Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №261 - Sms l e n g t h: 38 l e t.
Friendship is love, without his wings. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №262 - Sms l e n g t h: 141 l e t.
Friendship is needless, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value - Rather it is one of those things that give value to survival. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №263 - Sms l e n g t h: 105 l e t.
Friendship is not a big fire which burns all day. Its a small lamp, that burns till the last day of life. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №264 - Sms l e n g t h: 149 l e t.
Friendship is not a game to play, it is not a word to say, it doesn't start on march and ends on may, it is tomorrow, yesterday, today and every day. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №265 - Sms l e n g t h: 186 l e t.
Friendship is not about finding similarities, it is about respecting differences. You are not my friend because you are like me, but because I accept you and respect you the way you are. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №266 - Sms l e n g t h: 134 l e t.
Friendship is not history to forget no maths to calculate not a language to learn its only the chemistry that reacts between 2 hearts! Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №267 - Sms l e n g t h: 171 l e t.
Friendship is not how long u've been together, not how much u've given or received, not how many times u've talked, and help each other. It's how much U value one another. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №268 - Sms l e n g t h: 37 l e t.
Friendship is one mind in two bodies. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №269 - Sms l e n g t h: 115 l e t.
Friendship is something special any person can have. You learn to love & communicate and you feel special yourself! Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №270 - Sms l e n g t h: 84 l e t.
Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world. - John evelyn. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №271 - Sms l e n g t h: 86 l e t.
Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together - Woodrow wilson. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №272 - Sms l e n g t h: 86 l e t.
Friendship is the union of spirits, a marriage of hearts, and the bond thereof virtue. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №273 - Sms l e n g t h: 162 l e t.
Friendship is to be purchased only by friendship. A man may have authority over others, but he can never have their hearts but by giving his own. - Thomas wilson. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №274 - Sms l e n g t h: 159 l e t.
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value - Rather it is one of those things that give value to survival. - C. S. Lewis. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №275 - Sms l e n g t h: 133 l e t.
Friendship is vast like universe, deep like ocean, high like sky, strong like iron, kind like mother, cute like me, and sweet like U! Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №276 - Sms l e n g t h: 65 l e t.
Friendship is when people know all about you but like you anyway. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №277 - Sms l e n g t h: 129 l e t.
Friendship is when they gaze into your eyes and you know they care love is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №278 - Sms l e n g t h: 60 l e t.
Friendship isn't a big thing - It's a million little things. Greatest chum texts for sms messages - Sms message text №279 - Sms l e n g t h: 158 l e t.
Friendship isn't how U forget but how U forgive, not how U listen but how U understand, not what U see but how U feel, and not how U let go but how U hold on!