Independence day greetings for sms messages
Aliens have contacted the earth... Just watch the news and see it... And one more thing advance mein happy april foolApril fool jokes for sms messages
If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my gardenDo not miss on this christmas a single person to wish merry christmasChristmas greetings for sms messages
When U love someone, draw a circle around their name instead of a heart bcuz hearts can be broken but circles never endIf mother teaches us about love, fathers teach us about life. Life is incomplete without love and love is nothing without life. Happy father's dayFathers day greetings for sms messages
Things we lose in life always have its own way of coming back to us at d end... But it always happens in d most unexpected waysMotivational texts for sms messages
Like a fallen star U fel into my life. U made me smile wen thingz werent rite... If hugz were water id send U the C. N sail away 4eva jus U n meA man said 2 his doctor 'Everytime I look in the mirror I get an erection' the doctor said 'That's because U look like a cuntQ: What do you do when a blonde throws a pin at you |