
Free sms sending
Send SMS and MMS to Slovenia mobile operators cell phone number

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Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 6 March 2025
Jewish calendar: 15 Adar Aleph 5775
Islamic calendar: 15 Jumada al-Ula 1436
Chinese calendar: 16 day 1 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• World Day of Prayer (International)
• Dentist Day (USA)
• National Anthem Day (Ukraine)
• Shushan Purim (Jewish)
• Independence Day (Ghana)
• Foundation Day (Norfolk Island)
• Arbor Day (Tennessee, USA)
• Employee Appreciation Day (USA)
• Professional Sergeants Day (Ukraine)
• Birth of Imam Zain-ul-Abideen (Shia Islam)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

An independant study has proven dat those who have a bad sex life & who are crap in bed are readin dis message in their right hand

Funny jokes for sms messages

If U erase this msg it means U luv me, if U keep it U want me, if U simply ignore it, U really adore me! So, what r U going to do

Cute texts for sms messages

Wishing you a day, soft as silk. White as milk. Sweet as honey and full of money. May all your dreams come true. Advance happy birth day

Wishes texts for sms messages

Feelings are many but words are few, clouds are dark but sky is blue - Luv is a paper, life is glue, every thing is false, only my luv is true

Romantic texts for sms messages

The stolen kisses are always the sweetest

Love texts for sms messages

No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there's stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be wif U. Gd nite

Greetings texts for sms messages

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. - Ralph waldo emerson

Friendship texts for sms messages

Christmas is the season when you buy this year's gifts with next year's money

Christmas greetings for sms messages

My eyes are blind without your eyes to see, like a rose without color. Always be there in my life sweetheart. Happy valentine's day

Valentines day greetings for sms messages

Similarity between man & the letter 'Q' both r zero without that little thing hanging down below

Naughty texts for sms messages