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Friendship texts for sms messages
I remember him not as the one who broke my heart. But I remember him as the one who teach me how to live with a broken heartBroken heart texts for sms messages
A child is the greatest gift that our lives can bestow. It brings the most exquisite joy that we will ever knowYou've seen me laugh you've seen me cry and always you were there with me I may not have always said it but thanks and I love you happy mother's dayMothers day greetings for sms messages
Give a man a free hand and he'll run it all over youIt's mind over matter, I don't mind, that you don't matterMissing you a lot on this easter. Wishing you were here to celebrate this holy occasion with me. Happy easterEaster greetings for sms messages
Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give itLove is a beautiful dreamThe world is going to throw us a million reasons why this isn't gonna work out between us, but I'm armed with the one reason why it will - I love you |