City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Butzbach | 6002 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ober-Morlen | 6002 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedberg | 6003 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosbach Vor Dem Hohe | 6003 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosbach Vor Dem Hohe | 6003 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lich | 6004 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lich-Eberstadt | 6004 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munzenberg | 6004 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pohlheim | 6004 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichsdorf | 6007 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosbach Vor Dem Hohe | 6007 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosbach-Rodheim | 6007 | **(*****) | Phone |
Echzell | 6008 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wolfersheim | 6008 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frammersbach | 6020 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heigenbrucken | 6020 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heinrichsthal | 6020 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuhutten | 6020 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesthal | 6020 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aschaffenburg | 6021 | **(*****) | Phone |
Glattbach | 6021 | **(*****) | Phone |
Goldbach | 6021 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haibach | 6021 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hosbach | 6021 | **(*****) | Phone |
Johannesberg | 6021 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mainaschaff | 6021 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elsenfeld | 6022 | **(*****) | Phone |
Groswallstadt | 6022 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hausen | 6022 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinwallstadt | 6022 | **(*****) | Phone |
Momlingen | 6022 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obernburg Am Main | 6022 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obernburg Am Main | 6022 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blankenbach | 6024 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geiselbach | 6024 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hosbach | 6024 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinkahl | 6024 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krombach | 6024 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sailauf | 6024 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schollkrippen | 6024 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sommerkahl | 6024 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westerngrund | 6024 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossostheim | 6026 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinostheim | 6027 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stockstadt Am Main | 6027 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stockstadt Am Main | 6027 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aschaffenburg | 6028 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinwallstadt | 6028 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leidersbach | 6028 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niedernberg | 6028 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulzbach Am Main | 6028 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulzbach Am Main | 6028 | **(*****) | Phone |
Johannesberg | 6029 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krombach | 6029 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mombris | 6029 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Nauheim | 6031 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedberg | 6031 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedberg Hess | 6031 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Nauheim | 6032 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ober-Morlen | 6032 | **(*****) | Phone |
Butzbach | 6033 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langgons | 6033 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munzenberg | 6033 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rockenberg | 6033 | **(*****) | Phone |
Karben | 6034 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niddatal | 6034 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wollstadt | 6034 | **(*****) | Phone |
Echzell | 6035 | **(*****) | Phone |
Florstadt | 6035 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ranstadt | 6035 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reichelsheim | 6035 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reichelsheim Wetterau | 6035 | **(*****) | Phone |
Echzell | 6036 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hungen | 6036 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wolfersheim | 6036 | **(*****) | Phone |
Karben | 6039 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budingen | 6041 | **(*****) | Phone |
Florstadt | 6041 | **(*****) | Phone |
Glauburg | 6041 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ortenberg | 6041 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ranstadt | 6041 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budingen | 6042 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budingen Hess | 6042 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hungen | 6043 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nidda | 6043 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ranstadt | 6043 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laubach | 6044 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nidda | 6044 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schotten | 6044 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schotten Hess | 6044 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gedern | 6045 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hirzenhain | 6045 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ortenberg | 6045 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schotten | 6045 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nidda | 6046 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ortenberg | 6046 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ortenberg Hess | 6046 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ranstadt | 6046 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenstadt | 6047 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenstadt Hess | 6047 | **(*****) | Phone |
Limeshain | 6047 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budingen | 6048 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budingen-Eckartshausen | 6048 | **(*****) | Phone |
Limeshain | 6048 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ronneburg | 6048 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budingen | 6049 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kefenrod | 6049 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ortenberg | 6049 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biebergemund | 6050 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gelnhausen | 6050 | **(*****) | Phone |
Linsengericht | 6050 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wachtersbach | 6050 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gelnhausen | 6051 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grundau | 6051 | **(*****) | Phone |
Linsengericht | 6051 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Orb | 6052 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brachttal | 6053 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grundau | 6053 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wachtersbach | 6053 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Soden-Salmunster | 6054 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birstein | 6054 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brachttal | 6054 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kefenrod | 6054 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freigericht | 6055 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hasselroth | 6055 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Soden-Salmunster | 6056 | **(*****) | Phone |
Florsbachtal | 6057 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grundau | 6058 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aura Im Sinngrund | 6059 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jossgrund | 6059 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erbach | 6061 | **(*****) | Phone |
Michelstadt | 6061 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mossautal | 6061 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erbach | 6062 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erbach Odenw | 6062 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mossautal | 6062 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Konig | 6063 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brombachtal | 6063 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Konig | 6066 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutzelbach | 6066 | **(*****) | Phone |
Michelstadt | 6066 | **(*****) | Phone |
Michelstadt-Vielbrunn | 6066 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beerfelden | 6068 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rothenberg | 6068 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sensbachtal | 6068 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dieburg | 6071 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eppertshausen | 6071 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros-Zimmern | 6071 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munster | 6071 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosdorf | 6071 | **(*****) | Phone |
Babenhausen | 6073 | **(*****) | Phone |
Babenhausen Hess | 6073 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schaafheim | 6073 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dietzenbach | 6074 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dreieich | 6074 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodermark | 6074 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gross-Umstadt | 6078 | **(*****) | Phone |
Butzbach | 6081 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neu-Anspach | 6081 | **(*****) | Phone |
Usingen | 6081 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wehrheim | 6081 | **(*****) | Phone |
Glashutten | 6082 | **(*****) | Phone |
Idstein | 6082 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederreifenberg | 6082 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmitten | 6082 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldems | 6082 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gravenwiesbach | 6083 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weilrod | 6083 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmitten | 6084 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmitten Taunus | 6084 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weilrod | 6084 | **(*****) | Phone |
Butzbach | 6085 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langgons | 6085 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schoffengrund | 6085 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldsolms | 6085 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gravenwiesbach | 6086 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldems | 6087 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dammbach | 6092 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heimbuchenthal | 6092 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leidersbach | 6092 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mespelbrunn | 6092 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bessenbach | 6093 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laufach | 6093 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sailauf | 6093 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rothenbuch | 6094 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weibersbrunn | 6094 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bessenbach | 6095 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldaschaff | 6095 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinkahl | 6096 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesen | 6096 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesen Unterfr | 6096 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Vilbel | 6101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankfurt Am Main | 6101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederdorfelden | 6101 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neu-Isenburg | 6102 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dreieich | 6103 | **(*****) | Phone |
Egelsbach | 6103 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langen | 6103 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langen Hess | 6103 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heusenstamm | 6104 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obertshausen | 6104 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morfelden-Walldorf | 6105 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodgau | 6106 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kelsterbach | 6107 | **(*****) | Phone |
Muhlheim Am Main | 6108 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankfurt Am Main | 6109 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankfurt-Bergen-Enkheim | 6109 | **(*****) | Phone |
Maintal | 6109 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesbaden | 611 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Aarbergen | 6120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidenrod | 6120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenstein | 6120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reckenroth | 6120 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hofheim Am Taunus | 6122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hofheim-Wallau | 6122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesbaden | 6122 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eltville Am Rhein | 6123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kiedrich | 6123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walluf | 6123 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Schwalbach | 6124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidenrod | 6124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenstein | 6124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlangenbad | 6124 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hunstetten | 6126 | **(*****) | Phone |
Idstein | 6126 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldems | 6126 | **(*****) | Phone |
Idstein | 6127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niedernhausen | 6127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niedernhausen Taunus | 6127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesbaden | 6127 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenstein | 6128 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hunstetten | 6128 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niedernhausen | 6128 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taunusstein | 6128 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlangenbad | 6129 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bubenheim | 6130 | **(*****) | Phone |
Engelstadt | 6130 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ingelheim Am Rhein | 6130 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jugenheim In Rheinhessen | 6130 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwabenheim An Der Selz | 6130 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadecken-Elsheim | 6130 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mainz | 6131 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidesheim Am Rhein | 6132 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ingelheim Am Rhein | 6132 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wackernheim | 6132 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dexheim | 6133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dienheim | 6133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nierstein | 6133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oppenheim | 6133 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ginsheim-Gustavsburg | 6134 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mainz-Kastel | 6134 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesbaden | 6134 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bodenheim | 6135 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bodenheim Rhein | 6135 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gau-Bischofsheim | 6135 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nackenheim | 6135 | **(*****) | Phone |
Essenheim | 6136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klein-Winternheim | 6136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mainz | 6136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nieder-Olm | 6136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ober-Olm | 6136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sorgenloch | 6136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadecken-Elsheim | 6136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zornheim | 6136 | **(*****) | Phone |
Harxheim | 6138 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lorzweiler | 6138 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mommenheim | 6138 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budenheim | 6139 | **(*****) | Phone |
Raunheim | 6142 | **(*****) | Phone |
Russelsheim | 6142 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bischofsheim | 6144 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bischofsheim Bei Russelsheim | 6144 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ginsheim-Gustavsburg | 6144 | **(*****) | Phone |
Florsheim Am Main | 6145 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hattersheim Am Main | 6145 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochheim Am Main | 6145 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochheim Am Main | 6146 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trebur | 6147 | **(*****) | Phone |
Darmstadt | 6150 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erzhausen | 6150 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weiterstadt | 6150 | **(*****) | Phone |
Darmstadt | 6151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Muhltal | 6151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pfungstadt | 6151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seeheim-Jugenheim | 6151 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buttelborn | 6152 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gross-Gerau | 6152 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nauheim | 6152 | **(*****) | Phone |
Muhltal | 6154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ober-Ramstadt | 6154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosdorf | 6154 | **(*****) | Phone |
Griesheim | 6155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Griesheim Hess | 6155 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pfungstadt | 6157 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riedstadt | 6158 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stockstadt Am Rhein | 6158 | **(*****) | Phone |
Messel | 6159 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brensbach | 6161 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros-Bieberau | 6161 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros-Bieberau | 6162 | **(*****) | Phone |
Otzberg | 6162 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reinheim | 6162 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reinheim Odenw | 6162 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Konig | 6163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breuberg | 6163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Otzberg | 6163 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankisch-Crumbach | 6164 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reichelsheim | 6164 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reichelsheim Odenwald | 6164 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breuberg | 6165 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutzelbach | 6165 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fischbachtal | 6166 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros-Bieberau | 6166 | **(*****) | Phone |
Modautal | 6167 | **(*****) | Phone |
Muhltal | 6167 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ober-Ramstadt | 6167 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberursel | 6171 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberursel Taunus | 6171 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinbach | 6171 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Homburg Vor Dem Hohe | 6172 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Homburg Vor Dem Hohe | 6172 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichsdorf | 6172 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberursel | 6172 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eschborn | 6173 | **(*****) | Phone |
Konigstein Im Taunus | 6173 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kronberg Im Taunus | 6173 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Soden Am Taunus | 6174 | **(*****) | Phone |
Glashutten | 6174 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kelkheim | 6174 | **(*****) | Phone |
Konigstein Im Taunus | 6174 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichsdorf | 6175 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichsdorf Taunus | 6175 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruchkobel | 6181 | **(*****) | Phone |
Groskrotzenburg | 6181 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hanau | 6181 | **(*****) | Phone |
Maintal | 6181 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hainburg | 6182 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mainhausen | 6182 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodgau | 6182 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seligenstadt | 6182 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruchkobel | 6183 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erlensee | 6183 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuberg | 6183 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erlensee | 6184 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hanau | 6184 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langenselbold | 6184 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuberg | 6184 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodenbach | 6184 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ronneburg | 6184 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruchkobel | 6185 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hammersbach | 6185 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hammersbach Hess | 6185 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuberg | 6185 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosskrotzenburg | 6186 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niddatal | 6187 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nidderau | 6187 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schoneck | 6187 | **(*****) | Phone |
Groskrotzenburg | 6188 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kahl Am Main | 6188 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kahl Am Main | 6188 | **(*****) | Phone |
Karlstein Am Main | 6188 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hattersheim Am Main | 6190 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hattersheim Am Main | 6190 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hofheim Am Taunus | 6192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kriftel | 6192 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kelkheim | 6195 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kelkheim Taunus | 6195 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Soden Am Taunus | 6196 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eschborn | 6196 | **(*****) | Phone |
Liederbach Am Taunus | 6196 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwalbach Am Taunus | 6196 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulzbach | 6196 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eppstein | 6198 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hofheim Am Taunus | 6198 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kelkheim | 6198 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birkenau | 6201 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gorxheimertal | 6201 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heddesheim | 6201 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hemsbach | 6201 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hirschberg An Der Bergstrase | 6201 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laudenbach | 6201 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morlenbach | 6201 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weinheim | 6201 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weinheim Bergstr | 6201 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruhl | 6202 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidelberg | 6202 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ketsch | 6202 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oftersheim | 6202 | **(*****) | Phone |
Plankstadt | 6202 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwetzingen | 6202 | **(*****) | Phone |
Edingen-Neckarhausen | 6203 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heddesheim | 6203 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ladenburg | 6203 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schriesheim | 6203 | **(*****) | Phone |
Viernheim | 6204 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altlusheim | 6205 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hockenheim | 6205 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neulusheim | 6205 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reilingen | 6205 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burstadt | 6206 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lampertheim | 6206 | **(*****) | Phone |
Abtsteinach | 6207 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grasellenbach | 6207 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wald-Michelbach | 6207 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birkenau | 6209 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morlenbach | 6209 | **(*****) | Phone |
Edingen-Neckarhausen | 621 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Ilvesheim | 621 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Ludwigshafen Am Rhein | 621 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Mannheim | 621 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Heiligkreuzsteinach | 6220 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schriesheim | 6220 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wilhelmsfeld | 6220 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dossenheim | 6221 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eppelheim | 6221 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidelberg | 6221 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dielheim | 6222 | **(*****) | Phone |
Muhlhausen | 6222 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rauenberg | 6222 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesloch | 6222 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bammental | 6223 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gaiberg | 6223 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neckargemund | 6223 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesenbach | 6223 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leimen | 6224 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nusloch | 6224 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sandhausen | 6224 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sandhausen Baden | 6224 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dielheim | 6226 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eschelbronn | 6226 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leimen | 6226 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lobbach | 6226 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mauer | 6226 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meckesheim | 6226 | **(*****) | Phone |
Spechbach | 6226 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zuzenhausen | 6226 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Leon-Rot | 6227 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walldorf | 6227 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walldorf Baden | 6227 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonau | 6228 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonau Odenw | 6228 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neckargemund | 6229 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neckarsteinach | 6229 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dannstadt-Schauernheim | 6231 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochdorf-Assenheim | 6231 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodersheim-Gronau | 6231 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dudenhofen | 6232 | **(*****) | Phone |
Otterstadt | 6232 | **(*****) | Phone |
Romerberg | 6232 | **(*****) | Phone |
Speyer | 6232 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beindersheim | 6233 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankenthal | 6233 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankenthal Pfalz | 6233 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hesheim | 6233 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lambsheim | 6233 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mutterstadt | 6234 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schifferstadt | 6235 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altrip | 6236 | **(*****) | Phone |
Limburgerhof | 6236 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuhofen | 6236 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuhofen Pfalz | 6236 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldsee | 6236 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birkenheide | 6237 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ellerstadt | 6237 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fusgonheim | 6237 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ludwigshafen Am Rhein | 6237 | **(*****) | Phone |
Maxdorf | 6237 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dirmstein | 6238 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gerolsheim | 6238 | **(*****) | Phone |
Groskarlbach | 6238 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heuchelheim Bei Frankenthal | 6238 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laumersheim | 6238 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bobenheim-Roxheim | 6239 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosniedesheim | 6239 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinniedesheim | 6239 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lampertheim | 6241 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worms | 6241 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bechtheim | 6242 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mettenheim | 6242 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osthofen | 6242 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worms | 6242 | **(*****) | Phone |
Florsheim-Dalsheim | 6243 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohen-Sulzen | 6243 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molsheim | 6243 | **(*****) | Phone |
Monsheim | 6243 | **(*****) | Phone |
Offstein | 6243 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wachenheim | 6243 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bermersheim | 6244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dittelsheim-Hesloch | 6244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gundersheim | 6244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gundheim | 6244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Monzernheim | 6244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westhofen | 6244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westhofen Rheinhess | 6244 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biblis | 6245 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burstadt | 6245 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gros-Rohrheim | 6245 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eich | 6246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eich Rheinhess | 6246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamm Am Rhein | 6246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worms | 6246 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morstadt | 6247 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worms | 6247 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worms-Pfeddersheim | 6247 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alsheim | 6249 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dalheim | 6249 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eimsheim | 6249 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gimbsheim | 6249 | **(*****) | Phone |
Guntersblum | 6249 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ludwigshohe | 6249 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uelversheim | 6249 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weinolsheim | 6249 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bensheim | 6251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Einhausen | 6251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lautertal | 6251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lorsch | 6251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zwingenberg | 6251 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heppenheim | 6252 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heppenheim Bergstrase | 6252 | **(*****) | Phone |
Furth | 6253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Furth Odenw | 6253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grasellenbach | 6253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heppenheim | 6253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reichelsheim | 6253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rimbach | 6253 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lautertal | 6254 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lautertal Odenwald | 6254 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lindenfels | 6254 | **(*****) | Phone |
Modautal | 6254 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lindenfels | 6255 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lampertheim | 6256 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lampertheim-Huttenfeld | 6256 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alsbach-Hahnlein | 6257 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bickenbach | 6257 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seeheim-Jugenheim | 6257 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biebesheim Am Rhein | 6258 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gernsheim | 6258 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elztal | 6261 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hasmersheim | 6261 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mosbach | 6261 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mosbach Baden | 6261 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neckarzimmern | 6261 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obrigheim | 6261 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aglasterhausen | 6262 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neunkirchen | 6262 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obrigheim | 6262 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reichartshausen | 6262 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonbrunn | 6262 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwarzach | 6262 | **(*****) | Phone |
Binau | 6263 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eberbach | 6263 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mosbach | 6263 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neckargerach | 6263 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neunkirchen | 6263 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zwingenberg | 6263 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neudenau | 6264 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenstadt Am Kocher | 6264 | **(*****) | Phone |
Billigheim | 6265 | **(*****) | Phone |
Billigheim Baden | 6265 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gundelsheim | 6265 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hassmersheim | 6266 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elztal | 6267 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fahrenbach | 6267 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fahrenbach Baden | 6267 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mosbach | 6267 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Rappenau | 6268 | **(*****) | Phone |
Helmstadt-Bargen | 6268 | **(*****) | Phone |
Huffenhardt | 6268 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gundelsheim | 6269 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gundelsheim Wurtt | 6269 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eberbach | 6271 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eberbach Baden | 6271 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonbrunn | 6271 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eberbach | 6272 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heddesbach | 6272 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hirschhorn | 6272 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hirschhorn Neckar | 6272 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonbrunn | 6272 | **(*****) | Phone |
Limbach | 6274 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldbrunn | 6274 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldbrunn Odenw | 6274 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hirschhorn | 6275 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rothenberg | 6275 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rothenberg Odenw | 6275 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eberbach | 6276 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hesseneck | 6276 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchen | 6281 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchen Odenwald | 6281 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walldurn | 6282 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hardheim | 6283 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hardheim Odenw | 6283 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hopfingen | 6283 | **(*****) | Phone |
Konigheim | 6283 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchen | 6284 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mudau | 6284 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walldurn | 6285 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walldurn-Altheim | 6285 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchen | 6286 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walldurn | 6286 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walldurn-Rippberg | 6286 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchen | 6287 | **(*****) | Phone |
Limbach | 6287 | **(*****) | Phone |
Limbach Baden | 6287 | **(*****) | Phone |
Adelsheim | 6291 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterburken | 6291 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seckach | 6291 | **(*****) | Phone |
Widdern | 6291 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchen | 6292 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterburken | 6292 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seckach | 6292 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elztal | 6293 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schefflenz | 6293 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seckach | 6293 | **(*****) | Phone |
Assamstadt | 6294 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ingelfingen | 6294 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krautheim | 6294 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krautheim Jagst | 6294 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schontal | 6294 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osterburken | 6295 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosenberg | 6295 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosenberg Baden | 6295 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahorn | 6296 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ahorn Baden | 6296 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hardheim | 6296 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ravenstein | 6297 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ravenstein Baden | 6297 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mockmuhl | 6298 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neudenau | 6298 | **(*****) | Phone |
Roigheim | 6298 | **(*****) | Phone |
Widdern | 6298 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kaiserslautern | 6301 | **(*****) | Phone |
Katzweiler | 6301 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mehlbach | 6301 | **(*****) | Phone |
Otterbach | 6301 | **(*****) | Phone |
Otterbach Pfalz | 6301 | **(*****) | Phone |
Otterberg | 6301 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schneckenhausen | 6301 | **(*****) | Phone |
Falkenstein | 6302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gehrweiler | 6302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gonbach | 6302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horingen | 6302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Imsbach | 6302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohnsfeld | 6302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munchweiler An Der Alsenz | 6302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schweisweiler | 6302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wartenberg-Rohrbach | 6302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winnweiler | 6302 | **(*****) | Phone |
Enkenbach-Alsenborn | 6303 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mehlingen | 6303 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuhemsbach | 6303 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sembach | 6303 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aschbach | 6304 | **(*****) | Phone |
Einollen | 6304 | **(*****) | Phone |
Esweiler | 6304 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hinzweiler | 6304 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nerzweiler | 6304 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberweiler Im Tal | 6304 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberweiler-Tiefenbach | 6304 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rothselberg | 6304 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rutsweiler An Der Lauter | 6304 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wolfstein | 6304 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wolfstein Pfalz | 6304 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fischbach | 6305 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochspeyer | 6305 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldleiningen | 6305 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elmstein | 6306 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kaiserslautern | 6306 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stelzenberg | 6306 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trippstadt | 6306 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geiselberg | 6307 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krickenbach | 6307 | **(*****) | Phone |
Linden | 6307 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmalenberg | 6307 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schopp | 6307 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankelbach | 6308 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kreimbach-Kaulbach | 6308 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederkirchen | 6308 | **(*****) | Phone |
Olsbrucken | 6308 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulzbachtal | 6308 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kaiserslautern | 631 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Kirrweiler | 6321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Maikammer | 6321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neustadt An Der Weinstrase | 6321 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Durkheim | 6322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedelsheim | 6322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gonnheim | 6322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kallstadt | 6322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wachenheim An Der Weinstrase | 6322 | **(*****) | Phone |
Edenkoben | 6323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Edesheim | 6323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flemlingen | 6323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosfischlingen | 6323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hainfeld | 6323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhodt Unter Rietburg | 6323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Roschbach | 6323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Martin | 6323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Venningen | 6323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weyher In Der Pfalz | 6323 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bohl-Iggelheim | 6324 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hassloch | 6324 | **(*****) | Phone |
Esthal | 6325 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankeneck | 6325 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lambrecht | 6325 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lambrecht Pfalz | 6325 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lindenberg | 6325 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neidenfels | 6325 | **(*****) | Phone |
Deidesheim | 6326 | **(*****) | Phone |
Forst An Der Weinstrase | 6326 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meckenheim | 6326 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederkirchen Bei Deidesheim | 6326 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ruppertsberg | 6326 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altdorf | 6327 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bobingen | 6327 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gommersheim | 6327 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neustadt An Der Weinstrase | 6327 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neustadt-Lachen | 6327 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elmstein | 6328 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankenstein | 6329 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weidenthal | 6329 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weidenthal Pfalz | 6329 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hoheischweiler | 6331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lemberg | 6331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obersimten | 6331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pirmasens | 6331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodalben | 6331 | **(*****) | Phone |
Contwig | 6332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zweibrucken | 6332 | **(*****) | Phone |
Clausen | 6333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Donsieders | 6333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heltersberg | 6333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hermersberg | 6333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hoheinod | 6333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horbach | 6333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinalben | 6333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldfischbach-Burgalben | 6333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weselberg | 6333 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohfroschen | 6334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Masweiler | 6334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Petersberg | 6334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thaleischweiler-Froschen | 6334 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eppenbrunn | 6335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hilst | 6335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kroppen | 6335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lemberg | 6335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schweix | 6335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trulben | 6335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vinningen | 6335 | **(*****) | Phone |
Contwig | 6336 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dellfeld | 6336 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nunschweiler | 6336 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rieschweiler-Muhlbach | 6336 | **(*****) | Phone |
Battweiler | 6337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossbundenbach | 6337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kashofen | 6337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinbundenbach | 6337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krahenberg | 6337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesbach | 6337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winterbach | 6337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zweibrucken | 6337 | **(*****) | Phone |
Althornbach | 6338 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dietrichingen | 6338 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hornbach | 6338 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hornbach Pfalz | 6338 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mauschbach | 6338 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zweibrucken | 6338 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bottenbach | 6339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Contwig | 6339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosssteinhausen | 6339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinsteinhausen | 6339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riedelberg | 6339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walshausen | 6339 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dierbach | 6340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freckenfeld | 6340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kapsweyer | 6340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederotterbach | 6340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinfeld | 6340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vollmersweiler | 6340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worth Am Rhein | 6340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worth-Schaidt | 6340 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bochingen | 6341 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ilbesheim Bei Landau In Der Pfalz | 6341 | **(*****) | Phone |
Impflingen | 6341 | **(*****) | Phone |
Insheim | 6341 | **(*****) | Phone |
Knoringen | 6341 | **(*****) | Phone |
Landau In Der Pfalz | 6341 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walsheim | 6341 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberotterbach | 6342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schweigen-Rechtenbach | 6342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schweighofen | 6342 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Bergzabern | 6343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barbelroth | 6343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birkenhordt | 6343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bollenborn | 6343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorrenbach | 6343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gleiszellen-Gleishorbach | 6343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kapellen-Drusweiler | 6343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederhorbach | 6343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberhausen | 6343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pleisweiler-Oberhofen | 6343 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freisbach | 6344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hanhofen | 6344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Harthausen | 6344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lingenfeld | 6344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwegenheim | 6344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weingarten | 6344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Westheim | 6344 | **(*****) | Phone |
Albersweiler | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birkweiler | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burrweiler | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dernbach | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eschbach | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Euserthal | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankweiler | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gleisweiler | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leinsweiler | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ramberg | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ranschbach | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Siebeldingen | 6345 | **(*****) | Phone |
Annweiler Am Trifels | 6346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gossersweiler-Stein | 6346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munchweiler Am Klingbach | 6346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rinnthal | 6346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Silz | 6346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Volkersweiler | 6346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldhambach | 6346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldrohrbach | 6346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wernersberg | 6346 | **(*****) | Phone |
Essingen | 6347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freimersheim | 6347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochstadt | 6347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochstadt Pfalz | 6347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinfischlingen | 6347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lustadt | 6347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zeiskam | 6347 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bornheim | 6348 | **(*****) | Phone |
Knittelsheim | 6348 | **(*****) | Phone |
Offenbach An Der Queich | 6348 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottersheim Bei Landau | 6348 | **(*****) | Phone |
Billigheim-Ingenheim | 6349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gocklingen | 6349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hergersweiler | 6349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heuchelheim-Klingen | 6349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klingenmunster | 6349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rohrbach | 6349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinweiler | 6349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winden | 6349 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eisenberg | 6351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eisenberg Pfalz | 6351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gollheim | 6351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hettenleidelheim | 6351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kerzenheim | 6351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lautersheim | 6351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ramsen | 6351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenthal | 6351 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bischheim | 6352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bolanden | 6352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchheimbolanden | 6352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marnheim | 6352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mauchenheim | 6352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morschheim | 6352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Orbis | 6352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rittersheim | 6352 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bobenheim Am Berg | 6353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dackenheim | 6353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erpolzheim | 6353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freinsheim | 6353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herxheim Am Berg | 6353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weisenheim Am Berg | 6353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weisenheim Am Sand | 6353 | **(*****) | Phone |
Albisheim | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Albisheim Pfrimm | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biedesheim | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bubenheim | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Einselthum | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gauersheim | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ilbesheim | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Immesheim | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottersheim | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Russingen | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stetten | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zellertal | 6355 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altleiningen | 6356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Carlsberg | 6356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Carlsberg Pfalz | 6356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wattenheim | 6356 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bennhausen | 6357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borrstadt | 6357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breunigweiler | 6357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dannenfels | 6357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dreisen | 6357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jakobsweiler | 6357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sippersfeld | 6357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Standenbuhl | 6357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinbach Am Donnersberg | 6357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weitersweiler | 6357 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kriegsfeld | 6358 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morsfeld | 6358 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberwiesen | 6358 | **(*****) | Phone |
Battenberg | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bissersheim | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bockenheim An Der Weinstrase | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ebertsheim | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grunstadt | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kindenheim | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchheim An Der Weinstrase | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinkarlbach | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mertesheim | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuleiningen | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obersulzen | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obrigheim | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quirnheim | 6359 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bayerfeld-Steckweiler | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dielkirchen | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorrmoschel | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gerbach | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gundersweiler | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Imsweiler | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Katzenbach | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ransweiler | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rockenhausen | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ruppertsecken | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonborn | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stahlberg | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wurzweiler | 6361 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alsenz | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bayerfeld-Steckweiler | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Finkenbach-Gersweiler | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gaugrehweiler | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hallgarten | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochstatten | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kalkofen | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mannweiler-Colln | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munsterappel | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederhausen An Der Appel | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niedermoschel | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberhausen An Der Appel | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obermoschel | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberndorf | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Alban | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schiersfeld | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sitters | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Unkenbach | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winterborn | 6362 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gundersweiler | 6363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hefersweiler | 6363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heiligenmoschel | 6363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Imsweiler | 6363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederkirchen | 6363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reichsthal | 6363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Relsberg | 6363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schallodenbach | 6363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seelen | 6363 | **(*****) | Phone |
Becherbach | 6364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bisterschied | 6364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ginsweiler | 6364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nusbach | 6364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nusbach Pfalz | 6364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rathskirchen | 6364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reipoltskirchen | 6364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Teschenmoschel | 6364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldgrehweiler | 6364 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bann | 6371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hutschenhausen | 6371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kindsbach | 6371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kottweiler-Schwanden | 6371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Landstuhl | 6371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mittelbrunn | 6371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberarnbach | 6371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obernheim-Kirchenarnbach | 6371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Queidersbach | 6371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ramstein-Miesenbach | 6371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinwenden | 6371 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bechhofen | 6372 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruchmuhlbach-Miesau | 6372 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hauptstuhl | 6372 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hutschenhausen | 6372 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lambsborn | 6372 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langwieden | 6372 | **(*****) | Phone |
Martinshohe | 6372 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosenkopf | 6372 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dunzweiler | 6373 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gries | 6373 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonenberg-Kubelberg | 6373 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldmohr | 6373 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erzenhausen | 6374 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eulenbis | 6374 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mackenbach | 6374 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodenbach | 6374 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwedelbach | 6374 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weilerbach | 6374 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biedershausen | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gerhardsbrunn | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herschberg | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hettenhausen | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Knopp-Labach | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obernheim-Kirchenarnbach | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reifenberg | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saalstadt | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schauerberg | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmitshausen | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallhalben | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weselberg | 6375 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenglan | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bedesbach | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blaubach | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borsborn | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dennweiler-Frohnbach | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erdesbach | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Etschberg | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haschbach Am Remigiusberg | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Korborn | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kusel | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberalben | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rammelsbach | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ruthweiler | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rutsweiler Am Glan | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schellweiler | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thallichtenberg | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Theisbergstegen | 6381 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buborn | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cronenberg | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grumbach | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hausweiler | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heinzenhausen | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenollen | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kappeln | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lauterecken | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohnweiler | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Medard | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Offenbach-Hundheim | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesweiler | 6382 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borsborn | 6383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Glan-Munchweiler | 6383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Henschtal | 6383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Matzenbach | 6383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nanzdietschweiler | 6383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niedermohr | 6383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehweiler | 6383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinbach Am Glan | 6383 | **(*****) | Phone |
Albessen | 6384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehweiler | 6384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herchweiler | 6384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herschweiler-Pettersheim | 6384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Huffler | 6384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Konken | 6384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langenbach | 6384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pfeffelbach | 6384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reichweiler | 6384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Selchenbach | 6384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wahnwegen | 6384 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bosenbach | 6385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Esweiler | 6385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fockelberg | 6385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jettenbach | 6385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kollweiler | 6385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neunkirchen Am Potzberg | 6385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederstaufenbach | 6385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberstaufenbach | 6385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reichenbach-Steegen | 6385 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenkirchen | 6386 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenkirchen Pfalz | 6386 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breitenbach | 6386 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brucken | 6386 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dittweiler | 6386 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frohnhofen | 6386 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krottelbach | 6386 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ohmbach | 6386 | **(*****) | Phone |
Deimberg | 6387 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elzweiler | 6387 | **(*****) | Phone |
Glanbrucken | 6387 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horschbach | 6387 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirrweiler | 6387 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederalben | 6387 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rathsweiler | 6387 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Julian | 6387 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ulmet | 6387 | **(*****) | Phone |
Welchweiler | 6387 | **(*****) | Phone |
Busenberg | 6391 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dahn | 6391 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erfweiler | 6391 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schindhard | 6391 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dimbach | 6392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hauenstein | 6392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hauenstein Pfalz | 6392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lug | 6392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwanheim | 6392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Spirkelbach | 6392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wilgartswiesen | 6392 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fischbach Bei Dahn | 6393 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hirschthal | 6393 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ludwigswinkel | 6393 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonau | 6393 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bobenthal | 6394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruchweiler-Barenbach | 6394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bundenthal | 6394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederschlettenbach | 6394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nothweiler | 6394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rumbach | 6394 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merzalben | 6395 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munchweiler An Der Rodalb | 6395 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ruppertsweiler | 6395 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hinterweidenthal | 6396 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lemberg | 6396 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leimen | 6397 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leimen Pfalz | 6397 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wilgartswiesen | 6397 | **(*****) | Phone |
Darstein | 6398 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erlenbach Bei Dahn | 6398 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberschlettenbach | 6398 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vorderweidenthal | 6398 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grunberg | 6400 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mucke | 6400 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grunberg | 6401 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grunberg Hess | 6401 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laubach | 6401 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mucke | 6401 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reiskirchen | 6401 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hungen | 6402 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nidda | 6402 | **(*****) | Phone |
Giesen | 6403 | **(*****) | Phone |
Huttenberg | 6403 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langgons | 6403 | **(*****) | Phone |
Linden | 6403 | **(*****) | Phone |
Linden Hess | 6403 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pohlheim | 6403 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fernwald | 6404 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lich | 6404 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lich Hess | 6404 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pohlheim | 6404 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laubach | 6405 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laubach Hess | 6405 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lollar | 6406 | **(*****) | Phone |
Staufenberg | 6406 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wettenberg | 6406 | **(*****) | Phone |
Allendorf | 6407 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ebsdorfergrund | 6407 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rabenau | 6407 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rabenau Hess | 6407 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buseck | 6408 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reiskirchen | 6408 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biebertal | 6409 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fernwald | 641 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Giessen | 641 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Heuchelheim | 641 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Pohlheim | 641 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Wettenberg | 641 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Wetzlar | 641 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Dautphetal | 6420 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gladenbach | 6420 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lahntal | 6420 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marburg | 6420 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weimar | 6420 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colbe | 6421 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marburg | 6421 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weimar | 6421 | **(*****) | Phone |
Amoneburg | 6422 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchhain | 6422 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lahntal | 6423 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munchhausen | 6423 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wetter | 6423 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wetter Hessen | 6423 | **(*****) | Phone |
Amoneburg | 6424 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ebsdorfergrund | 6424 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marburg | 6424 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchhain | 6425 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rauschenberg | 6425 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rauschenberg Hess | 6425 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadtallendorf | 6425 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wohratal | 6425 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fronhausen | 6426 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohra | 6426 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weimar | 6426 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colbe | 6427 | **(*****) | Phone |
Colbe-Schonstadt | 6427 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchhain | 6427 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rauschenberg | 6427 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadtallendorf | 6428 | **(*****) | Phone |
Amoneburg | 6429 | **(*****) | Phone |
Homberg | 6429 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schweinsberg Hess | 6429 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadtallendorf | 6429 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aarbergen | 6430 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burgschwalbach | 6430 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hahnstatten | 6430 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kaltenholzhausen | 6430 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohrheim | 6430 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mudershausen | 6430 | **(*****) | Phone |
Netzbach | 6430 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberneisen | 6430 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schiesheim | 6430 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elz | 6431 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hunfelden | 6431 | **(*****) | Phone |
Limburg An Der Lahn | 6431 | **(*****) | Phone |
Limburg An Der Lahn | 6431 | **(*****) | Phone |
Runkel | 6431 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altendiez | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aull | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Balduinstein | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birlenbach | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Diez | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flacht | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Guckingen | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hambach | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heistenbach | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holzheim | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langenscheid | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohrheim | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederneisen | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wasenbach | 6432 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elz | 6433 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hadamar | 6433 | **(*****) | Phone |
Limburg An Der Lahn | 6433 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Camberg | 6434 | **(*****) | Phone |
Idstein | 6434 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berod Bei Wallmerod | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bilkheim | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dreikirchen | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elbingen | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ettinghausen | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Girkenroth | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Guckheim | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hahn Am See | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herschbach | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hundsangen | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mahren | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meudt | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Molsberg | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obererbach | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Salz | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinefrenz | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallmerod | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weltersburg | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weroth | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zehnhausen Bei Wallmerod | 6435 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dornburg | 6436 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dornburg Hess | 6436 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elbtal | 6436 | **(*****) | Phone |
Irmtraut | 6436 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neunkirchen | 6436 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldbrunn | 6436 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brechen | 6438 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hunfelden | 6438 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hunstetten | 6438 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bremberg | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Charlottenberg | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Cramberg | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dornberg | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gackenbach | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geilnau | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gutenacker | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hirschberg | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holzappel | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horbach | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horhausen | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hubingen | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Isselbach | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langenscheid | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laurenburg | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Montabaur | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scheidt | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinsberg | 6439 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aslar | 6440 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehringshausen | 6440 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kolschhausen | 6440 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aslar | 6441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Huttenberg | 6441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lahnau | 6441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Solms | 6441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wetzlar | 6441 | **(*****) | Phone |
Braunfels | 6442 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leun | 6442 | **(*****) | Phone |
Solms | 6442 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weilburg | 6442 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aslar | 6443 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehringshausen | 6443 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehringshausen Dill | 6443 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bischoffen | 6444 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenahr | 6444 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mittenaar | 6444 | **(*****) | Phone |
Braunfels | 6445 | **(*****) | Phone |
Huttenberg | 6445 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schoffengrund | 6445 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aslar | 6446 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biebertal | 6446 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenahr | 6446 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wetzlar | 6446 | **(*****) | Phone |
Butzbach | 6447 | **(*****) | Phone |
Huttenberg | 6447 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langgons | 6447 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langgons-Niederkleen | 6447 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehringshausen | 6449 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehringshausen-Katzenfurt | 6449 | **(*****) | Phone |
Greifenstein | 6449 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sinn | 6449 | **(*****) | Phone |
Allendorf | 6451 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burgwald | 6451 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankenberg | 6451 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankenberg Eder | 6451 | **(*****) | Phone |
Allendorf | 6452 | **(*****) | Phone |
Battenberg | 6452 | **(*****) | Phone |
Battenberg Eder | 6452 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hatzfeld | 6452 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munchhausen | 6452 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gemunden | 6453 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gemunden Wohra | 6453 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wohratal | 6453 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lichtenfels | 6454 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lichtenfels-Sachsenberg | 6454 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vohl | 6454 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Wildungen | 6455 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankenau | 6455 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankenau Hess | 6455 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankenberg | 6455 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haina | 6455 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gemunden | 6456 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haina | 6456 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haina Kloster | 6456 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burgwald | 6457 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burgwald Eder | 6457 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munchhausen | 6457 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosenthal | 6457 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haina | 6458 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosenthal | 6458 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rosenthal Hess | 6458 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biedenkopf | 6461 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dautphetal | 6461 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gladenbach | 6462 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohra | 6462 | **(*****) | Phone |
Angelburg | 6464 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Endbach | 6464 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steffenberg | 6464 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breidenbach | 6465 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breidenbach Bei Biedenkopf | 6465 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steffenberg | 6465 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dautphetal | 6466 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dautphetal-Friedensdorf | 6466 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hatzfeld | 6467 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hatzfeld Eder | 6467 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dautphetal | 6468 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dautphetal-Mornshausen | 6468 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohnberg | 6471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merenberg | 6471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Runkel | 6471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weilburg | 6471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weinbach | 6471 | **(*****) | Phone |
Braunfels | 6472 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weilmunster | 6472 | **(*****) | Phone |
Braunfels | 6473 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leun | 6473 | **(*****) | Phone |
Villmar | 6474 | **(*****) | Phone |
Villmar-Aumenau | 6474 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weinbach | 6474 | **(*****) | Phone |
Selters | 6475 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weilmunster | 6475 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weilmunster-Wolfenhausen | 6475 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mengerskirchen | 6476 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merenberg | 6476 | **(*****) | Phone |
Greifenstein | 6477 | **(*****) | Phone |
Greifenstein-Nenderoth | 6477 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lohnberg | 6477 | **(*****) | Phone |
Greifenstein | 6478 | **(*****) | Phone |
Greifenstein-Ulm | 6478 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldbrunn | 6479 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldbrunn Westerwald | 6479 | **(*****) | Phone |
Runkel | 6482 | **(*****) | Phone |
Villmar | 6482 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Camberg | 6483 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brechen | 6483 | **(*****) | Phone |
Selters | 6483 | **(*****) | Phone |
Selters Taunus | 6483 | **(*****) | Phone |
Villmar | 6483 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beselich | 6484 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eppenrod | 6485 | **(*****) | Phone |
Girod | 6485 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gorgeshausen | 6485 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heilberscheid | 6485 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nentershausen | 6485 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nentershausen Westerw | 6485 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niedererbach | 6485 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nomborn | 6485 | **(*****) | Phone |
Allendorf | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berghausen | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berndroth | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biebrich | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorsdorf | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ebertshausen | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eisighofen | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ergeshausen | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herold | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Katzenelnbogen | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klingelbach | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kordorf | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mittelfischbach | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberfischbach | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rettert | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonborn | 6486 | **(*****) | Phone |
Farschweiler | 6500 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herl | 6500 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lorscheid | 6500 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morscheid | 6500 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osburg | 6500 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riveris | 6500 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thomm | 6500 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldrach | 6500 | **(*****) | Phone |
Igel | 6501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kanzem | 6501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Konz | 6501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langsur | 6501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberbillig | 6501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tawern | 6501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wasserliesch | 6501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wawern | 6501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiltingen | 6501 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bekond | 6502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fell | 6502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fohren | 6502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kenn | 6502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Longen | 6502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Longuich | 6502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mehring | 6502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riol | 6502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schweich | 6502 | **(*****) | Phone |
Damflos | 6503 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gusenburg | 6503 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hermeskeil | 6503 | **(*****) | Phone |
Malborn | 6503 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuhutten | 6503 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reinsfeld | 6503 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zusch | 6503 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berglicht | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burtscheid | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Deuselbach | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dhronecken | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Etgert | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gielert | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grafendhron | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hilscheid | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horath | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Immert | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Luckenburg | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Malborn | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merschbach | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neunkirchen | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rorodt | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonberg | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Talling | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thalfang | 6504 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kordel | 6505 | **(*****) | Phone |
Newel | 6505 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zemmer | 6505 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eisenach | 6506 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gilzem | 6506 | **(*****) | Phone |
Idenheim | 6506 | **(*****) | Phone |
Idesheim | 6506 | **(*****) | Phone |
Welschbillig | 6506 | **(*****) | Phone |
Detzem | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ensch | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klusserath | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kowerich | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leiwen | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Minheim | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neumagen-Dhron | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Piesport | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Polich | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schleich | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thornich | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trittenheim | 6507 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dierscheid | 6508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dodenburg | 6508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Esch | 6508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gladbach | 6508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heckenmunster | 6508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidweiler | 6508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hetzerath | 6508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hetzerath Mosel | 6508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Naurath | 6508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rivenich | 6508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sehlem | 6508 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bescheid | 6509 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breit | 6509 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budlich | 6509 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidenburg | 6509 | **(*****) | Phone |
Naurath | 6509 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aach | 651 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Kasel | 651 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Mertesdorf | 651 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Trier | 651 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Trierweiler | 651 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Brimingen | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burg | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Enzen | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Halsdorf | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hommerdingen | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mettendorf | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niedergeckler | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederraden | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niehl | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nusbaum | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obergeckler | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sinspelt | 6522 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ferschweiler | 6523 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holsthum | 6523 | **(*****) | Phone |
Peffingen | 6523 | **(*****) | Phone |
Prumzurlay | 6523 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schankweiler | 6523 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wettlingen | 6523 | **(*****) | Phone |
Affler | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bauler | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berscheid | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dauwelshausen | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gemund | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herbstmuhle | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Keppeshausen | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodershausen | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scheitenkorb | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sevenig Bei Neuerburg | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ubereisenbach | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldhof-Falkenstein | 6524 | **(*****) | Phone |
Echternacherbruck | 6525 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ernzen | 6525 | **(*****) | Phone |
Irrel | 6525 | **(*****) | Phone |
Menningen | 6525 | **(*****) | Phone |
Minden | 6525 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bollendorf | 6526 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altscheid | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Baustert | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bettingen | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brecht | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Feilsdorf | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hisel | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hutterscheid | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mulbach | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberweis | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Olsdorf | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stockem | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weidingen | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wismannsdorf | 6527 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bernkastel-Kues | 6531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gornhausen | 6531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Graach An Der Mosel | 6531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lieser | 6531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Longkamp | 6531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Monzelfeld | 6531 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bausendorf | 6532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bengel | 6532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erden | 6532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kinderbeuern | 6532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kinheim | 6532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Losnich | 6532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Urzig | 6532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zeltingen-Rachtig | 6532 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morbach | 6533 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morbach Hunsruck | 6533 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brauneberg | 6534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burgen | 6534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mulheim | 6534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mulheim Mosel | 6534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Veldenz | 6534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wintrich | 6534 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kesten | 6535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Maring-Noviand | 6535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Osann-Monzel | 6535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Platten | 6535 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochscheid | 6536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinich | 6536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kommen | 6536 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burg | 6541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Enkirch | 6541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Irmenach | 6541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krov | 6541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Starkenburg | 6541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Traben-Trarbach | 6541 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alf | 6542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Briedel | 6542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bullay | 6542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neef | 6542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Punderich | 6542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reil | 6542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Aldegund | 6542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zell | 6542 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altlay | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barenbach | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Belg | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Briedel | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchenbeuren | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hahn | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hirschfeld | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horbruch | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krummenau | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laufersweiler | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lautzenhausen | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lotzbeuren | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niedersohren | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederweiler | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Raversbeuren | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodelhausen | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sohren | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wahlenau | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wurrich | 6543 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bollenbach | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruschied | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bundenbach | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gosenroth | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hausen | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberkirn | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rhaunen | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schneppenbach | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwerbach | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stipshausen | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulzbach | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weitersbach | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Woppenroth | 6544 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altstrimmig | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blankenrath | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Forst | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haserich | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hesweiler | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Liesenich | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mastershausen | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mittelstrimmig | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Moritzheim | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Panzweiler | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Peterswald-Loffelscheid | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reidenhausen | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schauren | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sosberg | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tellig | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walhausen | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zell | 6545 | **(*****) | Phone |
Arzfeld | 6550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dahnen | 6550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Daleiden | 6550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dasburg | 6550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Irrhausen | 6550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jucken | 6550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kickeshausen | 6550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lichtenborn | 6550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Olmscheid | 6550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Preischeid | 6550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reipeldingen | 6550 | **(*****) | Phone |
Giesdorf | 6551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gondenbrett | 6551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Prum | 6551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rommersheim | 6551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sellerich | 6551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Watzerath | 6551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weinsheim | 6551 | **(*****) | Phone |
Auw Bei Prum | 6552 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinlangenfeld | 6552 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuendorf | 6552 | **(*****) | Phone |
Olzheim | 6552 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reuth | 6552 | **(*****) | Phone |
Roth Bei Prum | 6552 | **(*****) | Phone |
Balesfeld | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burbach | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dingdorf | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Feuerscheid | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heisdorf | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hersdorf | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lasel | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederlauch | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nimshuscheid | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nimsreuland | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberlauch | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonecken | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seiwerath | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wawern | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winringen | 6553 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dackscheid | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eilscheid | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hargarten | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kinzenburg | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Krautscheid | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lambertsberg | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lascheid | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lauperath | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Manderscheid | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mauel | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederpierscheid | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberpierscheid | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pintesfeld | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Plutscheid | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waxweiler | 6554 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bleialf | 6555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brandscheid | 6555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buchet | 6555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Groslangenfeld | 6555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mutzenich | 6555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberlascheid | 6555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winterscheid | 6555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winterspelt | 6555 | **(*****) | Phone |
Euscheid | 6556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Habscheid | 6556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lierfeld | 6556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lunebach | 6556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Masthorn | 6556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Matzerath | 6556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merlscheid | 6556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Orlenbach | 6556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pittenbach | 6556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pronsfeld | 6556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Strickscheid | 6556 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hallschlag | 6557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ormont | 6557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scheid | 6557 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budesheim | 6558 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budesheim Eifel | 6558 | **(*****) | Phone |
Duppach | 6558 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fleringen | 6558 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwirzheim | 6558 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallersheim | 6558 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eschfeld | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Groskampenberg | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Harspelt | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heckhuscheid | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herzfeld | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kesfeld | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leidenborn | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lutzkampen | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reiff | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Roscheid | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sengerich | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sevenig | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uttfeld | 6559 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birtlingen | 6561 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bitburg | 6561 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rittersdorf | 6561 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scharfbillig | 6561 | **(*****) | Phone |
Auw An Der Kyll | 6562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beilingen | 6562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dahlem | 6562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herforst | 6562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hosten | 6562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Preist | 6562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rohl | 6562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Speicher | 6562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulm | 6562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trimport | 6562 | **(*****) | Phone |
Badem | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Etteldorf | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kyllburg | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kyllburgweiler | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Malberg | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Malbergweich | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neidenbach | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuheilenbach | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Orsfeld | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Thomas | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wilsecker | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zendscheid | 6563 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ammeldingen Bei Neuerburg | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berkoth | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emmelbaum | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fischbach-Oberraden | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heilbach | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hutten | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Karlshausen | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Koxhausen | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leimbach | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Muxerath | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nasingen | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuerburg | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuerburg Eifel | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Plascheid | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Scheuern | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uppershausen | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Utscheid | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zweifelscheid | 6564 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dudeldorf | 6565 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gindorf | 6565 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gondorf | 6565 | **(*****) | Phone |
Huttingen An Der Kyll | 6565 | **(*****) | Phone |
Metterich | 6565 | **(*****) | Phone |
Philippsheim | 6565 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pickliesem | 6565 | **(*****) | Phone |
Spangdahlem | 6565 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ammeldingen An Der Our | 6566 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biesdorf | 6566 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geichlingen | 6566 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gentingen | 6566 | **(*****) | Phone |
Huttingen Bei Lahr | 6566 | **(*****) | Phone |
Korperich | 6566 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kruchten | 6566 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lahr | 6566 | **(*****) | Phone |
Roth An Der Our | 6566 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallendorf | 6566 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eisenschmitt | 6567 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gransdorf | 6567 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberkail | 6567 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwarzenborn | 6567 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seinsfeld | 6567 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinborn | 6567 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alsdorf | 6568 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dockendorf | 6568 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eslingen | 6568 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ingendorf | 6568 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kaschenbach | 6568 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meckel | 6568 | **(*****) | Phone |
Messerich | 6568 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederstedem | 6568 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederweis | 6568 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberstedem | 6568 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wolsfeld | 6568 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bickendorf | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biersdorf Am See | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Echtershausen | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehlenz | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fliesem | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hamm | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heilenbach | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Liesem | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nattenheim | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederweiler | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberpierscheid | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberweiler | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schleid | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seffern | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sefferweich | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiersdorf | 6569 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altrich | 6571 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bergweiler | 6571 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flusbach | 6571 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hupperath | 6571 | **(*****) | Phone |
Minderlittgen | 6571 | **(*****) | Phone |
Plein | 6571 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wittlich | 6571 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bettenfeld | 6572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bleckhausen | 6572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dierfeld | 6572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eckfeld | 6572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laufeld | 6572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Manderscheid | 6572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Manderscheid Eifel | 6572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meerfeld | 6572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberofflingen | 6572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pantenburg | 6572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallscheid | 6572 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brockscheid | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Demerath | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ellscheid | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gillenfeld | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Immerath | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saxler | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steineberg | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steiningen | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Strohn | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Strotzbusch | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Udler | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winkel | 6573 | **(*****) | Phone |
Diefenbach | 6574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gipperath | 6574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Greimerath | 6574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hasborn | 6574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Muckeln | 6574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederofflingen | 6574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederscheidweiler | 6574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberscheidweiler | 6574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Willwerscheid | 6574 | **(*****) | Phone |
Arenrath | 6575 | **(*****) | Phone |
Binsfeld | 6575 | **(*****) | Phone |
Groslittgen | 6575 | **(*****) | Phone |
Karl | 6575 | **(*****) | Phone |
Landscheid | 6575 | **(*****) | Phone |
Musweiler | 6575 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niersbach | 6575 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schladt | 6575 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruch | 6578 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dreis | 6578 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klausen | 6578 | **(*****) | Phone |
Salmtal | 6578 | **(*****) | Phone |
Orenhofen | 6580 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zemmer | 6580 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ayl | 6581 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fisch | 6581 | **(*****) | Phone |
Irsch | 6581 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mannebach | 6581 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merzkirchen | 6581 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ockfen | 6581 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saarburg | 6581 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schoden | 6581 | **(*****) | Phone |
Serrig | 6581 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trassem | 6581 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freudenburg | 6582 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kastel-Staadt | 6582 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirf | 6582 | **(*****) | Phone |
Taben-Rodt | 6582 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirf | 6583 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nittel | 6583 | **(*****) | Phone |
Palzem | 6583 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wincheringen | 6583 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nittel | 6584 | **(*****) | Phone |
Onsdorf | 6584 | **(*****) | Phone |
Temmels | 6584 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wellen | 6584 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wellen Mosel | 6584 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ralingen | 6585 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beuren | 6586 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beuren Hochwald | 6586 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geisfeld | 6586 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hinzert-Polert | 6586 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rascheid | 6586 | **(*****) | Phone |
Baldringen | 6587 | **(*****) | Phone |
Greimerath | 6587 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hentern | 6587 | **(*****) | Phone |
Paschel | 6587 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schomerich | 6587 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vierherrenborn | 6587 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zerf | 6587 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bonerath | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Franzenheim | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gusterath | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gutweiler | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hinzenburg | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hockweiler | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holzerath | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Korlingen | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lampaden | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ollmuth | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pellingen | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pluwig | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schondorf | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sommerau | 6588 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grimburg | 6589 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heddert | 6589 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kell Am See | 6589 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mandern | 6589 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schillingen | 6589 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldweiler | 6589 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berlingen | 6591 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gerolstein | 6591 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kalenborn-Scheuern | 6591 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neroth | 6591 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pelm | 6591 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rockeskyll | 6591 | **(*****) | Phone |
Darscheid | 6592 | **(*****) | Phone |
Daun | 6592 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horscheid | 6592 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kradenbach | 6592 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mehren | 6592 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nerdlen | 6592 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sarmersbach | 6592 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schalkenmehren | 6592 | **(*****) | Phone |
Basberg | 6593 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berndorf | 6593 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dohm-Lammersdorf | 6593 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hillesheim | 6593 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hillesheim Eifel | 6593 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kerpen | 6593 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberbettingen | 6593 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steffeln | 6593 | **(*****) | Phone |
Walsdorf | 6593 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiesbaum | 6593 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birresborn | 6594 | **(*****) | Phone |
Densborn | 6594 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kopp | 6594 | **(*****) | Phone |
Murlenbach | 6594 | **(*****) | Phone |
Usch | 6594 | **(*****) | Phone |
Betteldorf | 6595 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dockweiler | 6595 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dreis-Bruck | 6595 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hinterweiler | 6595 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenfels-Essingen | 6595 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchweiler | 6595 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberehe-Stroheich | 6595 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederstadtfeld | 6596 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberstadtfeld | 6596 | **(*****) | Phone |
Udersdorf | 6596 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birgel | 6597 | **(*****) | Phone |
Esch | 6597 | **(*****) | Phone |
Feusdorf | 6597 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gonnersdorf | 6597 | **(*****) | Phone |
Junkerath | 6597 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kerschenbach | 6597 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lissendorf | 6597 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schuller | 6597 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stadtkyll | 6597 | **(*****) | Phone |
Deudesfeld | 6599 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meisburg | 6599 | **(*****) | Phone |
Salm | 6599 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schutz | 6599 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallenborn | 6599 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weidenbach | 6599 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weidenbach Bei Gerolstein | 6599 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fulda | 661 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Kunzell | 661 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Neuhof | 661 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Petersberg | 661 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Philippsthal | 6620 | **(*****) | Phone |
Philippsthal Werra | 6620 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Hersfeld | 6621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hauneck | 6621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ludwigsau | 6621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenstein | 6621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schenklengsfeld | 6621 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bebra | 6622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ronshausen | 6622 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alheim | 6623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rotenburg An Der Fulda | 6623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rotenburg An Der Fulda | 6623 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heringen | 6624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heringen Werra | 6624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Philippsthal | 6624 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Hersfeld | 6625 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchheim | 6625 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederaula | 6625 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlitz | 6625 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wildeck | 6626 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wildeck-Obersuhl | 6626 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bebra | 6627 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nentershausen | 6627 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nentershausen Hess | 6627 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sontra | 6627 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchheim | 6628 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberaula | 6628 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottrau | 6628 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eiterfeld | 6629 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedewald | 6629 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenroda | 6629 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schenklengsfeld | 6629 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lautertal | 6630 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwalmtal | 6630 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwalmtal-Storndorf | 6630 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alsfeld | 6631 | **(*****) | Phone |
Antrifttal | 6631 | **(*****) | Phone |
Homberg | 6633 | **(*****) | Phone |
Homberg Ohm | 6633 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gemunden | 6634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gemunden Felda | 6634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grunberg | 6634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Homberg | 6634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mucke | 6634 | **(*****) | Phone |
Antrifttal | 6635 | **(*****) | Phone |
Homberg | 6635 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirtorf | 6635 | **(*****) | Phone |
Romrod | 6636 | **(*****) | Phone |
Feldatal | 6637 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lauterbach | 6638 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwalmtal | 6638 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwalmtal-Renzendorf | 6638 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alsfeld | 6639 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottrau | 6639 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lauterbach | 6641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lauterbach Hessen | 6641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wartenberg | 6641 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlitz | 6642 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grebenhain | 6643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herbstein | 6643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lautertal | 6643 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freiensteinau | 6644 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grebenhain | 6644 | **(*****) | Phone |
Feldatal | 6645 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lautertal | 6645 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mucke | 6645 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ulrichstein | 6645 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grebenau | 6646 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herbstein | 6647 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herbstein-Stockhausen | 6647 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Salzschlirf | 6648 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosenluder | 6648 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlitz | 6648 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wartenberg | 6648 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosenluder | 6650 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hosenfeld | 6650 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rasdorf | 6651 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burghaun | 6652 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hunfeld | 6652 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nusttal | 6652 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burghaun | 6653 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlitz | 6653 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gersfeld | 6654 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gersfeld Rhon | 6654 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flieden | 6655 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kalbach | 6655 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuhof | 6655 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuhof Landkreis Fulda | 6655 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ebersburg | 6656 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eichenzell | 6656 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gersfeld | 6656 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kunzell | 6656 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dipperz | 6657 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hilders | 6657 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hofbieber | 6657 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ebersburg | 6658 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gersfeld | 6658 | **(*****) | Phone |
Poppenhausen | 6658 | **(*****) | Phone |
Poppenhausen Wasserkuppe | 6658 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eichenzell | 6659 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Soden-Salmunster | 6660 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinau An Der Strase | 6660 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinau-Marjoss | 6660 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flieden | 6661 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schluchtern | 6661 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinau An Der Strase | 6663 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schluchtern | 6664 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sinntal | 6664 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sinntal-Sterbfritz | 6664 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obersinn | 6665 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sinntal | 6665 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sinntal-Altengronau | 6665 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freiensteinau | 6666 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinau An Der Strase | 6666 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinau An Der Strase | 6667 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinau-Ulmbach | 6667 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birstein | 6668 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birstein-Lichenroth | 6668 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grebenhain | 6668 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flieden | 6669 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freiensteinau | 6669 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hosenfeld | 6669 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuhof | 6669 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuhof-Hauswurz | 6669 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ludwigsau | 6670 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ludwigsau Hess | 6670 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eiterfeld | 6672 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hunfeld | 6672 | **(*****) | Phone |
Haunetal | 6673 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedewald | 6674 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedewald Hess | 6674 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heringen | 6674 | **(*****) | Phone |
Philippsthal | 6674 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breitenbach Am Herzberg | 6675 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breitenbach Am Herzberg | 6675 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eiterfeld | 6676 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenroda | 6676 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hohenroda Hess | 6676 | **(*****) | Phone |
Knullwald | 6677 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenstein | 6677 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuenstein Hess | 6677 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heringen | 6678 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ronshausen | 6678 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wildeck | 6678 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wildeck-Honebach | 6678 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehrenberg | 6681 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hilders | 6681 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tann | 6681 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tann | 6682 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tann Rhon | 6682 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehrenberg | 6683 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehrenberg Rhon | 6683 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hilders | 6684 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hofbieber | 6684 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hofbieber-Schwarzbach | 6684 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nusttal | 6684 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frielendorf | 6691 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwalmstadt | 6691 | **(*****) | Phone |
Willingshausen | 6691 | **(*****) | Phone |
Antrifttal | 6692 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirtorf | 6692 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neustadt | 6692 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neustadt Hessen | 6692 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwalmstadt | 6692 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Zwesten | 6693 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borken | 6693 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuental | 6693 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neukirchen | 6694 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neukirchen Knull | 6694 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schrecksbach | 6694 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jesberg | 6695 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gilserberg | 6696 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alsfeld | 6697 | **(*****) | Phone |
Willingshausen | 6697 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alsfeld | 6698 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schrecksbach | 6698 | **(*****) | Phone |
Badenheim | 6701 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biebelsheim | 6701 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gau-Bickelheim | 6701 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pfaffen-Schwabenheim | 6701 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pleitersheim | 6701 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Johann | 6701 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sprendlingen | 6701 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sprendlingen Rheinhess | 6701 | **(*****) | Phone |
Welgesheim | 6701 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wolfsheim | 6701 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zotzenheim | 6701 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eckelsheim | 6703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gumbsheim | 6703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neu-Bamberg | 6703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Siefersheim | 6703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stein-Bockenheim | 6703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Volxheim | 6703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wollstein | 6703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wollstein Rheinhess | 6703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wonsheim | 6703 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langenlonsheim | 6704 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laubenheim | 6704 | **(*****) | Phone |
Argenschwang | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Braunweiler | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dalberg | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gutenberg | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hergenfeld | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munchwald | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Katharinen | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sommerloch | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Spabrucken | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Spall | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallhausen | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallhausen Nahe | 6706 | **(*****) | Phone |
Guldental | 6707 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldlaubersheim | 6707 | **(*****) | Phone |
Windesheim | 6707 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altenbamberg | 6708 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Munster Am Stein-Ebernburg | 6708 | **(*****) | Phone |
Feilbingert | 6708 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frei-Laubersheim | 6709 | **(*****) | Phone |
Furfeld | 6709 | **(*****) | Phone |
Furfeld Landkreis Bad Kreuznach | 6709 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenthal | 6709 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Kreuznach | 671 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Bretzenheim | 671 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Hackenheim | 671 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Hargesheim | 671 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Huffelsheim | 671 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Mandel | 671 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Norheim | 671 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Roxheim | 671 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Rudesheim | 671 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Traisen | 671 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Bingen Am Rhein | 6721 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorsheim | 6721 | **(*****) | Phone |
Munster-Sarmsheim | 6721 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rummelsheim | 6721 | **(*****) | Phone |
Trechtingshausen | 6721 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldalgesheim | 6721 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weiler Bei Bingen | 6721 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geisenheim | 6722 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rudesheim Am Rhein | 6722 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eltville Am Rhein | 6723 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oestrich-Winkel | 6723 | **(*****) | Phone |
Daxweiler | 6724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorrebach | 6724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eckenroth | 6724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Roth | 6724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schoneberg | 6724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schweppenhausen | 6724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seibersbach | 6724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stromberg | 6724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Stromberg Hunsruck | 6724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldalgesheim | 6724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Warmsroth | 6724 | **(*****) | Phone |
Appenheim | 6725 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bingen Am Rhein | 6725 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gau-Algesheim | 6725 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ingelheim Am Rhein | 6725 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ockenheim | 6725 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lorch | 6726 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lorch Rheingau | 6726 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rudesheim Am Rhein | 6726 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sauerthal | 6726 | **(*****) | Phone |
Appenheim | 6727 | **(*****) | Phone |
Aspisheim | 6727 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Kreuznach | 6727 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gensingen | 6727 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grolsheim | 6727 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horrweiler | 6727 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nieder-Hilbersheim | 6728 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ober-Hilbersheim | 6728 | **(*****) | Phone |
Albig | 6731 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alzey | 6731 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bermersheim Vor Der Hohe | 6731 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erbes-Budesheim | 6731 | **(*****) | Phone |
Esselborn | 6731 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freimersheim | 6731 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gau-Heppenheim | 6731 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kettenheim | 6731 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wahlheim | 6731 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ensheim | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gabsheim | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gau-Weinheim | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Partenheim | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saulheim | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schornsheim | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Spiesheim | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sulzheim | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Udenheim | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vendersheim | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallertheim | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Worrstadt | 6732 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bechtolsheim | 6733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biebelnheim | 6733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dolgesheim | 6733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorn-Durkheim | 6733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Framersheim | 6733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frettenheim | 6733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gau-Odernheim | 6733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hillesheim | 6733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wintersheim | 6733 | **(*****) | Phone |
Armsheim | 6734 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bornheim | 6734 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flonheim | 6734 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lonsheim | 6734 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wendelsheim | 6734 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dintesheim | 6735 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eppelsheim | 6735 | **(*****) | Phone |
Flomborn | 6735 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hangen-Weisheim | 6735 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochborn | 6735 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ober-Florsheim | 6735 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bechenheim | 6736 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nack | 6736 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nieder-Wiesen | 6736 | **(*****) | Phone |
Offenheim | 6736 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friesenheim | 6737 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hahnheim | 6737 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kongernheim | 6737 | **(*****) | Phone |
Selzen | 6737 | **(*****) | Phone |
Undenheim | 6737 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boppard | 6741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberwesel | 6741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Goar | 6741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Goar | 6741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Urbar | 6741 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boppard | 6742 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nortershausen | 6742 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bacharach | 6743 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breitscheid | 6743 | **(*****) | Phone |
Manubach | 6743 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederheimbach | 6743 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberdiebach | 6743 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberheimbach | 6743 | **(*****) | Phone |
Damscheid | 6744 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederburg | 6744 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberwesel | 6744 | **(*****) | Phone |
Perscheid | 6744 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beulich | 6745 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boppard | 6745 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gondershausen | 6745 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mermuth | 6745 | **(*****) | Phone |
Badenhard | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bickenbach | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birkheim | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Braunshorn | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hausbay | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hungenroth | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laudert | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leiningen | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lingerhahn | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Maisborn | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Muhlpfad | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niedert | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Norath | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pfalzfeld | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Thorlingen | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Utzenhain | 6746 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorth | 6747 | **(*****) | Phone |
Emmelshausen | 6747 | **(*****) | Phone |
Halsenbach | 6747 | **(*****) | Phone |
Karbach | 6747 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kratzenburg | 6747 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ney | 6747 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwall | 6747 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bad Sobernheim | 6751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barweiler | 6751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirschroth | 6751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meddersheim | 6751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Monzingen | 6751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nusbaum | 6751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Staudernheim | 6751 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bergen | 6752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berschweiler Bei Kirn | 6752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Griebelschied | 6752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hahnenbach | 6752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hennweiler | 6752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hochstetten-Dhaun | 6752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirn | 6752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirn Nahe | 6752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meckenbach | 6752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberhausen Bei Kirn | 6752 | **(*****) | Phone |
Abtweiler | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Adenbach | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Becherbach | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breitenheim | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Callbach | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Desloch | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Jeckenbach | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lauschied | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lollbach | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meisenheim | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Odenbach | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Raumbach | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehborn | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reiffelbach | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmittweiler | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schweinschied | 6753 | **(*****) | Phone |
Auen | 6754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brauweiler | 6754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heinzenberg | 6754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horbach | 6754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langenthal | 6754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Martinstein | 6754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merxheim | 6754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Seesbach | 6754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Simmertal | 6754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weiler Bei Monzingen | 6754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weitersborn | 6754 | **(*****) | Phone |
Duchroth | 6755 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lettweiler | 6755 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberhausen An Der Nahe | 6755 | **(*****) | Phone |
Odernheim Am Glan | 6755 | **(*****) | Phone |
Allenfeld | 6756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Daubach | 6756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gebroth | 6756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ippenschied | 6756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehbach | 6756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winterbach | 6756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winterbach Soonwald | 6756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winterburg | 6756 | **(*****) | Phone |
Becherbach Bei Kirn | 6757 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heimweiler | 6757 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hundsbach | 6757 | **(*****) | Phone |
Limbach | 6757 | **(*****) | Phone |
Otzweiler | 6757 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmidthachenbach | 6757 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bockenau | 6758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Boos | 6758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Burgsponheim | 6758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederhausen | 6758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberstreit | 6758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlosbockelheim | 6758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sponheim | 6758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Staudernheim | 6758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Waldbockelheim | 6758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weinsheim | 6758 | **(*****) | Phone |
Altweidelbach | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Argenthal | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Belgweiler | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Biebern | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fronhofen | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holzbach | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Keidelheim | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Klosterkumbd | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kulz | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kumbdchen | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Michelbach | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mutterschied | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nannhausen | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neuerkirch | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederkumbd | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ohlweiler | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oppertshausen | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pleizenhausen | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ravengiersburg | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reich | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riesweiler | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sargenroth | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schonborn | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tiefenbach | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wahlbach | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wuschheim | 6761 | **(*****) | Phone |
Alterkulz | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bell | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beltheim | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Braunshorn | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buch | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dommershausen | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Godenroth | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hasselbach | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hollnich | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kastellaun | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Korweiler | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Laubach | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morsdorf | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Roth | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Spesenroth | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uhler | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wuschheim | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Zilshausen | 6762 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dickenschied | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dill | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dillendorf | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hecken | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heinzenbach | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kappel | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchberg | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirchberg Hunsruck | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kludenbach | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lindenschied | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Maitzborn | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Metzenhausen | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nieder Kostenz | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ober Kostenz | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reckershausen | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rodern | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwarzen | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sohrschied | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Todenroth | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Unzenberg | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Womrath | 6763 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dichtelbach | 6764 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ellern | 6764 | **(*****) | Phone |
Erbach | 6764 | **(*****) | Phone |
Liebshausen | 6764 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morschbach | 6764 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rheinbollen | 6764 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schnorbach | 6764 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gehlweiler | 6765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gemunden | 6765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gemunden Hunsruck | 6765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Henau | 6765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kellenbach | 6765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Konigsau | 6765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mengerschied | 6765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rohrbach | 6765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schlierschied | 6765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwarzerden | 6765 | **(*****) | Phone |
Benzweiler | 6766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bergenhausen | 6766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bubach | 6766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Budenbach | 6766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Horn | 6766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kisselbach | 6766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rayerschied | 6766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riegenroth | 6766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Steinbach | 6766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wiebelsheim | 6766 | **(*****) | Phone |
Auel | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bornich | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dahlheim | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eschbach | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lierschied | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nochern | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Patersberg | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Prath | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reichenberg | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reitzenhain | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Goarshausen | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Goarshausen | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weyer | 6771 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berg | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bettendorf | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bogel | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buch | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Diethardt | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Endlichhofen | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hainau | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidenrod | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Himmighofen | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Holzhausen An Der Haide | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hunzel | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kasdorf | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lautert | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lollschied | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marienfels | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Miehlen | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nastatten | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niedertiefenbach | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederwallmenach | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Obertiefenbach | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberwallmenach | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oelsberg | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Pohl | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Roth | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ruppertshofen | 6772 | **(*****) | Phone |
Filsen | 6773 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kamp-Bornhofen | 6773 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kestert | 6773 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lykershausen | 6773 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dorscheid | 6774 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kaub | 6774 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weisel | 6774 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heidenrod | 6775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lipporn | 6775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lorch | 6775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rettershain | 6775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Struth | 6775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Struth Taunus | 6775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weidenbach | 6775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Welterod | 6775 | **(*****) | Phone |
Braubach | 6776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dachsenhausen | 6776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dessighofen | 6776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ehr | 6776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Geisig | 6776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gemmerich | 6776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kehlbach | 6776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederbachheim | 6776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberbachheim | 6776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Winterwerb | 6776 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herborn | 6781 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hettenrodt | 6781 | **(*****) | Phone |
Idar-Oberstein | 6781 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirschweiler | 6781 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mackenrodt | 6781 | **(*****) | Phone |
Siesbach | 6781 | **(*****) | Phone |
Veitsrodt | 6781 | **(*****) | Phone |
Vollmersbach | 6781 | **(*****) | Phone |
Abentheuer | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Achtelsbach | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birkenfeld | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Birkenfeld Nahe | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Borfink | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Brucken | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Buhlenberg | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dambach | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dienstweiler | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Elchweiler | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ellenberg | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ellweiler | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gimbweiler | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gollenberg | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hattgenstein | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hoppstadten-Weiersbach | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Meckenbach | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberhambach | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rimsberg | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rinzenberg | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmisberg | 6782 | **(*****) | Phone |
Baumholder | 6783 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berschweiler Bei Baumholder | 6783 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eckersweiler | 6783 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fohren-Linden | 6783 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mettweiler | 6783 | **(*****) | Phone |
Reichenbach | 6783 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ruschberg | 6783 | **(*****) | Phone |
Barenbach | 6784 | **(*****) | Phone |
Dickesbach | 6784 | **(*****) | Phone |
Fischbach | 6784 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hintertiefenbach | 6784 | **(*****) | Phone |
Idar-Oberstein | 6784 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mittelreidenbach | 6784 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weierbach | 6784 | **(*****) | Phone |
Breitenthal | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gerach | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herrstein | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hottenbach | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Morschied | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederhosenbach | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederworresbach | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberhosenbach | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberworresbach | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sonnschied | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weiden | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wickenrodt | 6785 | **(*****) | Phone |
Allenbach | 6786 | **(*****) | Phone |
Asbach | 6786 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bruchweiler | 6786 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hellertshausen | 6786 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kempfeld | 6786 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langweiler | 6786 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schauren | 6786 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sensweiler | 6786 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wirschweiler | 6786 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frauenberg | 6787 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kronweiler | 6787 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leisel | 6787 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederbrombach | 6787 | **(*****) | Phone |
Niederhambach | 6787 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberbrombach | 6787 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rotsweiler-Nockenthal | 6787 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwollen | 6787 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sonnenberg-Winnenberg | 6787 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wilzenberg-Husweiler | 6787 | **(*****) | Phone |
Herren-Sulzbach | 6788 | **(*****) | Phone |
Homberg | 6788 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hoppstadten | 6788 | **(*****) | Phone |
Langweiler | 6788 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merzweiler | 6788 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberreidenbach | 6788 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sien | 6788 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sienhachenbach | 6788 | **(*****) | Phone |
Unterjeckenbach | 6788 | **(*****) | Phone |
Berglangenbach | 6789 | **(*****) | Phone |
Hahnweiler | 6789 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heimbach | 6789 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heimbach Nahe | 6789 | **(*****) | Phone |
Leitzweiler | 6789 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nohen | 6789 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rohrbach | 6789 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ruckweiler | 6789 | **(*****) | Phone |
Volklingen | 6802 | **(*****) | Phone |
Volklingen-Lauterbach | 6802 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blieskastel | 6803 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mandelbachtal | 6803 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mandelbachtal-Ommersheim | 6803 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mandelbachtal | 6804 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kleinblittersdorf | 6805 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saarbrucken | 6805 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eppelborn | 6806 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heusweiler | 6806 | **(*****) | Phone |
Puttlingen | 6806 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quierschied | 6806 | **(*****) | Phone |
Riegelsberg | 6806 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grossrosseln | 6809 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saarbrucken | 681 | ***(*****) | Phone |
Neunkirchen | 6821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neunkirchen Saar | 6821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schiffweiler | 6821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Spiesen-Elversberg | 6821 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottweiler | 6824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schiffweiler | 6824 | **(*****) | Phone |
Heusweiler | 6825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Illingen | 6825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Illingen Saar | 6825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merchweiler | 6825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quierschied | 6825 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bexbach | 6826 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neunkirchen | 6826 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eppelborn | 6827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marpingen | 6827 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ensdorf | 6831 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saarlouis | 6831 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwalbach | 6831 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallerfangen | 6831 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beckingen | 6832 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beckingen-Reimsbach | 6832 | **(*****) | Phone |
Losheim Am See | 6832 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehlingen-Siersburg | 6833 | **(*****) | Phone |
Bous | 6834 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schwalbach | 6834 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wadgassen | 6834 | **(*****) | Phone |
Beckingen | 6835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehlingen-Siersburg | 6835 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uberherrn | 6836 | **(*****) | Phone |
Uberherrn | 6837 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wallerfangen | 6837 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lebach | 6838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nalbach | 6838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saarwellingen | 6838 | **(*****) | Phone |
Homburg | 6841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Homburg Saar | 6841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirkel | 6841 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blieskastel | 6842 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gersheim | 6843 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blieskastel | 6844 | **(*****) | Phone |
Blieskastel-Altheim | 6844 | **(*****) | Phone |
Gersheim | 6844 | **(*****) | Phone |
Homburg | 6848 | **(*****) | Phone |
Homburg-Einod | 6848 | **(*****) | Phone |
Kirkel | 6849 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neunkirchen | 6849 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marpingen | 6851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Namborn | 6851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Wendel | 6851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Wendel | 6851 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nohfelden | 6852 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberthal | 6852 | **(*****) | Phone |
Marpingen | 6853 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tholey | 6853 | **(*****) | Phone |
Namborn | 6854 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberthal | 6854 | **(*****) | Phone |
Oberthal Saar | 6854 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Wendel | 6854 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freisen | 6855 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Wendel | 6856 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Wendel-Niederkirchen | 6856 | **(*****) | Phone |
Freisen | 6857 | **(*****) | Phone |
Namborn | 6857 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nohfelden | 6857 | **(*****) | Phone |
Neunkirchen | 6858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottweiler | 6858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Ottweiler-Furth | 6858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Wendel | 6858 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merzig | 6861 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehlingen-Siersburg | 6861 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mettlach | 6864 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mettlach | 6865 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mettlach-Orscholz | 6865 | **(*****) | Phone |
Perl | 6865 | **(*****) | Phone |
Perl | 6866 | **(*****) | Phone |
Perl-Nennig | 6866 | **(*****) | Phone |
Perl | 6867 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mettlach | 6868 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mettlach-Tunsdorf | 6868 | **(*****) | Phone |
Perl | 6868 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merzig | 6869 | **(*****) | Phone |
Merzig-Silwingen | 6869 | **(*****) | Phone |
Rehlingen-Siersburg | 6869 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wadern | 6871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weiskirchen | 6871 | **(*****) | Phone |
Losheim Am See | 6872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weiskirchen | 6872 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nonnweiler | 6873 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmelz | 6874 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wadern | 6874 | **(*****) | Phone |
Wadern-Nunkirchen | 6874 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weiskirchen | 6874 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nohfelden | 6875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nonnweiler | 6875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Nonnweiler-Primstal | 6875 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weiskirchen | 6876 | **(*****) | Phone |
Weiskirchen Saar | 6876 | **(*****) | Phone |
Eppelborn | 6881 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lebach | 6881 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmelz | 6881 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lebach | 6887 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmelz | 6887 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmelz Saar | 6887 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lebach | 6888 | **(*****) | Phone |
Lebach-Steinbach | 6888 | **(*****) | Phone |
Schmelz | 6888 | **(*****) | Phone |
Tholey | 6888 | **(*****) | Phone |
Mandelbachtal | 6893 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saarbrucken | 6893 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saarbrucken-Ensheim | 6893 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Ingbert | 6894 | **(*****) | Phone |
Sankt Ingbert | 6894 | **(*****) | Phone |
Friedrichsthal | 6897 | **(*****) | Phone |
Quierschied | 6897 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saarbrucken | 6897 | **(*****) | Phone |
Grosrosseln | 6898 | **(*****) | Phone |
Puttlingen | 6898 | **(*****) | Phone |
Saarbrucken | 6898 | **(*****) | Phone |
Volklingen | 6898 | **(*****) | Phone |
Frankfurt Am Main | 69 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Offenbach Am Main | 69 | ****(*****) | Phone |
Friendship texts for sms messages
Excuse me, can you let me come a little closer to your heartQ: Can a kangaroo jump higher than the empire state building? A: Yes, because the empire state building can't jumpRiddle, puzzle for sms messages
In soft gleaming night of stars, may all your dreams come true. May every star of every night, bring love and joy to you. Happy birthday to youBirthday greetings for sms messages
Sometimes my mind asked why? I miss U, why? I care 4 U, why? I remember U then my heart answered its simply b'coz you are a sweet friendFriendship texts for sms messages
I love the air, because it touches you. I love the sun, because it falls on you. I love my heart, because it loves youI feel something in my heart it's like a little flame every time I see you this flame lights up this flame is special 4 you bcoz I love youRomantic texts for sms messages
Wishing you all the fun and excitement that only birthdays can bring, happy birthdayBirthday greetings for sms messages
What is the true friendship? Ans - It is when your best friend runs away with your wife & you are really worried... For your friendIf U open my heart, guess what you are gonna see? It's you. True friends are hard to find so I kept you |