
Free sms sending
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Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 26 April 2024
Jewish calendar: 7 Iyar 5775
Islamic calendar: 7 Rajab 1436
Chinese calendar: 8 day 3 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• World Intellectual Property Day (International)
• Confederate Memorial Day (Georgia, USA)
• Confederate Memorial Day (Florida, USA)
• Confederate Memorial Day (Texas, USA)
• Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes Remembrance Day (Ukraine)
• National Heroes Day (Mari El, Russia)
• Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes Memorial Day (Russia)
• Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes Liquidators Day (Russia)
• Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl Tragedy (Belarus)
• Frontier Guard Day (Armenia)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

You will fall for everything, if you don't stand for something

Wisdom texts for sms messages

Retirement is wonderful. It's doing nothing without worrying about getting caught at it

Retirement texts for sms messages

Love is a scary thing give from god so every person might treasure it give importance in everything we have

Love texts for sms messages

Why does not baking soda freeze

Funny jokes for sms messages

You used to let me win when I was a kid. But don't think I would let you when you would grow old because I'm competitive. Happy father's day

Fathers day greetings for sms messages

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret

Angry texts for sms messages

Love isn't a decision, it's a feeling. If we could decide who to love, then, life would be much simpler, but then less magical

Romantic texts for sms messages

Sun can't come to earth but send love as rays. Cloud can't come to river but send her love as rain, I can't come to you but sending my good wishes

Love texts for sms messages

There is no need to reach high for the stars. They are already within you, just reach deep into yourself. Good morning

Good morning texts for sms messages

A sympathetic friend can be quite as dear as a brother

Friendship texts for sms messages