
Aruba phone codes
Aruba cities and mobile phone codes + Dialling rules

Aruba telephone codes

Cities phone codes sorted by alphabet

CityArea codePhone number lengthType of connection
Noord Palm Beach586****Phone
San Nicolaas584****Phone
Santa Cruz585****Phone
Tanki Flip587****Phone

Cities phone codes sorted by area code

CityArea codePhone number lengthType of connection
San Nicolaas584****Phone
Santa Cruz585****Phone
Noord Palm Beach586****Phone
Tanki Flip587****Phone

Mobile operators cell phone codes

OperatorMobile codePhone number length
Mio Wireless60*****
Mio Wireless62*****

Emergency phone numbers

ServicePhone number
Police 911
Fire 911
Medical 911
Child Help-Line131
Hazards 911

Other phone services codes

Service typePhone codePhone number length
Free phone800****
Premium line900****

How to call - phone dialling rules.

Aruba International Code+297
International phone prefix of Aruba00
Trunk phone prefix of Aruba
How to call from other country local phone number to Aruba local phone number
International prefix - 297 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Aruba local phone number to Aruba local phone number
Region code - Phone number
How to call from Aruba local phone number to other country local phone number
00 - Country code - Region code - Phone number
How to call from other country mobile phone number to Aruba local phone number
International prefix - 297 - Region code - Phone number
How to call from Aruba mobile phone number to Aruba local phone number
Region code - Phone number
How to call from Aruba mobile phone number to other country local phone number
00 - Country code - Region code - Phone number
How to call from other country cellular phone number to Aruba cell phone number
International prefix - 297 - Mobile code - Phone number
How to call from Aruba cellular phone number to Aruba cell phone number
Mobile code - Phone number
How to call from Aruba cellular phone number to other country cell phone number
00 - Country code - Mobile code - Phone number

Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 27 July 2024
Jewish calendar: 11 Av 5775
Islamic calendar: 10 Shawwal 1436
Chinese calendar: 12 day 6 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• Day After the Commemoration of the Assault of the Moncada Garrison (Cuba)
• National Sleepy Head Day (Finland)
• Victory Day - Fatherland Liberation War Day (Northern Korea)
• Remembrance Day - Day for Martyrs and Wounded Soldiers (Vietnam)
• Martyrs and Invalids Day (Vietnam)
• Battle of Hunayn Day (Islam)
• Ghaibat-e-Kubra-e-Imam-e-Zaman - Start of the Greater Occultation Day (Shia Islam)
• Iglesia Ni Cristo Day (Philippines)
• Jose Celso Barbosa Day (Puerto Rico)
• Shiite Rebellion Day (Iraq)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

This christmas give us a message that we should live unite with great peace, so, here is a bundle of some sweet wishes for you. Merry christmas

Christmas greetings for sms messages

I have found the one whom my soul loves... - Song of solomon 3: 4

Love texts for sms messages

If you want to gain knowledge, add something everyday to your mind. Bt if you want to gain wisdom, remove something everyday from your mind

Wisdom texts for sms messages

Never drink tea or coffee at office hours, it will keep you awake

Funny jokes for sms messages

May allah bring to your life all that is beautiful & pure... Wish you a very happy ramadan

Ramadan greetings for sms messages

To a very special couple who make a perfect pair this brings a wish for happiness in the future you will share

Engagement texts for sms messages

Love is something special, a treasure I want to find... To others, love is blind but for me, its not true, coz when I fell in love... I saw you

Love texts for sms messages

When iron gets hot you can mold it in any shape, never loose your temper or else, unless people will mold you the way they want

Advice texts for sms messages

There is only one difference between dream and aim. Dream requires effortless sleep. Whereas, aim requires sleepless efforts

Good luck texts for sms messages

Ur d angel who I cherish so dearly in tis heart of mine, d 1 who makes my day brighter, by making my whole world shine

Romantic texts for sms messages