City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Kingston | 876 | ******* | Phone |
Kingston | 876232 | **** | Phone |
Kingston | 876415 | **** | Phone |
Carlton | 8765010 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 8765011 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 8765012 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 8765013 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 8765014 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 8765015 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8765016 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8765017 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8765018 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8765019 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 876502 | **** | Phone |
Carlton | 876510 | **** | Phone |
Carlton | 876511 | **** | Phone |
Montrose | 8765120 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8765121 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8765122 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8765123 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8765124 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8765125 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8765126 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8765127 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8765128 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8765129 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8765130 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8765131 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8765132 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8765133 | *** | Phone |
West 2 | 876514 | **** | Phone |
Kingston | 876515 | **** | Phone |
Discovery Bay | 8765160 | *** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 8765161 | *** | Phone |
Runaway Bay | 8765162 | *** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 87651640 | ** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 87651641 | ** | Phone |
Runaway Bay | 87651642 | ** | Phone |
Runaway Bay | 87651643 | ** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 87651644 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8765180 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8765181 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8765182 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8765183 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8765184 | *** | Phone |
Negril | 8765185 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87651860 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87651861 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87651862 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87651863 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87651864 | ** | Phone |
Negril | 8765187 | *** | Phone |
Negril | 8765188 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87651895 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87651896 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87651897 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87651898 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87651899 | ** | Phone |
Mandeville | 8765230 | *** | Phone |
Mandeville | 8765231 | *** | Phone |
Mandeville | 8765232 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8765250 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8765251 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8765252 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 87652530 | ** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 87652531 | ** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 87652532 | ** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 87652533 | ** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 87652534 | ** | Phone |
Braeton | 87652540 | ** | Phone |
Braeton | 87652541 | ** | Phone |
Braeton | 87652542 | ** | Phone |
Braeton | 87652543 | ** | Phone |
Braeton | 87652544 | ** | Phone |
Linstead | 87652545 | ** | Phone |
Linstead | 87652546 | ** | Phone |
Linstead | 87652547 | ** | Phone |
Linstead | 87652548 | ** | Phone |
Linstead | 87652549 | ** | Phone |
Portmore | 87652550 | ** | Phone |
Portmore | 87652551 | ** | Phone |
Portmore | 87652552 | ** | Phone |
Portmore | 87652553 | ** | Phone |
Carlton | 876525540 | * | Phone |
Portmore | 87652554 | ** | Phone |
Carlton | 876525541 | * | Phone |
Carlton | 876525542 | * | Phone |
Carlton | 876525543 | * | Phone |
Carlton | 876525544 | * | Phone |
Carlton | 876525545 | * | Phone |
Carlton | 876525546 | * | Phone |
Portmore | 87652555 | ** | Phone |
Portmore | 87652556 | ** | Phone |
Portmore | 87652557 | ** | Phone |
Portmore | 87652558 | ** | Phone |
Portmore | 87652559 | ** | Phone |
Granville | 876601 | **** | Phone |
Saint John's Height | 8766020 | *** | Phone |
Bartons | 8766021 | *** | Phone |
Brown's Hall | 8766022 | *** | Phone |
Green Acres | 8766024 | *** | Phone |
Angels Estate 1 | 8766025 | *** | Phone |
Angels Estate 1 | 87660260 | ** | Phone |
Angels Estate 1 | 87660261 | ** | Phone |
Angels Estate 1 | 87660262 | ** | Phone |
Angels Estate 2 | 87660263 | ** | Phone |
Angels Estate 2 | 87660264 | ** | Phone |
Angels Estate 2 | 87660265 | ** | Phone |
Angels Estate 2 | 87660266 | ** | Phone |
Angels Estate 2 | 87660267 | ** | Phone |
Angels Estate 2 | 87660268 | ** | Phone |
Angels Estate 2 | 87660269 | ** | Phone |
Angels Estate 2 | 87660270 | ** | Phone |
Angels Estate 2 | 87660271 | ** | Phone |
May Day | 8766030 | *** | Phone |
Mizpah | 8766031 | *** | Phone |
Mizpah | 8766032 | *** | Phone |
Kendal | 8766033 | *** | Phone |
Hatfield | 8766034 | *** | Phone |
Bickersteth | 8766050 | *** | Phone |
Wiltshire | 8766051 | *** | Phone |
Goodwill | 8766052 | *** | Phone |
Cambridge | 8766053 | *** | Phone |
Moy Hall | 8766055 | *** | Phone |
Richmond Hill | 8766059 | *** | Wireless |
Unity Hall | 87660590 | ** | Phone |
Unity Hall | 87660591 | ** | Phone |
Unity Hall | 87660592 | ** | Phone |
Unity Hall | 87660593 | ** | Phone |
Unity Hall | 87660594 | ** | Phone |
Thornton | 8766072 | *** | Phone |
Thornton | 8766073 | *** | Phone |
Lacovia | 8766074 | *** | Phone |
Pepper | 8766075 | *** | Phone |
Junction | 8766077 | *** | Phone |
Junction | 8766078 | *** | Phone |
Junction | 8766079 | *** | Phone |
March Town | 8766090 | *** | Phone |
Logwood | 8766091 | *** | Phone |
Logwood | 8766092 | *** | Phone |
Cauldwell | 8766093 | *** | Phone |
Dias | 8766095 | *** | Phone |
Unity Hall | 8766096 | *** | Phone |
Albert Town | 8766100 | *** | Phone |
Albert Town | 8766101 | *** | Phone |
Wakefield | 8766102 | *** | Phone |
Wakefield | 8766103 | *** | Phone |
Jackson Town | 8766104 | *** | Phone |
Martha Brae | 8766105 | *** | Phone |
Goodwill | 87661060 | ** | Phone |
Goodwill | 87661061 | ** | Phone |
Goodwill | 87661062 | ** | Phone |
Goodwill | 87661063 | ** | Phone |
Goodwill | 87661064 | ** | Phone |
Stewart Town | 8766120 | *** | Phone |
Newgen Technologies | 876614 | **** | Phone |
Falmouth | 876617 | **** | Phone |
Merit | 876620 | **** | Phone |
Williamsfield | 8766240 | *** | Phone |
Williamsfield | 8766241 | *** | Phone |
Williamsfield | 8766242 | *** | Phone |
Williamsfield | 8766243 | *** | Phone |
Scott's Pass | 87662497 | ** | Phone |
Scott's Pass | 87662498 | ** | Phone |
Scott's Pass | 87662499 | ** | Phone |
Mandeville | 876625 | **** | Phone |
Quicksilver Technologies | 876626 | **** | Phone |
Black River | 8766340 | *** | Phone |
Black River | 8766341 | *** | Phone |
Black River | 8766342 | *** | Phone |
Black River | 8766343 | *** | Phone |
Black River | 8766344 | *** | Phone |
Red Ground | 8766400 | *** | Phone |
Little London | 8766401 | *** | Phone |
West End | 8766402 | *** | Phone |
Sandals Whitehouse | 87664030 | ** | Phone |
Seaford Town | 8766406 | *** | Phone |
Richmond Hill | 8766409 | *** | Wireless |
James Hill | 8766502 | *** | Phone |
James Hill | 8766503 | *** | Phone |
Spaulding | 8766505 | *** | Phone |
Enterprise Communications | 876660 | **** | Phone |
Discovery Bay | 8766700 | *** | Phone |
Stewart Town | 8766706 | *** | Phone |
Island Village | 87667587 | ** | Phone |
Island Village | 87667588 | ** | Phone |
Island Village | 87667589 | ** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 8766759 | *** | Phone |
Liliput | 8766800 | *** | Phone |
Liliput | 8766801 | *** | Phone |
Cornwall Courts | 8766802 | *** | Phone |
Cornwall Courts | 8766803 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8766840 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8766841 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8766842 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8766843 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8766844 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8766845 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8766846 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8766847 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay Freeport | 8766849 | *** | Phone |
Kingston | 876696 | **** | Phone |
Kingston | 876697 | **** | Phone |
Kingston | 876698 | **** | Phone |
Kingston | 876699 | **** | Phone |
Carlton | 8767012 | *** | Audio |
Central 1 | 8767013 | *** | Audio |
Carlton | 8767014 | *** | Audio |
Montrose | 87670150 | ** | Audio |
Mona | 87670151 | ** | Audio |
Pembroke | 87670152 | ** | Audio |
Harbour View | 87670153 | ** | Audio |
East | 87670154 | ** | Audio |
Irish Town | 87670155 | ** | Audio |
Washington | 87670156 | ** | Audio |
Stony Hill | 876701570 | * | Audio |
Stony Hill | 876701571 | * | Audio |
Stony Hill | 876701572 | * | Audio |
Stony Hill | 876701573 | * | Audio |
Stony Hill | 876701574 | * | Audio |
Temple Hall | 876701575 | * | Audio |
Temple Hall | 876701576 | * | Audio |
Temple Hall | 876701577 | * | Audio |
Temple Hall | 876701578 | * | Audio |
Temple Hall | 876701579 | * | Audio |
Airport | 87670158 | ** | Audio |
West | 87670159 | ** | Audio |
Saint Ann's Bay | 87670160 | ** | Audio |
Port Maria | 87670161 | ** | Audio |
Port Antonio | 87670162 | ** | Audio |
Saint Ann's Bay | 87670165 | ** | Audio |
Ocho Rios | 87670167 | ** | Audio |
Highgate | 87670168 | ** | Audio |
Spanish Town | 87670170 | ** | Audio |
Portmore | 87670171 | ** | Audio |
Braeton | 87670172 | ** | Audio |
Linstead | 87670173 | ** | Audio |
Bog Walk | 87670174 | ** | Audio |
Old Harbour | 87670175 | ** | Audio |
Keystone | 876701760 | * | Audio |
Spanish Town | 87670178 | ** | Audio |
Morant Bay | 87670179 | ** | Audio |
Mandeville | 87670180 | ** | Audio |
Mandeville | 87670185 | ** | Audio |
Black River | 87670188 | ** | Audio |
May Pen | 87670189 | ** | Audio |
Montego Bay | 876701900 | * | Audio |
Montego Bay | 876701901 | * | Audio |
Montego Bay | 876701902 | * | Audio |
Montego Bay | 876701903 | * | Audio |
Montego Bay | 876701904 | * | Audio |
Montego Bay | 876701905 | * | Audio |
Montego Bay | 876701906 | * | Audio |
Montego Bay | 876701907 | * | Audio |
Lucea | 876701908 | * | Audio |
Lucea | 876701909 | * | Audio |
Montego Bay Freeport | 87670191 | ** | Audio |
Negril | 87670192 | ** | Audio |
Rose Hall | 87670193 | ** | Audio |
Savanna-La-Mar | 87670194 | ** | Audio |
Montego Bay | 87670195 | ** | Audio |
Lethe | 876701960 | * | Audio |
Duncans | 876701961 | * | Audio |
Montego Bay | 87670198 | ** | Audio |
Falmouth | 87670199 | ** | Audio |
Skyline Drive | 8767020 | *** | Phone |
Gordon Town | 8767021 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8767022 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8767023 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8767024 | *** | Phone |
Cedar Valley | 8767030 | *** | Phone |
Middleton | 8767031 | *** | Phone |
Middleton | 8767032 | *** | Phone |
Yallahs | 8767033 | *** | Phone |
Bath | 8767034 | *** | Phone |
Prospect Pen | 8767035 | *** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 8767036 | *** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 8767037 | *** | Phone |
Bull Bay | 8767039 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 876704 | **** | Phone |
Bushy Park | 8767050 | *** | Phone |
Waterloo | 8767051 | *** | Phone |
Watermount | 8767052 | *** | Phone |
Watermount | 8767053 | *** | Phone |
Point Hill | 8767054 | *** | Phone |
Point Hill | 8767055 | *** | Phone |
Ewarton | 8767056 | *** | Phone |
Ewarton | 8767057 | *** | Phone |
Washington | 8767058 | *** | Phone |
Lawrence Tavern | 8767059 | *** | Phone |
Golden Grove | 8767060 | *** | Phone |
Yallahs | 8767061 | *** | Phone |
Yallahs | 8767062 | *** | Phone |
Yallahs | 8767063 | *** | Phone |
Trinityville | 8767064 | *** | Phone |
Danvers Pen | 8767065 | *** | Phone |
Yallahs | 8767066 | *** | Phone |
Yallahs | 8767067 | *** | Phone |
Yallahs | 8767068 | *** | Phone |
Lloyds | 8767069 | *** | Phone |
Rock Hall | 87670800 | ** | Phone |
Rock Hall | 87670801 | ** | Phone |
Rock Hall | 87670802 | ** | Phone |
Rock Hall | 87670803 | ** | Phone |
Rock Hall | 87670804 | ** | Phone |
Glengoffe | 8767081 | *** | Phone |
Bog Walk | 8767082 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour Bay East 2 | 8767083 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour Bay East | 8767084 | *** | Phone |
Nightingale Grove | 8767085 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 87670860 | ** | Phone |
Central 1 | 87670861 | ** | Phone |
Portmore | 8767088 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8767089 | *** | Phone |
Airport | 87670900 | ** | Internet |
Carlton | 87670901 | ** | Internet |
Central 1 | 87670902 | ** | Internet |
Mona | 87670903 | ** | Internet |
Montrose | 87670904 | ** | Internet |
Pembroke | 87670905 | ** | Internet |
Red Hills | 87670906 | ** | Internet |
Ewarton | 87670907 | ** | Internet |
Portmore | 87670908 | ** | Internet |
Spanish Town | 87670909 | ** | Internet |
May Pen | 876709100 | * | Internet |
May Pen | 876709101 | * | Internet |
May Pen | 876709102 | * | Internet |
May Pen | 876709103 | * | Internet |
May Pen | 876709104 | * | Internet |
May Pen | 876709105 | * | Internet |
May Pen | 876709106 | * | Internet |
May Pen | 876709107 | * | Internet |
May Pen | 876709108 | * | Internet |
Siloah | 8767091090 | Internet | |
Siloah | 8767091091 | Internet | |
Siloah | 8767091092 | Internet | |
Siloah | 8767091093 | Internet | |
Siloah | 8767091094 | Internet | |
Vere | 8767091095 | Internet | |
Vere | 8767091096 | Internet | |
Vere | 8767091097 | Internet | |
Vere | 8767091098 | Internet | |
Vere | 8767091099 | Internet | |
Mandeville | 87670911 | ** | Internet |
Christiana | 87670912 | ** | Internet |
Black River | 87670913 | ** | Internet |
Santa Cruz | 87670914 | ** | Internet |
Treasure Beach | 87670915 | ** | Internet |
Southfield | 87670916 | ** | Internet |
Bluefields | 87670918 | ** | Internet |
Whitehouse | 87670919 | ** | Internet |
Negril | 87670920 | ** | Internet |
Savanna-La-Mar | 87670921 | ** | Internet |
Hopewell | 87670922 | ** | Internet |
Lucea | 87670923 | ** | Internet |
Tryall | 87670924 | ** | Internet |
Montego Bay | 87670925 | ** | Internet |
Frome | 8767092595 | Internet | |
Frome | 8767092596 | Internet | |
Frome | 8767092597 | Internet | |
Frome | 8767092598 | Internet | |
Frome | 8767092599 | Internet | |
Rose Hall | 87670926 | ** | Internet |
Carlton 2 | 87670927 | ** | Internet |
West 2 | 87670928 | ** | Internet |
Rio Bueno | 87670929 | ** | Internet |
Falmouth | 87670930 | ** | Internet |
Duncans | 8767093095 | Internet | |
Duncans | 8767093096 | Internet | |
Duncans | 8767093097 | Internet | |
Duncans | 8767093098 | Internet | |
Duncans | 8767093099 | Internet | |
Ocho Rios | 87670931 | ** | Internet |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876709320 | * | Internet |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876709321 | * | Internet |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876709322 | * | Internet |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876709323 | * | Internet |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876709324 | * | Internet |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876709325 | * | Internet |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876709326 | * | Internet |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876709327 | * | Internet |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767093285 | Internet | |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767093286 | Internet | |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767093287 | Internet | |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767093288 | Internet | |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767093289 | Internet | |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767093290 | Internet | |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767093291 | Internet | |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767093292 | Internet | |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767093293 | Internet | |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767093294 | Internet | |
Clonmel | 8767093295 | Internet | |
Clonmel | 8767093296 | Internet | |
Clonmel | 8767093297 | Internet | |
Clonmel | 8767093298 | Internet | |
Clonmel | 8767093299 | Internet | |
Port Maria | 87670933 | ** | Internet |
Port Antonio | 87670940 | ** | Internet |
Hope Bay | 87670941 | ** | Internet |
Buff Bay | 87670942 | ** | Internet |
Morant Bay | 87670943 | ** | Internet |
Temple Hall | 87670944 | ** | Internet |
Linstead | 87670945 | ** | Internet |
Golden Grove | 87670946 | ** | Internet |
Old Harbour Bay | 876709470 | * | Internet |
Grey Ground | 876709471 | * | Internet |
Lionel Town | 876709472 | * | Internet |
Braeton | 876709473 | * | Internet |
Washington | 87670948 | ** | Internet |
Montego Bay | 8767097 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87670986 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87670987 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87670988 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87670989 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87670990 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87670991 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87670992 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87670993 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87670994 | ** | Phone |
Tryall | 876709948 | * | Phone |
Tryall | 876709949 | * | Phone |
Montrose | 87670995 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87670996 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87670997 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87670998 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87670999 | ** | Phone |
Port Antonio | 876715 | **** | Phone |
Highgate | 8767240 | *** | Phone |
Highgate | 8767241 | *** | Phone |
Highgate | 8767242 | *** | Phone |
Highgate | 8767243 | *** | Phone |
Port Maria | 8767250 | *** | Phone |
Port Maria | 8767251 | *** | Phone |
Port Maria | 8767252 | *** | Phone |
Port Maria | 8767254 | *** | Phone |
Oracabessa Trailer | 8767260 | *** | Phone |
Oracabessa Trailer | 8767261 | *** | Phone |
Oracabessa Trailer | 8767262 | *** | Phone |
Oracabessa Trailer | 8767263 | *** | Phone |
Oracabessa Trailer | 8767264 | *** | Phone |
Llandeway | 8767330 | *** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 876734 | **** | Phone |
Braeton | 8767400 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8767401 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8767402 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8767403 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8767404 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8767450 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8767451 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8767452 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8767453 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8767454 | *** | Phone |
Brunswick | 87674600 | ** | Phone |
West Cumberland | 8767464144 | Phone | |
West Cumberland | 8767465 | *** | Phone |
West Cumberland | 87674668 | ** | Phone |
West Cumberland | 87674669 | ** | Phone |
Cedar Grove | 8767467 | *** | Phone |
West Cumberland | 87674670 | ** | Phone |
West Cumberland | 87674671 | ** | Phone |
West Cumberland | 87674672 | ** | Phone |
West Cumberland | 87674673 | ** | Phone |
West Cumberland | 87674674 | ** | Phone |
West Cumberland | 87674675 | ** | Phone |
Cedar Grove | 87674686 | ** | Phone |
Cedar Grove | 87674687 | ** | Phone |
Cedar Grove | 87674688 | ** | Phone |
Cedar Grove | 87674689 | ** | Phone |
Christian Gardens | 8767469 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 876748 | **** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8767490 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8767491 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8767492 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8767493 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8767494 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8767495 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8767496 | *** | Phone |
Inswood Village | 8767497 | *** | Phone |
Wicki Wacki | 8767500 | *** | Phone |
Wicki Wacki | 8767501 | *** | Phone |
Wicki Wacki | 8767502 | *** | Phone |
Maryland | 8767507 | *** | Phone |
Maryland | 8767508 | *** | Phone |
Lindo's Gap | 8767509 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 876754 | **** | Phone |
Pembroke | 876755 | **** | Phone |
Stony Hill | 8767560 | *** | Phone |
Stony Hill | 8767561 | *** | Phone |
Stony Hill | 8767562 | *** | Phone |
Stony Hill | 8767563 | *** | Phone |
Stony Hill | 8767564 | *** | Phone |
Stony Hill | 8767565 | *** | Phone |
Stony Hill | 8767566 | *** | Phone |
Saint Christophers | 8767569 | *** | Phone |
West | 876757 | **** | Phone |
West 2 | 876758 | **** | Phone |
East | 876759 | **** | Phone |
West 2 | 8767648 | *** | Phone |
West 2 | 8767649 | *** | Phone |
Washington | 876765 | **** | Phone |
New Bowens | 8767800 | *** | Phone |
Chateau | 8767801 | *** | Phone |
Jamalco | 87678020 | ** | Phone |
Jamalco | 87678021 | ** | Phone |
Jamalco | 87678022 | ** | Phone |
Sandy Bay | 87678023 | ** | Phone |
Sandy Bay | 87678024 | ** | Phone |
Sandy Bay | 87678025 | ** | Phone |
Sandy Bay | 87678026 | ** | Phone |
Sandy Bay | 87678027 | ** | Phone |
Chapleton | 8767850 | *** | Phone |
Chapleton | 8767851 | *** | Phone |
Chapleton | 8767852 | *** | Phone |
May Pen | 8767860 | *** | Phone |
May Pen | 8767861 | *** | Phone |
May Pen | 8767862 | *** | Phone |
May Pen | 8767863 | *** | Phone |
May Pen | 8767864 | *** | Phone |
Moneague | 8767940 | *** | Phone |
Moneague | 8767941 | *** | Phone |
Moneague | 8767942 | *** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767948 | *** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8767949 | *** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 8767950 | *** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 8767951 | *** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 8767952 | *** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 8767953 | *** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 8767954 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 876801 | **** | Voice mail |
Carlton | 876802 | **** | Voice mail |
Pembroke | 876803 | **** | Voice mail |
West | 876901 | **** | Phone |
May Pen | 876902 | **** | Phone |
Linstead | 8769030 | *** | Phone |
Linstead | 8769031 | *** | Phone |
Linstead | 8769032 | *** | Phone |
Linstead | 8769033 | *** | Phone |
Linstead | 8769034 | *** | Phone |
Linstead | 8769035 | *** | Phone |
Lluidas Vale | 8769036 | *** | Phone |
Riversdale | 8769037 | *** | Phone |
Treadways | 8769038 | *** | Phone |
Above Rocks | 8769039 | *** | Phone |
Porus | 8769040 | *** | Phone |
Porus | 8769041 | *** | Phone |
Scott's Pass | 8769042 | *** | Phone |
Lititz | 8769043 | *** | Phone |
Frankfield | 8769044 | *** | Phone |
Mike Town | 8769045 | *** | Phone |
Newgreen | 8769046 | *** | Phone |
May Day | 8769047 | *** | Phone |
Knock Patrick | 8769048 | *** | Phone |
Knock Patrick | 8769049 | *** | Phone |
North | 876905 | **** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 876906 | **** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8769070 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8769071 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8769072 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8769073 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8769074 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8769075 | *** | Phone |
Brunswick | 8769078 | *** | Phone |
Brunswick | 8769079 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8769080 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8769081 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8769082 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8769083 | *** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 8769084 | *** | Phone |
Lethe | 8769120 | *** | Phone |
Adelphi | 8769121 | *** | Phone |
Cambridge | 8769122 | *** | Phone |
Anchovy | 8769123 | *** | Phone |
Bounty Hall | 8769124 | *** | Phone |
Maroon Town | 8769125 | *** | Phone |
Mount Carey | 8769126 | *** | Phone |
Somerton | 8769127 | *** | Phone |
Dumfries | 8769128 | *** | Phone |
Dumfries | 8769129 | *** | Phone |
Hope Bay | 8769130 | *** | Phone |
Priestmans River | 8769131 | *** | Phone |
Saint Margaret's Bay | 8769133 | *** | Phone |
Lewis | 8769134 | *** | Phone |
Fellowship | 8769135 | *** | Phone |
Buff Bay | 8769136 | *** | Phone |
Long Bay | 8769137 | *** | Phone |
Colegate | 8769170 | *** | Phone |
Charles Town | 8769171 | *** | Phone |
Walker's Wood | 8769172 | *** | Phone |
Upton | 8769173 | *** | Phone |
Steer Town | 8769174 | *** | Phone |
Brown's Town | 8769176 | *** | Phone |
Brown's Town | 8769177 | *** | Phone |
Brown's Town | 8769178 | *** | Phone |
Brown's Town | 8769179 | *** | Phone |
Savanna-La-Mar | 8769180 | *** | Phone |
Savanna-La-Mar | 8769181 | *** | Phone |
Savanna-La-Mar | 8769182 | *** | Phone |
Savanna-La-Mar | 8769183 | *** | Phone |
Orange Hill | 8769184 | *** | Wireless |
Grange Hill | 8769186 | *** | Phone |
Grange Hill | 8769187 | *** | Phone |
Grange Hill | 8769188 | *** | Phone |
Grange Hill | 8769189 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 876920 | **** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 8769211 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8769212 | *** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8769213 | *** | Phone |
Drapers | 8769213995 | Phone | |
Drapers | 8769213996 | Phone | |
Drapers | 8769213997 | Phone | |
Drapers | 8769213998 | Phone | |
Drapers | 8769213999 | Phone | |
Carlton | 8769214 | *** | Phone |
Irish Town | 8769214995 | Phone | |
Irish Town | 8769214996 | Phone | |
Irish Town | 8769214997 | Phone | |
Irish Town | 8769214998 | Phone | |
Irish Town | 8769214999 | Phone | |
Kingston | 8769215 | *** | Phone |
Mandeville | 8769216 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 87692170 | ** | Phone |
Central 1 | 87692171 | ** | Phone |
Central 1 | 87692172 | ** | Phone |
Central 1 | 87692173 | ** | Phone |
Central 1 | 87692174 | ** | Phone |
Central 1 | 87692175 | ** | Phone |
Central 1 | 87692176 | ** | Phone |
Central 1 | 87692177 | ** | Phone |
Central 1 | 87692178 | ** | Phone |
Airport | 876921799 | * | Phone |
Brown's Town | 87692180 | ** | Phone |
Discovery Bay | 87692181 | ** | Phone |
Port Antonio | 876921820 | * | Phone |
Port Antonio | 876921821 | * | Phone |
North | 876921830 | * | Phone |
North | 876921831 | * | Phone |
North | 876921832 | * | Phone |
North | 876921833 | * | Phone |
North | 876921834 | * | Phone |
North | 876921835 | * | Phone |
North | 876921836 | * | Phone |
North | 876921837 | * | Phone |
Pembroke | 876921838 | * | Phone |
Pembroke | 876921839 | * | Phone |
Stony Hill | 87692184 | ** | Phone |
Runaway Bay | 87692190 | ** | Phone |
Oracabessa Trailer | 87692191 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 876921920 | * | Phone |
Montrose | 876921921 | * | Phone |
Montrose | 876921922 | * | Phone |
Montrose | 876921923 | * | Phone |
Montrose | 876921924 | * | Phone |
Montrose | 876921925 | * | Phone |
Montrose | 876921926 | * | Phone |
Montrose | 876921927 | * | Phone |
Montrose | 876921928 | * | Phone |
Pinegrove | 876921929 | * | Phone |
West | 876921930 | * | Phone |
West | 876921931 | * | Phone |
West | 876921932 | * | Phone |
West | 876921933 | * | Phone |
West | 876921934 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876921935 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876921936 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876921937 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876921938 | * | Phone |
East | 8769219390 | Phone | |
East | 8769219391 | Phone | |
East | 8769219392 | Phone | |
East | 8769219393 | Phone | |
East | 8769219394 | Phone | |
East | 8769219395 | Phone | |
East | 8769219396 | Phone | |
East | 8769219397 | Phone | |
East | 8769219398 | Phone | |
East | 8769219399 | Phone | |
Carlton 2 | 87692194 | ** | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 87692195 | ** | Phone |
Mona | 87692196 | ** | Phone |
Portmore | 87692197 | ** | Phone |
Central 1 | 876922 | **** | Phone |
West | 876923 | **** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769240 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769241 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769242 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769243 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769244 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769245 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769246 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769247 | *** | Phone |
Airport | 8769248 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 8769249 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 876925 | **** | Phone |
Carlton | 876926 | **** | Phone |
Mona | 8769270 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769271 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769272 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769273 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769274 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769275 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769276 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769277 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769278 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769279 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769280 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769281 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769282 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769283 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769284 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769285 | *** | Phone |
Harbour View | 8769286 | *** | Phone |
Harbour View | 8769287 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769288 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769289 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 876929 | **** | Phone |
East | 876930 | **** | Phone |
North | 8769310 | *** | Phone |
North | 8769311 | *** | Phone |
North | 8769312 | *** | Phone |
North | 8769313 | *** | Phone |
North | 8769314 | *** | Phone |
North | 8769315 | *** | Phone |
North | 8769316 | *** | Phone |
North | 8769317 | *** | Phone |
North | 8769318 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769319 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 876932 | **** | Phone |
Washington | 876933 | **** | Phone |
Washington | 876934 | **** | Phone |
Carlton | 8769350 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 8769351 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 8769352 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 8769353 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 8769354 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 8769355 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 8769356 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 87693570 | ** | Phone |
Pembroke | 87693571 | ** | Phone |
Pembroke | 87693572 | ** | Phone |
Pembroke | 87693573 | ** | Phone |
Pembroke | 87693574 | ** | Phone |
Pembroke | 87693575 | ** | Phone |
Pembroke | 87693576 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87693577 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87693578 | ** | Phone |
Montrose | 87693579 | ** | Phone |
Mona | 8769358 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769359 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 876936 | **** | Phone |
West | 876937 | **** | Phone |
East | 8769380 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769381 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769382 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769383 | *** | Phone |
East | 8769384 | *** | Phone |
Harbour View | 8769385 | *** | Phone |
Harbour View | 8769386 | *** | Phone |
Harbour View | 8769387 | *** | Phone |
Harbour View | 8769388 | *** | Phone |
Harbour View | 8769389 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769390 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769391 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769392 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769393 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769394 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769395 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769396 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769397 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769398 | *** | Phone |
Hellshire | 8769399 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 876940 | **** | Phone |
North | 876941 | **** | Phone |
Tom's River | 8769420 | *** | Phone |
Stony Hill | 8769422 | *** | Phone |
Stony Hill | 8769423 | *** | Phone |
Temple Hall | 8769425 | *** | Phone |
Lawrence Tavern | 8769426 | *** | Phone |
Mount Charles | 8769427 | *** | Phone |
Lawrence Tavern | 8769428 | *** | Phone |
Stony Hill | 8769429 | *** | Phone |
Green Acres | 8769430 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 8769431 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 8769432 | *** | Phone |
Cromarty | 8769433 | *** | Phone |
Leiba Gardens | 8769434 | *** | Phone |
Colbeck Heights | 8769435 | *** | Phone |
Mount View Estate | 8769436 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour Bay | 8769437 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8769438 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 8769439 | *** | Phone |
Red Hills | 8769440 | *** | Phone |
Red Hills | 8769441 | *** | Phone |
Red Hills | 8769442 | *** | Phone |
Red Hills | 8769443 | *** | Phone |
Coopers Hill | 8769444 | *** | Phone |
Rock Hall | 8769445 | *** | Phone |
Above Rocks | 8769446 | *** | Phone |
Belvedere Square | 8769447 | *** | Phone |
Irish Town | 8769448 | *** | Phone |
Red Hills | 8769449 | *** | Phone |
Red Hills | 8769450 | *** | Phone |
Red Hills | 8769451 | *** | Phone |
Red Hills | 8769455 | *** | Phone |
Red Hills Road Top | 8769458 | *** | Phone |
Red Hills Road Top | 8769459 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769460 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769461 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769462 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769463 | *** | Phone |
Long Mountain Country Club | 8769468 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 8769469 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 876948 | **** | Phone |
Braeton | 876949 | **** | Phone |
Digiport | 876951 | **** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 876952 | **** | Phone |
Greenwood | 8769531 | *** | Phone |
Rose Hall | 8769532 | *** | Phone |
Rose Hall | 8769533 | *** | Phone |
Rose Hall | 8769534 | *** | Phone |
Sandy Bay | 8769535 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay Freeport | 8769536 | *** | Phone |
Barrett Town | 8769537 | *** | Phone |
Rose Hall | 8769538 | *** | Phone |
Rose Hall | 8769539 | *** | Phone |
Rio Bueno | 8769540 | *** | Phone |
Clarks Town | 8769541 | *** | Phone |
Duncans | 8769542 | *** | Phone |
Falmouth | 8769543 | *** | Phone |
Falmouth | 8769544 | *** | Phone |
Falmouth | 8769545 | *** | Phone |
Bounty Hall | 8769546 | *** | Phone |
Greenwood | 87695470 | ** | Phone |
Greenwood | 87695471 | ** | Phone |
Greenwood | 87695472 | ** | Phone |
Greenwood | 87695473 | ** | Phone |
Greenwood | 87695474 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695475 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695476 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695477 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695478 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695479 | ** | Phone |
Brown's Town | 8769548 | *** | Phone |
Retreat Heights | 87695490 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695491 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695492 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695493 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695494 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695495 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695496 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695497 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695498 | ** | Phone |
Duncans | 87695499 | ** | Phone |
Darliston | 8769550 | *** | Phone |
Grange Hill | 8769551 | *** | Phone |
Savanna-La-Mar | 8769552 | *** | Phone |
Savanna-La-Mar | 8769553 | *** | Phone |
Savanna-La-Mar | 8769554 | *** | Phone |
Petersfield | 8769555 | *** | Phone |
Frome | 8769556 | *** | Phone |
Little London | 8769557 | *** | Phone |
Bluefields | 8769558 | *** | Phone |
Savanna-La-Mar | 8769559 | *** | Phone |
Kendal | 8769560 | *** | Phone |
Lucea | 8769561 | *** | Phone |
Lucea | 8769562 | *** | Phone |
Lucea | 8769563 | *** | Phone |
Anchovy | 87695640 | ** | Phone |
Anchovy | 87695641 | ** | Phone |
Anchovy | 87695642 | ** | Phone |
Anchovy | 87695643 | ** | Phone |
Cambridge | 87695644 | ** | Phone |
Cambridge | 87695645 | ** | Phone |
Cambridge | 87695646 | ** | Phone |
Anchovy | 87695647 | ** | Phone |
Lethe | 87695648 | ** | Phone |
Lethe | 87695649 | ** | Phone |
Hopewell | 87695650 | ** | Phone |
Hopewell | 87695651 | ** | Phone |
Hopewell | 87695652 | ** | Phone |
Hopewell | 87695653 | ** | Phone |
Hopewell | 87695654 | ** | Phone |
Hopewell | 87695655 | ** | Phone |
Tryall | 87695656 | ** | Phone |
Tryall | 87695657 | ** | Phone |
Tryall | 87695658 | ** | Phone |
Hopewell | 87695659 | ** | Phone |
Lances Bay | 87695660 | ** | Phone |
Lances Bay | 87695661 | ** | Phone |
Lances Bay | 87695662 | ** | Phone |
Tryall | 87695663 | ** | Phone |
Tryall | 87695664 | ** | Phone |
Tryall | 87695665 | ** | Phone |
Tryall | 87695666 | ** | Phone |
Tryall | 87695667 | ** | Phone |
Tryall | 87695668 | ** | Phone |
Green Island | 87695669 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8769567 | *** | Phone |
Dias | 8769568 | *** | Phone |
Green Island | 87695690 | ** | Phone |
Green Island | 87695691 | ** | Phone |
Green Island | 87695692 | ** | Phone |
Green Island | 87695693 | ** | Phone |
Green Island | 87695694 | ** | Phone |
Green Island | 87695695 | ** | Phone |
Lucea | 87695696 | ** | Phone |
Lucea | 87695697 | ** | Phone |
Lucea | 87695698 | ** | Phone |
Lucea | 87695699 | ** | Phone |
West End | 8769570 | *** | Phone |
Cambridge | 87695710 | ** | Phone |
Bethel Town | 87695711 | ** | Phone |
Bethel Town | 87695712 | ** | Phone |
Bethel Town | 87695713 | ** | Phone |
Bethel Town | 87695714 | ** | Phone |
Bethel Town | 87695715 | ** | Phone |
Bethel Town | 87695716 | ** | Phone |
Bethel Town | 87695717 | ** | Phone |
Bethel Town | 87695718 | ** | Phone |
Anchovy | 87695719 | ** | Phone |
Bethel Town | 8769572 | *** | Phone |
Negril | 8769573 | *** | Phone |
Negril | 8769574 | *** | Phone |
Negril | 8769575 | *** | Phone |
Orange Bay | 8769576 | *** | Phone |
Deans Valley | 8769577 | *** | Phone |
Negril | 8769578 | *** | Phone |
Negril | 8769579 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 876960 | **** | Phone |
Mandeville | 876961 | **** | Phone |
Mandeville | 876962 | **** | Phone |
Mandeville | 8769630 | *** | Phone |
Top Hill | 8769631 | *** | Phone |
Balaclava | 8769632 | *** | Phone |
Grey Ground | 8769633 | *** | Phone |
Williamsfield | 8769634 | *** | Phone |
Whitehouse | 8769635 | *** | Phone |
Lititz | 8769636 | *** | Phone |
Mandeville | 8769638 | *** | Phone |
Siloah | 8769639 | *** | Phone |
Spaulding | 8769640 | *** | Phone |
Spaulding | 8769641 | *** | Phone |
Christiana | 8769642 | *** | Phone |
Christiana | 8769643 | *** | Phone |
Christiana | 8769644 | *** | Phone |
Christiana | 8769645 | *** | Phone |
Spur Tree | 8769646 | *** | Phone |
Christiana | 8769647 | *** | Phone |
Georges Valley | 8769648 | *** | Phone |
Christiana | 8769649 | *** | Phone |
Treasure Beach | 8769650 | *** | Phone |
Tryall | 8769651 | *** | Phone |
Black River | 8769652 | *** | Phone |
Sandy Bank | 8769653 | *** | Phone |
Junction | 8769654 | *** | Phone |
Junction | 8769655 | *** | Phone |
Southfield | 8769656 | *** | Phone |
Newport | 8769657 | *** | Phone |
Junction | 8769658 | *** | Phone |
Black River | 8769659 | *** | Phone |
Goshen | 8769660 | *** | Phone |
Treasure Beach | 8769661 | *** | Phone |
Santa Cruz | 8769662 | *** | Phone |
Santa Cruz | 8769663 | *** | Phone |
Santa Cruz | 8769664 | *** | Phone |
Malvern | 8769665 | *** | Phone |
Santa Cruz | 87696660 | ** | Phone |
Lacovia | 87696663 | ** | Phone |
Lacovia | 87696664 | ** | Phone |
Lacovia | 87696665 | ** | Phone |
Lacovia | 87696666 | ** | Phone |
Lacovia | 87696667 | ** | Phone |
Lacovia | 87696668 | ** | Phone |
Lacovia | 87696669 | ** | Phone |
Crofts Hill | 8769667 | *** | Phone |
Kellits | 8769668 | *** | Phone |
Santa Cruz | 8769669 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 8769670 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 8769671 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 8769672 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 8769673 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 8769674 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 8769675 | *** | Phone |
Bull Bay | 8769676 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 8769677 | *** | Phone |
Port Royal | 8769678 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 8769679 | *** | Phone |
Carlton | 876968 | **** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769690 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769691 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769692 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769693 | *** | Phone |
Smokey Vale | 8769694 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769695 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769696 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769697 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769698 | *** | Phone |
Pembroke | 8769699 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769700 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769701 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769702 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769703 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769704 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 876971 | **** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8769720 | *** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8769721 | *** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8769722 | *** | Phone |
Claremont | 8769723 | *** | Phone |
Claremont | 8769724 | *** | Phone |
Lime Hall | 8769725 | *** | Phone |
Bamboo | 8769726 | *** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8769727 | *** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 8769728 | *** | Phone |
Moneague | 8769730 | *** | Phone |
Golden Grove | 8769731 | *** | Phone |
Discovery Bay | 8769732 | *** | Phone |
Discovery Bay | 8769733 | *** | Phone |
Runaway Bay | 8769734 | *** | Phone |
Runaway Bay | 8769735 | *** | Phone |
Runaway Bay | 8769736 | *** | Phone |
Runaway Bay | 8769737 | *** | Phone |
Moneague | 8769738 | *** | Phone |
Discovery Bay | 8769739 | *** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 876974 | **** | Phone |
Upton | 8769750 | *** | Phone |
Alexandria | 8769751 | *** | Phone |
Brown's Town | 8769752 | *** | Phone |
Oracabessa Trailer | 8769753 | *** | Phone |
Tower | 8769754 | *** | Phone |
Tower | 8769755 | *** | Phone |
Rio Bueno | 8769756 | *** | Phone |
Stewart Town | 8769757 | *** | Phone |
Gayle | 8769758 | *** | Phone |
Brown's Town | 8769759 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769770 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769771 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769772 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769773 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769774 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769775 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769776 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769777 | *** | Phone |
Pinegrove | 8769778 | *** | Phone |
Mona | 8769779 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 876978 | **** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8769790 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8769791 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8769792 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8769793 | *** | Phone |
Sign | 8769794 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8769795 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8769796 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8769797 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay Freeport | 8769798 | *** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 8769799 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 8769810 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 8769811 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 8769812 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 8769813 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 8769814 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 8769815 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 8769816 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 8769817 | *** | Phone |
Saint John | 8769818 | *** | Phone |
Kitson Town | 8769819 | *** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 8769820 | *** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 8769821 | *** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698220 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698221 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698222 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698223 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698224 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698225 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698226 | ** | Phone |
Golden Grove | 87698227 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698228 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698229 | ** | Phone |
Golden Grove | 87698230 | ** | Phone |
Golden Grove | 87698231 | ** | Phone |
Happy Grove | 87698232 | ** | Phone |
Happy Grove | 87698233 | ** | Phone |
Golden Grove | 87698234 | ** | Phone |
Golden Grove | 87698235 | ** | Phone |
Happy Grove | 87698236 | ** | Phone |
Happy Grove | 87698237 | ** | Phone |
Happy Grove | 87698238 | ** | Phone |
Happy Grove | 87698239 | ** | Phone |
Seaforth | 8769824 | *** | Phone |
Yallahs | 8769825 | *** | Phone |
East Prospect | 8769826 | *** | Phone |
Trinityville | 8769827 | *** | Phone |
Port Morant | 8769828 | *** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698290 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698291 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698292 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698293 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698294 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698295 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698296 | ** | Phone |
Golden Grove | 87698297 | ** | Phone |
Golden Grove | 87698298 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87698299 | ** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8769830 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8769831 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8769832 | *** | Phone |
Brunswick | 8769833 | *** | Phone |
Brunswick | 8769834 | *** | Phone |
Brunswick | 8769835 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 87698360 | ** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 87698361 | ** | Phone |
Keystone | 8769837 | *** | Phone |
Nightingale Grove | 8769838 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8769839 | *** | Phone |
Spanish Town | 876984 | **** | Phone |
Ewarton | 8769850 | *** | Phone |
Bog Walk | 8769851 | *** | Phone |
Linstead | 8769852 | *** | Phone |
Cross Roads | 8769853 | *** | Phone |
Linstead | 8769856 | *** | Phone |
Linstead | 8769857 | *** | Phone |
Knollis | 8769858 | *** | Phone |
Linstead | 8769859 | *** | Phone |
Hayes | 8769860 | *** | Phone |
May Pen | 8769861 | *** | Phone |
May Pen | 8769862 | *** | Phone |
Vere | 8769863 | *** | Phone |
May Pen | 8769864 | *** | Phone |
Hayes | 8769865 | *** | Phone |
May Pen | 8769866 | *** | Phone |
May Pen | 8769867 | *** | Phone |
Sandy Bay | 8769868 | *** | Phone |
May Pen | 8769869 | *** | Phone |
Fourpaths | 8769870 | *** | Phone |
Toll Gate | 8769871 | *** | Phone |
Chapleton | 8769872 | *** | Phone |
Osbourne Store | 8769873 | *** | Phone |
Race Course | 8769874 | *** | Phone |
Race Course | 8769875 | *** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 8769877 | *** | Phone |
Christiana | 8769878 | *** | Phone |
Chapleton | 8769879 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 876988 | **** | Phone |
Braeton | 8769890 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8769891 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8769892 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8769893 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8769894 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8769895 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8769896 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8769897 | *** | Phone |
Hellshire | 8769898 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8769899 | *** | Phone |
Kingston | 876991 | **** | Phone |
West 2 | 876991180 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876991181 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876991182 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876991183 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876991184 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876991185 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876991186 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876991187 | * | Phone |
West 2 | 876991188 | * | Phone |
East | 876991189 | * | Phone |
Red Hills | 87699119 | ** | Phone |
Carlton | 8769912 | *** | Phone |
Central 1 | 8769913 | *** | Phone |
Waterloo | 8769913995 | Phone | |
Waterloo | 8769913996 | Phone | |
Waterloo | 8769913997 | Phone | |
Waterloo | 8769913998 | Phone | |
Central 1 | 8769913999 | Phone | |
Carlton | 8769914 | *** | Phone |
Montrose | 87699150 | ** | Phone |
Mona | 87699151 | ** | Phone |
Pembroke | 87699152 | ** | Phone |
Red Hills Road Top | 8769915200 | Phone | |
Red Hills Road Top | 8769915201 | Phone | |
Red Hills Road Top | 8769915202 | Phone | |
Red Hills Road Top | 8769915203 | Phone | |
Red Hills Road Top | 8769915204 | Phone | |
Harbour View | 87699153 | ** | Phone |
East | 87699154 | ** | Phone |
Irish Town | 87699155 | ** | Phone |
Washington | 87699156 | ** | Phone |
Stony Hill | 876991570 | * | Phone |
Stony Hill | 876991571 | * | Phone |
Stony Hill | 876991572 | * | Phone |
Stony Hill | 876991573 | * | Phone |
Stony Hill | 876991574 | * | Phone |
Temple Hall | 876991575 | * | Phone |
Temple Hall | 876991576 | * | Phone |
Temple Hall | 876991577 | * | Phone |
Temple Hall | 876991578 | * | Phone |
Temple Hall | 876991579 | * | Phone |
Airport | 87699158 | ** | Phone |
West | 87699159 | ** | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 87699160 | ** | Phone |
Port Antonio | 87699162 | ** | Phone |
Tower | 876991630 | * | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876991650 | * | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876991651 | * | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876991652 | * | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876991653 | * | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876991654 | * | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876991655 | * | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876991656 | * | Phone |
Saint Ann's Bay | 876991657 | * | Phone |
Port Maria | 876991658 | * | Phone |
Port Maria | 876991659 | * | Phone |
Runaway Bay | 87699166 | ** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 876991670 | * | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 876991671 | * | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 876991672 | * | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 876991673 | * | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 876991674 | * | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 876991675 | * | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 876991676 | * | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 876991677 | * | Phone |
Island Village | 876991678 | * | Phone |
Island Village | 876991679 | * | Phone |
Highgate | 87699168 | ** | Phone |
Moneague | 8769916900 | Phone | |
Discovery Bay | 8769916901 | Phone | |
Brown's Town | 8769916902 | Phone | |
Saint John | 8769916903 | Phone | |
Brunswick | 8769916904 | Phone | |
North | 8769916905 | Phone | |
Brown's Town | 876991691 | * | Phone |
Spanish Town | 87699170 | ** | Phone |
Portmore | 87699171 | ** | Phone |
Braeton | 876991720 | * | Phone |
Braeton | 876991721 | * | Phone |
Braeton | 876991722 | * | Phone |
Braeton | 876991723 | * | Phone |
Braeton | 876991724 | * | Phone |
Braeton | 876991725 | * | Phone |
Braeton | 876991726 | * | Phone |
Braeton | 876991727 | * | Phone |
Braeton | 876991728 | * | Phone |
Angels Estate 1 | 8769917290 | Phone | |
Angels Estate 1 | 8769917291 | Phone | |
Angels Estate 1 | 8769917292 | Phone | |
Angels Estate 1 | 8769917293 | Phone | |
Angels Estate 1 | 8769917294 | Phone | |
Angels Estate 2 | 8769917295 | Phone | |
Angels Estate 2 | 8769917296 | Phone | |
Angels Estate 2 | 8769917297 | Phone | |
Angels Estate 2 | 8769917298 | Phone | |
Angels Estate 2 | 8769917299 | Phone | |
Linstead | 87699173 | ** | Phone |
Bog Walk | 87699174 | ** | Phone |
Old Harbour | 87699175 | ** | Phone |
Keystone | 876991760 | * | Phone |
Hellshire | 876991761 | * | Phone |
Cross Roads | 8769917620 | Phone | |
Cross Roads | 8769917621 | Phone | |
Cross Roads | 8769917622 | Phone | |
Cross Roads | 8769917623 | Phone | |
Cross Roads | 8769917624 | Phone | |
Nightingale Grove | 8769917625 | Phone | |
Nightingale Grove | 8769917626 | Phone | |
Nightingale Grove | 8769917627 | Phone | |
Nightingale Grove | 8769917628 | Phone | |
Nightingale Grove | 8769917629 | Phone | |
Bushy Park | 8769917630 | Phone | |
Bushy Park | 8769917631 | Phone | |
Bushy Park | 8769917632 | Phone | |
Bushy Park | 8769917633 | Phone | |
Bushy Park | 8769917634 | Phone | |
Nightingale Grove | 8769917635 | Phone | |
Nightingale Grove | 8769917636 | Phone | |
Nightingale Grove | 8769917637 | Phone | |
Nightingale Grove | 8769917638 | Phone | |
Nightingale Grove | 8769917639 | Phone | |
Carlton 2 | 876991770 | * | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 876991771 | * | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 876991772 | * | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 876991773 | * | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 876991774 | * | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 876991775 | * | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 876991776 | * | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 876991777 | * | Phone |
Carlton 2 | 876991778 | * | Phone |
Washington | 876991779 | * | Phone |
Spanish Town | 87699178 | ** | Phone |
Morant Bay | 87699179 | ** | Phone |
Mandeville | 87699180 | ** | Phone |
Mandeville | 87699185 | ** | Phone |
Black River | 87699188 | ** | Phone |
May Pen | 87699189 | ** | Phone |
Vere | 8769918995 | Phone | |
Vere | 8769918996 | Phone | |
Vere | 8769918997 | Phone | |
Vere | 8769918998 | Phone | |
Vere | 8769918999 | Phone | |
Montego Bay | 87699190 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay Freeport | 87699191 | ** | Phone |
Negril | 87699192 | ** | Phone |
Rose Hall | 87699193 | ** | Phone |
Savanna-La-Mar | 87699194 | ** | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87699195 | ** | Phone |
Lethe | 876991960 | * | Phone |
Duncans | 876991961 | * | Phone |
Lucea | 876991962 | * | Phone |
Lucea | 876991963 | * | Phone |
Montego Bay | 87699198 | ** | Phone |
Falmouth | 87699199 | ** | Phone |
Richmond | 8769920 | *** | Phone |
Highgate | 8769922 | *** | Phone |
Esher | 8769923 | *** | Phone |
Clonmel | 8769924 | *** | Phone |
Hampstead | 8769925 | *** | Phone |
Highgate | 8769929 | *** | Phone |
Happy Grove | 8769930 | *** | Phone |
Port Antonio | 8769931 | *** | Phone |
Port Antonio | 8769932 | *** | Phone |
Port Antonio | 8769933 | *** | Phone |
Port Antonio | 8769934 | *** | Phone |
Passley Gardens | 8769935 | *** | Phone |
Manchioneal | 8769936 | *** | Phone |
Drapers | 8769937 | *** | Phone |
Fairy Hill | 8769938 | *** | Phone |
Port Antonio | 8769939 | *** | Phone |
Galina | 8769940 | *** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 8769941 | *** | Phone |
Port Maria | 8769942 | *** | Phone |
Guys Hill | 8769943 | *** | Phone |
Islington | 8769944 | *** | Phone |
Guys Hill | 8769945 | *** | Phone |
Ocho Rios | 8769946 | *** | Phone |
Guys Hill | 8769948 | *** | Phone |
Port Maria | 8769949 | *** | Phone |
Buff Bay | 8769960 | *** | Phone |
Buff Bay | 8769961 | *** | Phone |
Annotto Bay | 8769962 | *** | Phone |
Retreat | 8769963 | *** | Phone |
Tom's River | 8769964 | *** | Phone |
Windsor Castle | 8769967 | *** | Phone |
Windsor Castle | 8769968 | *** | Phone |
Annotto Bay | 8769969 | *** | Phone |
Marine Park | 8769980 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769981 | *** | Phone |
Braeton | 8769982 | *** | Phone |
Marine Park | 8769983 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769984 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769985 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769986 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769987 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769988 | *** | Phone |
Portmore | 8769989 | *** | Phone |
Riddle, puzzle for sms messages
A line knows no end unless U put a stop to it. Let our love be this line n let's make sure it will go on and on, 4ever. Good morningA friend is one who sees your first drop of tear, catches the second, stops the third & turns the fourth into a smile! My friend always keep smilingFriendship texts for sms messages
Wife pointing at a couple next door says to her husband look at him he kisses her all the time, can't you do that? Husband: I tried but she slapped meA husband's last words should always be 'Ok buy it'Marriage greetings for sms messages
We will now upgrade your brain... Please wait... Searching... Searching... Still searching... Sorry, no brain foundEach christmas finds me longing for christmases now past & I am back in childhood as long as memories lastA man said 2 his doctor 'Everytime I look in the mirror I get an erection' the doctor said 'That's because U look like a cuntI could never love where I could not respectHold 10 roses in ur hand & stand opposite of the mirror, u'll see 11 roses & among them, the most beautiful rose in the world is U my dear friend |