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Motivational texts for sms messages
Do you want to be a star****look above and you see starsFriendship texts for sms messages
Wives r incoming calls, lovers r outgoing calls, aunties r toll-free calls, callgirls r roaming calls, neighbour girls r missed callsNaughty texts for sms messages
I am a killer, I kill people for money. But because you are my friend, I'll kill you for nothingFriendship texts for sms messages
Rain, rain, went away. Sun came out with pipe of clay. Blew a bubble whole-world-wide, stuck a rainbow on one sideRainy day texts for sms messages
Many ppl will wlk in and out of ur life. But only tru friends will leave foot prints in ur heart... U left urs in mine - XFriendship texts for sms messages
Why are men like snails?.. They have horns, they slobber and they trudge along, and above all, they think the house is theirsRiddle, puzzle for sms messages
The ship that will never sink is my friendship with youFriendship texts for sms messages
Love isn't a decision, it's a feeling. If we could decide who to love, then, life would be much simpler, but then less magicalA priest, a rabbi and a vicar walk into a bar. The barman says, 'Is this some kind of joke' |