Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 20 January 2025
Jewish calendar: 29 Tevet 5775
Islamic calendar: 29 Rabi al-Awwal 1436
Chinese calendar: 1 day 12 month 4411 year
Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• Interior Ministry Record Keeping Service Day (Russia)
• Commemoration Day of Participants of the Barricades (Latvia)
• Martyrs Day (Azerbaijan)
• Armed Forces Day (Laos)
• Armed Forces Day (Lesotho)
• National Heroes Day (Guinea-Bissau)
• National Heroes Day (Cape Verde)
• Armed Forces Day (Mali)
• Day of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Crimea, Ukraine)
• Foundation Day of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending
Don't spend £2 to dry-clean a shirt. Donate it to the salvation army instead. They'll clean it, put it on a hanger. Next morn buy it back for 50p
Funny jokes for sms messages
When love first came to earth, the spring spread rose-beds to receive him
Sweet texts for sms messages
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream - Not only plan, but also believe
Graduation greetings for sms messages
Are we not like two volumes of single book
Anniversary greetings for sms messages
If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question
Love texts for sms messages
Love so easily understands what you can see is the smallest part - You don't need christmas in your hands when you have christmas in your heart
Christmas greetings for sms messages
The man who says his wife can't take a joke, forgets that she took him - Oscar wilde
Marriage greetings for sms messages
A real friend is someone who would feel loss if you jumped on a train, or in front of one
Friendship texts for sms messages
When do you know you are overweight?.. When you are sunbathing on the beach and a greenpeace-activist tries to roll you back into the sea
Riddle, puzzle for sms messages
If being ugly would hurt, you would be in pain all day long
Funny jokes for sms messages