Rainy day texts for sms messages
Love is when you can't think of what to do nextNew morning + new aim + new achievement + ur dedication + commitment = Success... Just do it and win it good morningGood morning texts for sms messages
Friendship is hoping that they experience the very best love is when you bring them the very bestFriendship texts for sms messages
Doing what's right is no guarantee against misfortune. - William mcfeeBroken heart texts for sms messages
Most people dread finding out when they come to die that they have never really livedSome times in life, one feels that all doors are closed... When that happens in your life, remember that words that not all closed doors are lockedIf a big fat man creeps into your bedroom one night and stuffs you into a bag, then do not worry 'Cause I told santa I wanted you for christmasWe will now upgrade your brain... Please wait... Searching... Searching... Still searching... Sorry, no brain found |