Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №201 - Sms l e n g t h: 65 l e t.
Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one. Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №202 - Sms l e n g t h: 134 l e t.
U may miss me U may ignore me U may even forget me but one day if U wanna c me dont search, just c ur shadow I wil be thr... Trust me! Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №203 - Sms l e n g t h: 150 l e t.
U want & U get, that's luck, U want & U wait, that's time. U want but U compromise, that's life. And U want & U wait & U don't compromise that's love. Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №204 - Sms l e n g t h: 143 l e t.
U'll alwys b mine 4 now n 4ever. U'll alwys b mine 4 ur my treasure. U'll always b mine pls tel me its true. Pls b mine 4everi'll always luv U! Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №205 - Sms l e n g t h: 237 l e t.
Up with me! Up with me into the clouds! For thy song, lark, is strong - Up with me, up with me into the clouds! Singing, singing, with clouds and sky about thee ringing, lift me, guide me till I find that spot which seems so to thy mind! Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №206 - Sms l e n g t h: 119 l e t.
Ur d angel who I cherish so dearly in tis heart of mine, d 1 who makes my day brighter, by making my whole world shine! Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №207 - Sms l e n g t h: 116 l e t.
Ur precious love has turned my life completely around, I feel lik im wlaking but my feet dont seem 2 touch d ground! Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №208 - Sms l e n g t h: 168 l e t.
Walk with me when your hearts needs company, take my hand when you feel all alone, turn to me when you need someone to lean on, coz I'm the one you can always trust on! Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №209 - Sms l e n g t h: 168 l e t.
Wanting U is easy missing U is hard. Wishing U was with me wrapped up in my arms. Constantly think of U when we r apart. Ive got the padlock U have the key to my heart. Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №210 - Sms l e n g t h: 110 l e t.
We cannot be together, but we'll never be apart, for no matter what life brings us, you're always in my heart. Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №211 - Sms l e n g t h: 34 l e t.
We were two and had but one heart. Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №212 - Sms l e n g t h: 137 l e t.
Wen a touch could heal a wound wen eyes's cud speak volumes wen a smile can confirm I m there then why do v need owrds 2 say'i love you'. Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №213 - Sms l e n g t h: 160 l e t.
Wen things go wrong... Wen sadness fills ur heart... Wen tears flow in ur eyes... Always remember 3 things 1) I'm with U... 2) still with U... 3) will always B. Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №214 - Sms l e n g t h: 131 l e t.
Wenever I miss U, I wont luk 4u in my dreams or try 2 hear ur voice in ur msgs. I'll jus put my right hand across mychest n feel U! Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №215 - Sms l e n g t h: 71 l e t.
What I feel for you seems less of earth and more of a cloudless heaven. Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №216 - Sms l e n g t h: 120 l e t.
What is the difference between blood and you? Blood enters the heart and flows out but you entered the heart and stayed. Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №217 - Sms l e n g t h: 137 l e t.
When daylight turns 2 a darkened hue, d lovely stars r hinting U, ur heart beats tells U something true, that some1 sumwher is missing U! Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №218 - Sms l e n g t h: 123 l e t.
When I look at you, I cannot deny there is god, cause only god could have created some one as wonderful n beautiful as you. Romantic texts for sms messages - Sms message text №219 - Sms l e n g t h: 120 l e t.
When I luk at you I can't deny there is god, because only god could have created some 1 as wonderful & beautiful as you.