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Good bye texts for sms messages
'Congrats' U have been awarded an M. B. A degree for not smsing me. Mba means 'Member of bhikari association' kindly forward it 2 all M. B. A'sFriendship iz vast like universe, it iz deep like sea, it iz high like sky, it iz strong like roke, it iz kind like mother, and it iz sweet like UFriendship texts for sms messages
You are the mother I received the day I wed your son and I just want to thank you' mum for all the things you've doneMarriage greetings for sms messages
I love the christmas tide, and yet I notice this, each year I live I always like the gifts I get but how I love the gifts I giveChristmas greetings for sms messages
I am opening an emotional bank account for U sweetheart, so deposit your love in it and you will get the interestYou will fall for everything, if you don't stand for somethingThe cross was to pieces of dead wood and a helpless unresisting man was nailed to it yet it was mightier dan the world and triumphed & willThe nhs regrets to inform you that your birth was an accident please report to your nearest hospital to be put down we apologise for any inconvenienceHeart beat are countless, spirits are ageless, dreams r endless, memories are timeless and a friend like U is useless. Oops! Sorry |