I would like to warn you against sanding some of this well laugh sms ideas for status - Smile texts for sms messages read by you, may cause absolutely other emotions in a person whom you will send it. So think carefully before you send some perfect text about smile for sms, because each person differently understand your sms.
Birthday greetings for sms messages
The old believe everything. The middle aged suspect everything. The young know everything. Happy birthdayBirthday greetings for sms messages
Let's celebrate your birthday. Let's drink 'Til we fall over. Let's try not to think about tomorrow's big hangoverBirthday greetings for sms messages
May your life be filled with colours and yours w-i-s-h-e-s all come trueBirthday greetings for sms messages
Its always a treat to wish happy birthday to someone so sweetBirthday greetings for sms messages
It's your birthday, and you know what that means - You're another year older and another year cooler. Have 365 days of funBirthday greetings for sms messages
Happy birthday my true love your beauty stems from up above sweetest smile and kindest heart like a priceless piece of precious artBirthday greetings for sms messages
Birthday message for a daughter no matter how many birthdays come and go, you'll always be my little girl. Happy birthday daughterBirthday greetings for sms messages
Another year has passed in your life, making you even wiser and stronger. Let your age, not age your spirits. Happy birthdayGrow old along with me! The best is yet to be |