
Montserrat phone codes
Montserrat cities and mobile phone codes + Dialling rules

Montserrat telephone codes

Cities phone codes sorted by alphabet

CityArea codePhone number lengthType of connection

Cities phone codes sorted by area code

CityArea codePhone number lengthType of connection

Mobile operators cell phone codes

OperatorMobile codePhone number length

Emergency phone numbers

ServicePhone number
Police 999
Fire 911
Medical 999
Medical 911

Other phone services codes

Service typePhone codePhone number length
Premium line664413****

How to call - phone dialling rules.

Montserrat International Code+1
International phone prefix of Montserrat011
Trunk phone prefix of Montserrat1
How to call from other country local phone number to Montserrat local phone number
International prefix - 1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Montserrat local phone number to Montserrat local phone number
1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Montserrat local phone number to other country local phone number
011 - Country code - Region code - Phone number
How to call from other country mobile phone number to Montserrat local phone number
International prefix - 1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Montserrat mobile phone number to Montserrat local phone number
1 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Montserrat mobile phone number to other country local phone number
011 - Country code - Region code - Phone number
How to call from other country cellular phone number to Montserrat cell phone number
International prefix - 1 - Mobile code - Phone number
How to call from Montserrat cellular phone number to Montserrat cell phone number
1 - Mobile code - Phone number
How to call from Montserrat cellular phone number to other country cell phone number
011 - Country code - Mobile code - Phone number

Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 22 December 2024
Jewish calendar: 10 Tevet 5776
Islamic calendar: 10 Rabi al-Awwal 1437
Chinese calendar: 12 day 11 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• National Mathematics Day (India)
• Diplomatic Service Workers Day (Ukraine)
• Energetics Day (Ukraine)
• Energetics Day (Russia)
• Tenth of Tevet Fast - Tsom Asarah b-Tevet (Jewish)
• Mother's Day (Indonesia)
• Energetics Day (Belarus)
• Energetics Day (Kazakhstan)
• Energetics Day (Armenia)
• Energetics Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know

Graduation greetings for sms messages

Does a liar lies when he says he says he is telling a lie

Riddle, puzzle for sms messages

This christmas give us a message that we should live unite with great peace, so, here is a bundle of some sweet wishes for you. Merry christmas

Christmas greetings for sms messages

Mother nature is a supreme bitch

Insult texts for sms messages

You hurt me once... Shame on you. You hurt me twice... Shame on me

Sad texts for sms messages

You used to let me win when I was a kid. But don't think I would let you when you would grow old because I'm competitive. Happy father's day

Fathers day greetings for sms messages

I love the air, because it touches you. I love the sun, because it falls on you. I love my heart, because it loves you

Love texts for sms messages

If you don't climb the mountain, you can't see the view

Thank texts for sms messages

Friendship iz vast like universe, it iz deep like sea, it iz high like sky, it iz strong like roke, it iz kind like mother, and it iz sweet like U

Friendship texts for sms messages

Roses of red grow in my heart and they will never wither... 'Cause they bloom every time I see your smile, hear your voice or just think of you

Love texts for sms messages