Talk 2 me when I'm bored, kiss me when I'm sad, hug me when I cry, care 4 me when I die, love me when I'm still alive
Love texts for sms messages
Love... I want to hold you close to me and feel our hearts beat as one... Forever
Love texts for sms messages
Look at the sun you will feel the power of god look at the moon you will feel the beauty of god. Look at the mirror you will feel the love of god
Love texts for sms messages
If I knew how to write a song I'd write one everyday it would say that I'm in love with you and why I feel this way
Love texts for sms messages
I don't hate you, I never could. I don't regret meeting you, I never will
Love texts for sms messages
Did my heart love till now? Forswear it sight, for I ne'er saw true beauty till this night. - Romeo, romeo and juliet by william shakespeare
Love texts for sms messages
The fluffy cloud may kiss the sky, the rose may kiss the butterfly, the morning due may kiss the grass but you my friend may kiss my lips
Kiss texts for sms messages
Mother nature is a supreme bitch
Insult texts for sms messages
May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country... Happy independence day
Independence day greetings for sms messages
The sun has once brought brightness to earth! Lazy bone. It's time 2 wake up gd morning
Greetings texts for sms messages