City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Mayotte | 26906 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26950 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26951 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26960 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26961 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26962 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26963 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26964 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26970 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26980 | **** | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Mayotte | 26906 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26950 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26951 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26960 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26961 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26962 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26963 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26964 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26970 | **** | Phone |
Mayotte | 26980 | **** | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
BJT Partners | 63930 | **** |
BJT Partners | 63950 | **** |
BJT Partners | 63970 | **** |
BJT Partners | 63990 | **** |
Only | 63903 | **** |
Only | 63904 | **** |
Only | 63905 | **** |
Only | 63906 | **** |
Only | 63907 | **** |
Only | 63919 | **** |
Only | 63926 | **** |
Only | 63939 | **** |
Only | 63994 | **** |
Only | 63995 | **** |
Only | 63996 | **** |
Only | 63997 | **** |
Orange | 63900 | **** |
Orange | 63960 | **** |
Orange | 63961 | **** |
SFR | 63909 | **** |
SFR | 63910 | **** |
SFR | 63911 | **** |
SFR | 63920 | **** |
SFR | 63921 | **** |
SFR | 63922 | **** |
SFR | 63923 | **** |
SFR | 63924 | **** |
SFR | 63925 | **** |
SFR | 63927 | **** |
SFR | 63928 | **** |
SFR | 63929 | **** |
SFR | 63940 | **** |
SFR | 63965 | **** |
SFR | 63966 | **** |
SFR | 63967 | **** |
SFR | 63968 | **** |
SFR | 63969 | **** |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 112 |
Fire | 603054 |
Medical | 15 |
Police | 611222 |
Police | 611216 |
Fire | 611518 |
Medical | 618000 |
Service type | Phone code | Phone number length |
Mobile | 639 | ****** |
Mayotte International Code | +262 |
International phone prefix of Mayotte | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Mayotte |
Miss you texts for sms messages
Learn something new each day-keep your eyes, ears and most of all your mind openRoses are red... Violets are blue... But a face like yours belongs in the zooFriendship texts for sms messages
Love is something special, a treasure I want to find... To others, love is blind but for me, its not true, coz when I fell in love... I saw youYou're the one I want, the one I need, but bad mistakes I've done indeed. In search for forgiveness and happiness too, I want to say that I love UI can't imagine a life without you. Thank you dad for being the best dad of the world. Happy father's dayFathers day greetings for sms messages
I'd love to ask how old you are, but unfortunately I know you can't count that highQ: Can a kangaroo jump higher than the empire state building? A: Yes, because the empire state building can't jumpRock bottom is good solid ground, and a dead end street is just a place to turn around. - Buddy buie and J. R. Cobb, 'Rock bottom' |