
Antigua and Barbuda phone codes
Antigua and Barbuda cities and mobile phone codes + Dialling rules

Antigua and Barbuda telephone codes

Cities phone codes sorted by alphabet

CityArea codePhone number lengthType of connection
Antigua and Barbuda268460****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268461****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268462****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268463****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268484****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268560****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268561****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268562****Phone

Cities phone codes sorted by area code

CityArea codePhone number lengthType of connection
Antigua and Barbuda268460****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268461****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268462****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268463****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268484****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268560****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268561****Phone
Antigua and Barbuda268562****Phone

Mobile operators cell phone codes

OperatorMobile codePhone number length

Emergency phone numbers

ServicePhone number
Police 911
Fire 911
Medical 911
Water 211
Electricity 311
Police Rapid Response Unit777
Police 999
Fire 999
Medical 999

How to call - phone dialling rules.

Antigua and Barbuda International Code+1
International phone prefix of Antigua and Barbuda011
Trunk phone prefix of Antigua and Barbuda1
How to call from other country local phone number to Antigua and Barbuda local phone number
International prefix - 1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Antigua and Barbuda local phone number to Antigua and Barbuda local phone number
1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Antigua and Barbuda local phone number to other country local phone number
011 - Country code - Region code - Phone number
How to call from other country mobile phone number to Antigua and Barbuda local phone number
International prefix - 1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Antigua and Barbuda mobile phone number to Antigua and Barbuda local phone number
1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Antigua and Barbuda mobile phone number to other country local phone number
011 - Country code - Region code - Phone number
How to call from other country cellular phone number to Antigua and Barbuda cell phone number
International prefix - 1 - Mobile code - Phone number
How to call from Antigua and Barbuda cellular phone number to Antigua and Barbuda cell phone number
1 - Mobile code - Phone number
How to call from Antigua and Barbuda cellular phone number to other country cell phone number
011 - Country code - Mobile code - Phone number

Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 26 April 2024
Jewish calendar: 7 Iyar 5775
Islamic calendar: 7 Rajab 1436
Chinese calendar: 8 day 3 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• World Intellectual Property Day (International)
• Confederate Memorial Day (Georgia, USA)
• Confederate Memorial Day (Florida, USA)
• Confederate Memorial Day (Texas, USA)
• Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes Remembrance Day (Ukraine)
• National Heroes Day (Mari El, Russia)
• Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes Memorial Day (Russia)
• Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes Liquidators Day (Russia)
• Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl Tragedy (Belarus)
• Frontier Guard Day (Armenia)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

I no U think dat U broke my heart but I knew ur game rite from da start. I saw ur game and played it 2 so look here playa da jokes on U

Miss you texts for sms messages

I remember him not as the one who broke my heart. But I remember him as the one who teach me how to live with a broken heart

Broken heart texts for sms messages

Today we are miles apart but I wanna reach across the miles and say I am thinking of you in a very special way happy independence day

Independence day greetings for sms messages

Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future

Sorry texts for sms messages

Friends are just like stars. You don't always see them, but you now they are there for you. Your friend

Friendship texts for sms messages

Uv been called b4 cupids court 4 stealin my heart. Trespassin in my dreams & robin me of my senses. Uv been sentened 2 a lifetime wiv me

Love texts for sms messages

You are one of the most cute persons in the world! Just a second, don't misunderstand. Cute means: Creating useless troubles everywhere. April fool

April fool jokes for sms messages

A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won't start or end without me thinking of U... Good morning

Good morning texts for sms messages

I love so much my heart is sure. As time goes on I love you more, your happy smile. Your loving face no1 will ever take your place

Romantic texts for sms messages

If mother teaches us about love, fathers teach us about life. Life is incomplete without love and love is nothing without life. Happy father's day

Fathers day greetings for sms messages