City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Abengawad | 553 | ***** | Phone |
Abu Issa | 274 | ***** | Phone |
Abuhadi | 551 | ***** | Phone |
Ajailat | 282 | ***** | Phone |
Al Josh | 454 | ***** | Phone |
Azizia | 272 | ***** | Phone |
Bani Walid | 322 | ***** | Phone |
Ben Gashir | 22 | ****** | Phone |
Benghazi | 61 | ****** | Phone |
Benina | 63 | ****** | Phone |
Bergen | 732 | ***** | Phone |
Bisher | 655 | ***** | Phone |
Brak | 721 | ***** | Phone |
Bugrain | 529 | ***** | Phone |
Buzayan | 425 | ***** | Phone |
Dafnia | 523 | ***** | Phone |
Deriana | 625 | ***** | Phone |
Derna | 81 | ****** | Phone |
Edry | 723 | ***** | Phone |
El Beida | 84 | ****** | Phone |
Elbayada | 684 | ***** | Phone |
Elkuwaifia | 624 | ***** | Phone |
Elmagrun | 629 | ***** | Phone |
Elmareg | 67 | ****** | Phone |
Elmaya | 279 | ***** | Phone |
Ezzaonia | 23 | ****** | Phone |
Garda | 733 | ***** | Phone |
Garian | 41 | ****** | Phone |
Ghadames | 484 | ***** | Phone |
Ghat | 724 | ***** | Phone |
Ghrefa | 729 | ***** | Phone |
Gmines | 623 | ***** | Phone |
Guassem | 423 | ***** | Phone |
Gubba | 821 | ***** | Phone |
Haraua | 82 | ****** | Phone |
Hashan | 271 | ***** | Phone |
Hugialin | 284 | ***** | Phone |
Hun | 57 | ****** | Phone |
Jaghbub | 884 | ***** | Phone |
Jalo | 657 | ***** | Phone |
Jardas | 682 | ***** | Phone |
Jerdina | 627 | ***** | Phone |
Jmail | 281 | ***** | Phone |
Kaalifa | 626 | ***** | Phone |
Kabaw | 481 | ***** | Phone |
Kasarahmad | 524 | ***** | Phone |
Khums | 31 | ****** | Phone |
Kikla | 427 | ***** | Phone |
Kofra | 652 | ***** | Phone |
Kussabat | 326 | ***** | Phone |
Mamura | 277 | ***** | Phone |
Massa | 852 | ***** | Phone |
Matred | 275 | ***** | Phone |
Misratah | 51 | ****** | Phone |
Mizda | 422 | ***** | Phone |
Murzuk | 725 | ***** | Phone |
Nalut | 47 | ****** | Phone |
Noflia | 555 | ***** | Phone |
Ojla | 653 | ***** | Phone |
Reyana | 453 | ***** | Phone |
Rujban | 452 | ***** | Phone |
Sabha | 71 | ****** | Phone |
Sabratha | 24 | ****** | Phone |
Seluk | 628 | ***** | Phone |
Shahat | 851 | ***** | Phone |
Sidi Sultan | 654 | ***** | Phone |
Sidiessaiah | 205 | ***** | Phone |
Slenta | 854 | ***** | Phone |
Sokna | 582 | ***** | Phone |
Soussa | 583 | ***** | Phone |
Suk Elkhamis | 206 | ***** | Phone |
Surt | 54 | ****** | Phone |
Swajni | 224 | ***** | Phone |
Taigura | 26 | ****** | Phone |
Taknes | 683 | ***** | Phone |
Tarhuna | 325 | ***** | Phone |
Tawergha | 522 | ***** | Phone |
Tigi | 482 | ***** | Phone |
Tolmitha | 681 | ***** | Phone |
Tomina | 685 | ***** | Phone |
Traghen | 734 | ***** | Phone |
Tripoli | 21 | ******* | Phone |
Tripoli International Airport | 22 | ****** | Phone |
Tubruq | 87 | ****** | Phone |
Ubary | 73 | ****** | Phone |
Um Laranib | 726 | ***** | Phone |
Wadi Atba | 731 | ***** | Phone |
Wadi Jeref | 554 | ***** | Phone |
Wadi Keam | 323 | ***** | Phone |
Wodan | 581 | ***** | Phone |
Yefren | 421 | ***** | Phone |
Zahra | 252 | ***** | Phone |
Zawaya | 727 | ***** | Phone |
Zawia | 23 | ****** | Phone |
Zawyat Elmahjub | 526 | ***** | Phone |
Zella | 584 | ***** | Phone |
Zliten | 521 | ***** | Phone |
Zuara | 25 | ****** | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Sidiessaiah | 205 | ***** | Phone |
Suk Elkhamis | 206 | ***** | Phone |
Tripoli | 21 | ******* | Phone |
Ben Gashir | 22 | ****** | Phone |
Tripoli International Airport | 22 | ****** | Phone |
Swajni | 224 | ***** | Phone |
Ezzaonia | 23 | ****** | Phone |
Zawia | 23 | ****** | Phone |
Sabratha | 24 | ****** | Phone |
Zuara | 25 | ****** | Phone |
Zahra | 252 | ***** | Phone |
Taigura | 26 | ****** | Phone |
Hashan | 271 | ***** | Phone |
Azizia | 272 | ***** | Phone |
Abu Issa | 274 | ***** | Phone |
Matred | 275 | ***** | Phone |
Mamura | 277 | ***** | Phone |
Elmaya | 279 | ***** | Phone |
Jmail | 281 | ***** | Phone |
Ajailat | 282 | ***** | Phone |
Hugialin | 284 | ***** | Phone |
Khums | 31 | ****** | Phone |
Bani Walid | 322 | ***** | Phone |
Wadi Keam | 323 | ***** | Phone |
Tarhuna | 325 | ***** | Phone |
Kussabat | 326 | ***** | Phone |
Garian | 41 | ****** | Phone |
Yefren | 421 | ***** | Phone |
Mizda | 422 | ***** | Phone |
Guassem | 423 | ***** | Phone |
Buzayan | 425 | ***** | Phone |
Kikla | 427 | ***** | Phone |
Rujban | 452 | ***** | Phone |
Reyana | 453 | ***** | Phone |
Al Josh | 454 | ***** | Phone |
Nalut | 47 | ****** | Phone |
Kabaw | 481 | ***** | Phone |
Tigi | 482 | ***** | Phone |
Ghadames | 484 | ***** | Phone |
Misratah | 51 | ****** | Phone |
Zliten | 521 | ***** | Phone |
Tawergha | 522 | ***** | Phone |
Dafnia | 523 | ***** | Phone |
Kasarahmad | 524 | ***** | Phone |
Zawyat Elmahjub | 526 | ***** | Phone |
Bugrain | 529 | ***** | Phone |
Surt | 54 | ****** | Phone |
Abuhadi | 551 | ***** | Phone |
Abengawad | 553 | ***** | Phone |
Wadi Jeref | 554 | ***** | Phone |
Noflia | 555 | ***** | Phone |
Hun | 57 | ****** | Phone |
Wodan | 581 | ***** | Phone |
Sokna | 582 | ***** | Phone |
Soussa | 583 | ***** | Phone |
Zella | 584 | ***** | Phone |
Benghazi | 61 | ****** | Phone |
Gmines | 623 | ***** | Phone |
Elkuwaifia | 624 | ***** | Phone |
Deriana | 625 | ***** | Phone |
Kaalifa | 626 | ***** | Phone |
Jerdina | 627 | ***** | Phone |
Seluk | 628 | ***** | Phone |
Elmagrun | 629 | ***** | Phone |
Benina | 63 | ****** | Phone |
Kofra | 652 | ***** | Phone |
Ojla | 653 | ***** | Phone |
Sidi Sultan | 654 | ***** | Phone |
Bisher | 655 | ***** | Phone |
Jalo | 657 | ***** | Phone |
Elmareg | 67 | ****** | Phone |
Tolmitha | 681 | ***** | Phone |
Jardas | 682 | ***** | Phone |
Taknes | 683 | ***** | Phone |
Elbayada | 684 | ***** | Phone |
Tomina | 685 | ***** | Phone |
Sabha | 71 | ****** | Phone |
Brak | 721 | ***** | Phone |
Edry | 723 | ***** | Phone |
Ghat | 724 | ***** | Phone |
Murzuk | 725 | ***** | Phone |
Um Laranib | 726 | ***** | Phone |
Zawaya | 727 | ***** | Phone |
Ghrefa | 729 | ***** | Phone |
Ubary | 73 | ****** | Phone |
Wadi Atba | 731 | ***** | Phone |
Bergen | 732 | ***** | Phone |
Garda | 733 | ***** | Phone |
Traghen | 734 | ***** | Phone |
Derna | 81 | ****** | Phone |
Haraua | 82 | ****** | Phone |
Gubba | 821 | ***** | Phone |
El Beida | 84 | ****** | Phone |
Shahat | 851 | ***** | Phone |
Massa | 852 | ***** | Phone |
Slenta | 854 | ***** | Phone |
Tubruq | 87 | ****** | Phone |
Jaghbub | 884 | ***** | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
Al Madar | 91 | ******* |
Libyana Mobile | 92 | ******* |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 193 |
Fire | 190 |
Medical | 191 |
Libya International Code | +218 |
International phone prefix of Libya | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Libya | 0 |
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