City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
100 Mile House | 250395 | **** | Mobile |
100 Mile House | 250609 | **** | Mobile |
100 Mile House | 250644 | **** | Mobile |
100 Mile House | 250706 | **** | Mobile |
100 Mile House | 250945 | **** | Mobile |
100 Mile House | 778332 | **** | Phone |
100 Mile House | 778482 | **** | Phone |
108 Mile House | 250791 | **** | Mobile |
108 Mile House | 778485 | **** | Phone |
150 Mile House | 250296 | **** | Mobile |
70 Mile House | 250456 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604217 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604226 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604300 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 604302 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604425 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 604504 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604556 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604557 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604615 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604621 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604743 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 604744 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 604746 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 604751 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604752 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604755 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 604756 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 604758 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 604768 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604776 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 604832 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 604850 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604851 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604852 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604853 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604854 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604855 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604859 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604864 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 604870 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 778201 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 778314 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 778344 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 778345 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 778347 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 778761 | **** | Phone |
Abbotsford | 778779 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 778880 | **** | Mobile |
Abbotsford | 778982 | **** | Mobile |
Aberarder | 519899 | **** | Phone |
Aberdeen | 306253 | **** | Phone |
Abitibi Canyon | 705334 | **** | Phone |
Acadia Valley | 403972 | **** | Mobile |
Acme | 403546 | **** | Mobile |
Acton | 226327 | **** | Phone |
Acton | 226828 | **** | Phone |
Acton | 519853 | **** | Phone |
Acton | 519929 | **** | Phone |
Actonvale | 450236 | **** | Mobile |
Actonvale | 450366 | **** | Phone |
Actonvale | 450406 | **** | Phone |
Actonvale | 450546 | **** | Phone |
Actonvale | 450642 | **** | Phone |
Adolphustown | 613373 | **** | Phone |
Advocate | 902392 | **** | Phone |
Agassiz | 604491 | **** | Phone |
Agassiz | 604493 | **** | Phone |
Agassiz | 604796 | **** | Mobile |
Aguanish | 418533 | **** | Phone |
Aguanish | 581299 | **** | Phone |
Ahousat | 250670 | **** | Mobile |
Ailsa Craig | 519293 | **** | Phone |
Ailsa Craig | 519517 | **** | Phone |
Airdrie | 403316 | **** | Phone |
Airdrie | 403420 | **** | Phone |
Airdrie | 403768 | **** | Phone |
Airdrie | 403912 | **** | Mobile |
Airdrie | 403945 | **** | Mobile |
Airdrie | 403948 | **** | Mobile |
Airdrie | 403960 | **** | Phone |
Airdrie | 403980 | **** | Phone |
Airdrie | 587236 | **** | Mobile |
Airdrie | 587254 | **** | Mobile |
Airdrie | 587360 | **** | Phone |
Airdrie | 587775 | **** | Mobile |
Aiyansh | 250633 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 289200 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 289224 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289255 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289275 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289314 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 289315 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289372 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289387 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 289388 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 289417 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289422 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289423 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 289460 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289482 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289608 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289624 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289660 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289892 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289913 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 289923 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 289980 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 289987 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 289988 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 905231 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 905239 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 905391 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 905409 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 905423 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 905424 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 905426 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 905427 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 905428 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 905550 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 905619 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 905621 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 905622 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 905626 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 905683 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 905686 | **** | Phone |
Ajax-Pickering | 905706 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 905744 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 905767 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 905903 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 905995 | **** | Mobile |
Ajax-Pickering | 905999 | **** | Mobile |
Aklavik | 867375 | **** | Mobile |
Aklavik | 867878 | **** | Phone |
Aklavik | 867978 | **** | Phone |
Akulivik | 819496 | **** | Phone |
Alban | 705857 | **** | Phone |
Albanel | 418279 | **** | Phone |
Albanel | 418501 | **** | Phone |
Albanel | 581601 | **** | Phone |
Albert | 506882 | **** | Phone |
Alberta | 403 | ******* | Phone |
Alberta | 587 | ******* | Phone |
Alberta | 780 | ******* | Phone |
Alberta Beach | 780924 | **** | Mobile |
Alberton | 902206 | **** | Mobile |
Alberton | 902214 | **** | Mobile |
Alberton | 902231 | **** | Phone |
Alberton | 902290 | **** | Phone |
Alberton | 902853 | **** | Phone |
Alberton | 902856 | **** | Phone |
Alberton | 902960 | **** | Mobile |
Alder Flats | 780388 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604308 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604309 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604381 | **** | Phone |
Aldergrove | 604607 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604613 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604614 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604624 | **** | Phone |
Aldergrove | 604625 | **** | Phone |
Aldergrove | 604626 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604627 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604772 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604807 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604825 | **** | Phone |
Aldergrove | 604835 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604856 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604857 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604866 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604897 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 604996 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778240 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778241 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778242 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778245 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778246 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778255 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778369 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778549 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778551 | **** | Phone |
Aldergrove | 778552 | **** | Phone |
Aldergrove | 778808 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778809 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778823 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778825 | **** | Phone |
Aldergrove | 778878 | **** | Mobile |
Aldergrove | 778908 | **** | Mobile |
Alert Bay | 250403 | **** | Mobile |
Alert Bay | 250974 | **** | Mobile |
Alexander | 204752 | **** | Phone |
Alexander | 204852 | **** | Phone |
Alexandria | 613525 | **** | Phone |
Alexandria | 613642 | **** | Phone |
Alexis Creek | 250394 | **** | Mobile |
Alfred | 613605 | **** | Phone |
Alfred | 613679 | **** | Phone |
Alfred | 613708 | **** | Phone |
Algoma Mills | 249302 | **** | Phone |
Algoma Mills | 705208 | **** | Mobile |
Algoma Mills | 705227 | **** | Mobile |
Algoma Mills | 705573 | **** | Phone |
Algoma Mills | 705849 | **** | Phone |
Algonquin Park | 705633 | **** | Phone |
Alix | 403747 | **** | Mobile |
Alkali Lake | 250440 | **** | Mobile |
Allan | 306257 | **** | Phone |
Allardville | 506583 | **** | Phone |
Allardville | 506725 | **** | Phone |
Alliance | 780879 | **** | Mobile |
Alliston | 249221 | **** | Phone |
Alliston | 705250 | **** | Phone |
Alliston | 705391 | **** | Mobile |
Alliston | 705415 | **** | Phone |
Alliston | 705434 | **** | Phone |
Alliston | 705435 | **** | Phone |
Alliston | 705440 | **** | Phone |
Alliston | 705502 | **** | Phone |
Alliston | 705530 | **** | Phone |
Alliston | 705890 | **** | Mobile |
Alma | 418212 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 418319 | **** | Mobile |
Alma | 418321 | **** | Mobile |
Alma | 418450 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 418480 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 418481 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 418482 | **** | Mobile |
Alma | 418487 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 418662 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 418668 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 418669 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 418719 | **** | Mobile |
Alma | 418720 | **** | Mobile |
Alma | 418758 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 418769 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 506887 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 581200 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 581230 | **** | Mobile |
Alma | 581265 | **** | Phone |
Alma | 581728 | **** | Phone |
Almonte | 613256 | **** | Phone |
Almonte | 613461 | **** | Phone |
Alonsa | 204767 | **** | Phone |
Altario | 403552 | **** | Mobile |
Altona | 204216 | **** | Mobile |
Altona | 204217 | **** | Phone |
Altona | 204304 | **** | Phone |
Altona | 204319 | **** | Phone |
Altona | 204324 | **** | Phone |
Alvena | 306943 | **** | Phone |
Alvinston | 226471 | **** | Phone |
Alvinston | 226846 | **** | Phone |
Alvinston | 519898 | **** | Phone |
Alvinston Independant | 519847 | **** | Phone |
Amaranth | 204607 | **** | Phone |
Amaranth | 204843 | **** | Phone |
Amherst | 902297 | **** | Mobile |
Amherst | 902397 | **** | Mobile |
Amherst | 902614 | **** | Phone |
Amherst | 902660 | **** | Phone |
Amherst | 902661 | **** | Phone |
Amherst | 902664 | **** | Phone |
Amherst | 902667 | **** | Phone |
Amherst | 902669 | **** | Mobile |
Amherst | 902694 | **** | Mobile |
Amherst | 902699 | **** | Phone |
Amherst | 902991 | **** | Phone |
Amherstburg | 226477 | **** | Phone |
Amherstburg | 519713 | **** | Phone |
Amherstburg | 519730 | **** | Phone |
Amherstburg | 519736 | **** | Phone |
Amos | 819218 | **** | Mobile |
Amos | 819442 | **** | Phone |
Amos | 819443 | **** | Phone |
Amos | 819444 | **** | Phone |
Amos | 819480 | **** | Phone |
Amos | 819724 | **** | Mobile |
Amos | 819727 | **** | Phone |
Amos | 819732 | **** | Phone |
Amos | 819830 | **** | Phone |
Amos | 819954 | **** | Phone |
Amqui | 418330 | **** | Mobile |
Amqui | 418629 | **** | Phone |
Amqui | 418631 | **** | Phone |
Amqui | 418713 | **** | Mobile |
Ancaster | 289204 | **** | Phone |
Ancaster | 289239 | **** | Phone |
Ancaster | 289346 | **** | Phone |
Ancaster | 289443 | **** | Phone |
Ancaster | 289445 | **** | Phone |
Ancaster | 289450 | **** | Phone |
Ancaster | 289495 | **** | Phone |
Ancaster | 289735 | **** | Phone |
Ancaster | 289855 | **** | Phone |
Ancaster | 289902 | **** | Phone |
Ancaster | 905304 | **** | Phone |
Ancaster | 905648 | **** | Phone |
Andrew | 780365 | **** | Mobile |
Angliers | 819949 | **** | Phone |
Annapolis Royal | 902286 | **** | Phone |
Annapolis Royal | 902524 | **** | Phone |
Annapolis Royal | 902526 | **** | Mobile |
Annapolis Royal | 902532 | **** | Phone |
Annapolis Royal | 902955 | **** | Mobile |
Anola | 204601 | **** | Phone |
Anola | 204862 | **** | Phone |
Anola | 204866 | **** | Phone |
Anse-Saint-Jean | 418272 | **** | Phone |
Anse-Saint-Jean | 418608 | **** | Phone |
Anse-Saint-Jean | 581390 | **** | Phone |
Antigonish | 902318 | **** | Mobile |
Antigonish | 902338 | **** | Mobile |
Antigonish | 902714 | **** | Phone |
Antigonish | 902735 | **** | Phone |
Antigonish | 902863 | **** | Phone |
Antigonish | 902867 | **** | Phone |
Antigonish | 902870 | **** | Mobile |
Antigonish | 902872 | **** | Mobile |
Antigonish | 902968 | **** | Phone |
Antigonish | 902971 | **** | Mobile |
Antigonish | 902995 | **** | Phone |
Anzac | 780334 | **** | Mobile |
Apsley | 705655 | **** | Phone |
Apsley | 705656 | **** | Phone |
Arborg | 204376 | **** | Phone |
Arborg | 204494 | **** | Mobile |
Arctic Bay | 867439 | **** | Phone |
Arden | 204368 | **** | Phone |
Arden | 343268 | **** | Phone |
Arden | 613335 | **** | Phone |
Ardrossan | 780564 | **** | Phone |
Ardrossan | 780922 | **** | Mobile |
Argyle | 902643 | **** | Phone |
Arichat | 902226 | **** | Phone |
Arichat | 902594 | **** | Phone |
Arkona | 226521 | **** | Phone |
Arkona | 519828 | **** | Phone |
Armagh | 418466 | **** | Phone |
Armstrong | 250546 | **** | Mobile |
Armstrong | 778442 | **** | Phone |
Armstrong | 807583 | **** | Phone |
Arnold's Cove | 709463 | **** | Phone |
Arnold's Cove | 709556 | **** | Phone |
Arnprior | 613622 | **** | Phone |
Arnprior | 613623 | **** | Phone |
Arnprior | 613626 | **** | Phone |
Arrowwood | 403534 | **** | Mobile |
Arthabaska | 819260 | **** | Phone |
Arthabaska | 819350 | **** | Mobile |
Arthabaska | 819352 | **** | Phone |
Arthabaska | 819357 | **** | Phone |
Arthabaska | 819402 | **** | Phone |
Arthabaska | 819433 | **** | Phone |
Arthabaska | 819551 | **** | Phone |
Arthabaska | 819552 | **** | Mobile |
Arthur | 226443 | **** | Phone |
Arthur | 519848 | **** | Phone |
Arundel | 819687 | **** | Phone |
Arundel | 873275 | **** | Phone |
Arviat | 867857 | **** | Phone |
Asbestos | 819223 | **** | Phone |
Asbestos | 819716 | **** | Phone |
Asbestos | 819879 | **** | Phone |
Ashcroft | 250453 | **** | Mobile |
Ashern | 204302 | **** | Phone |
Ashern | 204314 | **** | Mobile |
Ashern | 204708 | **** | Phone |
Ashern | 204768 | **** | Phone |
Ashmont | 780726 | **** | Mobile |
Aspen Park | 250578 | **** | Mobile |
Aspen Park | 778468 | **** | Phone |
Asquith | 306329 | **** | Phone |
Assiniboia | 306263 | **** | Phone |
Assiniboia | 306266 | **** | Phone |
Assiniboia | 306301 | **** | Mobile |
Assiniboia | 306473 | **** | Phone |
Assiniboia | 306475 | **** | Phone |
Assiniboia | 306640 | **** | Mobile |
Assiniboia | 306642 | **** | Phone |
Assumption | 780321 | **** | Mobile |
Aston-Jonction | 819226 | **** | Phone |
Aston-Jonction | 819256 | **** | Phone |
Athabasca | 587732 | **** | Phone |
Athabasca | 587746 | **** | Phone |
Athabasca | 780609 | **** | Mobile |
Athabasca | 780675 | **** | Mobile |
Athabasca | 780676 | **** | Mobile |
Athens | 613924 | **** | Phone |
Athens | 613927 | **** | Phone |
Atikokan | 807324 | **** | Mobile |
Atikokan | 807590 | **** | Phone |
Atikokan | 807594 | **** | Mobile |
Atikokan | 807596 | **** | Phone |
Atikokan | 807597 | **** | Phone |
Atikokan | 807598 | **** | Mobile |
Atlin | 250651 | **** | Mobile |
Attawapiskat | 705997 | **** | Phone |
Atwood | 226816 | **** | Phone |
Atwood | 519356 | **** | Phone |
Auburn | 519526 | **** | Phone |
Aupaluk | 819491 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 289221 | **** | Mobile |
Aurora | 289380 | **** | Mobile |
Aurora | 289466 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 289571 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 289614 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 289648 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 289796 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 289802 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 289840 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 289879 | **** | Mobile |
Aurora | 289894 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 289995 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 905222 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 905395 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 905503 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 905713 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 905717 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 905726 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 905727 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 905750 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 905751 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 905758 | **** | Mobile |
Aurora | 905841 | **** | Phone |
Aurora | 905900 | **** | Phone |
Austin | 204637 | **** | Phone |
Avola | 250678 | **** | Mobile |
Avonlea | 306868 | **** | Phone |
Avonmore | 613346 | **** | Phone |
Ayer's Cliff | 819838 | **** | Phone |
Ayer's Cliff | 819867 | **** | Phone |
Aylesford | 902321 | **** | Mobile |
Aylesford | 902341 | **** | Phone |
Aylesford | 902389 | **** | Phone |
Aylesford | 902844 | **** | Mobile |
Aylesford | 902847 | **** | Phone |
Aylesford | 902848 | **** | Phone |
Aylmer | 226545 | **** | Mobile |
Aylmer | 519765 | **** | Phone |
Aylmer | 519773 | **** | Phone |
Aylmer | 519779 | **** | Phone |
Aylmer | 819332 | **** | Phone |
Aylmer | 819486 | **** | Phone |
Aylmer | 819557 | **** | Phone |
Aylmer | 819682 | **** | Phone |
Aylmer | 819684 | **** | Phone |
Aylmer | 819685 | **** | Phone |
Aylmer | 819915 | **** | Phone |
Ayr | 226556 | **** | Phone |
Ayr | 226642 | **** | Phone |
Ayr | 519394 | **** | Phone |
Ayr | 519547 | **** | Phone |
Ayr | 519632 | **** | Phone |
Ayton | 226437 | **** | Phone |
Ayton | 519665 | **** | Phone |
Azilda | 705512 | **** | Phone |
Azilda | 705553 | **** | Phone |
Azilda | 705587 | **** | Phone |
Azilda | 705820 | **** | Phone |
Azilda | 705983 | **** | Phone |
Baddeck | 902294 | **** | Mobile |
Baddeck | 902295 | **** | Phone |
Baddeck | 902296 | **** | Phone |
Baden | 226355 | **** | Phone |
Baden | 519214 | **** | Phone |
Baden | 519556 | **** | Phone |
Baden | 519634 | **** | Phone |
Badger | 709539 | **** | Phone |
Baie Verte | 709297 | **** | Mobile |
Baie Verte | 709529 | **** | Phone |
Baie Verte | 709532 | **** | Phone |
Baie Verte | 709554 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418280 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418282 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Comeau | 418293 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418294 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418295 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418296 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418297 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418298 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418378 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Comeau | 418445 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Comeau | 418589 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 418921 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 581381 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 581642 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 581726 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 581823 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Comeau | 581929 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Comeau | 581987 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Du-Febvre | 450783 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Johan-Beetz | 418539 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Johan-Beetz | 581298 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418200 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418219 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418240 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418435 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418436 | **** | Mobile |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 418760 | **** | Phone |
Baie-Saint-Paul | 581237 | **** | Phone |
... View other 13768 city phone codes Canada ... |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Manitoba | 204 | ******* | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204201 | **** | Phone |
Poplar Point | 204203 | **** | Phone |
Beausejour | 204205 | **** | Mobile |
Teulon | 204206 | **** | Mobile |
Roblin | 204207 | **** | Mobile |
Pilot Mound | 204208 | **** | Mobile |
Morris | 204209 | **** | Mobile |
Minnedosa | 204210 | **** | Mobile |
Neepawa | 204212 | **** | Mobile |
Lac Du Bonnet | 204213 | **** | Mobile |
Eriksdale | 204214 | **** | Mobile |
Boissevain | 204215 | **** | Mobile |
Altona | 204216 | **** | Mobile |
Altona | 204217 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204218 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204219 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 20422 | ***** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204230 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204231 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204232 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204233 | **** | Phone |
Oakburn | 204234 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204235 | **** | Phone |
Birch River | 204236 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204237 | **** | Phone |
Bowsman | 204238 | **** | Phone |
Portage La Prairie | 204239 | **** | Phone |
Portage La Prairie | 204240 | **** | Phone |
Southport | 204241 | **** | Phone |
Manitou | 204242 | **** | Phone |
Poplar Point | 204243 | **** | Phone |
Poplar River | 204244 | **** | Phone |
Pilot Mound | 204245 | **** | Phone |
Darlingford | 204246 | **** | Phone |
Roblin | 204247 | **** | Phone |
Notre Dame de Lourdes | 204248 | **** | Phone |
Portage La Prairie | 204249 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204250 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204251 | **** | Phone |
Edwin | 204252 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204253 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204254 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204255 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204256 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204257 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204258 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204259 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204260 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204261 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204262 | **** | Phone |
Pine River | 204263 | **** | Phone |
Melita | 204264 | **** | Phone |
Brokenhead | 204265 | **** | Phone |
Beausejour | 204266 | **** | Phone |
Oakville | 204267 | **** | Phone |
Beausejour | 204268 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204269 | **** | Phone |
Lorette | 204270 | **** | Phone |
Flin Flon | 204271 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204272 | **** | Phone |
Macdonald | 204274 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204275 | **** | Phone |
Pine Dock | 204276 | **** | Phone |
Bissett | 204277 | **** | Phone |
Inwood | 204278 | **** | Phone |
Hecla | 204279 | **** | Phone |
Eriksdale | 204280 | **** | Phone |
Swan River | 204281 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204282 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204283 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204284 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204285 | **** | Phone |
Thicket Portage | 204286 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204287 | **** | Phone |
Ilford | 204288 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204289 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 20429 | ***** | Mobile |
Steinbach | 204300 | **** | Phone |
Norway House | 204301 | **** | Phone |
Ashern | 204302 | **** | Phone |
Rivers | 204303 | **** | Phone |
Altona | 204304 | **** | Phone |
Boissevain | 204305 | **** | Phone |
Thompson | 204307 | **** | Phone |
Fisher River | 204308 | **** | Phone |
Grand Rapids | 204309 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204312 | **** | Mobile |
Roland | 204313 | **** | Phone |
Ashern | 204314 | **** | Mobile |
Grand Rapids | 204315 | **** | Mobile |
Souris | 204316 | **** | Mobile |
Pine Falls | 204317 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204318 | **** | Phone |
Altona | 204319 | **** | Phone |
Steinbach | 204320 | **** | Phone |
Steinbach | 204321 | **** | Phone |
Warren | 204322 | **** | Phone |
Brochet | 204323 | **** | Phone |
Altona | 204324 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204325 | **** | Phone |
Steinbach | 204326 | **** | Phone |
Gretna | 204327 | **** | Phone |
Rivers | 204328 | **** | Phone |
Easterville | 204329 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204330 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204331 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204332 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204333 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204334 | **** | Phone |
Gods Lake Narrows | 204335 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204336 | **** | Phone |
Lac Brochet | 204337 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204338 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204339 | **** | Phone |
Lac du Bonnet | 204340 | **** | Phone |
York Landing | 204341 | **** | Phone |
Split Lake | 204342 | **** | Phone |
Roland | 204343 | **** | Phone |
Stony Mountain | 204344 | **** | Phone |
Lac Du Bonnet | 204345 | **** | Phone |
Steinbach | 204346 | **** | Phone |
Saint Malo | 204347 | **** | Phone |
Whitemouth | 204348 | **** | Phone |
Falcon Lake | 204349 | **** | Phone |
Lac Du Bonnet | 204350 | **** | Phone |
Whitemouth | 204351 | **** | Phone |
Glenella | 204352 | **** | Phone |
Elie | 204353 | **** | Phone |
Brookdale | 204354 | **** | Phone |
Landmark | 204355 | **** | Phone |
Lynn Lake | 204356 | **** | Phone |
Cormorant | 204357 | **** | Phone |
Snow Lake | 204358 | **** | Phone |
Norway House | 204359 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204360 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204361 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204362 | **** | Phone |
Manigotagan | 204363 | **** | Phone |
Vidir | 204364 | **** | Phone |
Strathclair | 204365 | **** | Phone |
Gods River | 204366 | **** | Phone |
Pine Falls | 204367 | **** | Phone |
Arden | 204368 | **** | Phone |
Rennie | 204369 | **** | Phone |
Steinbach | 204370 | **** | Phone |
Steinbach | 204371 | **** | Phone |
Fisher Branch | 204372 | **** | Phone |
Emerson | 204373 | **** | Phone |
South Indian Lake | 204374 | **** | Phone |
Marquette | 204375 | **** | Phone |
Arborg | 204376 | **** | Phone |
Kleefeld | 204377 | **** | Phone |
Riverton | 204378 | **** | Phone |
Saint Claude | 204379 | **** | Phone |
Steinbach | 204380 | **** | Phone |
Steinbach | 204381 | **** | Mobile |
Berens River | 204382 | **** | Phone |
Woodlands | 204383 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204384 | **** | Mobile |
Gladstone | 204385 | **** | Phone |
Plumas | 204386 | **** | Phone |
Niverville | 204388 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg Beach | 204389 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204390 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204391 | **** | Phone |
Steinbach | 204392 | **** | Phone |
Berens River | 204393 | **** | Phone |
Jackhead | 204394 | **** | Phone |
Bloodvein | 204395 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204396 | **** | Mobile |
Little Grand Rapids | 204397 | **** | Phone |
Rivers | 204398 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204399 | **** | Mobile |
Brandon | 204402 | **** | Mobile |
Oakbank | 204403 | **** | Mobile |
Stonewall | 204404 | **** | Mobile |
Sanford | 204405 | **** | Mobile |
Selkirk | 204406 | **** | Mobile |
Gimli | 204407 | **** | Mobile |
Steinbach | 204408 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg Beach | 204409 | **** | Phone |
Rivers | 204412 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204414 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204415 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204416 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204417 | **** | Phone |
Sanford | 204418 | **** | Phone |
Dugald | 204419 | **** | Phone |
Selkirk | 204420 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204421 | **** | Phone |
Sainte Anne | 204422 | **** | Phone |
Piney | 204423 | **** | Phone |
La Broquerie | 204424 | **** | Phone |
Vita | 204425 | **** | Phone |
Hadashville | 204426 | **** | Phone |
Dominion City | 204427 | **** | Phone |
Southport | 204428 | **** | Phone |
Woodridge | 204429 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204430 | **** | Mobile |
Miami | 204432 | **** | Phone |
Saint Pierre | 204433 | **** | Phone |
Grunthal | 204434 | **** | Phone |
Miami | 204435 | **** | Phone |
Elm Creek | 204436 | **** | Phone |
Sprague | 204437 | **** | Phone |
Petersfield | 204438 | **** | Phone |
Grunthal | 204439 | **** | Phone |
Boissevain | 204440 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204441 | **** | Mobile |
Gimli | 204442 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204443 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204444 | **** | Phone |
Langruth | 204445 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204446 | **** | Phone |
Sainte Rose du Lac | 204447 | **** | Phone |
Eddystone | 204448 | **** | Phone |
Steep Rock | 204449 | **** | Phone |
Saint Theresa Point | 204450 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204451 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204452 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204453 | **** | Phone |
Stonewall | 204454 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204455 | **** | Phone |
Garden Hill | 204456 | **** | Phone |
Waasagamach | 204457 | **** | Phone |
Pikwitonei | 204458 | **** | Phone |
Lac Du Bonnet | 204459 | **** | Phone |
Stonewall | 204461 | **** | Phone |
Saint Theresa Point | 204462 | **** | Phone |
Neepawa | 204463 | **** | Phone |
Stonewall | 204464 | **** | Phone |
Roblin | 204465 | **** | Phone |
Sidney | 204466 | **** | Phone |
Stonewall | 204467 | **** | Phone |
Sherridon | 204468 | **** | Phone |
Red Sucker Lake | 204469 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204470 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204471 | **** | Phone |
Cranberry Portage | 204472 | **** | Phone |
Leaf Rapids | 204473 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204474 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204475 | **** | Phone |
Neepawa | 204476 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204477 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204478 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204479 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204480 | **** | Phone |
Selkirk | 204481 | **** | Mobile |
Selkirk | 204482 | **** | Phone |
Souris | 204483 | **** | Phone |
Nelson House | 204484 | **** | Phone |
Selkirk | 204485 | **** | Phone |
Sundance | 204486 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204487 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204488 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204489 | **** | Phone |
Stonewall | 204490 | **** | Phone |
Virden | 204491 | **** | Phone |
Selkirk | 204492 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204493 | **** | Phone |
Arborg | 204494 | **** | Mobile |
Beausejour | 204495 | **** | Phone |
Ochre River | 204496 | **** | Mobile |
Carman | 204497 | **** | Phone |
Selkirk | 204498 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204499 | **** | Phone |
Morden | 204501 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204502 | **** | Phone |
Niverville | 204503 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204504 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204505 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204506 | **** | Phone |
Stonewall | 204507 | **** | Phone |
Sanford | 204508 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204509 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204510 | **** | Mobile |
Virden | 204512 | **** | Mobile |
Stonewall | 204513 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204514 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204515 | **** | Phone |
Macgregor | 204516 | **** | Phone |
Libau | 204517 | **** | Phone |
Gimli | 204519 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204520 | **** | Phone |
Portage La Prairie | 204521 | **** | Phone |
Melita | 204522 | **** | Phone |
Killarney | 204523 | **** | Phone |
Camperville | 204524 | **** | Phone |
Minitonas | 204525 | **** | Phone |
Holland | 204526 | **** | Phone |
Selkirk | 204527 | **** | Phone |
Ninette | 204528 | **** | Phone |
Cartwright | 204529 | **** | Phone |
Stony Mountain | 204530 | **** | Phone |
Winkler | 204531 | **** | Phone |
Binscarth | 204532 | **** | Phone |
Boissevain | 204533 | **** | Phone |
Boissevain | 204534 | **** | Phone |
Baldur | 204535 | **** | Phone |
Belmont | 204536 | **** | Phone |
Belmont | 204537 | **** | Phone |
Oxford House | 204538 | **** | Phone |
Benito | 204539 | **** | Phone |
Niverville | 204540 | **** | Phone |
Oakbank | 204541 | **** | Mobile |
Winkler | 204542 | **** | Phone |
Steinbach | 204543 | **** | Phone |
Niverville | 204544 | **** | Phone |
Mafeking | 204545 | **** | Phone |
Grandview | 204546 | **** | Phone |
Gilbert Plains | 204548 | **** | Phone |
Pukatawagan | 204553 | **** | Phone |
Cromer | 204556 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204557 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204558 | **** | Mobile |
Shoal Lake | 204559 | **** | Phone |
Crandall | 204562 | **** | Phone |
Inglis | 204563 | **** | Phone |
Inglis | 204564 | **** | Phone |
Shamattawa | 204565 | **** | Phone |
Oak River | 204566 | **** | Phone |
Miniota | 204567 | **** | Phone |
Beulah | 204568 | **** | Phone |
Cowan | 204569 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204570 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204571 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204572 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204573 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204574 | **** | Phone |
Sandy Lake | 204575 | **** | Phone |
Melita | 204576 | **** | Mobile |
Reston | 204577 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204578 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204579 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204580 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204581 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204582 | **** | Phone |
Sandy Lake | 204585 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204586 | **** | Phone |
Pelican Rapids | 204587 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204588 | **** | Mobile |
Winnipeg | 204589 | **** | Phone |
Melita | 204591 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204592 | **** | Phone |
Swan River | 204593 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204594 | **** | Phone |
Portage La Prairie | 204595 | **** | Mobile |
Brandon | 204596 | **** | Mobile |
Elie | 204597 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204599 | **** | Mobile |
Anola | 204601 | **** | Phone |
Gladstone | 204602 | **** | Phone |
Elie | 204603 | **** | Phone |
Southport | 204604 | **** | Phone |
Macgregor | 204605 | **** | Phone |
Amaranth | 204607 | **** | Phone |
Treherne | 204608 | **** | Phone |
Saint Claude | 204609 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204612 | **** | Phone |
The Pas | 204617 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204619 | **** | Phone |
The Pas | 204620 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204621 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204622 | **** | Phone |
The Pas | 204623 | **** | Phone |
Clearwater Lake | 204624 | **** | Phone |
Elphinstone | 204625 | **** | Phone |
Sperling | 204626 | **** | Phone |
The Pas | 204627 | **** | Phone |
Waterhen | 204628 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204629 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204631 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204632 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204633 | **** | Phone |
Pierson | 204634 | **** | Phone |
Gull Lake | 204635 | **** | Phone |
Erickson | 204636 | **** | Phone |
Austin | 204637 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204638 | **** | Phone |
Grand Rapids | 204639 | **** | Phone |
Saint Laurent | 204640 | **** | Phone |
Gimli | 204641 | **** | Phone |
Gimli | 204642 | **** | Phone |
Fraserwood | 204643 | **** | Phone |
Gimli | 204644 | **** | Phone |
Fisher River | 204645 | **** | Phone |
Saint Laurent | 204646 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204647 | **** | Mobile |
Dauphin | 204648 | **** | Phone |
Lyleton | 204649 | **** | Phone |
Gimli | 204651 | **** | Mobile |
Gillam | 204652 | **** | Phone |
Fisher River | 204653 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204654 | **** | Phone |
Sifton | 204655 | **** | Phone |
Winnipegosis | 204656 | **** | Phone |
Fork River | 204657 | **** | Phone |
Goodlands | 204658 | **** | Phone |
Gypsumville | 204659 | **** | Phone |
Poplarfield | 204660 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204661 | **** | Phone |
Sinclair | 204662 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204663 | **** | Phone |
Poplarfield | 204664 | **** | Phone |
Medora-Napinka | 204665 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204666 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204667 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204668 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204669 | **** | Phone |
Thompson | 204670 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204672 | **** | Mobile |
Waskada | 204673 | **** | Phone |
Churchill | 204675 | **** | Phone |
Cross Lake | 204676 | **** | Phone |
Thompson | 204677 | **** | Phone |
Moose Lake | 204678 | **** | Phone |
Thompson | 204679 | **** | Phone |
Flin Flon | 204680 | **** | Phone |
Flin Flon | 204681 | **** | Phone |
Wanless | 204682 | **** | Phone |
Saint Lazare | 204683 | **** | Phone |
Tadoule Lake | 204684 | **** | Phone |
Macgregor | 204685 | **** | Phone |
Tilston | 204686 | **** | Phone |
Flin Flon | 204687 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204688 | **** | Mobile |
Wabowden | 204689 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204694 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204695 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204697 | **** | Phone |
Grand Rapids | 204699 | **** | Phone |
Lundar | 204700 | **** | Phone |
Dauphin | 204701 | **** | Phone |
Shilo | 204702 | **** | Phone |
Carberry | 204703 | **** | Phone |
Neepawa | 204704 | **** | Phone |
Minnedosa | 204705 | **** | Phone |
Sanford | 204706 | **** | Phone |
Virden | 204707 | **** | Phone |
Ashern | 204708 | **** | Phone |
Souris | 204709 | **** | Phone |
Rivers | 204710 | **** | Phone |
Morris | 204712 | **** | Phone |
Treherne | 204713 | **** | Phone |
Morris | 204714 | **** | Phone |
Carman | 204715 | **** | Phone |
Libau | 204716 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204717 | **** | Phone |
Virden | 204718 | **** | Phone |
Eriksdale | 204719 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204720 | **** | Mobile |
Brandon | 204721 | **** | Mobile |
McAuley | 204722 | **** | Phone |
Treherne | 204723 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204724 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204725 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204726 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204727 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204728 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204729 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204730 | **** | Mobile |
Swan River | 204731 | **** | Mobile |
Rorketon | 204732 | **** | Phone |
Ochre River | 204733 | **** | Phone |
Swan River | 204734 | **** | Phone |
Starbuck | 204735 | **** | Phone |
Sanford | 204736 | **** | Phone |
Letellier | 204737 | **** | Phone |
Petersfield | 204738 | **** | Phone |
Eriksdale | 204739 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204740 | **** | Phone |
Souris | 204741 | **** | Phone |
Ethelbert | 204742 | **** | Phone |
Cypress River | 204743 | **** | Phone |
Somerset | 204744 | **** | Phone |
Carman | 204745 | **** | Phone |
Morris | 204746 | **** | Phone |
Deloraine | 204747 | **** | Phone |
Virden | 204748 | **** | Phone |
Rathwell | 204749 | **** | Phone |
Carman | 204750 | **** | Phone |
Carman | 204751 | **** | Mobile |
Alexander | 204752 | **** | Phone |
Pinawa | 204753 | **** | Phone |
Grand Beach | 204754 | **** | Phone |
Hazelridge | 204755 | **** | Phone |
Victoria Beach | 204756 | **** | Phone |
Lockport | 204757 | **** | Phone |
Saint Jean Baptiste | 204758 | **** | Phone |
Shoal Lake | 204759 | **** | Phone |
Winnipeg | 204760 | **** | Phone |
Brandon | 204761 | **** | Phone |
Lundar | 204762 | **** | Phone |
Douglas | 204763 | **** | Phone |
Hamiota | 204764 | **** | Phone |
Shilo | 204765 | **** | Phone |
Libau | 204766 | **** | Phone |
Alonsa | 204767 | **** | Phone |
Ashern | 204768 | **** | Phone |
... View other 13768 city phone codes Canada ... |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
Airtel Wireless | Area code | ********** |
Bell | Area code | ********** |
Chatr Wireless | Area code | ********** |
CityWest | Area code | ********** |
Cityfone | Area code | ********** |
DCI | Area code | ********** |
DMTS | Area code | ********** |
Fido | Area code | ********** |
Good2GO Mobile | Area code | ********** |
Ice Wireless | Area code | ********** |
KMTS | Area code | ********** |
Koodo Mobile | Area code | ********** |
Lynx Mobility | Area code | ********** |
MTS | Area code | ********** |
Mobilicity | Area code | ********** |
NMI Mobility | Area code | ********** |
NorthernTel | Area code | ********** |
PC mobile | Area code | ********** |
Petro-Canada Mobility | Area code | ********** |
Primus | Area code | ********** |
Public Mobile | Area code | ********** |
Roam Mobility | Area code | ********** |
Rogers | Area code | ********** |
SaskTel | Area code | ********** |
Sears | Area code | ********** |
Shaw | Area code | ********** |
SimplyConnect | Area code | ********** |
Solo Mobility | Area code | ********** |
SpeakOut | Area code | ********** |
Talk & Earn | Area code | ********** |
Talk & Save | Area code | ********** |
Tbaytel | Area code | ********** |
Telebec | Area code | ********** |
Telus | Area code | ********** |
TerreStar | Area code | ********** |
Videotron | Area code | ********** |
Virgin Mobile | Area code | ********** |
Wind Mobile | Area code | ********** |
uWho | Area code | ********** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 911 |
Fire | 911 |
Medical | 911 |
Service type | Phone code | Phone number length |
National | 600 | ******* |
Canada International Code | +1 |
International phone prefix of Canada | 011 |
Trunk phone prefix of Canada | 1 |
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