City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Jambalo Y Pitayo | 2 | ******* | Phone |
Jambalo Y Pitayo | 282526 | ** | Phone |
Jambalo Y Pitayo | 282527 | ** | Phone |
Jambalo Y Pitayo | 282528 | ** | Phone |
Jamundi | 2 | ******* | Phone |
Jamundi | 2590 | **** | Phone |
Jamundi | 2591 | **** | Phone |
Jamundi | 2592 | **** | Phone |
Jamundi | 292850 | ** | Phone |
Jamundi | 292851 | ** | Phone |
Jardin | 4 | ******* | Phone |
Jardin | 48455 | *** | Phone |
Jardin | 48456 | *** | Phone |
Jardin | 48457 | *** | Phone |
Jardin | 48458 | *** | Phone |
Jardin | 492299 | ** | Phone |
Jardin | 492300 | ** | Phone |
Jenezano | 8 | ******* | Phone |
Jenezano | 87363 | *** | Phone |
Jenezano | 87364 | *** | Phone |
Jerico | 4 | ******* | Phone |
Jerico | 48523 | *** | Phone |
Jerico | 48524 | *** | Phone |
Jerico | 48525 | *** | Phone |
Jerico | 48526 | *** | Phone |
Jerico | 492309 | ** | Phone |
Jerico | 492310 | ** | Phone |
Jerusalen | 1 | ******* | Phone |
Jerusalen | 183700 | ** | Phone |
Jerusalen | 183701 | ** | Phone |
Jerusalen | 183702 | ** | Phone |
Jerusalen | 183703 | ** | Phone |
Juan De Acosta | 5 | ******* | Phone |
Juan De Acosta | 58754 | *** | Phone |
Juanchaco-Ladril | 2 | ******* | Phone |
Juanchaco-Ladril | 224601 | ** | Phone |
Juanchaco-Ladril | 224602 | ** | Phone |
Juanchaco-Ladril | 224603 | ** | Phone |
Juanchaco-Ladril | 224604 | ** | Phone |
Junin | 1 | ******* | Phone |
Junin | 185330 | ** | Phone |
Junin | 185331 | ** | Phone |
Junin | 185332 | ** | Phone |
Junin | 185333 | ** | Phone |
Junin | 185334 | ** | Phone |
Junin | 185335 | ** | Phone |
Junin | 8 | ******* | Phone |
Junin | 82844 | *** | Phone |
Jurado | 8 | ******* | Phone |
Jurado | 85662094 | Phone | |
Jurado | 85662095 | Phone | |
Jurado | 85662096 | Phone | |
Jurado | 85662685 | Phone | |
Jurado | 85662686 | Phone | |
Jurado | 85662687 | Phone | |
Jurado | 85662688 | Phone | |
Jurado | 85662689 | Phone | |
Jurado | 85662690 | Phone |
Birthday greetings for sms messages
You are unique you are caring and you are the best. And I am the luckiest to have you in my life! Happy valentine's day my sweet heartValentines day greetings for sms messages
I need some time alone with myselfSome times in life, one feels that all doors are closed... When that happens in your life, remember that words that not all closed doors are lockedMotivational texts for sms messages
There are three things in life that are very valuable friends, family and self confidence so first of all love that three thingsClose your eyes, call it escape. We'll run away from everythingIf I could have 1 wish: D only thing I'd wish 4 is 2 be in the form of soap bubbles so I'd flow all over your body! Goodmorning 2 UGood morning texts for sms messages
Your friends will know you better in the first minute they meet you than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years. - Richard bachLong ago, men who sacrificed their love, youth, parents, identity, laughter and their happines were called saints! Now they are called husbandsI will honor christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year |