Miss you texts for sms messages
Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream, hope and love... Make life beautifulThe happiest of wishes for a halloween, that will be happy in every way for someone like youHalloween texts for sms messages
He's sweating more than a dog in a restarauntTo live dis life I need a heartbeat, to have a heartbeat I need a heart, to have heart I need happiness, to have happiness I need UChristmas ornament you gave us was lovely! It has pride of place on our tree. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful and beautiful giftChristmas greetings for sms messages
Often v leave our appreciation unspoken! 2day we all say happy womens dayWomen day greetings for sms messages
I'm sorry I'm sorry for all the times I've cried I'm sorry for every single lie I'm sorry I was never enoughIt's wrong that alcohol makes you fat... It doesn't! It actually makes you lean... Against bars, poles, walls, friends and strangers! CheersThe rose speaks of love silently in a language known only to the heart |