
Free sms sending
Send SMS and MMS to Iran mobile operators cell phone number

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Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 23 April 2024
Jewish calendar: 4 Iyar 5775
Islamic calendar: 4 Rajab 1436
Chinese calendar: 5 day 3 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• English Language Day (United Nations)
• World Book and Copyright Day (United Nations)
• Independence Day (Conch Republic, USA)
• Psychologist Day (Ukraine)
• William Shakespeare Day (Ukraine)
• Valentines Day- The Day of the Rose - The Day of the Book (Spain)
• Children's Day (Turkey)
• National Sovereignty Day (Turkey)
• Yom Ha'atzmaut - Israel Independence Day (Israel)
• Yom Hazikaron - Fallen Soldiers Remembrance Day (Israel)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

Words to the wise, and words to live by, while we seek the answers to life, the universe et al. Let us ponder these clever observations

Cute texts for sms messages

There are many types of ships. There are wooden ships, plastic ships, and metal ships. But the best and most importaint types of ships are friendships

Friendship texts for sms messages

Tonight I'm going to sleep earlier b'coz I want to see U in my dream very early. Gud night

Good night texts for sms messages

Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards

Love texts for sms messages

Mother is the name for god on the lips and hearts of all children. (Brandon lee)

Mothers day greetings for sms messages

The world would b a lonely place without the 1 that puts smile on my face

Smile jokes for sms messages

Be clean in all matters and you will never be ashamed

Advice texts for sms messages

May you be blessed with love, joy and happiness. Happy christmas and a happy new year

Christmas greetings for sms messages

I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels but I call them my best friends

Friendship texts for sms messages

'You know that you are in love when the hardest thing to do is say good-bye'

Good bye texts for sms messages