(*) | Phone |
Orbyhus-Dannemora | 295 | *****(*) | Phone |
Orebro | 19 | *****(**) | Phone |
Oregrund-Osthammar | 173 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ornskoldsvik | 660 | *****(*) | Phone |
Orust-Tjorn | 304 | *****(*) | Phone |
Osby | 479 | *****(*) | Phone |
Oskarshamn-Hogsby | 491 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ostersund | 63 | *****(**) | Phone |
Overkalix | 926 | *****(*) | Phone |
Overtornea | 927 | *****(*) | Phone |
Pajala | 978 | *****(*) | Phone |
Pitea | 911 | *****(*) | Phone |
Porjus | 973 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ramsele | 623 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ranea | 924 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ratan | 682 | *****(*) | Phone |
Rattvik | 248 | *****(*) | Phone |
Robertsfors | 934 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ronneby | 457 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ryd | 459 | *****(*) | Phone |
Saffle | 533 | *****(*) | Phone |
Sala-Heby | 224 | *****(*) | Phone |
Savsjo | 382 | *****(*) | Phone |
Simrishamn | 414 | *****(*) | Phone |
Sjobo | 416 | *****(*) | Phone |
Skara-Gotene | 511 | *****(*) | Phone |
Skelleftea | 910 | *****(*) | Phone |
Skinnskatteberg | 222 | *****(*) | Phone |
Skovde | 500 | *****(*) | Phone |
Soderhamn | 270 | *****(*) | Phone |
Soderkoping | 121 | *****(*) | Phone |
Solleftea | 620 | *****(*) | Phone |
Solvesborg-Bromolla | 456 | *****(*) | Phone |
Sorsele | 952 | *****(*) | Phone |
Stockholm | 8 | ******(**) | Phone |
Stockholm | 858 | ****(**) | Phone |
Storuman | 951 | *****(*) | Phone |
Strangnas | 152 | *****(*) | Phone |
Stromstad | 526 | *****(*) | Phone |
Stromsund | 670 | *****(*) | Phone |
Stugun | 695 | *****(*) | Phone |
Sundsvall-Timra | 60 | *****(**) | Phone |
Sunne | 565 | *****(*) | Phone |
Svardsjo-Enviken | 246 | *****(*) | Phone |
Sveg | 680 | *****(*) | Phone |
Svenljunga-Tranemo | 325 | *****(*) | Phone |
Svenstavik | 687 | *****(*) | Phone |
Syssleback | 564 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tarnaby | 954 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tarnsjo-Ostervala | 292 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tibro | 504 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tidaholm | 502 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tierp-Soderfors | 293 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tingsryd | 477 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tomelilla | 417 | *****(*) | Phone |
Toreboda-Hova | 506 | *****(*) | Phone |
Torpshammar | 691 | *****(*) | Phone |
Torsas | 486 | *****(*) | Phone |
Torsby | 560 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tranas | 140 | *****(*) | Phone |
Trelleborg | 410 | *****(*) | Phone |
Trollhattan | 520 | *****(*) | Phone |
Trosa-Vagnharad | 156 | *****(*) | Phone |
Uddevalla | 522 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ullanger | 613 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ulricehamn | 321 | *****(*) | Phone |
Umea | 90 | *****(**) | Phone |
Uppsala | 18 | *****(**) | Phone |
Vadstena | 143 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vaggeryd | 393 | *****(*) | Phone |
Valdemarsvik | 123 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vanersborg | 521 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vannas | 935 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vansbro | 281 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vara-Nossebro | 512 | *****(*) | Phone |
Varberg | 340 | *****(*) | Phone |
Varnamo | 370 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vasteras | 21 | *****(**) | Phone |
Vastervik | 490 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vaxjo | 470 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vetlanda | 383 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vikbolandet | 125 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vilhelmina | 940 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vimmerby | 492 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vindeln | 933 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vingaker | 151 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vittangi | 981 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vuollerim | 976 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ystad | 411 | *****(*) | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Norrkoping | 11 | *****(**) | Phone |
Atvidaberg | 120 | *****(*) | Phone |
Soderkoping | 121 | *****(*) | Phone |
Finspang | 122 | *****(*) | Phone |
Valdemarsvik | 123 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vikbolandet | 125 | *****(*) | Phone |
Linkoping | 13 | *****(**) | Phone |
Tranas | 140 | *****(*) | Phone |
Motala | 141 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mjolby | 142 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vadstena | 143 | *****(*) | Phone |
Odeshog | 144 | *****(*) | Phone |
Katrineholm | 150 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vingaker | 151 | *****(*) | Phone |
Strangnas | 152 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nykoping-Oxelosund | 155 | *****(*) | Phone |
Trosa-Vagnharad | 156 | *****(*) | Phone |
Flen-Malmkoping | 157 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gnesta | 158 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mariefred | 159 | *****(*) | Phone |
Eskilstuna-Torshalla | 16 | *****(**) | Phone |
Enkoping | 171 | *****(*) | Phone |
Oregrund-Osthammar | 173 | *****(*) | Phone |
Alunda | 174 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hallstavik-Rimbo | 175 | *****(*) | Phone |
Norrtalje | 176 | *****(*) | Phone |
Uppsala | 18 | *****(**) | Phone |
Orebro | 19 | *****(**) | Phone |
Vasteras | 21 | *****(**) | Phone |
Hallstahammar-Surahammar | 220 | *****(*) | Phone |
Koping | 221 | *****(*) | Phone |
Skinnskatteberg | 222 | *****(*) | Phone |
Fagersta-Norberg | 223 | *****(*) | Phone |
Sala-Heby | 224 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hedemora | 225 | *****(*) | Phone |
Avesta-Krylbo | 226 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kungsor | 227 | *****(*) | Phone |
Falun | 23 | *****(**) | Phone |
Ludvika-Smedjebacken | 240 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gagnef-Floda | 241 | *****(*) | Phone |
Borlange | 243 | *****(*) | Phone |
Svardsjo-Enviken | 246 | *****(*) | Phone |
Leksand-Insjon | 247 | *****(*) | Phone |
Rattvik | 248 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mora-Orsa | 250 | *****(*) | Phone |
Alvdalen | 251 | *****(*) | Phone |
Idre-Sarna | 253 | *****(*) | Phone |
Furudal | 258 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gavle-Sandviken | 26 | *****(**) | Phone |
Soderhamn | 270 | *****(*) | Phone |
Alfta-Edsbyn | 271 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bollnas | 278 | *****(*) | Phone |
Malung | 280 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vansbro | 281 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hofors-Storvik | 290 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hedesunda-Osterfarnebo | 291 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tarnsjo-Ostervala | 292 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tierp-Soderfors | 293 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlholmsbruk-Skarplinge | 294 | *****(*) | Phone |
Orbyhus-Dannemora | 295 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ockelbo-Hamrange | 297 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kungsbacka | 300 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hindas | 301 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lerum | 302 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kungalv | 303 | *****(*) | Phone |
Orust-Tjorn | 304 | *****(*) | Phone |
Goteborg | 31 | *****(**) | Phone |
Kinna | 320 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ulricehamn | 321 | *****(*) | Phone |
Alingsas-Vargarda | 322 | *****(*) | Phone |
Svenljunga-Tranemo | 325 | *****(*) | Phone |
Boras | 33 | *****(**) | Phone |
Varberg | 340 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hyltebruk-Torup | 345 | *****(*) | Phone |
Falkenberg | 346 | *****(*) | Phone |
Halmstad | 35 | *****(**) | Phone |
Jonkoping-Huskvarna | 36 | *****(**) | Phone |
Varnamo | 370 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gislaved-Anderstorp | 371 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ljungby | 372 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nassjo | 380 | *****(*) | Phone |
Eksjo | 381 | *****(*) | Phone |
Savsjo | 382 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vetlanda | 383 | *****(*) | Phone |
Granna | 390 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mullsjo | 392 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vaggeryd | 393 | *****(*) | Phone |
Malmo | 40 | *****(**) | Phone |
Trelleborg | 410 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ystad | 411 | *****(*) | Phone |
Eslov-Hoor | 413 | *****(*) | Phone |
Simrishamn | 414 | *****(*) | Phone |
Horby | 415 | *****(*) | Phone |
Sjobo | 416 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tomelilla | 417 | *****(*) | Phone |
Landskrona-Svalov | 418 | *****(*) | Phone |
Helsingborg-Hoganas | 42 | *****(**) | Phone |
Laholm | 430 | *****(*) | Phone |
Angelholm-Bastad | 431 | *****(*) | Phone |
Markaryd-Stromsnasbruk | 433 | *****(*) | Phone |
Klippan-Perstorp | 435 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kristianstad | 44 | *****(**) | Phone |
Hassleholm | 451 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlshamn-Olofstrom | 454 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlskrona | 455 | *****(*) | Phone |
Solvesborg-Bromolla | 456 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ronneby | 457 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ryd | 459 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lund | 46 | *****(**) | Phone |
Vaxjo | 470 | *****(*) | Phone |
Emmaboda | 471 | *****(*) | Phone |
Alvesta-Rydaholm | 472 | *****(*) | Phone |
Aseda-Lenhovda | 474 | *****(*) | Phone |
Almhult | 476 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tingsryd | 477 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lessebo | 478 | *****(*) | Phone |
Osby | 479 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kalmar | 480 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nybro | 481 | *****(*) | Phone |
Oland | 485 | *****(*) | Phone |
Torsas | 486 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vastervik | 490 | *****(*) | Phone |
Oskarshamn-Hogsby | 491 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vimmerby | 492 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gamleby | 493 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kisa | 494 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hultsfred-Virserum | 495 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mariannelund | 496 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gotland | 498 | *****(*) | Phone |
Monsteras | 499 | *****(*) | Phone |
Skovde | 500 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mariestad | 501 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tidaholm | 502 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hjo | 503 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tibro | 504 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlsborg | 505 | *****(*) | Phone |
Toreboda-Hova | 506 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lidkoping | 510 | *****(*) | Phone |
Skara-Gotene | 511 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vara-Nossebro | 512 | *****(*) | Phone |
Herrljunga | 513 | *****(*) | Phone |
Grastorp | 514 | *****(*) | Phone |
Falkoping | 515 | *****(*) | Phone |
Trollhattan | 520 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vanersborg | 521 | *****(*) | Phone |
Uddevalla | 522 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lysekil | 523 | *****(*) | Phone |
Munkedal | 524 | *****(*) | Phone |
Grebbestad | 525 | *****(*) | Phone |
Stromstad | 526 | *****(*) | Phone |
Fargelanda | 528 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mellerud | 530 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bengtsfors | 531 | *****(*) | Phone |
Amal | 532 | *****(*) | Phone |
Saffle | 533 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ed | 534 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlstad | 54 | *****(**) | Phone |
Kristinehamn | 550 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gullspang | 551 | *****(*) | Phone |
Deje | 552 | *****(*) | Phone |
Molkom | 553 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kil | 554 | *****(*) | Phone |
Grums | 555 | *****(*) | Phone |
Torsby | 560 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hagfors-Munkfors | 563 | *****(*) | Phone |
Syssleback | 564 | *****(*) | Phone |
Sunne | 565 | *****(*) | Phone |
Arvika | 570 | *****(*) | Phone |
Charlottenberg-Amotfors | 571 | *****(*) | Phone |
Arjang | 573 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kopparberg | 580 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lindesberg | 581 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hallsberg | 582 | *****(*) | Phone |
Askersund | 583 | *****(*) | Phone |
Laxa | 584 | *****(*) | Phone |
Fjugesta-Svarta | 585 | *****(*) | Phone |
Karlskoga-Degerfors | 586 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nora | 587 | *****(*) | Phone |
Arboga | 589 | *****(*) | Phone |
Filipstad | 590 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hallefors-Grythyttan | 591 | *****(*) | Phone |
Sundsvall-Timra | 60 | *****(**) | Phone |
Harnosand | 611 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kramfors | 612 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ullanger | 613 | *****(*) | Phone |
Solleftea | 620 | *****(*) | Phone |
Junsele | 621 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nasaker | 622 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ramsele | 623 | *****(*) | Phone |
Backe | 624 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ostersund | 63 | *****(**) | Phone |
Krokom | 640 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lit | 642 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hallen-Oviken | 643 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hammerdal | 644 | *****(*) | Phone |
Follinge | 645 | *****(*) | Phone |
Are-Jarpen | 647 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hudiksvall | 650 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ljusdal | 651 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bergsjo | 652 | *****(*) | Phone |
Delsbo | 653 | *****(*) | Phone |
Los | 657 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ornskoldsvik | 660 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bredbyn | 661 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bjorna | 662 | *****(*) | Phone |
Husum | 663 | *****(*) | Phone |
Stromsund | 670 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hoting | 671 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gaddede | 672 | *****(*) | Phone |
Sveg | 680 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ratan | 682 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hede-Funasdalen | 684 | *****(*) | Phone |
Svenstavik | 687 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ange | 690 | *****(*) | Phone |
Torpshammar | 691 | *****(*) | Phone |
Liden | 692 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bracke-Gallo | 693 | *****(*) | Phone |
Stugun | 695 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hammarstrand | 696 | *****(*) | Phone |
Stockholm | 8 | ******(**) | Phone |
Stockholm | 858 | ****(**) | Phone |
Umea | 90 | *****(**) | Phone |
Skelleftea | 910 | *****(*) | Phone |
Pitea | 911 | *****(*) | Phone |
Byske | 912 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lovanger | 913 | *****(*) | Phone |
Burtrask | 914 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bastutrask | 915 | *****(*) | Phone |
Jorn | 916 | *****(*) | Phone |
Norsjo | 918 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lulea | 920 | *****(*) | Phone |
Boden | 921 | *****(*) | Phone |
Haparanda | 922 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kalix | 923 | *****(*) | Phone |
Ranea | 924 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lakatrask | 925 | *****(*) | Phone |
Overkalix | 926 | *****(*) | Phone |
Overtornea | 927 | *****(*) | Phone |
Harads | 928 | *****(*) | Phone |
Alvsbyn | 929 | *****(*) | Phone |
Nordmaling | 930 | *****(*) | Phone |
Bjurholm | 932 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vindeln | 933 | *****(*) | Phone |
Robertsfors | 934 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vannas | 935 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vilhelmina | 940 | *****(*) | Phone |
Asele | 941 | *****(*) | Phone |
Dorotea | 942 | *****(*) | Phone |
Fredrika | 943 | *****(*) | Phone |
Lycksele | 950 | *****(*) | Phone |
Storuman | 951 | *****(*) | Phone |
Sorsele | 952 | *****(*) | Phone |
Mala | 953 | *****(*) | Phone |
Tarnaby | 954 | *****(*) | Phone |
Arvidsjaur | 960 | *****(*) | Phone |
Arjeplog | 961 | *****(*) | Phone |
Gallivare | 970 | *****(*) | Phone |
Jokkmokk | 971 | *****(*) | Phone |
Porjus | 973 | *****(*) | Phone |
Hakkas | 975 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vuollerim | 976 | *****(*) | Phone |
Korpilombolo | 977 | *****(*) | Phone |
Pajala | 978 | *****(*) | Phone |
Kiruna | 980 | *****(*) | Phone |
Vittangi | 981 | *****(*) | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
42 Telecom | 701780 | *** |
42 Telecom | 701781 | *** |
42 Telecom | 701782 | *** |
42 Telecom | 701783 | *** |
42 Telecom | 701784 | *** |
42 Telecom | 701785 | *** |
42 Telecom | 701786 | *** |
42 Telecom | 7017870 | ** |
42 Telecom | 7017871 | ** |
42 Telecom | 7017872 | ** |
42 Telecom | 7017873 | ** |
42 Telecom | 7017874 | ** |
42 Telecom | 7017875 | ** |
42 Telecom | 72345 | **** |
42 Telecom | 7275121 | ** |
42 Telecom | 73123 | **** |
42 Telecom | 7317203 | ** |
42 Telecom | 73459 | **** |
42 Telecom | 7669399 | ** |
42 Telecom | 76694 | **** |
42 Telecom | 7672999 | ** |
ACN | 7318 | ***** |
All Tele | 701788 | *** |
All Tele | 70190 | **** |
All Tele | 70191 | **** |
All Tele | 73171 | **** |
All Tele | 7327 | ***** |
All Tele | 7328 | ***** |
All Tele | 734602 | *** |
All Tele | 734603 | *** |
All Tele | 734604 | *** |
All Tele | 734605 | *** |
All Tele | 734606 | *** |
All Tele | 734607 | *** |
All Tele | 734608 | *** |
All Tele | 734609 | *** |
All Tele | 73461 | **** |
Animatele | 7017878 | ** |
Animatele | 7017879 | ** |
Animatele | 7205000 | ** |
Animatele | 7205001 | ** |
Animatele | 7214998 | ** |
Animatele | 7214999 | ** |
Animatele | 7312100 | ** |
Animatele | 7312101 | ** |
Animatele | 7347498 | ** |
Animatele | 7347499 | ** |
Beepsend | 7205002 | ** |
Beepsend | 7234000 | ** |
Beepsend | 7234009 | ** |
Beepsend | 7260000 | ** |
Beepsend | 7264200 | ** |
Beepsend | 7269999 | ** |
Beepsend | 7275000 | ** |
Beepsend | 7275002 | ** |
Beepsend | 7275120 | ** |
Beepsend | 7312400 | ** |
Beepsend | 7317200 | ** |
Beepsend | 7317201 | ** |
Beepsend | 7317202 | ** |
Beepsend | 7317204 | ** |
Beepsend | 7649999 | ** |
Beepsend | 7666900 | ** |
Beepsend | 7666901 | ** |
Beepsend | 7669398 | ** |
Beepsend | 7672998 | ** |
Bixia | 7316 | ***** |
Campuz Mobile | 7314 | ***** |
Campuz Mobile | 7315 | ***** |
Cell Mobile | 73128 | **** |
Cellip | 73125 | **** |
CoolTEL | 7646501 | ** |
Devicom | 73457 | **** |
Devicom | 73458 | **** |
Devicom | 73462 | **** |
Devicom | 73463 | **** |
Devicom | 73464 | **** |
Devicom | 73465 | **** |
Devicom | 73466 | **** |
Devicom | 73467 | **** |
Devicom | 73468 | **** |
Devicom | 73469 | **** |
Devicom | 73860 | **** |
Devicom | 73861 | **** |
Devicom | 73862 | **** |
Digitel Mobile | 731214 | *** |
Direct2Internet | 701920 | *** |
Djuice Mobile | 7324 | ***** |
Djuice Mobile | 7325 | ***** |
Djuice Mobile | 7326 | ***** |
Eu Tel | 7017876 | ** |
Eu Tel | 7017877 | ** |
Eu Tel | 7214990 | ** |
Eu Tel | 7312133 | ** |
Eu Tel | 7312134 | ** |
Eu Tel | 7312135 | ** |
Eu Tel | 7312136 | ** |
Eu Tel | 7312137 | ** |
Eu Tel | 7312138 | ** |
Eu Tel | 7312139 | ** |
Eu Tel | 73122 | **** |
Eu Tel | 767260 | *** |
First New Media Scandinavia | 76666 | **** |
Generic Mobile | 720501 | *** |
Glocalnet | 7011 | ***** |
Glocalnet | 7635 | ***** |
Glocalnet | 7636 | ***** |
Glocalnet | 7637 | ***** |
Gotanet | 701798 | *** |
Gotanet | 70195 | **** |
Gotanet | 71900007 | ***** |
Gotanet | 726990 | *** |
Gotanet | 734740 | *** |
Gotanet | 764990 | *** |
Halebop | 703 | ****** |
Halebop | 705 | ****** |
Halebop | 738 | ****** |
INFOBIP | 7312102 | ** |
INFOBIP | 7312103 | ** |
INFOBIP | 7312104 | ** |
INFOBIP | 7312105 | ** |
INFOBIP | 7312106 | ** |
INFOBIP | 7312107 | ** |
INFOBIP | 7312108 | ** |
INFOBIP | 7312109 | ** |
INFOBIP | 7312130 | ** |
INFOBIP | 7312131 | ** |
INFOBIP | 7312132 | ** |
IP-Only | 731211 | *** |
IP-Only | 731212 | *** |
Lindholmen Science Park | 70194 | **** |
Ludo Mobil | 76470 | **** |
Ludo Mobil | 76471 | **** |
Ludo Mobil | 76472 | **** |
Ludo Mobil | 76473 | **** |
Ludo Mobil | 76474 | **** |
Ludo Mobil | 76475 | **** |
Ludo Mobil | 76476 | **** |
Ludo Mobil | 76477 | **** |
Lyca Mobile | 7276 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 7277 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 7278 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 73475 | **** |
Lyca Mobile | 73476 | **** |
Lyca Mobile | 73477 | **** |
Lyca Mobile | 73478 | **** |
Lyca Mobile | 73479 | **** |
Lyca Mobile | 7348 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 7349 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 7615 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 7643 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 7644 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 7645 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 76460 | **** |
Lyca Mobile | 76461 | **** |
Lyca Mobile | 76462 | **** |
Lyca Mobile | 76463 | **** |
Lyca Mobile | 76464 | **** |
Lyca Mobile | 7674 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 7675 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 7695 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 7696 | ***** |
Lyca Mobile | 7697 | ***** |
Maingate Wireless | 71900000 | ***** |
Maingate Wireless | 71910000 | ***** |
Maingate Wireless | 71910100 | ***** |
Maingate Wireless | 71910101 | ***** |
Maingate Wireless | 7301 | ***** |
Maingate Wireless | 7311 | ***** |
Mercury International Carrier Services | 7312401 | ** |
Mundio Mobile | 7698 | ***** |
Mundio Mobile | 7699 | ***** |
MyIndian | 7648 | ***** |
NETNET | 73170 | **** |
Net at Once | 72059 | **** |
Net at Once | 724000 | *** |
Netett Sverige | 76660 | **** |
Netett Sverige | 76661 | **** |
Netett Sverige | 76662 | **** |
Netett Sverige | 76663 | **** |
Netett Sverige | 76664 | **** |
Netett Sverige | 76665 | **** |
Optimal Telecom | 7015 | ***** |
Optimal Telecom | 7321 | ***** |
Optimal Telecom | 7322 | ***** |
Optimal Telecom | 7640 | ***** |
Optimal Telecom | 7641 | ***** |
Optimal Telecom | 7642 | ***** |
Optimal Telecom | 7657 | ***** |
Optimal Telecom | 7690 | ***** |
Optimal Telecom | 7691 | ***** |
Optimal Telecom | 7692 | ***** |
Phonera | 70193 | **** |
Phonera | 7206 | ***** |
RTC Factory | 73120 | **** |
RTC Factory | 734600 | *** |
RTC Factory | 734601 | *** |
RebTel | 767268 | *** |
Redphone | 76668 | **** |
SeaNet Maritime Communications | 7672690 | ** |
SeaNet Maritime Communications | 7672691 | ** |
SeaNet Maritime Communications | 7672692 | ** |
SeaNet Maritime Communications | 7672693 | ** |
SeaNet Maritime Communications | 7672694 | ** |
Spinbox | 7010 | ***** |
Spinbox | 7012 | ***** |
Spinbox | 7018 | ***** |
Spring Mobil | 7650 | ***** |
Spring Mobil | 7651 | ***** |
Spring Mobil | 7652 | ***** |
Spring Mobil | 7653 | ***** |
Spring Mobil | 7654 | ***** |
Svea Billing Systems | 701790 | *** |
Svea Billing Systems | 701791 | *** |
Svea Billing Systems | 701792 | *** |
Svea Billing Systems | 701793 | *** |
Svea Billing Systems | 701794 | *** |
Svea Billing Systems | 701795 | *** |
Svea Billing Systems | 701796 | *** |
Svea Billing Systems | 71900006 | ***** |
Svea Billing Systems | 7207 | ***** |
Svea Billing Systems | 73456 | **** |
Svea Billing Systems | 76670 | **** |
Svea Billing Systems | 76671 | **** |
Svea Billing Systems | 76672 | **** |
Svea Billing Systems | 76673 | **** |
Svea Billing Systems | 76674 | **** |
Svensk Konsumentmobil | 7210 | ***** |
Svensk Konsumentmobil | 7211 | ***** |
T3 | 7282 | ***** |
TDC | 76720 | **** |
TDC | 76721 | **** |
TDC | 76722 | **** |
TDC | 76723 | **** |
TDC | 76724 | **** |
TDC | 76725 | **** |
TelaVox | 720505 | *** |
TelaVox | 720506 | *** |
Tele 2 | 700 | ****** |
Tele 2 | 7016 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 704 | ****** |
Tele 2 | 707 | ****** |
Tele 2 | 71900008 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7200 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7201 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7202 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7203 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7204 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7225 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7226 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7227 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7228 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7229 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7290 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7291 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7292 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7293 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7294 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7355 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7356 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7357 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7358 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7359 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 736 | ****** |
Tele 2 | 737 | ****** |
Tele 2 | 7387 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7389 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 739 | ****** |
Tele 2 | 7605 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7606 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7607 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7608 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7609 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 762 | ****** |
Tele 2 | 7655 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7656 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7658 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7659 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7665 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7668 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 76695 | **** |
Tele 2 | 76696 | **** |
Tele 2 | 76697 | **** |
Tele 2 | 76698 | **** |
Tele 2 | 76699 | **** |
Tele 2 | 7670 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7671 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7672673 | ** |
Tele 2 | 7693 | ***** |
Tele 2 | 7694 | ***** |
Teledigit | 73455 | **** |
Telenor | 7014 | ***** |
Telenor | 708 | ****** |
Telenor | 709 | ****** |
Telenor | 7190001 | ****** |
Telenor | 7190002 | ****** |
Telenor | 7190003 | ****** |
Telenor | 7190004 | ****** |
Telenor | 71900050 | ***** |
Telenor | 71900051 | ***** |
Telenor | 71900052 | ***** |
Telenor | 71900053 | ***** |
Telenor | 71900054 | ***** |
Telenor | 7215 | ***** |
Telenor | 7216 | ***** |
Telenor | 7217 | ***** |
Telenor | 7218 | ***** |
Telenor | 7219 | ***** |
Telenor | 7235 | ***** |
Telenor | 7236 | ***** |
Telenor | 7237 | ***** |
Telenor | 7238 | ***** |
Telenor | 7239 | ***** |
Telenor | 7320 | ***** |
Telenor | 7323 | ***** |
Telenor | 733 | ****** |
Telenor | 7340 | ***** |
Telenor | 7341 | ***** |
Telenor | 7342 | ***** |
Telenor | 7343 | ***** |
Telenor | 7344 | ***** |
Telenor | 7385 | ***** |
Telenor | 7388 | ***** |
Telenor | 7660 | ***** |
Telenor | 7661 | ***** |
Telenor | 7662 | ***** |
Telenor | 7663 | ***** |
Telenor | 7664 | ***** |
Telenor | 7685 | ***** |
Telenor | 7686 | ***** |
Telenor | 7687 | ***** |
Telenor | 7688 | ***** |
Telenor | 7689 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 702 | ****** |
TeliaSonera | 703 | ****** |
TeliaSonera | 705 | ****** |
TeliaSonera | 706 | ****** |
TeliaSonera | 71900001 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 71900002 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 71900003 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 71900004 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 71900005 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7220 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7221 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7222 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7223 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7224 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7250 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7251 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7252 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7253 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7254 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7270 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7271 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7272 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7273 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7274 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7300 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7302 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7303 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7304 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7305 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7306 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7307 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7308 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7309 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7380 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7381 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7382 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7383 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7384 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7610 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7611 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7612 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7613 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7614 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7676 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7677 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7678 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7679 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7680 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7681 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7682 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7683 | ***** |
TeliaSonera | 7684 | ***** |
Telogic | 7329 | ***** |
Telogic | 73450 | **** |
Telogic | 73451 | **** |
Telogic | 73452 | **** |
Telogic | 73453 | **** |
Telogic | 73454 | **** |
Three | 7230 | ***** |
Three | 7231 | ***** |
Three | 7232 | ***** |
Three | 7233 | ***** |
Three | 7350 | ***** |
Three | 7351 | ***** |
Three | 7352 | ***** |
Three | 7353 | ***** |
Three | 7354 | ***** |
Three | 7600 | ***** |
Three | 7601 | ***** |
Three | 7602 | ***** |
Three | 7603 | ***** |
Three | 7604 | ***** |
Three | 7616 | ***** |
Three | 7617 | ***** |
Three | 7618 | ***** |
Three | 7619 | ***** |
Three | 7630 | ***** |
Three | 7631 | ***** |
Three | 7632 | ***** |
Three | 7633 | ***** |
Three | 7634 | ***** |
Three | 7639 | ***** |
Timepiece-Servicos De Consultoria | 7310 | ***** |
Truphone | 7638 | ***** |
Unicorn Telecom | 76667 | **** |
iMEZ | 7313 | ***** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 112 |
Fire | 112 |
Medical | 112 |
Emergency | 112 |
Child Help-Line | 116111 |
Service type | Phone code | Phone number length |
Internet | 37811 | ***** |
Mobile | 70 | ******* |
Mobile | 71 | *********** |
Mobile | 72 | ******* |
Mobile | 73 | ******* |
Mobile | 76 | ******* |
National | 10 | ******* |
National | 75 | ******* |
Pager | 74 | ******* |
Premium line | 71 | ******* |
Premium line | 900 | ******* |
Premium line | 939 | ******* |
Premium line | 944 | ******* |
Premium line | 99 | ***** |
Routing | 022 | ********** |
Routing | 372 | ********** |
Routing | 519 | ********** |
Routing | 673 | ********** |
Shared cost | 77 | ******* |
Virtual | 751 | ****** |
Virtual | 752 | ****** |
Virtual | 754 | ****** |
Virtual | 755 | ****** |
Virtual | 756 | ****** |
Virtual | 757 | ****** |
Virtual | 7588000 | ** |
Voice mail | 518 | ********** |
Voice mail | 673 | ********* |
Voice mail | 674 | ********* |
Voice mail | 675 | ********* |
Voice mail | 676 | ********* |
Sweden International Code | +46 |
International phone prefix of Sweden | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Sweden | 0 |
Friendship texts for sms messages
The best of all gifts around any christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other so, best wishesChristmas greetings for sms messages
Husband: Today is sunday & I have to enjoy it. So I bought 3 movie tickets. Wife: Why three? Husband: 1 for U and 2 for ur parentsWives r incoming calls, lovers r outgoing calls, aunties r toll-free calls, callgirls r roaming calls, neighbour girls r missed callsNaughty texts for sms messages
If love is the answer, could you rephrase the questionSincere apology: If U dont like any of my sms & don t like 2 read, or if my msgs disturb U then plz don t hesitate, feel free to throw ur mobile outTo accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream not only plan but also believe, best wishes 4 your examShoot for the moon... Because even if you miss you will end up in the starsLove is a beautiful dreamSun can't come to earth but send love as rays. Cloud can't come to river but send her love as rain, I can't come to you but sending my good wishes |