City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Aland | 18 | ****(**) | Phone |
Mariehamn | 18 | ****(**) | Phone |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Aland | 18 | ****(**) | Phone |
Mariehamn | 18 | ****(**) | Phone |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
AMT | 457 | ***(*****) |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 112 |
Fire | 112 |
Medical | 112 |
Police | 10022 |
Aland Islands International Code | +358 |
International phone prefix of Aland Islands | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Aland Islands | 0 |
Friendship texts for sms messages
Time will always fly, but our love will never die. Keep in touch and remember me and my loveThe thing that weighs most heavily in the balance (Of good deeds) is a good attitudeThere are many types of ships. There are wooden ships, plastic ships, and metal ships. But the best and most importaint types of ships are friendshipsFriendship texts for sms messages
Trust, love & keep moving (Growing)You will fall for everything, if you don't stand for somethingTrue friendship never endsWe don't succeed in our 1st love! Because we lack certain qualities. But after achieving those qualities, we never love again |