
Andorra phone codes
Andorra cities and mobile phone codes + Dialling rules

Andorra telephone codes

Cities phone codes sorted by alphabet

CityArea codePhone number lengthType of connection

Cities phone codes sorted by area code

CityArea codePhone number lengthType of connection

Mobile operators cell phone codes

OperatorMobile codePhone number length

Emergency phone numbers

ServicePhone number
Police 110
Fire 118
Medical 116
Women Help Line 181

Other phone services codes

Service typePhone codePhone number length
Premium line9*****
Voice mail690******

How to call - phone dialling rules.

Andorra International Code+376
International phone prefix of Andorra00
Trunk phone prefix of Andorra
How to call from other country local phone number to Andorra local phone number
International prefix - 376 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Andorra local phone number to Andorra local phone number
Region code - Phone number
How to call from Andorra local phone number to other country local phone number
00 - Country code - Region code - Phone number
How to call from other country mobile phone number to Andorra local phone number
International prefix - 376 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Andorra mobile phone number to Andorra local phone number
Region code - Phone number
How to call from Andorra mobile phone number to other country local phone number
00 - Country code - Region code - Phone number
How to call from other country cellular phone number to Andorra cell phone number
International prefix - 376 - Mobile code - Phone number
How to call from Andorra cellular phone number to Andorra cell phone number
Mobile code - Phone number
How to call from Andorra cellular phone number to other country cell phone number
00 - Country code - Mobile code - Phone number

Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 27 April 2024
Jewish calendar: 8 Iyar 5775
Islamic calendar: 8 Rajab 1436
Chinese calendar: 9 day 3 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• World Graphic Design Day (International)
• Sakha Republic Day (Yakutia, Russia)
• Notaries Day (Russia)
• Russian Parliamentarism Day (Russia)
• Units for the Protection of Important State Objects and Special Cargo Day (Russia)
• Samuel Morse Birthday (Russia)
• UnFreedom Day (South Africa)
• Freedom Day (South Africa)
• Second Austrian Republic Declaration of Independence Day (Austria)
• National War Veterans Day (Finland)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

You are the mother I received the day I wed your son and I just want to thank you' mum for all the things you've done

Marriage greetings for sms messages

May your life be filled with colours and yours w-i-s-h-e-s all come true

Birthday greetings for sms messages

Growing seed makes no sound. But falling tree makes huge noise. Destruction has noise, creation is always quiet. This is the power fo silence

Good luck texts for sms messages

The rain makes all things beautiful, the grass & flowers 2, if rain makes all things beautiful, why doesn't it rain on you

Rainy day texts for sms messages

Roses are reddish violets are bluish if it weren't for christmas we'd all be jewish. - Benny hill

Christmas greetings for sms messages

Teenagers are people who express a burning desire to be different by dressing exactly alike

Insult texts for sms messages

You know what is the largest word in english language. 'Smiles' because there is mile between 2 'S'. (S mile s). So spread smiles everywhere

Smile jokes for sms messages

Sweet by light naughty by night angel from above just for you to love

Flirt texts for sms messages

Life is not easy and it will never be, but you've got friends and one of them is me

Love texts for sms messages

You were all I thought about. In my mind there was no doubt

Valentines day greetings for sms messages