City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Ammersbek | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Barsbuttel | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Bonningstedt | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Bornsen | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Braak | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Escheburg | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Glinde | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Hamburg | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Jork | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Neu Wulmstorf | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Norderstedt | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Oststeinbek | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Reinbek | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Rosengarten | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Schenefeld | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Seevetal | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Stapelfeld | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Tangstedt | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Wentorf Bei Hamburg | 40 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Appen | 4101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borstel-Hohenraden | 4101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ellerbek | 4101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Halstenbek | 4101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kummerfeld | 4101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pinneberg | 4101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Prisdorf | 4101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rellingen | 4101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tangstedt | 4101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahrensburg | 4102 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ammersbek | 4102 | **(*****) | Phone |
Groshansdorf | 4102 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hetlingen | 4103 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holm | 4103 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wedel | 4103 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aumuhle | 4104 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aumuhle Bei Hamburg | 4104 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dassendorf | 4104 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kroppelshagen-Fahrendorf | 4104 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reinbek | 4104 | **(*****) | Phone |
Witzhave | 4104 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wohltorf | 4104 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamburg | 4105 | **(*****) | Phone |
Harmstorf | 4105 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosengarten | 4105 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seevetal | 4105 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stelle | 4105 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bilsen | 4106 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ellerau | 4106 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hasloh | 4106 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hemdingen | 4106 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quickborn | 4106 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quickborn Landkreis Pinneberg | 4106 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brunsbek | 4107 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hoisdorf | 4107 | **(*****) | Phone |
Siek | 4107 | **(*****) | Phone |
Siek Landkreis Stormarn | 4107 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosengarten | 4108 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosengarten Landkreis Harburg | 4108 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tangstedt | 4109 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tangstedt Bz Hamburg | 4109 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bevern | 4120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ellerhoop | 4120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hemdingen | 4120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Nordende | 4120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kummerfeld | 4120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seeth-Ekholt | 4120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tornesch | 4120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenmoor | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bokholt-Hanredder | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bullenkuhlen | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elmshorn | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horst | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kiebitzreihe | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Nordende | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kolln-Reisiek | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuendorf Bei Elmshorn | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Raa-Besenbek | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seester | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seeth-Ekholt | 4121 | **(*****) | Phone |
Appen | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Nordende | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haselau | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haseldorf | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidgraben | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heist | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hetlingen | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Nordende | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moorrege | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuendeich | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seester | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tornesch | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uetersen | 4122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barmstedt | 4123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bevern | 4123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bokholt-Hanredder | 4123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bullenkuhlen | 4123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Offenseth-Aspern | 4123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heede | 4123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hemdingen | 4123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langeln | 4123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutzhorn | 4123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blomesche Wildnis | 4124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borsfleth | 4124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elskop | 4124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Engelbrechtsche Wildnis | 4124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gluckstadt | 4124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herzhorn | 4124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kollmar | 4124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krempdorf | 4124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sommerland | 4124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Nordende | 4125 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuendeich | 4125 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seester | 4125 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seestermuhe | 4125 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenfelde | 4126 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horst | 4126 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horst Holstein | 4126 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kiebitzreihe | 4126 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop | 4126 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sommerland | 4126 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bokel | 4127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brande-Hornerkirchen | 4127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Offenseth-Aspern | 4127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenfelde | 4127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop | 4127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutzhorn | 4127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterhorn | 4127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerhorn | 4127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenmoor | 4128 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herzhorn | 4128 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kollmar | 4128 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuendorf Bei Elmshorn | 4128 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sommerland | 4128 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haselau | 4129 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haseldorf | 4129 | **(*****) | Phone |
Adendorf | 4131 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bardowick | 4131 | **(*****) | Phone |
Deutsch Evern | 4131 | **(*****) | Phone |
Luneburg | 4131 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reppenstedt | 4131 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vogelsen | 4131 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wendisch Evern | 4131 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittorf | 4131 | **(*****) | Phone |
Amelinghausen | 4132 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldendorf | 4132 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehlingen | 4132 | **(*****) | Phone |
Soderstorf | 4132 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wriedel | 4132 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barum | 4133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brietlingen | 4133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Handorf | 4133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marschacht | 4133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tespe | 4133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winsen | 4133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittorf | 4133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittorf Landkreis Lunebeburg | 4133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barnstedt | 4134 | **(*****) | Phone |
Embsen | 4134 | **(*****) | Phone |
Embsen Landkreis Lunebeburg | 4134 | **(*****) | Phone |
Melbeck | 4134 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchgellersen | 4135 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reppenstedt | 4135 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sudergellersen | 4135 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westergellersen | 4135 | **(*****) | Phone |
Echem | 4136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ludersburg | 4136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reinstorf | 4136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rullstorf | 4136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scharnebeck | 4136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barendorf | 4137 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bienenbuttel | 4137 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reinstorf | 4137 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vastorf | 4137 | **(*****) | Phone |
Betzendorf | 4138 | **(*****) | Phone |
Betzendorf Landkreis Lunebeburg | 4138 | **(*****) | Phone |
Artlenburg | 4139 | **(*****) | Phone |
Echem | 4139 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hittbergen | 4139 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohnstorf | 4139 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohnstorf Elbe | 4139 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ludersburg | 4139 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burweg | 4140 | **(*****) | Phone |
Estorf | 4140 | **(*****) | Phone |
Estorf Landkreis Stade | 4140 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kranenburg | 4140 | **(*****) | Phone |
Agathenburg | 4141 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dudenbuttel | 4141 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grunendeich | 4141 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hammah | 4141 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hollern-Twielenfleth | 4141 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stade | 4141 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grunendeich | 4142 | **(*****) | Phone |
Guderhandviertel | 4142 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jork | 4142 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mittelnkirchen | 4142 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 4142 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinkirchen | 4142 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinkirchen Landkreis Stade | 4142 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drochtersen | 4143 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burweg | 4144 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dudenbuttel | 4144 | **(*****) | Phone |
Engelschoff | 4144 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hammah | 4144 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heinbockel | 4144 | **(*****) | Phone |
Himmelpforten | 4144 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldendorf | 4144 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drochtersen | 4146 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stade | 4146 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stade-Butzfleth | 4146 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drochtersen | 4148 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drochtersen-Assel | 4148 | **(*****) | Phone |
Deinste | 4149 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fredenbeck | 4149 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heinbockel | 4149 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brunstorf | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elmenhorst | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grabau | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Pampau | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grove | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gulzow | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Havekost | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kollow | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mussen | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sahms | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schulendorf | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwarzenbek | 4151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Escheburg | 4152 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geesthacht | 4152 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamwarde | 4152 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenhorn | 4152 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kroppelshagen-Fahrendorf | 4152 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiershop | 4152 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worth | 4152 | **(*****) | Phone |
Basedow | 4153 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchhorst | 4153 | **(*****) | Phone |
Juliusburg | 4153 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krukow | 4153 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kruzen | 4153 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lanze | 4153 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutau | 4153 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schnakenbek | 4153 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dahmker | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grande | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gronwohld | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosensee | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamfelde | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenfelde | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kasseburg | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Koberg | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kuddeworde | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Linau | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutjensee | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rausdorf | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trittau | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Witzhave | 4154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brothen | 4155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchen | 4155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dalldorf | 4155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fitzen | 4155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Pampau | 4155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langenlehsten | 4155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mussen | 4155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schulendorf | 4155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangelau | 4155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Witzeeze | 4155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elmenhorst | 4156 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fuhlenhagen | 4156 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kankelau | 4156 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schretstaken | 4156 | **(*****) | Phone |
Talkau | 4156 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tramm | 4156 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gottin | 4158 | **(*****) | Phone |
Guster | 4158 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hornbek | 4158 | **(*****) | Phone |
Roseburg | 4158 | **(*****) | Phone |
Siebeneichen | 4158 | **(*****) | Phone |
Basthorst | 4159 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kothel | 4159 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mohnsen | 4159 | **(*****) | Phone |
Muhlenrade | 4159 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buxtehude | 4161 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jork | 4162 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mittelnkirchen | 4162 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 4162 | **(*****) | Phone |
Apensen | 4163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bliedersdorf | 4163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buxtehude | 4163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dollern | 4163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Guderhandviertel | 4163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Harsefeld | 4163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horneburg | 4163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horneburg Niederelbe | 4163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 4163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nottensdorf | 4163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bargstedt | 4164 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bliedersdorf | 4164 | **(*****) | Phone |
Harsefeld | 4164 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sauensiek | 4164 | **(*****) | Phone |
Appel | 4165 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hollenstedt | 4165 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hollenstedt Nordheide | 4165 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moisburg | 4165 | **(*****) | Phone |
Regesbostel | 4165 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wenzendorf | 4165 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahlerstedt | 4166 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brest | 4166 | **(*****) | Phone |
Apensen | 4167 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beckdorf | 4167 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buxtehude | 4167 | **(*****) | Phone |
Appel | 4168 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buxtehude | 4168 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neu Wulmstorf | 4168 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neu Wulmstorf-Elstorf | 4168 | **(*****) | Phone |
Halvesbostel | 4169 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sauensiek | 4169 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vierden | 4169 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wohnste | 4169 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stelle | 4171 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winsen | 4171 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winsen Luhe | 4171 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eyendorf | 4172 | **(*****) | Phone |
Garlstorf | 4172 | **(*****) | Phone |
Garstedt | 4172 | **(*****) | Phone |
Godenstorf | 4172 | **(*****) | Phone |
Salzhausen | 4172 | **(*****) | Phone |
Soderstorf | 4172 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vierhofen | 4172 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brackel | 4173 | **(*****) | Phone |
Garstedt | 4173 | **(*****) | Phone |
Toppenstedt | 4173 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winsen | 4173 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wulfsen | 4173 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seevetal | 4174 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stelle | 4174 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stelle Landkreis Harburg | 4174 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bispingen | 4175 | **(*****) | Phone |
Egestorf | 4175 | **(*****) | Phone |
Egestorf Nordheide | 4175 | **(*****) | Phone |
Godenstorf | 4175 | **(*****) | Phone |
Undeloh | 4175 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drage | 4176 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marschacht | 4176 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tespe | 4176 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drage | 4177 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drage Elbe | 4177 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bardowick | 4178 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchgellersen | 4178 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mechtersen | 4178 | **(*****) | Phone |
Radbruch | 4178 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vogelsen | 4178 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drage | 4179 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winsen | 4179 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winsen-Tonnhausen | 4179 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fintel | 4180 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidenau | 4180 | **(*****) | Phone |
Konigsmoor | 4180 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lauenbruck | 4180 | **(*****) | Phone |
Otter | 4180 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stemmen | 4180 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tostedt | 4180 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wistedt | 4180 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchholz In Der Nordheide | 4181 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jesteburg | 4181 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosengarten | 4181 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dohren | 4182 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidenau | 4182 | **(*****) | Phone |
Otter | 4182 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tostedt | 4182 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wistedt | 4182 | **(*****) | Phone |
Asendorf | 4183 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bendestorf | 4183 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hanstedt | 4183 | **(*****) | Phone |
Harmstorf | 4183 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jesteburg | 4183 | **(*****) | Phone |
Asendorf | 4184 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hanstedt | 4184 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hanstedt Nordheide | 4184 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brackel | 4185 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marxen | 4185 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marxen Auetal | 4185 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seevetal | 4185 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchholz In Der Nordheide | 4186 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchholz-Trelde | 4186 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drestedt | 4186 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kakenstorf | 4186 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tostedt | 4186 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchholz In Der Nordheide | 4187 | **(*****) | Phone |
Handeloh | 4187 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hanstedt | 4187 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holm-Seppensen | 4187 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jesteburg | 4187 | **(*****) | Phone |
Handeloh | 4188 | **(*****) | Phone |
Otter | 4188 | **(*****) | Phone |
Welle | 4188 | **(*****) | Phone |
Welle Nordheide | 4188 | **(*****) | Phone |
Undeloh | 4189 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alveslohe | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidmoor | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kaltenkirchen | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kaltenkirchen Holst | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kattendorf | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kisdorf | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lentfohrden | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nutzen | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oersdorf | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmalfeld | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Struvenhutten | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winsen | 4191 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Bramstedt | 4192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bimohlen | 4192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fuhlendorf | 4192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hagen | 4192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidmoor | 4192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hitzhusen | 4192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lentfohrden | 4192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Monkloh | 4192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weddelbrook | 4192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiemersdorf | 4192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alveslohe | 4193 | **(*****) | Phone |
Henstedt-Ulzburg | 4193 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kisdorf | 4193 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quickborn | 4193 | **(*****) | Phone |
Huttblek | 4194 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kattendorf | 4194 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kisdorf | 4194 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oering | 4194 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seth | 4194 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sievershutten | 4194 | **(*****) | Phone |
Struvenhutten | 4194 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stuvenborn | 4194 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bark | 4195 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bimohlen | 4195 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hartenholm | 4195 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hasenmoor | 4195 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidmuhlen | 4195 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmalfeld | 4195 | **(*****) | Phone |
Struvenhutten | 4195 | **(*****) | Phone |
Achim | 4202 | **(*****) | Phone |
Achim Bei Bremen | 4202 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weyhe | 4203 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weyhe Bei Bremen | 4203 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thedinghausen | 4204 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottersberg | 4205 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oyten | 4205 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sottrum | 4205 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bassum | 4206 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchseelte | 4206 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stuhr | 4206 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stuhr-Heiligenrode | 4206 | **(*****) | Phone |
Achim | 4207 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oyten | 4207 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grasberg | 4208 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lilienthal | 4208 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwanewede | 4209 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berne | 421 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Bremen | 421 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Lemwerder | 421 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Ritterhude | 421 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Schwanewede | 421 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Stuhr | 421 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Weyhe | 421 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Delmenhorst | 4221 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ganderkesee | 4221 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Ippener | 4221 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lemwerder | 4221 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stuhr | 4221 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dotlingen | 4222 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ganderkesee | 4222 | **(*****) | Phone |
Prinzhofte | 4222 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ganderkesee | 4223 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ganderkesee-Bookholzberg | 4223 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lemwerder | 4223 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dunsen | 4224 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gross Ippener | 4224 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchseelte | 4224 | **(*****) | Phone |
Prinzhofte | 4224 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchlinteln | 4230 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langwedel | 4230 | **(*****) | Phone |
Verden | 4230 | **(*****) | Phone |
Verden-Walle | 4230 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorverden | 4231 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchlinteln | 4231 | **(*****) | Phone |
Verden | 4231 | **(*****) | Phone |
Verden Aller | 4231 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langwedel | 4232 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langwedel Landkreis Verden | 4232 | **(*****) | Phone |
Verden | 4232 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blender | 4233 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thedinghausen | 4233 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorverden | 4234 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langwedel | 4235 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langwedel-Etelsen | 4235 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchlinteln | 4236 | **(*****) | Phone |
Verden | 4236 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bendingbostel | 4237 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchlinteln | 4237 | **(*****) | Phone |
Visselhovede | 4237 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchlinteln | 4238 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neddenaverbergen | 4238 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorverden | 4239 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorverden-Westen | 4239 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sustedt | 4240 | **(*****) | Phone |
Syke | 4240 | **(*****) | Phone |
Syke-Heiligenfelde | 4240 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bassum | 4241 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bassum | 4242 | **(*****) | Phone |
Syke | 4242 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bassum | 4243 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehrenburg | 4243 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 4243 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistringen | 4243 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bassum | 4244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beckeln | 4244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dunsen | 4244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Harpstedt | 4244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchseelte | 4244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Prinzhofte | 4244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winkelsett | 4244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bassum | 4245 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 4245 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen Bei Bassum | 4245 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scholen | 4245 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwaforden | 4245 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sudwalde | 4245 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barnstorf | 4246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drentwede | 4246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistringen | 4246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistringen-Heiligenloh | 4246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Affinghausen | 4247 | **(*****) | Phone |
Asendorf | 4247 | **(*****) | Phone |
Engeln | 4247 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sudwalde | 4247 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sustedt | 4247 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bassum | 4248 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bassum-Neubruchhausen | 4248 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sudwalde | 4248 | **(*****) | Phone |
Syke | 4248 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bassum | 4249 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bassum-Nordwohlde | 4249 | **(*****) | Phone |
Syke | 4249 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruchhausen-Vilsen | 4251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bucken | 4251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eystrup | 4251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hassel | 4251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hilgermissen | 4251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hoya | 4251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hoyerhagen | 4251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Warpe | 4251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruchhausen-Vilsen | 4252 | **(*****) | Phone |
Engeln | 4252 | **(*****) | Phone |
Martfeld | 4252 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sustedt | 4252 | **(*****) | Phone |
Asendorf | 4253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Asendorf Landkreis Diepholz | 4253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruchhausen-Vilsen | 4253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bucken | 4253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Engeln | 4253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Warpe | 4253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorverden | 4254 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eystrup | 4254 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gandesbergen | 4254 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamelhausen | 4254 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hassel | 4254 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heemsen | 4254 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schweringen | 4254 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hilgermissen | 4255 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hoyerhagen | 4255 | **(*****) | Phone |
Martfeld | 4255 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hilgermissen | 4256 | **(*****) | Phone |
Balge | 4257 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schweringen | 4257 | **(*****) | Phone |
Martfeld | 4258 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwarme | 4258 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thedinghausen | 4258 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bothel | 4260 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hemsbunde | 4260 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchwalsede | 4260 | **(*****) | Phone |
Visselhovede | 4260 | **(*****) | Phone |
Visselhovede-Wittorf | 4260 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hemsbunde | 4261 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchwalsede | 4261 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rotenburg | 4261 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rotenburg Wumme | 4261 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bomlitz | 4262 | **(*****) | Phone |
Visselhovede | 4262 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walsrode | 4262 | **(*****) | Phone |
Helvesiek | 4263 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scheessel | 4263 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hassendorf | 4264 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hellwege | 4264 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reesum | 4264 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sottrum | 4264 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sottrum Landkreis Rotenburg | 4264 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fintel | 4265 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scheesel | 4265 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schneverdingen | 4265 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vahlde | 4265 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bothel | 4266 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brockel | 4266 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hemsbunde | 4266 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hemslingen | 4266 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scheesel | 4266 | **(*****) | Phone |
Visselhovede | 4266 | **(*****) | Phone |
Helvesiek | 4267 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lauenbruck | 4267 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stemmen | 4267 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vahlde | 4267 | **(*****) | Phone |
Botersen | 4268 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hassendorf | 4268 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reesum | 4268 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rotenburg | 4268 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahausen | 4269 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahausen-Kirchwalsede | 4269 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hellwege | 4269 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchwalsede | 4269 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rotenburg | 4269 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerwalsede | 4269 | **(*****) | Phone |
Maasen | 4271 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scholen | 4271 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulingen | 4271 | **(*****) | Phone |
Maasen | 4272 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mellinghausen | 4272 | **(*****) | Phone |
Siedenburg | 4272 | **(*****) | Phone |
Staffhorst | 4272 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bahrenborstel | 4273 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barenburg | 4273 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchdorf | 4273 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchdorf Bei Sulingen | 4273 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steyerberg | 4273 | **(*****) | Phone |
Varrel | 4273 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barenburg | 4274 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulingen | 4274 | **(*****) | Phone |
Varrel | 4274 | **(*****) | Phone |
Varrel Bei Sulingen | 4274 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wagenfeld | 4274 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wehrbleck | 4274 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehrenburg | 4275 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 4275 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scholen | 4275 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulingen | 4275 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borstel | 4276 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borstel Bei Sulingen | 4276 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pennigsehl | 4276 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mellinghausen | 4277 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwaforden | 4277 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulingen | 4277 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elsdorf | 4281 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heeslingen | 4281 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ostereistedt | 4281 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seedorf | 4281 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zeven | 4281 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elsdorf | 4282 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Meckelsen | 4282 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamersen | 4282 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kalbe | 4282 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Meckelsen | 4282 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lengenbostel | 4282 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sittensen | 4282 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiste | 4282 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vierden | 4282 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bulstedt | 4283 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grasberg | 4283 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hepstedt | 4283 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tarmstedt | 4283 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vorwerk | 4283 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wilstedt | 4283 | **(*****) | Phone |
Anderlingen | 4284 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bremervorde | 4284 | **(*****) | Phone |
Deinstedt | 4284 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heeslingen | 4284 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sandbostel | 4284 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seedorf | 4284 | **(*****) | Phone |
Selsingen | 4284 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breddorf | 4285 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gnarrenburg | 4285 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ostereistedt | 4285 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhade | 4285 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhade Bei Zeven | 4285 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elsdorf | 4286 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gyhum | 4286 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rotenburg | 4286 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scheesel | 4286 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zeven | 4286 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heeslingen | 4287 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heeslingen-Boitzen | 4287 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bulstedt | 4288 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gyhum | 4288 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horstedt | 4288 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horstedt Landkreis Rotenburg | 4288 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottersberg | 4288 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vorwerk | 4288 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hepstedt | 4289 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchtimke | 4289 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westertimke | 4289 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zeven | 4289 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lilienthal | 4292 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterholz-Scharmbeck | 4292 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ritterhude | 4292 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grasberg | 4293 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottersberg | 4293 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottersberg-Fischerhude | 4293 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riede | 4294 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riede Landkreis Verden | 4294 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thedinghausen | 4294 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weyhe | 4294 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emtinghausen | 4295 | **(*****) | Phone |
Syke | 4295 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sandstedt | 4296 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwanewede | 4296 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwanewede-Aschwarden | 4296 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uthlede | 4296 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hellwege | 4297 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langwedel | 4297 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottersberg | 4297 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottersberg-Posthausen | 4297 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oyten | 4297 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lilienthal | 4298 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottersberg | 4298 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barmissen | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boksee | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bothkamp | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosbarkau | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Honigsee | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchbarkau | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Barkau | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loptin | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nettelsee | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pohnsdorf | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Postfeld | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Warnau | 4302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dobersdorf | 4303 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fargau-Pratjau | 4303 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rastorf | 4303 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlesen | 4303 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stoltenberg | 4303 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emkendorf | 4305 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Vollstedt | 4305 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schierensee | 4305 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westensee | 4305 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dobersdorf | 4307 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gommern | 4307 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pohnsdorf | 4307 | **(*****) | Phone |
Raisdorf | 4307 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rastorf | 4307 | **(*****) | Phone |
Danischenhagen | 4308 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwedeneck | 4308 | **(*****) | Phone |
Strande | 4308 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenholz | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Felm | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Heikendorf | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Honigsee | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Kiel | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Kronshagen | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Melsdorf | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Mielkendorf | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Molfsee | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Monkeberg | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Neuwittenbek | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Ottendorf | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Schonkirchen | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Schwentinental | 431 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Grosenaspe | 4320 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidmuhlen | 4320 | **(*****) | Phone |
Latendorf | 4320 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bonebuttel | 4321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehndorf | 4321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Kummerfeld | 4321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krogaspe | 4321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loop | 4321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neumunster | 4321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Padenstedt | 4321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tasdorf | 4321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wasbek | 4321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bissee | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bordesholm | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brugge | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grevenkrug | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Buchwald | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hoffeld | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loop | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Muhbrook | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Negenharrie | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reesdorf | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmalstede | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonbek | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Soren | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wattenbek | 4322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Belau | 4323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bornhoved | 4323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Damsdorf | 4323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gonnebek | 4323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rendswuhren | 4323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ruhwinkel | 4323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmalensee | 4323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tarbek | 4323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trappenkamp | 4323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Armstedt | 4324 | **(*****) | Phone |
Arpsdorf | 4324 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borstel | 4324 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brokstedt | 4324 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fitzbek | 4324 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hardebek | 4324 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hasenkrug | 4324 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sarlhusen | 4324 | **(*****) | Phone |
Willenscharen | 4324 | **(*****) | Phone |
Belau | 4326 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kalubbe | 4326 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ruhwinkel | 4326 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wankendorf | 4326 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bimohlen | 4327 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossenaspe | 4327 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidmuhlen | 4327 | **(*****) | Phone |
Daldorf | 4328 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Kummerfeld | 4328 | **(*****) | Phone |
Negernbotel | 4328 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rickling | 4328 | **(*****) | Phone |
Datgen | 4329 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langwedel | 4329 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langwedel Holst | 4329 | **(*****) | Phone |
Warder | 4329 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bokel | 4330 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emkendorf | 4330 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hasmoor | 4330 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schulldorf | 4330 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borgstedt | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bovenau | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budelsdorf | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bunsdorf | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fockbek | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hasmoor | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neu Duvenstedt | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nubbel | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ostenfeld | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterronfeld | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rade Bei Rendsburg | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rendsburg | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rickert | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schacht-Audorf | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schulldorf | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schulp Bei Rendsburg | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerronfeld | 4331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breiholz | 4332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elsdorf-Westermuhlen | 4332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamdorf | 4332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamdorf Bei Rendsburg | 4332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horsten | 4332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldenbuttel | 4332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Prinzenmoor | 4332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tackesdorf | 4332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erfde | 4333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tielen | 4333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bovenau | 4334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bredenbek | 4334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bredenbek Bei Rendsburg | 4334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Felde | 4334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummwisch | 4334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westensee | 4334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alt Duvenstedt | 4335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bargstall | 4335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elsdorf-Westermuhlen | 4335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fockbek | 4335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohn | 4335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohn Bei Rendsburg | 4335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Konigshugel | 4335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohe-Fohrden | 4335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sophienhamm | 4335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alt Duvenstedt | 4336 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brekendorf | 4336 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohe-Fohrden | 4336 | **(*****) | Phone |
Owschlag | 4336 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamweddel | 4337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horsten | 4337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jevenstedt | 4337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerronfeld | 4337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahlefeld-Bistensee | 4338 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alt Duvenstedt | 4338 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holzbunge | 4338 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neu Duvenstedt | 4338 | **(*****) | Phone |
Christiansholm | 4339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichsgraben | 4339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichsholm | 4339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Konigshugel | 4339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meggerdorf | 4339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tetenhusen | 4339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Achterwehr | 4340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Felde | 4340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummwisch | 4340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Melsdorf | 4340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mielkendorf | 4340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottendorf | 4340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quarnbek | 4340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodenbek | 4340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gommern | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Honigsee | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kuhren | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lehmkuhlen | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loptin | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pohnsdorf | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Postfeld | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Preetz | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Preetz Landkreis Plon | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rastorf | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schellhorn | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wahlstorf | 4342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brodersdorf | 4343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laboe | 4343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutterbek | 4343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Probsteierhagen | 4343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stein | 4343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wendtorf | 4343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wisch | 4343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barsbek | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bendfeld | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fahren | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fargau-Pratjau | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fiefbergen | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohndorf | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kohn | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krokau | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummbek | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Passade | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Prasdorf | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonberg | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonberg Holstein | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stakendorf | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wisch | 4344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Felm | 4346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gettorf | 4346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lindau | 4346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neudorf-Bornstein | 4346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuwittenbek | 4346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Noer | 4346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osdorf | 4346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schinkel | 4346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tuttendorf | 4346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bissee | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blumenthal | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bohnhusen | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boksee | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flintbek | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langwedel | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mielkendorf | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molfsee | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodenbek | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rumohr | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schierensee | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonhorst | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Techelsdorf | 4347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dobersdorf | 4348 | **(*****) | Phone |
Probsteierhagen | 4348 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonkirchen | 4348 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenholz | 4349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Danischenhagen | 4349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Felm | 4349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Strande | 4349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenhof | 4351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barkelsby | 4351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eckernforde | 4351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gammelby | 4351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Goosefeld | 4351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haby | 4351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holtsee | 4351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterby | 4351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Windeby | 4351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Damp | 4352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holzdorf | 4352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thumby | 4352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waabs | 4352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahlefeld-Bistensee | 4353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ascheffel | 4353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brekendorf | 4353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Damendorf | 4353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hummelfeld | 4353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hutten | 4353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterby | 4353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borgwedel | 4354 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fleckeby | 4354 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geltorf | 4354 | **(*****) | Phone |
Guby | 4354 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hummelfeld | 4354 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kosel | 4354 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gammelby | 4355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holzdorf | 4355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kosel | 4355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rieseby | 4355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thumby | 4355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bunsdorf | 4356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Damendorf | 4356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Goosefeld | 4356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gross Wittensee | 4356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haby | 4356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holzbunge | 4356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Wittensee | 4356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bovenau | 4357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bunsdorf | 4357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holtsee | 4357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sehestedt | 4357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sehestedt Eider | 4357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barkelsby | 4358 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holzdorf | 4358 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loose | 4358 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loose Bei Eckernforde | 4358 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rieseby | 4358 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waabs | 4358 | **(*****) | Phone |
Damlos | 4361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gohl | 4361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gremersdorf | 4361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Harmsdorf | 4361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lensahn | 4361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldenburg In Holstein | 4361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangels | 4361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gremersdorf | 4362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosenbrode | 4362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heiligenhafen | 4362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neukirchen | 4362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beschendorf | 4363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Damlos | 4363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gromitz | 4363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Harmsdorf | 4363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kabelhorst | 4363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lensahn | 4363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Manhagen | 4363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riepsdorf | 4363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangels | 4363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dahme | 4364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dahme Landkreis Ostholstein | 4364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gromitz | 4364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grube | 4364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kellenhusen | 4364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riepsdorf | 4364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gohl | 4365 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grube | 4365 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heringsdorf | 4365 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heringsdorf Holst | 4365 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neukirchen | 4365 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gromitz | 4366 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gromitz-Cismar | 4366 | **(*****) | Phone |
Manhagen | 4366 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riepsdorf | 4366 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossenbrode | 4367 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burg Auf Fehmarn | 4371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fehmarn | 4371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fehmarn | 4372 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westfehmarn | 4372 | **(*****) | Phone |
Behrensdorf | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blekendorf | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dannau | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Giekau | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Helmstorf | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hogsdorf | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohwacht | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchnuchel | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klamp | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kletkamp | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutjenburg | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Panker | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trondel | 4381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blekendorf | 4382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangels | 4382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dannau | 4383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grebin | 4383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lebrade | 4383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mucheln | 4383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rantzau | 4383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lammershagen | 4384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Martensrade | 4384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mucheln | 4384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rastorf | 4384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Selent | 4384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Giekau | 4385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenfelde | 4385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenfelde Bei Kiel | 4385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kohn | 4385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Panker | 4385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwartbuck | 4385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trondel | 4385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bargstedt | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borgdorf-Seedorf | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brammer | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eisendorf | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ellerdorf | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gnutz | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Vollstedt | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krogaspe | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nortorf | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nortorf Bei Neumunster | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldenhutten | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schulp Bei Nortorf | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Timmaspe | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Warder | 4392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boostedt | 4393 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Kummerfeld | 4393 | **(*****) | Phone |
Latendorf | 4393 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bokhorst | 4394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bonebuttel | 4394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Buchwald | 4394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Kummerfeld | 4394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosharrie | 4394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Negenharrie | 4394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rendswuhren | 4394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schillsdorf | 4394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tasdorf | 4394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brake | 4401 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brake Unterweser | 4401 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elsfleth | 4401 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ovelgonne | 4401 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rastede | 4402 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiefelstede | 4402 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Zwischenahn | 4403 | **(*****) | Phone |
Edewecht | 4403 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerstede | 4403 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiefelstede | 4403 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elsfleth | 4404 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Zwischenahn | 4405 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosel | 4405 | **(*****) | Phone |
Edewecht | 4405 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesoythe | 4405 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berne | 4406 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosel | 4407 | **(*****) | Phone |
Garrel | 4407 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosenkneten | 4407 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wardenburg | 4407 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berne | 4408 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hude | 4408 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hude Oldenburg | 4408 | **(*****) | Phone |
Apen | 4409 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barsel | 4409 | **(*****) | Phone |
Edewecht | 4409 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerstede | 4409 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerstede-Ocholt | 4409 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Zwischenahn | 441 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Edewecht | 441 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Hatten | 441 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Hude | 441 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Oldenburg | 441 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Oldenburg | 441 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Rastede | 441 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Wardenburg | 441 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Wiefelstede | 441 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Sande | 4421 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schortens | 4421 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wilhelmshaven | 4421 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedeburg | 4422 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sande | 4422 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sande Landkreis Friesl | 4422 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schortens | 4422 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zetel | 4422 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fedderwarden | 4423 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schortens | 4423 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wilhelmshaven | 4423 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangerland | 4425 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangerland-Hooksiel | 4425 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wilhelmshaven | 4425 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangerland | 4426 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangerland-Horumersiel | 4426 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dotlingen | 4431 | **(*****) | Phone |
Prinzhofte | 4431 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wildeshausen | 4431 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winkelsett | 4431 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dotlingen | 4432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dotlingen-Brettorf | 4432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ganderkesee | 4432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Prinzhofte | 4432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dotlingen | 4433 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosenkneten | 4433 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wildeshausen | 4433 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colnrade | 4434 | **(*****) | Phone |
Goldenstedt | 4434 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistringen | 4434 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wildeshausen | 4434 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winkelsett | 4434 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emstek | 4435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossenkneten | 4435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wildeshausen | 4435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bakum | 4441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Diepholz | 4441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Goldenstedt | 4441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohne | 4441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vechta | 4441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dinklage | 4442 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohne | 4442 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohne Oldenburg | 4442 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinfeld | 4442 | **(*****) | Phone |
Badbergen | 4443 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bakum | 4443 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dinklage | 4443 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohne | 4443 | **(*****) | Phone |
Goldenstedt | 4444 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twistringen | 4444 | **(*****) | Phone |
Visbek | 4444 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emstek | 4445 | **(*****) | Phone |
Goldenstedt | 4445 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosenkneten | 4445 | **(*****) | Phone |
Visbek | 4445 | **(*****) | Phone |
Visbek Landkreis Vechta | 4445 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wildeshausen | 4445 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bakum | 4446 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bakum Landkreis Vechta | 4446 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappeln | 4446 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohne | 4446 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emstek | 4447 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vechta | 4447 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vechta-Langforden | 4447 | **(*****) | Phone |
Visbek | 4447 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jade | 4451 | **(*****) | Phone |
Varel | 4451 | **(*****) | Phone |
Varel Jadebusen | 4451 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bockhorn | 4452 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedeburg | 4452 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zetel | 4452 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zetel-Neuenburg | 4452 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bockhorn | 4453 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedeburg | 4453 | **(*****) | Phone |
Varel | 4453 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zetel | 4453 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jade | 4454 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rastede | 4454 | **(*****) | Phone |
Varel | 4454 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jade | 4455 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jade-Schweiburg | 4455 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ovelgonne | 4455 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadland | 4455 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bockhorn | 4456 | **(*****) | Phone |
Varel | 4456 | **(*****) | Phone |
Varel-Altjuhrden | 4456 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiefelstede | 4456 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Zwischenahn | 4458 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bockhorn | 4458 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rastede | 4458 | **(*****) | Phone |
Varel | 4458 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerstede | 4458 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiefelstede | 4458 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiefelstede-Spohle | 4458 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jever | 4461 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schortens | 4461 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangerland | 4461 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund | 4461 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund | 4462 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangerland | 4463 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuharlingersiel | 4464 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangerland | 4464 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund | 4464 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund-Carolinensiel | 4464 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedeburg | 4465 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedeburg Ostfriesl | 4465 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aurich | 4466 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund | 4466 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund-Ardorf | 4466 | **(*****) | Phone |
Werdum | 4467 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund | 4467 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund-Funnix | 4467 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedeburg | 4468 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedeburg-Reepsholt | 4468 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jever | 4468 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schortens | 4468 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund | 4468 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangerooge | 4469 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappeln | 4471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cloppenburg | 4471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emstek | 4471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Garrel | 4471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molbergen | 4471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Essen | 4472 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lastrup | 4472 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molbergen | 4472 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emstek | 4473 | **(*****) | Phone |
Visbek | 4473 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cloppenburg | 4474 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emstek | 4474 | **(*****) | Phone |
Garrel | 4474 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molbergen | 4474 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lastrup | 4475 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molbergen | 4475 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappeln | 4477 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cloppenburg | 4477 | **(*****) | Phone |
Essen | 4477 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lastrup | 4477 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lastrup-Hemmelte | 4477 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappeln | 4478 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappeln Oldenburg | 4478 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emstek | 4478 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesoythe | 4479 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lindern | 4479 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molbergen | 4479 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molbergen-Peheim | 4479 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vrees | 4479 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jade | 4480 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ovelgonne | 4480 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ovelgonne-Struckhausen | 4480 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hatten | 4481 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hatten-Sandkrug | 4481 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wardenburg | 4481 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dotlingen | 4482 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hatten | 4482 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hude | 4482 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elsfleth | 4483 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jade | 4483 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ovelgonne | 4483 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ovelgonne-Grosenmeer | 4483 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rastede | 4483 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hatten | 4484 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hude | 4484 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hude-Wusting | 4484 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elsfleth | 4485 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elsfleth-Huntorf | 4485 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Zwischenahn | 4486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosel | 4486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Edewecht | 4486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Edewecht-Friedrichsfehn | 4486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wardenburg | 4486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dotlingen | 4487 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosenkneten | 4487 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossenkneten-Huntlosen | 4487 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wardenburg | 4487 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Zwischenahn | 4488 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bockhorn | 4488 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerstede | 4488 | **(*****) | Phone |
Apen | 4489 | **(*****) | Phone |
Detern | 4489 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uplengen | 4489 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerstede | 4489 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesoythe | 4491 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saterland | 4491 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barsel | 4492 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesoythe | 4492 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saterland | 4492 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesoythe | 4493 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesoythe-Gehlenberg | 4493 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hilkenbrook | 4493 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lorup | 4493 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saterland | 4493 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosel | 4494 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosel Oldenburg | 4494 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wardenburg | 4494 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosel | 4495 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesoythe | 4495 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesoythe-Thule | 4495 | **(*****) | Phone |
Garrel | 4495 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molbergen | 4495 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesoythe | 4496 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesoythe-Markhausen | 4496 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barsel | 4497 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barsel-Harkebrugge | 4497 | **(*****) | Phone |
Edewecht | 4497 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesoythe | 4497 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saterland | 4498 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saterland-Ramsloh | 4498 | **(*****) | Phone |
Apen | 4499 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barssel | 4499 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bliestorf | 4501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Duchelsdorf | 4501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grinau | 4501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kastorf | 4501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kastorf Holst | 4501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rondeshagen | 4501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Siebenbaumen | 4501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sierksrade | 4501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lubeck | 4502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lubeck-Travemunde | 4502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ratekau | 4502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ratekau | 4503 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scharbeutz | 4503 | **(*****) | Phone |
Timmendorfer Strand | 4503 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ratekau | 4504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scharbeutz | 4504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stockelsdorf | 4504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahrensbok | 4505 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stockelsdorf | 4505 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stockelsdorf-Curau | 4505 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahrensbok | 4506 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heilshoop | 4506 | **(*****) | Phone |
Monkhagen | 4506 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pronstorf | 4506 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stockelsdorf | 4506 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stockelsdorf-Krumbeck | 4506 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Schenkenberg | 4508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klempau | 4508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummesse | 4508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lubeck | 4508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Gronau | 4509 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Sarau | 4509 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lubeck | 4509 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Schwartau | 451 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Badendorf | 451 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Hamberge | 451 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Lubeck | 451 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Ratekau | 451 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Selmsdorf | 451 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Stockelsdorf | 451 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Bosau | 4521 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosdorf | 4521 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eutin | 4521 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kasseedorf | 4521 | **(*****) | Phone |
Susel | 4521 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosdorf | 4522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dornick | 4522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grebin | 4522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lebrade | 4522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lehmkuhlen | 4522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Plon | 4522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rathjensdorf | 4522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmoldt | 4522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosdorf | 4523 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eutin | 4523 | **(*****) | Phone |
Malente | 4523 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahrensbok | 4524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scharbeutz | 4524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scharbeutz-Ponitz | 4524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Susel | 4524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahrensbok | 4525 | **(*****) | Phone |
Glasau | 4525 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ascheberg | 4526 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ascheberg Holstein | 4526 | **(*****) | Phone |
Belau | 4526 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dersau | 4526 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dornick | 4526 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kalubbe | 4526 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kuhren | 4526 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nehmten | 4526 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stocksee | 4526 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wahlstorf | 4526 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosau | 4527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosdorf | 4527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Glasau | 4527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenkrempe | 4528 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kasseedorf | 4528 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchnuchel | 4528 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonwalde Am Bungsberg | 4528 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wangels | 4528 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenkrempe | 4529 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kasseedorf | 4529 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sierksdorf | 4529 | **(*****) | Phone |
Susel | 4529 | **(*****) | Phone |
Susel-Bujendorf | 4529 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Oldesloe | 4531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elmenhorst | 4531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meddewade | 4531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neritz | 4531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Politz | 4531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rumpel | 4531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Travenbruck | 4531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tremsbuttel | 4531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ammersbek | 4532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bargfeld-Stegen | 4532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bargteheide | 4532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Delingsdorf | 4532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elmenhorst | 4532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hammoor | 4532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jersbek | 4532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lasbek | 4532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tremsbuttel | 4532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barnitz | 4533 | **(*****) | Phone |
Feldhorst | 4533 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidekamp | 4533 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Wesenberg | 4533 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehhorst | 4533 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reinfeld | 4533 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reinfeld Holstein | 4533 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wesenberg | 4533 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zarpen | 4533 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gronwohld | 4534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hoisdorf | 4534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lasbek | 4534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutjensee | 4534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonberg | 4534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinburg | 4534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinburg Landkreis Storman | 4534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stubben | 4534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todendorf | 4534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bargfeld-Stegen | 4535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Itzstedt | 4535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kayhude | 4535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kisdorf | 4535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nahe | 4535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oering | 4535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tangstedt | 4535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wakendorf Ii | 4535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klinkrade | 4536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Labenz | 4536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Luchow | 4536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sandesneben | 4536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schiphorst | 4536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinhorst | 4536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinhorst Lauenb | 4536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wentorf | 4536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bargfeld-Stegen | 4537 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elmenhorst | 4537 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grabau | 4537 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nienwohld | 4537 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulfeld | 4537 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulfeld Holst | 4537 | **(*****) | Phone |
Travenbruck | 4537 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Boden | 4539 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Schenkenberg | 4539 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Wesenberg | 4539 | **(*****) | Phone |
Politz | 4539 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rethwisch | 4539 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schurensohlen | 4539 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerau | 4539 | **(*****) | Phone |
Albsfelde | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bak | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchholz | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Einhaus | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fredeburg | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Giesensdorf | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Sarau | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Harmsdorf | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kulpin | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mechow | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pogeez | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ratzeburg | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Romnitz | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Salem | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmilau | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sterley | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ziethen | 4541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alt Molln | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Balau | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breitenfelde | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brunsmark | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grambek | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horst | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lankau | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lehmrade | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molln | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molln Lauenb | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Panten | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Woltersdorf | 4542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borstorf | 4543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Duvensee | 4543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Koberg | 4543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kuhsen | 4543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lankau | 4543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nusse | 4543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Panten | 4543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Poggensee | 4543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ritzerau | 4543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sirksfelde | 4543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walksfelde | 4543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Behlendorf | 4544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berkenthin | 4544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Goldenitz | 4544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Disnack | 4544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niendorf Bei Berkenthin | 4544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rondeshagen | 4544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hollenbek | 4545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Zecher | 4545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Salem | 4545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seedorf | 4545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seedorf Lauenb | 4545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sterley | 4545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kittlitz | 4546 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mustin | 4546 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mustin Lauenburg | 4546 | **(*****) | Phone |
Besenthal | 4547 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gudow | 4547 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gudow Lauenb | 4547 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bahrenhof | 4550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buhnsdorf | 4550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dreggers | 4550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuengors | 4550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wakendorf I | 4550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Segeberg | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fahrenkrug | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Ronnau | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hogersdorf | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Gladebrugge | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Ronnau | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mozen | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Negernbotel | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schackendorf | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schieren | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwissel | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stipsdorf | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Traventhal | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weede | 4551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bebensee | 4552 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Niendorf | 4552 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kukels | 4552 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leezen | 4552 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neversdorf | 4552 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geschendorf | 4553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pronstorf | 4553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehhorst | 4553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rohlstorf | 4553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schieren | 4553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Strukdorf | 4553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weede | 4553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerrade | 4553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wahlstedt | 4554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittenborn | 4554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Damsdorf | 4555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nehms | 4555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nehmten | 4555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seedorf | 4555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seedorf Bei Bad Segeberg | 4555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stocksee | 4555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Travenhorst | 4555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahrensbok | 4556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahrensbok-Gnissau | 4556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pronstorf | 4556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seedorf | 4556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Travenhorst | 4556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blunk | 4557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Daldorf | 4557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Ronnau | 4557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krems Ii | 4557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nehms | 4557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tarbek | 4557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tensfeld | 4557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bark | 4558 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fredesdorf | 4558 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hartenholm | 4558 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todesfelde | 4558 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krems Ii | 4559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rohlstorf | 4559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wensin | 4559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenkrempe | 4561 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neustadt In Holstein | 4561 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schashagen | 4561 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sierksdorf | 4561 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gromitz | 4562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schashagen | 4562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scharbeutz | 4563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scharbeutz-Haffkrug | 4563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sierksdorf | 4563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Susel | 4563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenkrempe | 4564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beschendorf | 4564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schashagen | 4564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freienwill | 4602 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossolt | 4602 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oeversee | 4602 | **(*****) | Phone |
Havetoft | 4603 | **(*****) | Phone |
Havetoftloit | 4603 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klappholz | 4603 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sieverstedt | 4603 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossenwiehe | 4604 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lindewitt | 4604 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boxlund | 4605 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holt | 4605 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jardelund | 4605 | **(*****) | Phone |
Medelby | 4605 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterby | 4605 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weesby | 4605 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wanderup | 4606 | **(*****) | Phone |
Janneby | 4607 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jorl | 4607 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sollerup | 4607 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderhackstedt | 4607 | **(*****) | Phone |
Handewitt | 4608 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eggebek | 4609 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langstedt | 4609 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flensburg | 461 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Handewitt | 461 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Harrislee | 461 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Tastrup | 461 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Borgwedel | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Busdorf | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dannewerk | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fahrdorf | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geltorf | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Husby | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Idstedt | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lottorf | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lurschau | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuberend | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nubel | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schaalby | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schleswig | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schuby | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Selk | 4621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brodersby | 4622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Goltoft | 4622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schaalby | 4622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taarstedt | 4622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tolk | 4622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Twedt | 4622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boklund | 4623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Havetoftloit | 4623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schnarup-Thumby | 4623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stolk | 4623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Struxdorf | 4623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderfahrenstedt | 4623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ulsby | 4623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alt Bennebek | 4624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros Rheide | 4624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jagel | 4624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Bennebek | 4624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein Rheide | 4624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kropp | 4624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meggerdorf | 4624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Owschlag | 4624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tetenhusen | 4624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bollingstedt | 4625 | **(*****) | Phone |
Idstedt | 4625 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jubek | 4625 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lurschau | 4625 | **(*****) | Phone |
Silberstedt | 4625 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sollerup | 4625 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahrenviolfeld | 4626 | **(*****) | Phone |
Silberstedt | 4626 | **(*****) | Phone |
Treia | 4626 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borm | 4627 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorpstedt | 4627 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ellingstedt | 4627 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hollingstedt | 4627 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ostenfeld | 4627 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barderup | 4630 | **(*****) | Phone |
Handewitt | 4630 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oeversee | 4630 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flensburg | 4631 | **(*****) | Phone |
Glucksburg | 4631 | **(*****) | Phone |
Glucksburg Ostsee | 4631 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munkbrarup | 4631 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wees | 4631 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niesgrau | 4632 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quern | 4632 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinberg | 4632 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinbergkirche | 4632 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ausacker | 4633 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossolt | 4633 | **(*****) | Phone |
Havetoftloit | 4633 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rude | 4633 | **(*****) | Phone |
Satrup | 4633 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schnarup-Thumby | 4633 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sorup | 4633 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ausacker | 4634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grundhof | 4634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hurup | 4634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Husby | 4634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Maasbull | 4634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ringsberg | 4634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sorup | 4635 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dollerup | 4636 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grundhof | 4636 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langballig | 4636 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munkbrarup | 4636 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quern | 4636 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ringsberg | 4636 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerholz | 4636 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahneby | 4637 | **(*****) | Phone |
Esgrus | 4637 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oersberg | 4637 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sterup | 4637 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stoltebull | 4637 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jerrishoe | 4638 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oeversee | 4638 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sieverstedt | 4638 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tarp | 4638 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horup | 4639 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meyn | 4639 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nordhackstedt | 4639 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schafflund | 4639 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sprakebull | 4639 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadum | 4639 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallsbull | 4639 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boel | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boren | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brebel | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dollrottfeld | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ekenis | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kiesby | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loit | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norderbrarup | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nottfeld | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saustrup | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scheggerott | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinfeld | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderbrarup | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ulsnis | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wagersrott | 4641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Arnis | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grodersby | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hasselberg | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kappeln | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kappeln Schlei | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Maasholm | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oersberg | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rabel | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rabenholz | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rabenkirchen-Fauluck | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scheggerott | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stoltebull | 4642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gelting | 4643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gelting Angeln | 4643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hasselberg | 4643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kronsgaard | 4643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nieby | 4643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niesgrau | 4643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pommerby | 4643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rabenholz | 4643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stangheck | 4643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stoltebull | 4643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brodersby | 4644 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorphof | 4644 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kappeln | 4644 | **(*****) | Phone |
Karby | 4644 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winnemark | 4644 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boel | 4646 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mohrkirch | 4646 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rugge | 4646 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hornum | 4651 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kampen | 4651 | **(*****) | Phone |
List | 4651 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rantum | 4651 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sylt | 4651 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sylt-Ost | 4651 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wenningstedt-Braderup | 4651 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerland | 4651 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosbull | 4661 | **(*****) | Phone |
Galmsbull | 4661 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klixbull | 4661 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niebull | 4661 | **(*****) | Phone |
Risum-Lindholm | 4661 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stedesand | 4661 | **(*****) | Phone |
Achtrup | 4662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Enge-Sande | 4662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Karlum | 4662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klixbull | 4662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leck | 4662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Risum-Lindholm | 4662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sprakebull | 4662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadum | 4662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tinningstedt | 4662 | **(*****) | Phone |
Braderup | 4663 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ellhoft | 4663 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holm | 4663 | **(*****) | Phone |
Humptrup | 4663 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lexgaard | 4663 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderlugum | 4663 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uphusum | 4663 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aventoft | 4664 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neukirchen | 4664 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neukirchen Bei Niebull | 4664 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emmelsbull-Horsbull | 4665 | **(*****) | Phone |
Galmsbull | 4665 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bramstedtlund | 4666 | **(*****) | Phone |
Karlum | 4666 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ladelund | 4666 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westre | 4666 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dagebull | 4667 | **(*****) | Phone |
Galmsbull | 4667 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrich-Wilhelm-Lubke-Koog | 4668 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klanxbull | 4668 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodenas | 4668 | **(*****) | Phone |
Almdorf | 4671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bohmstedt | 4671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bordelum | 4671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bredstedt | 4671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breklum | 4671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drelsdorf | 4671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reusenkoge | 4671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sonnebull | 4671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Struckum | 4671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vollstedt | 4671 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bargum | 4672 | **(*****) | Phone |
Enge-Sande | 4672 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langenhorn | 4672 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutjenholm | 4672 | **(*****) | Phone |
Goldebek | 4673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Goldelund | 4673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hogel | 4673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Joldelund | 4673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kolkerheide | 4673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lindewitt | 4673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lowenstedt | 4673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dagebull | 4674 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grode | 4674 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ockholm | 4674 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reusenkoge | 4674 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alkersum | 4681 | **(*****) | Phone |
Midlum | 4681 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nieblum | 4681 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oevenum | 4681 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wrixum | 4681 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wyk Auf Fohr | 4681 | **(*****) | Phone |
Amrum | 4682 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nebel | 4682 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norddorf | 4682 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittdun | 4682 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borgsum | 4683 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dunsum | 4683 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldsum | 4683 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderende | 4683 | **(*****) | Phone |
Utersum | 4683 | **(*****) | Phone |
Witsum | 4683 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langenes | 4684 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langenes Hallig | 4684 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sandstedt | 4702 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loxstedt | 4703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loxstedt-Donnern | 4703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schiffdorf | 4703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Bederkesa | 4704 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drangstedt | 4704 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elmlohe | 4704 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langen | 4704 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schiffdorf | 4704 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wremen | 4705 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schiffdorf | 4706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langen | 4707 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langen-Neuenwalde | 4707 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kohlen | 4708 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kuhrstedt | 4708 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ringstedt | 4708 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bremerhaven | 471 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Langen | 471 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Loxstedt | 471 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Schiffdorf | 471 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4721 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamburg | 4721 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4722 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven-Altenbruch | 4722 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4723 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven-Altenwalde | 4723 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven-Ludingworth | 4724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wanna | 4724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Helgoland | 4725 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nordenham | 4731 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadland | 4732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadland-Rodenkirchen | 4732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Butjadingen | 4733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Butjadingen-Burhave | 4733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jade | 4734 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadland | 4734 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadland-Seefeld | 4734 | **(*****) | Phone |
Butjadingen | 4735 | **(*****) | Phone |
Butjadingen-Stollhamm | 4735 | **(*****) | Phone |
Butjadingen | 4736 | **(*****) | Phone |
Butjadingen-Tossens | 4736 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ovelgonne | 4737 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadland | 4737 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadland-Schwei | 4737 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loxstedt | 4740 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loxstedt-Dedesdorf | 4740 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cappel | 4741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorum | 4741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Midlum | 4741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nordholz | 4741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nordholz Bei Bremerhaven | 4741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorum | 4742 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langen | 4742 | **(*****) | Phone |
Misselwarden | 4742 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mulsum | 4742 | **(*****) | Phone |
Padingbuttel | 4742 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langen | 4743 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langen Bei Bremerhaven | 4743 | **(*****) | Phone |
Loxstedt | 4744 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Bederkesa | 4745 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flogeln | 4745 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kuhrstedt | 4745 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lintig | 4745 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bramstedt | 4746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Driftsethe | 4746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hagen Bei Bremerhaven | 4746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hagen Im Bremischen | 4746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wulsbuttel | 4746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Appeln | 4747 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beverstedt | 4747 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heerstedt | 4747 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchwistedt | 4747 | **(*****) | Phone |
Axstedt | 4748 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bokel | 4748 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bramstedt | 4748 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hollen | 4748 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holste | 4748 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lunestedt | 4748 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stubben | 4748 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stubben Bei Bremerhaven | 4748 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beverstedt | 4749 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frelsdorf | 4749 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schiffdorf | 4749 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schiffdorf-Geestenseth | 4749 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 4751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterbruch | 4751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Otterndorf | 4751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Balje | 4752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Belum | 4752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geversdorf | 4752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuhaus | 4752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuhaus Oste | 4752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Balje | 4753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geversdorf | 4753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummendeich | 4753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oederquart | 4753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bulkau | 4754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlienworth | 4754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterbruch | 4754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wingst | 4754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlienworth | 4755 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 4755 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterbruch | 4755 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lintig | 4756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Odisheim | 4756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinau | 4756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stinstedt | 4756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlienworth | 4757 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wanna | 4757 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cuxhaven | 4758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 4758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nordleda | 4758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wanna | 4758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bremervorde | 4761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oerel | 4761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brest | 4762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Deinstedt | 4762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Farven | 4762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kutenholz | 4762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gnarrenburg | 4763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bremervorde | 4764 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gnarrenburg | 4764 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gnarrenburg-Klenkendorf | 4764 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sandbostel | 4764 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alfstedt | 4765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Armstorf | 4765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ebersdorf | 4765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ebersdorf Bei Bremervorde | 4765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lintig | 4765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oerel | 4765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Basdahl | 4766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oerel | 4766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bremervorde | 4767 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bremervorde-Bevern | 4767 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ebersdorf | 4768 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hipstedt | 4768 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bremervorde | 4769 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bremervorde-Iselersheim | 4769 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hollnseth | 4769 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oederquart | 4770 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wischhafen | 4770 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hemmoor | 4771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lamstedt | 4771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mittelstenahe | 4771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberndorf | 4771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osten | 4771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geversdorf | 4772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberndorf | 4772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberndorf Oste | 4772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osten | 4772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Armstorf | 4773 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hollnseth | 4773 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lamstedt | 4773 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mittelstenahe | 4773 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hechthausen | 4774 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drochtersen | 4775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Engelschoff | 4775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossenworden | 4775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osten | 4775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drochtersen | 4776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osten | 4776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osten-Altendorf | 4776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bulkau | 4777 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cadenberge | 4777 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wingst | 4777 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberndorf | 4778 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wingst | 4778 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freiburg | 4779 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freiburg Elbe | 4779 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummendeich | 4779 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oederquart | 4779 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wischhafen | 4779 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterholz-Scharmbeck | 4791 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worpswede | 4791 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grasberg | 4792 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lilienthal | 4792 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worpswede | 4792 | **(*****) | Phone |
Axstedt | 4793 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bramstedt | 4793 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hambergen | 4793 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lubberstedt | 4793 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterholz-Scharmbeck | 4793 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vollersode | 4793 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breddorf | 4794 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gnarrenburg | 4794 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vollersode | 4794 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worpswede | 4794 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worpswede-Ostersode | 4794 | **(*****) | Phone |
Garlstedt | 4795 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterholz-Scharmbeck | 4795 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwanewede | 4795 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wulsbuttel | 4795 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterholz-Scharmbeck | 4796 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teufelsmoor | 4796 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dellstedt | 4802 | **(*****) | Phone |
Offenbuttel | 4802 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterrade | 4802 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderdorf | 4802 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wrohm | 4802 | **(*****) | Phone |
Delve | 4803 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorpling | 4803 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hollingstedt | 4803 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pahlen | 4803 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tielenhemme | 4803 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallen | 4803 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gaushorn | 4804 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heide | 4804 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nordhastedt | 4804 | **(*****) | Phone |
Odderade | 4804 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bornholt | 4805 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eggstedt | 4805 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schafstedt | 4805 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bargenstedt | 4806 | **(*****) | Phone |
Odderade | 4806 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sarzbuttel | 4806 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heide | 481 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Heide Holst | 481 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Hemmingstedt | 481 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Lieth | 481 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Lohe-Rickelshof | 481 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 481 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Norderwohrden | 481 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Ostrohe | 481 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Suderheistedt | 481 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Weddingstedt | 481 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Wesseln | 481 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Bekmunde | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breitenburg | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dageling | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heiligenstedten | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heiligenstedtenerkamp | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hodorf | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Itzehoe | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kollmoor | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kremperheide | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krempermoor | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munsterdorf | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oelixdorf | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldendorf | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlotfeld | 4821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Auufer | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bokel | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breitenberg | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fohrden-Barl | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hingstheide | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenlockstedt | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kellinghusen | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moordiek | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Muhlenbarbek | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oeschebuttel | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterhorn | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quarnstedt | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosdorf | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Storkathen | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittenbergen | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wrist | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wulfsmoor | 4822 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beidenfleth | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bekdorf | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bekmunde | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dammfleth | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ecklak | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleve | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummendiek | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Landrecht | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moorhusen | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuendorf-Sachsenbande | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nortorf | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldendorf | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stordorf | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vaalermoor | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wilster | 4823 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bahrenfleth | 4824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borsfleth | 4824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elskop | 4824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grevenkop | 4824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hodorf | 4824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krempdorf | 4824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krempe | 4824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krempermoor | 4824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenbrook | 4824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sommerland | 4824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderau | 4824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aebtissinwisch | 4825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brickeln | 4825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchholz | 4825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burg | 4825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burg Dithmarschen | 4825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ecklak | 4825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosenrade | 4825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochdonn | 4825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuendorf-Sachsenbande | 4825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quickborn | 4825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vaale | 4825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenlockstedt | 4826 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lockstedt | 4826 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohbarbek | 4826 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oeschebuttel | 4826 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlotfeld | 4826 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winseldorf | 4826 | **(*****) | Phone |
Agethorst | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bendorf | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Besdorf | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bokelrehm | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gribbohm | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochdonn | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holstenniendorf | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Huje | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mehlbek | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nienbuttel | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nutteln | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vaale | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wacken | 4827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breitenburg | 4828 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kronsmoor | 4828 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lagerdorf | 4828 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenbrook | 4828 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rethwisch | 4828 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westermoor | 4828 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beidenfleth | 4829 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brokdorf | 4829 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dammfleth | 4829 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wewelsfleth | 4829 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eggstedt | 4830 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frestedt | 4830 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krumstedt | 4830 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderhastedt | 4830 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bargenstedt | 4832 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elpersbuttel | 4832 | **(*****) | Phone |
Epenwohrden | 4832 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hemmingstedt | 4832 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meldorf | 4832 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nindorf | 4832 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nordermeldorf | 4832 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wolmersdorf | 4832 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichsgabekoog | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hedwigenkoog | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hellschen-Heringsand-Unterschaar | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hillgroven | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Karolinenkoog | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norddeich | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norderwohrden | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oesterwurth | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reinsbuttel | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schulp | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Strubbel | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderdeich | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wesselburen | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wesselburener Deichhausen | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wesselburenerkoog | 4833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Busum | 4834 | **(*****) | Phone |
Busumer Deichhausen | 4834 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichsgabekoog | 4834 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hedwigenkoog | 4834 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oesterdeichstrich | 4834 | **(*****) | Phone |
Warwerort | 4834 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerdeichstrich | 4834 | **(*****) | Phone |
Albersdorf | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Albersdorf Holst | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Arkebek | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beldorf | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bunsoh | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Immenstedt | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Offenbuttel | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterrade | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schrum | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tensbuttel-Rost | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wennbuttel | 4835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barkenholm | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bergewohrden | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Delve | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fedderingen | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Glusing | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hagen | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hennstedt | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hennstedt Dithm | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hollingstedt | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleve | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Linden | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norderheistedt | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlichting | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiemerstedt | 4836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen | 4837 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenkirchen Dithm | 4837 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehm-Flehde-Bargen | 4837 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stelle-Wittenwurth | 4837 | **(*****) | Phone |
Strubbel | 4837 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weddingstedt | 4837 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wesseln | 4837 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gaushorn | 4838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hovede | 4838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schalkholz | 4838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schrum | 4838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderdorf | 4838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tellingstedt | 4838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Welmbuttel | 4838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerborstel | 4838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichsgabekoog | 4839 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nordermeldorf | 4839 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norderwohrden | 4839 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wohrden | 4839 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wohrden Dithm | 4839 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horstedt | 4841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Husum | 4841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Husum Nordsee | 4841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Koldenbuttel | 4841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mildstedt | 4841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rantrum | 4841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwesing | 4841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Simonsberg | 4841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sudermarsch | 4841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Witzwort | 4841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elisabeth-Sophien-Koog | 4842 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nordstrand | 4842 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pellworm | 4842 | **(*****) | Phone |
Behrendorf | 4843 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bohmstedt | 4843 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bondelum | 4843 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haselund | 4843 | **(*****) | Phone |
Immenstedt | 4843 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lowenstedt | 4843 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norstedt | 4843 | **(*****) | Phone |
Olderup | 4843 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sollwitt | 4843 | **(*****) | Phone |
Viol | 4843 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pellworm | 4844 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldersbek | 4845 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ostenfeld | 4845 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ostenfeld Husum | 4845 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winnert | 4845 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittbek | 4845 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahrenshoft | 4846 | **(*****) | Phone |
Arlewatt | 4846 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hattstedt | 4846 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hattstedtermarsch | 4846 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horstedt | 4846 | **(*****) | Phone |
Husum | 4846 | **(*****) | Phone |
Olderup | 4846 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wobbenbull | 4846 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahrenviol | 4847 | **(*****) | Phone |
Immenstedt | 4847 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oster-Ohrstedt | 4847 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wester-Ohrstedt | 4847 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldersbek | 4848 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rantrum | 4848 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sudermarsch | 4848 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hallig Hooge | 4849 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hooge | 4849 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brunsbuttel | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Diekhusen-Fahrstedt | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Helse | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kronprinzenkoog | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marne | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marnerdeich | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neufeld | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neufelderkoog | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ramhusen | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmedeswurth | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trennewurth | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Volsemenhusen | 4851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brunsbuttel | 4852 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchholz | 4853 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Michaelisdonn | 4853 | **(*****) | Phone |
Volsemenhusen | 4853 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichskoog | 4854 | **(*****) | Phone |
Averlak | 4855 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brunsbuttel | 4855 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dingen | 4855 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eddelak | 4855 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kuden | 4855 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ramhusen | 4855 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barlt | 4857 | **(*****) | Phone |
Busenwurth | 4857 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kronprinzenkoog | 4857 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trennewurth | 4857 | **(*****) | Phone |
Volsemenhusen | 4857 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brokdorf | 4858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buttel | 4858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ecklak | 4858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kudensee | 4858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Landscheide | 4858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nortorf | 4858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Margarethen | 4858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Margarethen Holst | 4858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Busenwurth | 4859 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elpersbuttel | 4859 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gudendorf | 4859 | **(*****) | Phone |
Windbergen | 4859 | **(*****) | Phone |
Katharinenheerd | 4861 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kotzenbull | 4861 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldenswort | 4861 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tonning | 4861 | **(*****) | Phone |
Garding | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grothusenkoog | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Katharinenheerd | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Poppenbull | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tating | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tetenbull | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tonning | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tumlauer Koog | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vollerwiek | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Welt | 4862 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Peter-Ording | 4863 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tating | 4863 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norderfriedrichskoog | 4864 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldenswort | 4864 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tetenbull | 4864 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uelvesbull | 4864 | **(*****) | Phone |
Witzwort | 4864 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterhever | 4865 | **(*****) | Phone |
Poppenbull | 4865 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tetenbull | 4865 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerhever | 4865 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grauel | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenwestedt | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jahrsdorf | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morel | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nienborstel | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nindorf | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterstedt | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rade Bei Hohenwestedt | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Remmels | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Silzen | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tappendorf | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wapelfeld | 4871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aasbuttel | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beldorf | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bendorf | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bornholt | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breiholz | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gokels | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hanerau-Hademarschen | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutjenwestedt | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldenbuttel | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seefeld | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steenfeld | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tackesdorf | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thaden | 4872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aukrug | 4873 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heinkenborstel | 4873 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meezen | 4873 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morel | 4873 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiedenborstel | 4873 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beringstedt | 4874 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haale | 4874 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nienborstel | 4874 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterstedt | 4874 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todenbuttel | 4874 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bargstedt | 4875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breiholz | 4875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brinjahe | 4875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Embuhren | 4875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamweddel | 4875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horsten | 4875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jevenstedt | 4875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Luhnstedt | 4875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nienborstel | 4875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stafstedt | 4875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Peissen | 4876 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reher | 4876 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reher Holst | 4876 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hennstedt | 4877 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hennstedt Bei Itzehoe | 4877 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lockstedt | 4877 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meezen | 4877 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oeschebuttel | 4877 | **(*****) | Phone |
Poyenberg | 4877 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rade | 4877 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drage | 4881 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichstadt | 4881 | **(*****) | Phone |
Koldenbuttel | 4881 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwabstedt | 4881 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seeth | 4881 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sudermarsch | 4881 | **(*****) | Phone |
Witzwort | 4881 | **(*****) | Phone |
Groven | 4882 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hemme | 4882 | **(*****) | Phone |
Karolinenkoog | 4882 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleve | 4882 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krempel | 4882 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lehe | 4882 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lunden | 4882 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehm-Flehde-Bargen | 4882 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Annen | 4882 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlichting | 4882 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drage | 4883 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norderstapel | 4883 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderstapel | 4883 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fresendelf | 4884 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hude | 4884 | **(*****) | Phone |
Koldenbuttel | 4884 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldersbek | 4884 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ramstedt | 4884 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwabstedt | 4884 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seeth | 4884 | **(*****) | Phone |
Suderhoft | 4884 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wisch | 4884 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bergenhusen | 4885 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borm | 4885 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meggerdorf | 4885 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wohlde | 4885 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aasbuttel | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Agethorst | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bokelrehm | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bokhorst | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Christinenthal | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hadenfeld | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kaisborstel | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Looft | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mehlbek | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nienbuttel | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oldenborstel | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Poschendorf | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Puls | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schenefeld | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schenefeld Mittelholst | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Siezbuttel | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Warringholz | 4892 | **(*****) | Phone |
Drage | 4893 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenaspe | 4893 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kaaks | 4893 | **(*****) | Phone |
Looft | 4893 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottenbuttel | 4893 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jemgum | 4902 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jemgum-Ditzum | 4902 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bunde | 4903 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhede | 4903 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weener | 4903 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wymeer | 4903 | **(*****) | Phone |
Detern | 491 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Leer | 491 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Leer Ostfriesland | 491 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Moormerland | 491 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Westoverledingen | 491 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Krummhorn | 4920 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norden | 4920 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osteel | 4920 | **(*****) | Phone |
Upgant-Schott | 4920 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wirdum | 4920 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emden | 4921 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emden Stadt | 4921 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borkum | 4922 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummhorn | 4923 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummhorn-Pewsum | 4923 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emden | 4924 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlow | 4924 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moormerland | 4924 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moormerland-Oldersum | 4924 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hinte | 4925 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummhorn | 4926 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummhorn-Greetsiel | 4926 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norden | 4926 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emden | 4927 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummhorn | 4927 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummhorn-Loquard | 4927 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlow | 4928 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlow-Riepe | 4928 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sudbrookmerland | 4928 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlow | 4929 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlow Landkreis Aurich | 4929 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hage | 4931 | **(*****) | Phone |
Halbemond | 4931 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leezdorf | 4931 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutetsburg | 4931 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norden | 4931 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osteel | 4931 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norderney | 4932 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dornum | 4933 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dornum Ostfriesl | 4933 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosheide | 4933 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hagermarsch | 4933 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leezdorf | 4934 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marienhafe | 4934 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norden | 4934 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osteel | 4934 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rechtsupweg | 4934 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sudbrookmerland | 4934 | **(*****) | Phone |
Upgant-Schott | 4934 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wirdum | 4934 | **(*****) | Phone |
Juist | 4935 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nordseeinsel Memmert | 4935 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berumbur | 4936 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossheide | 4936 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hage | 4936 | **(*****) | Phone |
Halbemond | 4936 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dornum | 4938 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosheide | 4938 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hage | 4938 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hagermarsch | 4938 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norden | 4938 | **(*****) | Phone |
Baltrum | 4939 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aurich | 4941 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlow | 4941 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sudbrookmerland | 4941 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosheide | 4942 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlow | 4942 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sudbrookmerland | 4942 | **(*****) | Phone |
Upgant-Schott | 4942 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aurich | 4943 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossefehn | 4943 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlow | 4943 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesmoor | 4943 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedeburg | 4944 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosefehn | 4944 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesmoor | 4944 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosefehn | 4945 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossefehn-Timmel | 4945 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ihlow | 4945 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moormerland | 4945 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neukamperfehn | 4945 | **(*****) | Phone |
Firrel | 4946 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosefehn | 4946 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossefehn-Bagband | 4946 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hesel | 4946 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neukamperfehn | 4946 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesmoor | 4946 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aurich | 4947 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aurich-Ogenbargen | 4947 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dunum | 4947 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aurich | 4948 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedeburg | 4948 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesmoor | 4948 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesmoor-Marcardsmoor | 4948 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund | 4948 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brinkum | 4950 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hesel | 4950 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holtland | 4950 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leer | 4950 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moormerland | 4950 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nortmoor | 4950 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leer | 4951 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weener | 4951 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westoverledingen | 4951 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ostrhauderfehn | 4952 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhauderfehn | 4952 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saterland | 4952 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bunde | 4953 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weener | 4953 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leer | 4954 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moormerland | 4954 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhauderfehn | 4955 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westoverledingen | 4955 | **(*****) | Phone |
Filsum | 4956 | **(*****) | Phone |
Firrel | 4956 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedeburg | 4956 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hesel | 4956 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwerinsdorf | 4956 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uplengen | 4956 | **(*****) | Phone |
Detern | 4957 | **(*****) | Phone |
Filsum | 4957 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nortmoor | 4957 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ostrhauderfehn | 4957 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saterland | 4957 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uplengen | 4957 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jemgum | 4958 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bunde | 4959 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dollart | 4959 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jemgum | 4959 | **(*****) | Phone |
Papenburg | 4961 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weener | 4961 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westoverledingen | 4961 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lehe | 4962 | **(*****) | Phone |
Papenburg | 4962 | **(*****) | Phone |
Papenburg-Aschendorf | 4962 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhede | 4962 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dersum | 4963 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorpen | 4963 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heede | 4963 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kluse | 4963 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lehe | 4963 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walchum | 4963 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wippingen | 4963 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhede | 4964 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhede Ems | 4964 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bockhorst | 4965 | **(*****) | Phone |
Papenburg | 4965 | **(*****) | Phone |
Surwold | 4965 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorpen | 4966 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kluse | 4966 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuborger | 4966 | **(*****) | Phone |
Surwold | 4966 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wippingen | 4966 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bockhorst | 4967 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhauderfehn | 4967 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhauderfehn-Burlage | 4967 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lehe | 4968 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neulehe | 4968 | **(*****) | Phone |
Papenburg | 4968 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dornum | 4971 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dunum | 4971 | **(*****) | Phone |
Esens | 4971 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holtgast | 4971 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moorweg | 4971 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuharlingersiel | 4971 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ochtersum | 4971 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stedesdorf | 4971 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langeoog | 4972 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dunum | 4973 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stedesdorf | 4973 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund | 4973 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittmund-Burhafe | 4973 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuharlingersiel | 4974 | **(*****) | Phone |
Werdum | 4974 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eversmeer | 4975 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nenndorf | 4975 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuschoo | 4975 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ochtersum | 4975 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schweindorf | 4975 | **(*****) | Phone |
Utarp | 4975 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerholt | 4975 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerholt Ostfriesl | 4975 | **(*****) | Phone |
Spiekeroog | 4976 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blomberg | 4977 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blomberg Ostfriesl | 4977 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dunum | 4977 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moorweg | 4977 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuschoo | 4977 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ochtersum | 4977 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friendship texts for sms messages
The only liberty an inferior man really cherishes is the liberty to quit work, stretch out in the sun, and scratch himselfLabour day greetings for sms messages
When a man talks dirty 2 a women, its sexual harassment, when a women talks dirty 2 a man, its $$$ per minuteNaughty texts for sms messages
It is better to forget and smile rather than remember and be sadA real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Friendship is one mind in two bodiesFriendship texts for sms messages
May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country... Happy independence dayIndependence day greetings for sms messages
You've seen me laugh you've seen me cry and always you were there with me I may not have always said it but thanks and I love you happy mother's dayMothers day greetings for sms messages
Friends are like stars... You do not always see them but you know they are always thereThank you dad for being the best dad of the world. Happy father's dayIf you are awake, goodnight my sweet darling and if you just woke up, good morning honey. Love you so much |