Dear websites owners, install on your website free widget 'Date in different calendars' - our widgets (gadgets) can make your site more interesting for your visitors.
Installing this widget on your website you will get an information block with the list of different calendar dates for today from different calendars. Now your visitors will know what the date is today on the Chinese, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and other lunar calendars.
Widget provides information on 13 different world calendars: Gregorian calendar, Julian calendar, Jewish calendar, Islamic calendar, Chinese calendar, National Calendar of India, Hindu lunar calendar, Persian calendar, Baha'i calendar, Maya calendar and French republican calendar. Although that the gadget has a lot of graphical and text information, it does not increase the weight of your pages, and the CPU load, because it use the AJAX. For widget correct functional enough to have the JavaScript. Some parameters of this gadget you can customize right now:
- Time zone - for the correct displayed information you'd better choose the time zone of your website visitors.
- Gadget width – you can manually set the width of the widget from 260 to 800 pixels. If you specify a different value, the width will be equal to 260 pixels by default.
- Decoration - if you are interested the widget information, but you want to decorate it in own way, then select " Don't show ".
- Calendars – you can choose the calendars, which date you would like to see in your gadget.
To install this widget you must insert the code below into your website page.
You need to install the following code, if you want display the date in visitor time zone.
When you test this script on "localhost", gadget may not work in some browsers. If you have this problem, use another browser. After installing this widget to your website it will be fully functional.
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