
Free sms sending
Send SMS and MMS to Latvia mobile operators cell phone number

Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 22 December 2024
Jewish calendar: 10 Tevet 5776
Islamic calendar: 10 Rabi al-Awwal 1437
Chinese calendar: 12 day 11 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• National Mathematics Day (India)
• Diplomatic Service Workers Day (Ukraine)
• Energetics Day (Ukraine)
• Energetics Day (Russia)
• Tenth of Tevet Fast - Tsom Asarah b-Tevet (Jewish)
• Mother's Day (Indonesia)
• Energetics Day (Belarus)
• Energetics Day (Kazakhstan)
• Energetics Day (Armenia)
• Energetics Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

She's been up and down more times than a whore's drawers

Funny jokes for sms messages

U muz be tired coz U haf been running thru my mind, U gotta be a thief coz U haf stolen my heart n I muz haf been a bad shooter coz I keep missing U

Love texts for sms messages

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone

Thank texts for sms messages

Christianity begins where religion ends... With the resurrection - Herbert booth smith

Easter greetings for sms messages

Love sweet as sugar, bitter if you dont know it better. Bed the best place to think of memories which put U to sleep, telling U goodnite

Good night texts for sms messages

You know you love someone when the mere thought of losing them brings you to tears

Miss you texts for sms messages

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance - The wise grows it under his feet

Wisdom texts for sms messages

A friend that really cares! All my secrets I can share! There when I need a hand! There to understand

Friendship texts for sms messages

You are proof that god has a sense of humor

Insult texts for sms messages

In new year may god... Would be your best friend, he loves you deeper, always bless on you, god always guide you & carry you... Happy new year

New year greetings for sms messages