City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Bascharage | 2423 | (*******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 2450 | (*******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 2623 | (******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 2650 | (******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 2723 | (******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 2750 | (******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 50 | **(*******) | Phone |
Belair | 2627 | (******) | Phone |
Berdorf | 2479 | (*******) | Phone |
Berdorf | 2679 | (******) | Phone |
Berdorf | 2779 | (******) | Phone |
Berdorf | 79 | **(*******) | Phone |
Bertrange | 2431 | (*******) | Phone |
Bertrange | 2631 | (******) | Phone |
Bertrange | 2731 | (******) | Phone |
Bertrange | 31 | **(*******) | Phone |
Bettembourg | 2451 | (*******) | Phone |
Bettembourg | 2651 | (******) | Phone |
Bettembourg | 2751 | (******) | Phone |
Bettembourg | 51 | **(*******) | Phone |
Betzdorf | 2471 | (*******) | Phone |
Betzdorf | 2671 | (******) | Phone |
Betzdorf | 2771 | (******) | Phone |
Betzdorf | 71 | **(*******) | Phone |
Bissen | 2485 | (*******) | Phone |
Bissen | 2685 | (******) | Phone |
Bissen | 2785 | (******) | Phone |
Bissen | 85 | **(*******) | Phone |
Capellen | 2430 | (*******) | Phone |
Capellen | 2630 | (******) | Phone |
Capellen | 2730 | (******) | Phone |
Capellen | 30 | **(*******) | Phone |
Clervaux | 2492 | (*******) | Phone |
Clervaux | 2692 | (******) | Phone |
Clervaux | 2792 | (******) | Phone |
Clervaux | 92 | **(*******) | Phone |
Consdorf | 2479 | (*******) | Phone |
Consdorf | 2679 | (******) | Phone |
Consdorf | 2779 | (******) | Phone |
Consdorf | 79 | **(*******) | Phone |
Contern | 2448 | (*******) | Phone |
Contern | 2648 | (******) | Phone |
Contern | 2748 | (******) | Phone |
Contern | 48 | **(*******) | Phone |
Diedrich | 2445 | (*******) | Phone |
Diedrich | 2645 | (******) | Phone |
Diedrich | 2745 | (******) | Phone |
Diedrich | 45 | **(*******) | Phone |
Diekirch | 2480 | (*******) | Phone |
Diekirch | 2680 | (******) | Phone |
Diekirch | 2780 | (******) | Phone |
Diekirch | 80 | **(*******) | Phone |
Differdange | 2458 | (*******) | Phone |
Differdange | 2658 | (******) | Phone |
Differdange | 2758 | (******) | Phone |
Differdange | 58 | **(*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2451 | (*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2452 | (*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2467 | (*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2651 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2652 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2667 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2751 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2752 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2767 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 51 | **(*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 52 | **(*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 67 | **(*******) | Phone |
Echternach | 2472 | (*******) | Phone |
Echternach | 2672 | (******) | Phone |
Echternach | 2772 | (******) | Phone |
Echternach | 72 | **(*******) | Phone |
Ehlange | 2437 | (*******) | Phone |
Ehlange | 2637 | (******) | Phone |
Ehlange | 2737 | (******) | Phone |
Ehlange | 37 | **(*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2453 | (*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2454 | (*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2455 | (*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2457 | (*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2653 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2654 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2655 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2657 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2753 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2754 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2755 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2757 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 53 | **(*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 54 | **(*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 55 | **(*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 57 | **(*******) | Phone |
Ettelbruck | 2481 | (*******) | Phone |
Ettelbruck | 2681 | (******) | Phone |
Ettelbruck | 2781 | (******) | Phone |
Ettelbruck | 81 | **(*******) | Phone |
Findel | 2443 | (*******) | Phone |
Findel | 2643 | (******) | Phone |
Findel | 2743 | (******) | Phone |
Findel | 43 | **(*******) | Phone |
Fischbach | 2492 | (*******) | Phone |
Fischbach | 2692 | (******) | Phone |
Fischbach | 2792 | (******) | Phone |
Fischbach | 92 | **(*******) | Phone |
Foetz | 2448 | (*******) | Phone |
Foetz | 2648 | (******) | Phone |
Foetz | 2748 | (******) | Phone |
Foetz | 48 | **(*******) | Phone |
Grevenmacher-Sur-Moselle | 2475 | (*******) | Phone |
Grevenmacher-Sur-Moselle | 2675 | (******) | Phone |
Grevenmacher-Sur-Moselle | 2775 | (******) | Phone |
Grevenmacher-Sur-Moselle | 75 | **(*******) | Phone |
Han | 2484 | (*******) | Phone |
Han | 2684 | (******) | Phone |
Han | 2784 | (******) | Phone |
Han | 84 | **(*******) | Phone |
Hesperange | 2436 | (*******) | Phone |
Hesperange | 2636 | (******) | Phone |
Hesperange | 2736 | (******) | Phone |
Hesperange | 36 | **(*******) | Phone |
Hosingen | 2492 | (*******) | Phone |
Hosingen | 2692 | (******) | Phone |
Hosingen | 2792 | (******) | Phone |
Hosingen | 92 | **(*******) | Phone |
Howald | 2440 | (*******) | Phone |
Howald | 2449 | (*******) | Phone |
Howald | 2640 | (******) | Phone |
Howald | 2649 | (******) | Phone |
Howald | 2740 | (******) | Phone |
Howald | 2749 | (******) | Phone |
Howald | 40 | **(*******) | Phone |
Howald | 49 | **(*******) | Phone |
Huldange | 2497 | (*******) | Phone |
Huldange | 2697 | (******) | Phone |
Huldange | 2797 | (******) | Phone |
Huldange | 97 | **(*******) | Phone |
Junglinster | 2478 | (*******) | Phone |
Junglinster | 2678 | (******) | Phone |
Junglinster | 2778 | (******) | Phone |
Junglinster | 78 | **(*******) | Phone |
Kehlen | 2430 | (*******) | Phone |
Kehlen | 2630 | (******) | Phone |
Kehlen | 2730 | (******) | Phone |
Kehlen | 30 | **(*******) | Phone |
Kirchberg | 2443 | (*******) | Phone |
Kirchberg | 2643 | (******) | Phone |
Kirchberg | 2743 | (******) | Phone |
Kirchberg | 43 | **(*******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2429 | (*******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2436 | (*******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2629 | (******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2636 | (******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2729 | (******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2736 | (******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 29 | **(*******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 36 | **(*******) | Phone |
Larochette | 2487 | (*******) | Phone |
Larochette | 2687 | (******) | Phone |
Larochette | 2787 | (******) | Phone |
Larochette | 87 | **(*******) | Phone |
Lesse | 2484 | (*******) | Phone |
Lesse | 2684 | (******) | Phone |
Lesse | 2784 | (******) | Phone |
Lesse | 84 | **(*******) | Phone |
Leudelange | 2437 | (*******) | Phone |
Leudelange | 2637 | (******) | Phone |
Leudelange | 2737 | (******) | Phone |
Leudelange | 37 | **(*******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2432 | (*******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2447 | (*******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2632 | (******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2647 | (******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2732 | (******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2747 | (******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 32 | **(*******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 47 | **(*******) | Phone |
Livange | 2451 | (*******) | Phone |
Livange | 2651 | (******) | Phone |
Livange | 2751 | (******) | Phone |
Livange | 51 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 21 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 22 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 23 | **(****) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 24 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2425 | (*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2429 | (*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 25 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 26 | **(******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2625 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2629 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 27 | **(******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2725 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2729 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 28 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 29 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 3 | ***(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 4 | ***(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 5 | ***(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 7 | ***(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 802 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 803 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 804 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 805 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 806 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 807 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 808 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 809 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 81 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 82 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 83 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 84 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 85 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 86 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 87 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 88 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 89 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 908 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 909 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 92 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 93 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 94 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 95 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 97 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 99 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2422 | (*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2428 | (*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2622 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2628 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2722 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2728 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 28 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 4 | ***(*******) | Phone |
Mamer | 2431 | (*******) | Phone |
Mamer | 2631 | (******) | Phone |
Mamer | 2731 | (******) | Phone |
Mamer | 31 | **(*******) | Phone |
Mersch | 2432 | (*******) | Phone |
Mersch | 2632 | (******) | Phone |
Mersch | 2732 | (******) | Phone |
Mersch | 32 | **(*******) | Phone |
Mertzig | 2488 | (*******) | Phone |
Mertzig | 2688 | (******) | Phone |
Mertzig | 2788 | (******) | Phone |
Mertzig | 88 | **(*******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2437 | (*******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2455 | (*******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2637 | (******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2655 | (******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2737 | (******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2755 | (******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 37 | **(*******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 55 | **(*******) | Phone |
Mondorf-Les-Bains | 2423 | (*******) | Phone |
Mondorf-Les-Bains | 2623 | (******) | Phone |
Mondorf-Les-Bains | 2723 | (******) | Phone |
Moutfort | 2435 | (*******) | Phone |
Moutfort | 2635 | (******) | Phone |
Moutfort | 2735 | (******) | Phone |
Moutfort | 35 | **(*******) | Phone |
Munsbach | 2431 | (*******) | Phone |
Munsbach | 2631 | (******) | Phone |
Munsbach | 2731 | (******) | Phone |
Munsbach | 31 | **(*******) | Phone |
Noerdange | 2423 | (*******) | Phone |
Noerdange | 2623 | (******) | Phone |
Noerdange | 2723 | (******) | Phone |
Petange | 2450 | (*******) | Phone |
Petange | 2650 | (******) | Phone |
Petange | 2750 | (******) | Phone |
Petange | 50 | **(*******) | Phone |
Plateau De Kirchberg | 2442 | (*******) | Phone |
Plateau De Kirchberg | 2642 | (******) | Phone |
Plateau De Kirchberg | 2742 | (******) | Phone |
Plateau De Kirchberg | 42 | **(*******) | Phone |
Rameldange | 2434 | (*******) | Phone |
Rameldange | 2634 | (******) | Phone |
Rameldange | 2734 | (******) | Phone |
Rameldange | 34 | **(*******) | Phone |
Reckange-Sur-Mess | 2481 | (*******) | Phone |
Reckange-Sur-Mess | 2681 | (******) | Phone |
Reckange-Sur-Mess | 2781 | (******) | Phone |
Reckange-Sur-Mess | 81 | **(*******) | Phone |
Remich | 2423 | (*******) | Phone |
Remich | 2623 | (******) | Phone |
Remich | 2723 | (******) | Phone |
Rodange | 2450 | (*******) | Phone |
Rodange | 2650 | (******) | Phone |
Rodange | 2750 | (******) | Phone |
Rodange | 50 | **(*******) | Phone |
Roeser | 2436 | (*******) | Phone |
Roeser | 2636 | (******) | Phone |
Roeser | 2736 | (******) | Phone |
Roeser | 36 | **(*******) | Phone |
Roodt-Sur-Syre | 2435 | (*******) | Phone |
Roodt-Sur-Syre | 2635 | (******) | Phone |
Roodt-Sur-Syre | 2735 | (******) | Phone |
Roodt-Sur-Syre | 35 | **(*******) | Phone |
Roost | 2485 | (*******) | Phone |
Roost | 2685 | (******) | Phone |
Roost | 2785 | (******) | Phone |
Roost | 85 | **(*******) | Phone |
Rosport | 2473 | (*******) | Phone |
Rosport | 2673 | (******) | Phone |
Rosport | 2773 | (******) | Phone |
Rosport | 73 | **(*******) | Phone |
Rumelange | 2456 | (*******) | Phone |
Rumelange | 2656 | (******) | Phone |
Rumelange | 2756 | (******) | Phone |
Rumelange | 56 | **(*******) | Phone |
Sandweiler | 2435 | (*******) | Phone |
Sandweiler | 2635 | (******) | Phone |
Sandweiler | 2735 | (******) | Phone |
Sandweiler | 35 | **(*******) | Phone |
Schifflange | 2457 | (*******) | Phone |
Schifflange | 2657 | (******) | Phone |
Schifflange | 2757 | (******) | Phone |
Schifflange | 57 | **(*******) | Phone |
Senningerberg | 2434 | (*******) | Phone |
Senningerberg | 2634 | (******) | Phone |
Senningerberg | 2734 | (******) | Phone |
Senningerberg | 34 | **(*******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2458 | (*******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2459 | (*******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2658 | (******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2659 | (******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2758 | (******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2759 | (******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 58 | **(*******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 59 | **(*******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2432 | (*******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2439 | (*******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2632 | (******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2639 | (******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2732 | (******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2739 | (******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 32 | **(*******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 39 | **(*******) | Phone |
Strassen | 2431 | (*******) | Phone |
Strassen | 2631 | (******) | Phone |
Strassen | 2731 | (******) | Phone |
Strassen | 31 | **(*******) | Phone |
Troisvierges | 2499 | (*******) | Phone |
Troisvierges | 2699 | (******) | Phone |
Troisvierges | 2799 | (******) | Phone |
Troisvierges | 99 | **(*******) | Phone |
Vianden | 2483 | (*******) | Phone |
Vianden | 2683 | (******) | Phone |
Vianden | 2783 | (******) | Phone |
Vianden | 83 | **(*******) | Phone |
Wahl | 2488 | (*******) | Phone |
Wahl | 2688 | (******) | Phone |
Wahl | 2788 | (******) | Phone |
Wahl | 88 | **(*******) | Phone |
Walferdange | 2433 | (*******) | Phone |
Walferdange | 2633 | (******) | Phone |
Walferdange | 2733 | (******) | Phone |
Walferdange | 33 | **(*******) | Phone |
Wasserbillig | 2474 | (*******) | Phone |
Wasserbillig | 2674 | (******) | Phone |
Wasserbillig | 2774 | (******) | Phone |
Wasserbillig | 74 | **(*******) | Phone |
Weicherdange | 2421 | (*******) | Phone |
Weicherdange | 2621 | (******) | Phone |
Weicherdange | 2721 | (******) | Phone |
Wiltz | 2495 | (*******) | Phone |
Wiltz | 2695 | (******) | Phone |
Wiltz | 2795 | (******) | Phone |
Wiltz | 95 | **(*******) | Phone |
Windhof | 2439 | (*******) | Phone |
Windhof | 2639 | (******) | Phone |
Windhof | 2739 | (******) | Phone |
Windhof | 39 | **(*******) | Phone |
Wormeldange | 2476 | (*******) | Phone |
Wormeldange | 2676 | (******) | Phone |
Wormeldange | 2776 | (******) | Phone |
Wormeldange | 76 | **(*******) | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Luxembourg | 21 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 22 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 23 | **(****) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 24 | **(*******) | Phone |
Weicherdange | 2421 | (*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2422 | (*******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 2423 | (*******) | Phone |
Mondorf-Les-Bains | 2423 | (*******) | Phone |
Noerdange | 2423 | (*******) | Phone |
Remich | 2423 | (*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2425 | (*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2428 | (*******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2429 | (*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2429 | (*******) | Phone |
Capellen | 2430 | (*******) | Phone |
Kehlen | 2430 | (*******) | Phone |
Bertrange | 2431 | (*******) | Phone |
Mamer | 2431 | (*******) | Phone |
Munsbach | 2431 | (*******) | Phone |
Strassen | 2431 | (*******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2432 | (*******) | Phone |
Mersch | 2432 | (*******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2432 | (*******) | Phone |
Walferdange | 2433 | (*******) | Phone |
Rameldange | 2434 | (*******) | Phone |
Senningerberg | 2434 | (*******) | Phone |
Moutfort | 2435 | (*******) | Phone |
Roodt-Sur-Syre | 2435 | (*******) | Phone |
Sandweiler | 2435 | (*******) | Phone |
Hesperange | 2436 | (*******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2436 | (*******) | Phone |
Roeser | 2436 | (*******) | Phone |
Ehlange | 2437 | (*******) | Phone |
Leudelange | 2437 | (*******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2437 | (*******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2439 | (*******) | Phone |
Windhof | 2439 | (*******) | Phone |
Howald | 2440 | (*******) | Phone |
Plateau De Kirchberg | 2442 | (*******) | Phone |
Findel | 2443 | (*******) | Phone |
Kirchberg | 2443 | (*******) | Phone |
Diedrich | 2445 | (*******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2447 | (*******) | Phone |
Contern | 2448 | (*******) | Phone |
Foetz | 2448 | (*******) | Phone |
Howald | 2449 | (*******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 2450 | (*******) | Phone |
Petange | 2450 | (*******) | Phone |
Rodange | 2450 | (*******) | Phone |
Bettembourg | 2451 | (*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2451 | (*******) | Phone |
Livange | 2451 | (*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2452 | (*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2453 | (*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2454 | (*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2455 | (*******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2455 | (*******) | Phone |
Rumelange | 2456 | (*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2457 | (*******) | Phone |
Schifflange | 2457 | (*******) | Phone |
Differdange | 2458 | (*******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2458 | (*******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2459 | (*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2467 | (*******) | Phone |
Betzdorf | 2471 | (*******) | Phone |
Echternach | 2472 | (*******) | Phone |
Rosport | 2473 | (*******) | Phone |
Wasserbillig | 2474 | (*******) | Phone |
Grevenmacher-Sur-Moselle | 2475 | (*******) | Phone |
Wormeldange | 2476 | (*******) | Phone |
Junglinster | 2478 | (*******) | Phone |
Berdorf | 2479 | (*******) | Phone |
Consdorf | 2479 | (*******) | Phone |
Diekirch | 2480 | (*******) | Phone |
Ettelbruck | 2481 | (*******) | Phone |
Reckange-Sur-Mess | 2481 | (*******) | Phone |
Vianden | 2483 | (*******) | Phone |
Han | 2484 | (*******) | Phone |
Lesse | 2484 | (*******) | Phone |
Bissen | 2485 | (*******) | Phone |
Roost | 2485 | (*******) | Phone |
Larochette | 2487 | (*******) | Phone |
Mertzig | 2488 | (*******) | Phone |
Wahl | 2488 | (*******) | Phone |
Clervaux | 2492 | (*******) | Phone |
Fischbach | 2492 | (*******) | Phone |
Hosingen | 2492 | (*******) | Phone |
Wiltz | 2495 | (*******) | Phone |
Huldange | 2497 | (*******) | Phone |
Troisvierges | 2499 | (*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 25 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 26 | **(******) | Phone |
Weicherdange | 2621 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2622 | (******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 2623 | (******) | Phone |
Mondorf-Les-Bains | 2623 | (******) | Phone |
Noerdange | 2623 | (******) | Phone |
Remich | 2623 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2625 | (******) | Phone |
Belair | 2627 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2628 | (******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2629 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2629 | (******) | Phone |
Capellen | 2630 | (******) | Phone |
Kehlen | 2630 | (******) | Phone |
Bertrange | 2631 | (******) | Phone |
Mamer | 2631 | (******) | Phone |
Munsbach | 2631 | (******) | Phone |
Strassen | 2631 | (******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2632 | (******) | Phone |
Mersch | 2632 | (******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2632 | (******) | Phone |
Walferdange | 2633 | (******) | Phone |
Rameldange | 2634 | (******) | Phone |
Senningerberg | 2634 | (******) | Phone |
Moutfort | 2635 | (******) | Phone |
Roodt-Sur-Syre | 2635 | (******) | Phone |
Sandweiler | 2635 | (******) | Phone |
Hesperange | 2636 | (******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2636 | (******) | Phone |
Roeser | 2636 | (******) | Phone |
Ehlange | 2637 | (******) | Phone |
Leudelange | 2637 | (******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2637 | (******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2639 | (******) | Phone |
Windhof | 2639 | (******) | Phone |
Howald | 2640 | (******) | Phone |
Plateau De Kirchberg | 2642 | (******) | Phone |
Findel | 2643 | (******) | Phone |
Kirchberg | 2643 | (******) | Phone |
Diedrich | 2645 | (******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2647 | (******) | Phone |
Contern | 2648 | (******) | Phone |
Foetz | 2648 | (******) | Phone |
Howald | 2649 | (******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 2650 | (******) | Phone |
Petange | 2650 | (******) | Phone |
Rodange | 2650 | (******) | Phone |
Bettembourg | 2651 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2651 | (******) | Phone |
Livange | 2651 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2652 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2653 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2654 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2655 | (******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2655 | (******) | Phone |
Rumelange | 2656 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2657 | (******) | Phone |
Schifflange | 2657 | (******) | Phone |
Differdange | 2658 | (******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2658 | (******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2659 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2667 | (******) | Phone |
Betzdorf | 2671 | (******) | Phone |
Echternach | 2672 | (******) | Phone |
Rosport | 2673 | (******) | Phone |
Wasserbillig | 2674 | (******) | Phone |
Grevenmacher-Sur-Moselle | 2675 | (******) | Phone |
Wormeldange | 2676 | (******) | Phone |
Junglinster | 2678 | (******) | Phone |
Berdorf | 2679 | (******) | Phone |
Consdorf | 2679 | (******) | Phone |
Diekirch | 2680 | (******) | Phone |
Ettelbruck | 2681 | (******) | Phone |
Reckange-Sur-Mess | 2681 | (******) | Phone |
Vianden | 2683 | (******) | Phone |
Han | 2684 | (******) | Phone |
Lesse | 2684 | (******) | Phone |
Bissen | 2685 | (******) | Phone |
Roost | 2685 | (******) | Phone |
Larochette | 2687 | (******) | Phone |
Mertzig | 2688 | (******) | Phone |
Wahl | 2688 | (******) | Phone |
Clervaux | 2692 | (******) | Phone |
Fischbach | 2692 | (******) | Phone |
Hosingen | 2692 | (******) | Phone |
Wiltz | 2695 | (******) | Phone |
Huldange | 2697 | (******) | Phone |
Troisvierges | 2699 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 27 | **(******) | Phone |
Weicherdange | 2721 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2722 | (******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 2723 | (******) | Phone |
Mondorf-Les-Bains | 2723 | (******) | Phone |
Noerdange | 2723 | (******) | Phone |
Remich | 2723 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2725 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 2728 | (******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2729 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 2729 | (******) | Phone |
Capellen | 2730 | (******) | Phone |
Kehlen | 2730 | (******) | Phone |
Bertrange | 2731 | (******) | Phone |
Mamer | 2731 | (******) | Phone |
Munsbach | 2731 | (******) | Phone |
Strassen | 2731 | (******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2732 | (******) | Phone |
Mersch | 2732 | (******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2732 | (******) | Phone |
Walferdange | 2733 | (******) | Phone |
Rameldange | 2734 | (******) | Phone |
Senningerberg | 2734 | (******) | Phone |
Moutfort | 2735 | (******) | Phone |
Roodt-Sur-Syre | 2735 | (******) | Phone |
Sandweiler | 2735 | (******) | Phone |
Hesperange | 2736 | (******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 2736 | (******) | Phone |
Roeser | 2736 | (******) | Phone |
Ehlange | 2737 | (******) | Phone |
Leudelange | 2737 | (******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2737 | (******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 2739 | (******) | Phone |
Windhof | 2739 | (******) | Phone |
Howald | 2740 | (******) | Phone |
Plateau De Kirchberg | 2742 | (******) | Phone |
Findel | 2743 | (******) | Phone |
Kirchberg | 2743 | (******) | Phone |
Diedrich | 2745 | (******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 2747 | (******) | Phone |
Contern | 2748 | (******) | Phone |
Foetz | 2748 | (******) | Phone |
Howald | 2749 | (******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 2750 | (******) | Phone |
Petange | 2750 | (******) | Phone |
Rodange | 2750 | (******) | Phone |
Bettembourg | 2751 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2751 | (******) | Phone |
Livange | 2751 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2752 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2753 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2754 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2755 | (******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 2755 | (******) | Phone |
Rumelange | 2756 | (******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 2757 | (******) | Phone |
Schifflange | 2757 | (******) | Phone |
Differdange | 2758 | (******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2758 | (******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 2759 | (******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 2767 | (******) | Phone |
Betzdorf | 2771 | (******) | Phone |
Echternach | 2772 | (******) | Phone |
Rosport | 2773 | (******) | Phone |
Wasserbillig | 2774 | (******) | Phone |
Grevenmacher-Sur-Moselle | 2775 | (******) | Phone |
Wormeldange | 2776 | (******) | Phone |
Junglinster | 2778 | (******) | Phone |
Berdorf | 2779 | (******) | Phone |
Consdorf | 2779 | (******) | Phone |
Diekirch | 2780 | (******) | Phone |
Ettelbruck | 2781 | (******) | Phone |
Reckange-Sur-Mess | 2781 | (******) | Phone |
Vianden | 2783 | (******) | Phone |
Han | 2784 | (******) | Phone |
Lesse | 2784 | (******) | Phone |
Bissen | 2785 | (******) | Phone |
Roost | 2785 | (******) | Phone |
Larochette | 2787 | (******) | Phone |
Mertzig | 2788 | (******) | Phone |
Wahl | 2788 | (******) | Phone |
Clervaux | 2792 | (******) | Phone |
Fischbach | 2792 | (******) | Phone |
Hosingen | 2792 | (******) | Phone |
Wiltz | 2795 | (******) | Phone |
Huldange | 2797 | (******) | Phone |
Troisvierges | 2799 | (******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 28 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 28 | **(*******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 29 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 29 | **(*******) | Phone |
Capellen | 30 | **(*******) | Phone |
Kehlen | 30 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 3 | ***(*******) | Phone |
Bertrange | 31 | **(*******) | Phone |
Mamer | 31 | **(*******) | Phone |
Munsbach | 31 | **(*******) | Phone |
Strassen | 31 | **(*******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 32 | **(*******) | Phone |
Mersch | 32 | **(*******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 32 | **(*******) | Phone |
Walferdange | 33 | **(*******) | Phone |
Rameldange | 34 | **(*******) | Phone |
Senningerberg | 34 | **(*******) | Phone |
Moutfort | 35 | **(*******) | Phone |
Roodt-Sur-Syre | 35 | **(*******) | Phone |
Sandweiler | 35 | **(*******) | Phone |
Hesperange | 36 | **(*******) | Phone |
Kockelscheuer | 36 | **(*******) | Phone |
Roeser | 36 | **(*******) | Phone |
Ehlange | 37 | **(*******) | Phone |
Leudelange | 37 | **(*******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 37 | **(*******) | Phone |
Steinfort | 39 | **(*******) | Phone |
Windhof | 39 | **(*******) | Phone |
Howald | 40 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 4 | ***(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg City | 4 | ***(*******) | Phone |
Plateau De Kirchberg | 42 | **(*******) | Phone |
Findel | 43 | **(*******) | Phone |
Kirchberg | 43 | **(*******) | Phone |
Diedrich | 45 | **(*******) | Phone |
Lintgen | 47 | **(*******) | Phone |
Contern | 48 | **(*******) | Phone |
Foetz | 48 | **(*******) | Phone |
Howald | 49 | **(*******) | Phone |
Bascharage | 50 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 5 | ***(*******) | Phone |
Petange | 50 | **(*******) | Phone |
Rodange | 50 | **(*******) | Phone |
Bettembourg | 51 | **(*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 51 | **(*******) | Phone |
Livange | 51 | **(*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 52 | **(*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 53 | **(*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 54 | **(*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 55 | **(*******) | Phone |
Mondercange | 55 | **(*******) | Phone |
Rumelange | 56 | **(*******) | Phone |
Esch-Sur-Alzette | 57 | **(*******) | Phone |
Schifflange | 57 | **(*******) | Phone |
Differdange | 58 | **(*******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 58 | **(*******) | Phone |
Soleuvre | 59 | **(*******) | Phone |
Dudelange | 67 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 7 | ***(*******) | Phone |
Betzdorf | 71 | **(*******) | Phone |
Echternach | 72 | **(*******) | Phone |
Rosport | 73 | **(*******) | Phone |
Wasserbillig | 74 | **(*******) | Phone |
Grevenmacher-Sur-Moselle | 75 | **(*******) | Phone |
Wormeldange | 76 | **(*******) | Phone |
Junglinster | 78 | **(*******) | Phone |
Berdorf | 79 | **(*******) | Phone |
Consdorf | 79 | **(*******) | Phone |
Diekirch | 80 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 802 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 803 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 804 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 805 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 806 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 807 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 808 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 809 | *(*******) | Phone |
Ettelbruck | 81 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 81 | **(*******) | Phone |
Reckange-Sur-Mess | 81 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 82 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 83 | **(*******) | Phone |
Vianden | 83 | **(*******) | Phone |
Han | 84 | **(*******) | Phone |
Lesse | 84 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 84 | **(*******) | Phone |
Bissen | 85 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 85 | **(*******) | Phone |
Roost | 85 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 86 | **(*******) | Phone |
Larochette | 87 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 87 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 88 | **(*******) | Phone |
Mertzig | 88 | **(*******) | Phone |
Wahl | 88 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 89 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 908 | *(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 909 | *(*******) | Phone |
Clervaux | 92 | **(*******) | Phone |
Fischbach | 92 | **(*******) | Phone |
Hosingen | 92 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 92 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 93 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 94 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 95 | **(*******) | Phone |
Wiltz | 95 | **(*******) | Phone |
Huldange | 97 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 97 | **(*******) | Phone |
Luxembourg | 99 | **(*******) | Phone |
Troisvierges | 99 | **(*******) | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
LOL | 668 | ****** |
Orange | 661 | ****** |
Orange | 668 | ****** |
Post | 6021 | ***** |
Post | 621 | ****** |
Post | 628 | ****** |
Root eSolutions | 621 | ****** |
Tango | 628 | ****** |
Tango | 661 | ****** |
Verizon | 698 | ****** |
VoipGATE | 691 | ****** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 112 |
Fire | 112 |
Medical | 112 |
Police | 113 |
Child Help-Line | 116111 |
Hazards | 112 |
Service type | Phone code | Phone number length |
VoIP | 20 | ****** |
Free phone | 800 | ***** |
Internet | 127 | ** |
Internet | 128 | ** |
Internet | 129 | ** |
Internet | 60 | *********** |
Premium line | 900 | *(****) |
Premium line | 901 | *(****) |
Premium line | 905 | *(****) |
Premium line | 906 | *(****) |
Premium line | 907 | *(****) |
Routing | 04780 | |
Audio | 96 | ***(*******) |
Shared cost | 801 | ***** |
Luxembourg International Code | +352 |
International phone prefix of Luxembourg | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Luxembourg |
Thanksgiving day greetings for sms messages
O christmas sun! What holy task is thine! To fold a world in the embrace of god! - Guy wetmore carrylChristmas greetings for sms messages
He couldnae engineer his way outta paper bagI used to dream of eyes so blue and loving arms to hold me. I used to dream of heroic knights and how gracious they would beWish you A... Great, prosperous, blissful, healthy, bright, delightful, mind blowing, energetic, terrific & extremely... Happy, happy new yearNew year greetings for sms messages
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at himA father means so many things... An understanding heart, a source of strength & support right from the very start. Happy father's dayYou've got about as much chance as finding a vegetarian pit bull terrierRoses of red grow in my heart and they will never wither... 'Cause they bloom every time I see your smile, hear your voice or just think of youTwo souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one |