Good night texts for sms messages
Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it. Good luckGood luck texts for sms messages
This sms can only be read by someone sexy... Try again... Again... Maybe you are just not sexy?.. One more time... Hey don't force it uglyJesus loves you... Everyone else thinks your an assholeAn independant study has proven dat those who have a bad sex life & who are crap in bed are readin dis message in their right handThe only good thing about your own mistakes, is that is might make other people happyFriendship texts for sms messages
It takes years to build up trust, and just seconds to destroy itFriendship texts for sms messages
Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the endSweet by light naughty by night angel from above just for you to loveIf mother teaches us about love, fathers teach us about life. Life is incomplete without love and love is nothing without life. Happy father's day |