Friendship texts for sms messages
What you have inherited from your father you must earn over again for yourselves or it will not be yours happy fathers dayFathers day greetings for sms messages
Which christmas is the most vivid to me? It's always the next christmasChristmas greetings for sms messages
When I was a kid. I wanted to grow up soon. Now that I grown up, I realize that wounded emotions and broken heartsBroken heart texts for sms messages
Grow old along with me! The best is yet to beBirthday greetings for sms messages
Happy women's day-wishing you a day thats just like you! Really specialWomen day greetings for sms messages
Lets these words not only touch your eyes, let them rest in your heart as you rest in mine. Be my valentineValentines day greetings for sms messages
Have I told you, my sweet heart, that I am all wrapped up in you? My feelings for you bring to me, a joy I never knewWhat is the difference between blood and you? Blood enters the heart and flows out but you entered the heart and stayedThis is the last day of the year, they call it new years eve, look back at all the memories, this year you are going to leave |