City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Vatican City | 06698 | *(****) | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Vatican City | 06698 | *(****) | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
Auchan Mobile | 389 | ******* |
BT | 3710 | ****** |
BT | 3740 | ****** |
BT | 377 | ******* |
Carrefour UNO Mobile | 377 | ******* |
Coop Voice | 370 | ******(*) |
Daily Telecom Mobile | 377 | ******* |
DigiTel | 373 | ******* |
ERG Mobile | 377 | ******* |
Elsacom | 310 | ******* |
FASTWEB | 373 | ******* |
Intermatica | 319 | ******* |
Lyca Mobile | 3510 | ****** |
Lyca Mobile | 3511 | ****** |
Lyca Mobile | 3512 | ****** |
Lyca Mobile | 382 | ******* |
MTV Mobile | 331 | ******* |
MTV Mobile | 366 | ******* |
Noverca | 3505 | ****** |
Noverca | 370 | ******(*) |
Noverca | 381 | ******(*) |
Poste Mobile | 370 | ******* |
Poste Mobile | 3711 | ****** |
Poste Mobile | 377 | ******* |
Rete Ferroviaria Italiana | 313 | ******* |
SPAL | 31105 | ***** |
TIM | 330 | ******(*) |
TIM | 331 | ******* |
TIM | 333 | ******(**) |
TIM | 334 | ******(**) |
TIM | 335 | ******(**) |
TIM | 336 | ******(**) |
TIM | 337 | ******(*) |
TIM | 338 | ******(**) |
TIM | 339 | ******(**) |
TIM | 340 | ******* |
TIM | 341 | ******* |
TIM | 343 | ******* |
TIM | 346 | ******* |
TIM | 347 | ******* |
TIM | 348 | ******* |
TIM | 349 | ******* |
TIM | 360 | ******(**) |
TIM | 361 | ******* |
TIM | 362 | ******* |
TIM | 363 | ******* |
TIM | 366 | ******* |
TIM | 368 | ******(*) |
TIM | 370 | ******(*) |
TIM | 377 | ******* |
Telepass Mobile | 389 | ******* |
Telespazio | 31100 | ***** |
Telespazio | 31101 | ***** |
Terrecablate Mobile | 370 | ******(*) |
Three | 373 | ******* |
Three | 390 | ******* |
Three | 391 | ******* |
Three | 392 | ******* |
Three | 393 | ******* |
Three | 397 | ******* |
Tiscali | 370 | ******(*) |
Vodafon | 340 | ******* |
Vodafon | 341 | ******* |
Vodafon | 343 | ******* |
Vodafon | 346 | ******* |
Vodafon | 347 | ******* |
Vodafon | 348 | ******* |
Vodafon | 349 | ******* |
Vodafon | 377 | ******* |
Wind | 320 | ******* |
Wind | 322 | ******* |
Wind | 323 | ******* |
Wind | 327 | ******* |
Wind | 328 | ******* |
Wind | 329 | ******* |
Wind | 380 | ******* |
Wind | 388 | ******* |
Wind | 389 | ******* |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 113 |
Fire | 115 |
Medical | 118 |
Emergency | 112 |
Vatican City International Code | +39 |
International phone prefix of Vatican City | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Vatican City |
Good night texts for sms messages
Don't let little things get you down. You have got many big reasons to look up to god and say thanks tonight. Tomorrow, it's going to be a great dayGood night texts for sms messages
There is no need to reach high for the stars. They are already within you, just reach deep into yourself. Good morningGood morning texts for sms messages
Friend nahi to life waste, salt nahi to food waste, story nahi to cinema waste, mera sms nahi to tera cell waste!.. Good morningGood morning texts for sms messages
When god gives us 'No' for an answer. Keep in mind that there is a much greater 'Yes' his no is not a rejection. But a redirectionGood luck texts for sms messages
Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise give us, one day more to hope! So, hope for the best. Good day and good luckGood luck texts for sms messages
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet againWhy is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hourWhat is a divorce? A sign that two people cannot agree what to fight aboutThe hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else |