City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Abenab | 671740 | ** | Phone |
Abenab | 672320 | ** | Phone |
Aminuis | 631701 | ** | Phone |
Aminuis | 631702 | ** | Phone |
Aminuis | 632730 | ** | Phone |
Aminuis | 632731 | ** | Phone |
Aminuis | 632732 | ** | Phone |
Aminuis | 632733 | ** | Phone |
Anamulenge | 651701 | ** | Phone |
Anamulenge | 652503 | ** | Phone |
Anamulenge | 652504 | ** | Phone |
Andara | 671700 | ** | Phone |
Andara | 672583 | ** | Phone |
Andara | 672584 | ** | Phone |
Anker | 671741 | ** | Phone |
Anker | 673330 | ** | Phone |
Anker | 6771658 | * | Phone |
Arandis | 641700 | ** | Phone |
Arandis | 641701 | ** | Phone |
Arandis | 64510 | *** | Phone |
Arandis | 645110 | ** | Phone |
Arandis | 645118 | ** | Phone |
Arandis | 645119 | ** | Phone |
Arandis | 64512 | *** | Phone |
Aranos | 631703 | ** | Phone |
Aranos | 63272 | *** | Phone |
Aranos | 632768 | ** | Phone |
Aranos | 632769 | ** | Phone |
Ariamsvlei | 631704 | ** | Phone |
Ariamsvlei | 632800 | ** | Phone |
Ariamsvlei | 632801 | ** | Phone |
Ariamsvlei | 632809 | ** | Phone |
Aroab | 632805 | ** | Phone |
Aroab | 632806 | ** | Phone |
Aroab | 632807 | ** | Phone |
Aroab | 632807 | ** | Phone |
Asab | 631706 | ** | Phone |
Asab | 632522 | ** | Phone |
Asab | 632523 | ** | Phone |
Aus | 632580 | ** | Phone |
Aus | 632581 | ** | Phone |
Aus | 632589 | ** | Phone |
Babi-Babi | 621730 | ** | Phone |
Babi-Babi | 625689 | ** | Phone |
Babi-Babi | 625690 | ** | Phone |
Bagani | 661701 | ** | Phone |
Bagani | 661702 | ** | Phone |
Bagani | 662590 | ** | Phone |
Bagani | 662591 | ** | Phone |
Bagani | 662592 | ** | Phone |
Bagani | 662593 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 631709 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 631710 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 632830 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 632831 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 632839 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 632849 | ** | Phone |
Biermanskool | 671743 | ** | Phone |
Biermanskool | 673332 | ** | Phone |
Biermanskool | 673333 | ** | Phone |
Blue Sodalite Mine | 651702 | ** | Phone |
Blue Sodalite Mine | 652741 | ** | Phone |
Blumfelde | 625697 | ** | Phone |
Blumfelde | 625698 | ** | Phone |
Blumfelde | 625812 | ** | Phone |
Blumfelde | 625813 | ** | Phone |
Bralano | 631711 | ** | Phone |
Bralano | 632752 | ** | Phone |
Bralano | 632753 | ** | Phone |
Bralano | 632754 | ** | Phone |
Braunfels | 67716590 | Phone | |
Buitepos | 62 | ****** | Phone |
Buitepos | 621732 | ** | Phone |
Buitepos | 625604 | ** | Phone |
Bukalo | 661703 | ** | Phone |
Bulwana | 631712 | ** | Phone |
Bulwana | 632524 | ** | Phone |
Bunia | 661704 | ** | Phone |
Bunia | 662573 | ** | Phone |
Central Namibia | 61691 | *** | Satellite |
Central Namibia | 62692 | *** | Satellite |
Central Namibia | 64694 | *** | Satellite |
Coblenz | 672329 | ** | Phone |
Dawiab | 631713 | ** | Phone |
Dawiab | 632803 | ** | Phone |
Deurstamp | 631714 | ** | Phone |
Deurstamp | 632264 | ** | Phone |
Deurstamp | 632812 | ** | Phone |
Dordabis | 62573 | *** | Phone |
Dordabis | 625818 | ** | Phone |
Dordabis | 625819 | ** | Phone |
Drimiopsis | 621734 | ** | Phone |
Drimiopsis | 625680 | ** | Phone |
Drimiopsis | 625681 | ** | Phone |
Drimiopsis | 625805 | ** | Phone |
Edundja | 651703 | ** | Phone |
Edundja | 651704 | ** | Phone |
Edundja | 652681 | ** | Phone |
Edundja | 652682 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 65 | ****** | Phone |
Eenhana | 651705 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 651706 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 652630 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 652631 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 652632 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 652633 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 652634 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 652635 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 652636 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 652640 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 652641 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 652642 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 652643 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 65290 | *** | Phone |
Ehomba | 651707 | ** | Phone |
Ehomba | 652740 | ** | Phone |
Ekoka | 652886 | ** | Phone |
Eland | 621735 | ** | Phone |
Eland | 625715 | ** | Phone |
Eland | 625716 | ** | Phone |
Eland | 625804 | ** | Phone |
Elim | 651708 | ** | Phone |
Elim | 651709 | ** | Phone |
Elim | 652565 | ** | Phone |
Elim | 652566 | ** | Phone |
Elim | 652567 | ** | Phone |
Elizabeth Bay | 632389 | ** | Phone |
Endola | 651710 | ** | Phone |
Endola | 652688 | ** | Phone |
Endola | 652689 | ** | Phone |
Epembe | 652888 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625672 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625673 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625674 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625686 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625687 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625688 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625800 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625801 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625802 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625803 | ** | Phone |
Epupa | 671794 | ** | Phone |
Epupa | 672903 | ** | Phone |
Etanga | 651711 | ** | Phone |
Etanga | 652744 | ** | Phone |
Etilyasa | 652560 | ** | Phone |
Etosha | 671757 | ** | Wireless |
Etosha | 671766 | ** | Wireless |
Etosha | 671767 | ** | Wireless |
Etosha | 671768 | ** | Wireless |
Etosha | 67229 | *** | Wireless |
Etoto | 652710 | ** | Phone |
Etunda | 651712 | ** | Phone |
Etunda | 651713 | ** | Phone |
Etunda | 652595 | ** | Phone |
Etunda | 652596 | ** | Phone |
Eunda | 652598 | ** | Phone |
Feldschuhorn | 631715 | ** | Phone |
Feldschuhorn | 632267 | ** | Phone |
Fransfontein | 6771660 | * | Phone |
Friedental | 621737 | ** | Phone |
Friedental | 625721 | ** | Phone |
Gaibis | 632811 | ** | Phone |
Gam | 672455 | ** | Phone |
Gibeon | 631717 | ** | Phone |
Gibeon | 63251 | *** | Phone |
Goageb | 631718 | ** | Phone |
Goageb | 632835 | ** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62 | ****** | Phone |
Gobabis | 621738 | ** | Phone |
Gobabis | 621739 | ** | Phone |
Gobabis | 621740 | ** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62562 | *** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62563 | *** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62564 | *** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62565 | *** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62566 | *** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62577 | *** | Phone |
Gochas | 631719 | ** | Phone |
Gochas | 632500 | ** | Phone |
Gochas | 632501 | ** | Phone |
Gochas | 632502 | ** | Phone |
Grenslyn | 631720 | ** | Phone |
Grenslyn | 632520 | ** | Phone |
Groot-Aub | 621741 | ** | Phone |
Groot-Aub | 625420 | ** | Phone |
Groot-Aub | 625421 | ** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 671797 | ** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 671798 | ** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 671799 | ** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 67240 | *** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 67241 | *** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 67242 | *** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 67243 | *** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 67248 | *** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 672491 | *** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 677029 | ** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 677140 | ** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 677141 | ** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 677145 | ** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 677150 | ** | Phone |
Grootfontein | 677151 | ** | Phone |
Grunau | 63262 | *** | Phone |
Guibis | 631722 | ** | Phone |
Guibis | 632583 | ** | Phone |
Haiyandja | 651714 | ** | Phone |
Haiyandja | 652452 | ** | Phone |
Haiyandja | 652453 | ** | Phone |
Hakasembe | 661705 | ** | Phone |
Hakasembe | 662572 | ** | Phone |
Halali | 671745 | ** | Phone |
Halali | 672294 | ** | Phone |
Hamab | 631723 | ** | Phone |
Hamab | 632693 | ** | Phone |
Helmeringhausen | 631724 | ** | Phone |
Helmeringhausen | 632833 | ** | Phone |
Helmeringhausen | 63626 | *** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 641702 | ** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 641703 | ** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 641704 | ** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 641705 | ** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 641706 | ** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 64500 | *** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 64501 | *** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 64502 | *** | Phone |
Hoachanas | 631725 | ** | Phone |
Hoachanas | 632653 | ** | Phone |
Hoachanas | 632654 | ** | Phone |
Hochfeld | 62549 | *** | Phone |
Hochland | 621743 | ** | Phone |
Hochland | 625722 | ** | Phone |
Horabe | 671746 | ** | Phone |
Horabe | 672323 | ** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 621771 | ** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 62540 | *** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 625430 | *** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 625434 | ** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 625435 | ** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 627024 | ** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 627025 | ** | Phone |
Kahenge | 661707 | ** | Phone |
Kahenge | 662579 | ** | Phone |
Kais | 632808 | ** | Phone |
Kalahariplaas | 631727 | ** | Phone |
Kalahariplaas | 632750 | ** | Phone |
Kalahariplaas | 66423 | *** | Phone |
Kalkfeld | 671747 | ** | Phone |
Kalkfeld | 672900 | ** | Phone |
Kalkfeld | 672901 | ** | Phone |
Kalkfeld | 672902 | ** | Phone |
Kalkrand | 631728 | ** | Phone |
Kalkrand | 631729 | ** | Phone |
Kalkrand | 63264 | *** | Phone |
Kamanjab | 671748 | ** | Phone |
Kamanjab | 67330 | *** | Phone |
Kamanjab | 6771661 | * | Phone |
Kandjimi Murangi | 661706 | ** | Phone |
Kaoko Otavi | 651715 | ** | Phone |
Kaoko Otavi | 652747 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 631730 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 631731 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 631732 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 631733 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 631734 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 63270 | *** | Phone |
Karasburg | 63271 | **** | Phone |
Karibib | 641707 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 641708 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645500 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645501 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645502 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645503 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645504 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645505 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645506 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645507 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645508 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645509 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645520 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645521 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645537 | *** | Phone |
Karibib | 645538 | *** | Phone |
Karibib | 645539 | *** | Phone |
Katima-Mulilo | 66 | ****(**) | Phone |
Katima-Mulilo | 661708 | ** | Phone |
Katima-Mulilo | 661709 | ** | Phone |
Katima-Mulilo | 661710 | ** | Phone |
Katima-Mulilo | 66251 | *** | Phone |
Katima-Mulilo | 66252 | *** | Phone |
Katima-Mulilo | 66253 | *** | Phone |
Katima-Mulilo | 66254 | *** | Phone |
Katima-Mulilo | 66261 | *** | Phone |
Katima-Mulilo | 662627 | *** | Phone |
Katima-Mulilo | 6671459 | * | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63 | ******(***) | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 630886 | ***** | VoIP |
Keetmanshoop | 631735 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 631736 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 631737 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 631738 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 631739 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63220 | **** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632210 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632211 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632212 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632213 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632215 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632216 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632217 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632218 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632219 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63222 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63223 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63224 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632260 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632261 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63227 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63228 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63229 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 637034 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63710 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63713 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63718 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63719 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63811 | *** | Phone |
Khorixas | 671749 | ** | Phone |
Khorixas | 671750 | ** | Phone |
Khorixas | 671751 | ** | Phone |
Khorixas | 67331 | *** | Phone |
Khorixas | 673320 | ** | Phone |
Khorixas | 673321 | ** | Phone |
Khorixas | 67335 | *** | Phone |
Klein Aub | 625390 | ** | Phone |
Klein Aub | 625391 | ** | Phone |
Klein Karas | 631740 | ** | Phone |
Klein Karas | 632660 | ** | Phone |
Klein Waterberg | 673062 | ** | Phone |
Klein Waterberg | 673063 | ** | Phone |
Klein Waterberg | 673064 | ** | Phone |
Klein Waterberg | 673065 | ** | Phone |
Klein Waterberg | 673066 | ** | Phone |
Klein Waterberg | 673067 | ** | Phone |
Koes | 632810 | ** | Phone |
Kombat | 671753 | ** | Phone |
Kombat | 672310 | ** | Phone |
Kombat | 672311 | ** | Phone |
Kombat | 672312 | ** | Phone |
Kongola | 661711 | ** | Phone |
Kongola | 662504 | ** | Phone |
Kowares | 652762 | ** | Phone |
Kumakams | 632942 | ** | Phone |
Kunene River Lodge | 651716 | ** | Phone |
Kunene River Lodge | 652743 | ** | Phone |
Langstrand | 641709 | ** | Phone |
Langstrand | 641710 | ** | Phone |
Langstrand | 641711 | ** | Phone |
Langstrand | 642110 | ** | Phone |
Langstrand | 642111 | ** | Phone |
Langstrand | 642112 | ** | Phone |
Leoburn | 641712 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625691 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625692 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625693 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625694 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625695 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625696 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625810 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625811 | ** | Phone |
Lindequest | 671754 | ** | Phone |
Lindequest | 672292 | ** | Phone |
Lorelei | 631743 | ** | Phone |
Lorelei | 632837 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 631744 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 631745 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 631746 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 631747 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 631748 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 6320 | ***** | Phone |
Luderitz | 6321 | **** | Phone |
Luderitz | 632382 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 632383 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 637035 | ** | Phone |
Mahenene | 651717 | ** | Phone |
Mahenene | 652590 | ** | Phone |
Mahenene | 652591 | ** | Phone |
Maltahohe | 631749 | ** | Phone |
Maltahohe | 631750 | ** | Phone |
Maltahohe | 63293 | *** | Phone |
Maltahohe | 66381 | *** | Phone |
Mangetti Duin | 672450 | ** | Phone |
Many Hills | 621746 | ** | Phone |
Many Hills | 625723 | ** | Phone |
Marangi | 661713 | ** | Phone |
Marangi | 662578 | ** | Phone |
Mariental | 63 | ****** | Phone |
Mariental | 631751 | ** | Phone |
Mariental | 631752 | ** | Phone |
Mariental | 631753 | ** | Phone |
Mariental | 631754 | ** | Phone |
Mariental | 631755 | ** | Phone |
Mariental | 6324 | **** | Phone |
Mariental | 63345 | *** | Phone |
Mariental | 668 | ***** | Phone |
Maroelaboom | 671756 | ** | Phone |
Maroelaboom | 672326 | ** | Phone |
Maroelaboom | 672327 | ** | Phone |
Mashare | 661714 | ** | Phone |
Mashare | 662586 | ** | Phone |
Mashare | 662587 | ** | Phone |
Matava | 661715 | ** | Phone |
Matava | 662574 | ** | Phone |
Mokuti | 67229 | *** | Phone |
Mpacha | 661712 | ** | Phone |
Mpacha | 662502 | ** | Phone |
Mpungu | 662600 | ** | Phone |
Muhembo | 662599 | ** | Phone |
Muveke | 661716 | ** | Phone |
Muveke | 662577 | ** | Phone |
Nakayale | 661718 | ** | Phone |
Nakayale | 662500 | ** | Phone |
Nakayale | 662501 | ** | Phone |
Namgorab | 632950 | ** | Phone |
Namgorab | 66385 | *** | Phone |
Namib Grens | 621747 | ** | Phone |
Namib Grens | 625720 | ** | Phone |
Namutoni | 672293 | ** | Phone |
Narubis | 632507 | ** | Phone |
Neudamm | 62540 | *** | Phone |
Ngoma | 662506 | ** | Phone |
Ngoma | 662508 | ** | Phone |
Ngoma | 662509 | ** | Phone |
Nina | 621748 | ** | Phone |
Nina | 625731 | ** | Phone |
Nina | 625816 | ** | Phone |
Nina | 625817 | ** | Phone |
Nkurenkuru | 661717 | ** | Phone |
Nkurenkuru | 661718 | ** | Phone |
Nkurenkuru | 662580 | ** | Phone |
Nkurenkuru | 662581 | ** | Phone |
Noordoewer | 631759 | ** | Phone |
Noordoewer | 631760 | ** | Phone |
Noordoewer | 63297 | *** | Phone |
North East Namibia | 66696 | *** | Satellite |
North Namibia | 65695 | *** | Satellite |
North Namibia | 67697 | *** | Satellite |
Nouas | 625733 | ** | Phone |
Nouas | 625814 | ** | Phone |
Nouas | 625815 | ** | Phone |
Nyangana | 661728 | ** | Phone |
Nyangana | 662582 | ** | Phone |
Nyangana | 662588 | ** | Phone |
Nyangana | 662640 | *** | Phone |
Nzinze | 661719 | ** | Phone |
Nzinze | 662575 | ** | Phone |
Oamseb | 631762 | ** | Phone |
Oamseb | 632610 | ** | Phone |
Oamseb | 632611 | ** | Phone |
Odibo | 651720 | ** | Phone |
Odibo | 652676 | ** | Phone |
Odibo | 652677 | ** | Phone |
Ogongo | 651721 | ** | Phone |
Ogongo | 652570 | ** | Phone |
Ogongo | 652571 | ** | Phone |
Ogongo | 652572 | ** | Phone |
Ohandungu | 651722 | ** | Phone |
Ohandungu | 652746 | ** | Phone |
Ohangwena | 651723 | ** | Phone |
Ohangwena | 651724 | ** | Phone |
Ohangwena | 651725 | ** | Phone |
Ohangwena | 651726 | ** | Phone |
Ohangwena | 652600 | ** | Phone |
Ohangwena | 652601 | ** | Phone |
Okahandja | 621750 | ** | Phone |
Okahandja | 621751 | ** | Phone |
Okahandja | 621752 | ** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62500 | *** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62501 | *** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62502 | *** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62503 | *** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62504 | *** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62505 | *** | Phone |
Okahao | 651727 | ** | Phone |
Okahao | 652520 | ** | Phone |
Okahao | 652521 | ** | Phone |
Okahao | 652522 | ** | Phone |
Okahao | 652523 | ** | Phone |
Okahao | 652524 | ** | Phone |
Okahao | 652525 | ** | Phone |
Okahao | 652526 | ** | Phone |
Okahao | 652531 | ** | Phone |
Okahao | 652532 | ** | Phone |
Okakarara | 671759 | ** | Phone |
Okakarara | 671760 | ** | Phone |
Okakarara | 673167 | ** | Phone |
Okakarara | 673168 | ** | Phone |
Okakarara | 673169 | ** | Phone |
Okakarara | 67317 | *** | Phone |
Okakarara | 6771455 | * | Phone |
Okalongo | 651728 | ** | Phone |
Okalongo | 652535 | ** | Phone |
... View other 534 city phone codes Namibia ... |
City | Area code | Phone number length | Type of connection |
Windhoek | 61 | ******(*) | Phone |
Windhoek | 610886 | ***** | VoIP |
Central Namibia | 61691 | *** | Satellite |
Buitepos | 62 | ****** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62 | ****** | Phone |
Babi-Babi | 621730 | ** | Phone |
Buitepos | 621732 | ** | Phone |
Drimiopsis | 621734 | ** | Phone |
Eland | 621735 | ** | Phone |
Friedental | 621737 | ** | Phone |
Gobabis | 621738 | ** | Phone |
Gobabis | 621739 | ** | Phone |
Gobabis | 621740 | ** | Phone |
Groot-Aub | 621741 | ** | Phone |
Hochland | 621743 | ** | Phone |
Many Hills | 621746 | ** | Phone |
Namib Grens | 621747 | ** | Phone |
Nina | 621748 | ** | Phone |
Okahandja | 621750 | ** | Phone |
Okahandja | 621751 | ** | Phone |
Okahandja | 621752 | ** | Phone |
Ombotozu | 621754 | ** | Phone |
Omitara | 621755 | ** | Phone |
Otjihase | 621756 | ** | Phone |
Otjozondu | 621759 | ** | Phone |
Plessisplaas | 621760 | ** | Phone |
Rehoboth | 621761 | ** | Phone |
Rehoboth | 621762 | ** | Phone |
Rehoboth | 621763 | ** | Phone |
Sandveld | 621766 | ** | Phone |
Seeis | 621767 | ** | Phone |
Spatzenfeld | 621768 | ** | Phone |
Steinhausen | 621769 | ** | Phone |
Summerdown | 621770 | ** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 621771 | ** | Phone |
Witvlei | 621772 | ** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62500 | *** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62501 | *** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62502 | *** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62503 | *** | Phone |
Ovitoto | 62503 | *** | Phone |
Wilhemsthal | 62503 | *** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62504 | *** | Phone |
Okahandja | 62505 | *** | Phone |
Otjozondu | 625180 | ** | Phone |
Otjozondu | 625181 | ** | Phone |
Ombotozu | 625183 | ** | Phone |
Ombotozu | 625184 | ** | Phone |
Okandjatu | 62519 | *** | Phone |
Rehoboth | 62522 | *** | Phone |
Rehoboth | 62523 | *** | Phone |
Rehoboth | 62524 | *** | Phone |
Rehoboth | 62525 | *** | Phone |
Rehoboth Station | 62525 | *** | Phone |
Klein Aub | 625390 | ** | Phone |
Klein Aub | 625391 | ** | Phone |
Rietoog | 625392 | ** | Phone |
Rietoog | 625393 | ** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 62540 | *** | Phone |
Neudamm | 62540 | *** | Phone |
Otjihase | 625410 | ** | Phone |
Otjihase | 625411 | ** | Phone |
Groot-Aub | 625420 | ** | Phone |
Groot-Aub | 625421 | ** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 625430 | *** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 625434 | ** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 625435 | ** | Phone |
Hochfeld | 62549 | *** | Phone |
Seeis | 625600 | ** | Phone |
Seeis | 625601 | ** | Phone |
Omitara | 625602 | ** | Phone |
Omitara | 625603 | ** | Phone |
Buitepos | 625604 | ** | Phone |
Otjiwa | 625605 | ** | Phone |
Otjiwa | 625606 | ** | Phone |
Otjiwa | 625607 | ** | Phone |
Otjiwa | 625608 | ** | Phone |
Otjiwa | 625609 | ** | Phone |
Otjiwa | 625610 | ** | Phone |
Otjiwa | 625611 | ** | Phone |
Otjiwa | 625612 | ** | Phone |
Otjiwa | 625613 | ** | Phone |
Steinhausen | 625614 | ** | Phone |
Steinhausen | 625615 | ** | Phone |
Summerdown | 625616 | ** | Phone |
Summerdown | 625617 | ** | Phone |
Summerdown | 625618 | ** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62562 | *** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62563 | *** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62564 | *** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62565 | *** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62566 | *** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625672 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625673 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625674 | ** | Phone |
Otjinene | 625675 | ** | Phone |
Otjinene | 625676 | ** | Phone |
Otjinene | 625677 | ** | Phone |
Otjinene | 625678 | ** | Phone |
Otjinene | 625679 | ** | Phone |
Drimiopsis | 625680 | ** | Phone |
Drimiopsis | 625681 | ** | Phone |
Plessisplaas | 625682 | ** | Phone |
Plessisplaas | 625683 | ** | Phone |
Sandveld | 625684 | ** | Phone |
Sandveld | 625685 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625686 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625687 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625688 | ** | Phone |
Babi-Babi | 625689 | ** | Phone |
Babi-Babi | 625690 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625691 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625692 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625693 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625694 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625695 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625696 | ** | Phone |
Blumfelde | 625697 | ** | Phone |
Blumfelde | 625698 | ** | Phone |
Witvlei | 62570 | *** | Phone |
Eland | 625715 | ** | Phone |
Eland | 625716 | ** | Phone |
Spatzenfeld | 625717 | ** | Phone |
Spatzenfeld | 625718 | ** | Phone |
Namib Grens | 625720 | ** | Phone |
Friedental | 625721 | ** | Phone |
Hochland | 625722 | ** | Phone |
Many Hills | 625723 | ** | Phone |
Dordabis | 62573 | *** | Phone |
Nina | 625731 | ** | Phone |
Nouas | 625733 | ** | Phone |
Gobabis | 62577 | *** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625800 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625801 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625802 | ** | Phone |
Epukiro | 625803 | ** | Phone |
Eland | 625804 | ** | Phone |
Drimiopsis | 625805 | ** | Phone |
Summerdown | 625806 | ** | Phone |
Plessisplaas | 625807 | ** | Phone |
Otjinene | 625808 | ** | Phone |
Otjiwa | 625809 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625810 | ** | Phone |
Leonardville | 625811 | ** | Phone |
Blumfelde | 625812 | ** | Phone |
Blumfelde | 625813 | ** | Phone |
Nouas | 625814 | ** | Phone |
Nouas | 625815 | ** | Phone |
Nina | 625816 | ** | Phone |
Nina | 625817 | ** | Phone |
Dordabis | 625818 | ** | Phone |
Dordabis | 625819 | ** | Phone |
Central Namibia | 62692 | *** | Satellite |
Hosea Kutako | 627024 | ** | Phone |
Hosea Kutako | 627025 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63 | ******(***) | Phone |
Mariental | 63 | ****** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 630886 | ***** | VoIP |
Aminuis | 631701 | ** | Phone |
Aminuis | 631702 | ** | Phone |
Aranos | 631703 | ** | Phone |
Ariamsvlei | 631704 | ** | Phone |
Asab | 631706 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 631709 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 631710 | ** | Phone |
Bralano | 631711 | ** | Phone |
Bulwana | 631712 | ** | Phone |
Dawiab | 631713 | ** | Phone |
Deurstamp | 631714 | ** | Phone |
Feldschuhorn | 631715 | ** | Phone |
Gibeon | 631717 | ** | Phone |
Goageb | 631718 | ** | Phone |
Gochas | 631719 | ** | Phone |
Grenslyn | 631720 | ** | Phone |
Guibis | 631722 | ** | Phone |
Hamab | 631723 | ** | Phone |
Helmeringhausen | 631724 | ** | Phone |
Hoachanas | 631725 | ** | Phone |
Kalahariplaas | 631727 | ** | Phone |
Kalkrand | 631728 | ** | Phone |
Kalkrand | 631729 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 631730 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 631731 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 631732 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 631733 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 631734 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 631735 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 631736 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 631737 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 631738 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 631739 | ** | Phone |
Klein Karas | 631740 | ** | Phone |
Lorelei | 631743 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 631744 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 631745 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 631746 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 631747 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 631748 | ** | Phone |
Maltahohe | 631749 | ** | Phone |
Maltahohe | 631750 | ** | Phone |
Mariental | 631751 | ** | Phone |
Mariental | 631752 | ** | Phone |
Mariental | 631753 | ** | Phone |
Mariental | 631754 | ** | Phone |
Mariental | 631755 | ** | Phone |
Noordoewer | 631759 | ** | Phone |
Noordoewer | 631760 | ** | Phone |
Oamseb | 631762 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 631763 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 631764 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 631765 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 631766 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 631767 | ** | Phone |
Rosh Pinah | 631769 | ** | Phone |
Rosh Pinah | 631770 | ** | Phone |
Schilp | 631771 | ** | Phone |
Seeheim | 631772 | ** | Phone |
Stampriet | 631774 | ** | Phone |
Stinkdoring | 631775 | ** | Phone |
Tses | 631776 | ** | Phone |
Tsumispark | 631777 | ** | Phone |
Uhabis | 631778 | ** | Phone |
Warmbad | 631779 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 6320 | ***** | Phone |
Luderitz | 6321 | **** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63220 | **** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632210 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632211 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632212 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632213 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632215 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632216 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632217 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632218 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632219 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63222 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63223 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63224 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632260 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 632261 | ** | Phone |
Deurstamp | 632264 | ** | Phone |
Feldschuhorn | 632267 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63227 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63228 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63229 | *** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 632300 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 632307 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 632308 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 632309 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 63232 | *** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 63233 | *** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 63234 | *** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 63235 | *** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 63236 | *** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 63237 | *** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 632380 | *** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 632381 | *** | Phone |
Luderitz | 632382 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 632383 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 632384 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 632385 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 632386 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 632387 | ** | Phone |
Elizabeth Bay | 632389 | ** | Phone |
Oranjemund | 63239 | *** | Phone |
Mariental | 6324 | **** | Phone |
Gochas | 632500 | ** | Phone |
Gochas | 632501 | ** | Phone |
Gochas | 632502 | ** | Phone |
Seeheim | 632505 | ** | Phone |
Narubis | 632507 | ** | Phone |
Gibeon | 63251 | *** | Phone |
Grenslyn | 632520 | ** | Phone |
Asab | 632522 | ** | Phone |
Asab | 632523 | ** | Phone |
Bulwana | 632524 | ** | Phone |
Tses | 63257 | *** | Phone |
Aus | 632580 | ** | Phone |
Aus | 632581 | ** | Phone |
Guibis | 632583 | ** | Phone |
Aus | 632589 | ** | Phone |
Stampriet | 63260 | *** | Phone |
Oamseb | 632610 | ** | Phone |
Oamseb | 632611 | ** | Phone |
Grunau | 63262 | *** | Phone |
Kalkrand | 63264 | *** | Phone |
Schilp | 632650 | ** | Phone |
Schilp | 632651 | ** | Phone |
Hoachanas | 632653 | ** | Phone |
Hoachanas | 632654 | ** | Phone |
Tsumispark | 632655 | ** | Phone |
Tsumispark | 632656 | ** | Phone |
Tsumispark | 632657 | ** | Phone |
Klein Karas | 632660 | ** | Phone |
Warmbad | 632690 | ** | Phone |
Warmbad | 632691 | ** | Phone |
Hamab | 632693 | ** | Phone |
Stinkdoring | 632696 | ** | Phone |
Uhabis | 632699 | ** | Phone |
Karasburg | 63270 | *** | Phone |
Karasburg | 63271 | **** | Phone |
Aranos | 63272 | *** | Phone |
Aminuis | 632730 | ** | Phone |
Aminuis | 632731 | ** | Phone |
Aminuis | 632732 | ** | Phone |
Aminuis | 632733 | ** | Phone |
Rosh Pinah | 63274 | *** | Phone |
Kalahariplaas | 632750 | ** | Phone |
Bralano | 632752 | ** | Phone |
Bralano | 632753 | ** | Phone |
Bralano | 632754 | ** | Phone |
Aranos | 632768 | ** | Phone |
Aranos | 632769 | ** | Phone |
Ariamsvlei | 632800 | ** | Phone |
Ariamsvlei | 632801 | ** | Phone |
Dawiab | 632803 | ** | Phone |
Aroab | 632805 | ** | Phone |
Aroab | 632806 | ** | Phone |
Aroab | 632807 | ** | Phone |
Aroab | 632807 | ** | Phone |
Kais | 632808 | ** | Phone |
Ariamsvlei | 632809 | ** | Phone |
Koes | 632810 | ** | Phone |
Gaibis | 632811 | ** | Phone |
Deurstamp | 632812 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 632830 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 632831 | ** | Phone |
Helmeringhausen | 632833 | ** | Phone |
Goageb | 632835 | ** | Phone |
Lorelei | 632837 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 632839 | ** | Phone |
Bethanien | 632849 | ** | Phone |
Rosh Pinah | 632900 | ** | Phone |
Rosh Pinah | 632901 | ** | Phone |
Rosh Pinah | 632902 | ** | Phone |
Maltahohe | 63293 | *** | Phone |
Solitaire | 63293 | *** | Phone |
Kumakams | 632942 | ** | Phone |
Namgorab | 632950 | ** | Phone |
Noordoewer | 63297 | *** | Phone |
Mariental | 63345 | *** | Phone |
Helmeringhausen | 63626 | *** | Phone |
South Namibia | 63693 | *** | Satellite |
Keetmanshoop | 637034 | ** | Phone |
Luderitz | 637035 | ** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63710 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63713 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63718 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63719 | *** | Phone |
Keetmanshoop | 63811 | *** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 64 | ****** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 640886 | ***** | VoIP |
Arandis | 641700 | ** | Phone |
Arandis | 641701 | ** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 641702 | ** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 641703 | ** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 641704 | ** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 641705 | ** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 641706 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 641707 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 641708 | ** | Phone |
Langstrand | 641709 | ** | Phone |
Langstrand | 641710 | ** | Phone |
Langstrand | 641711 | ** | Phone |
Leoburn | 641712 | ** | Phone |
Omaruru | 641713 | ** | Phone |
Omaruru | 641714 | ** | Phone |
Omaruru | 641715 | ** | Phone |
Omaruru | 641716 | ** | Phone |
Omaruru | 641717 | ** | Phone |
Omaruru | 641718 | ** | Phone |
Rossing Mine | 641721 | ** | Phone |
Rossing Mine | 641722 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 641723 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 641724 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 641725 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 641726 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 641727 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 641728 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 641729 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 64173 | *** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 641740 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 641741 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 641742 | ** | Phone |
Tsaobis | 641743 | ** | Phone |
Usakos | 641746 | ** | Phone |
Usakos | 641747 | ** | Phone |
Usakos | 641748 | ** | Phone |
Usakos | 641749 | ** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64175 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64176 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64200 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64201 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64202 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64203 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64204 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64205 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64206 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64207 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64208 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64209 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64210 | *** | Phone |
Langstrand | 642110 | ** | Phone |
Langstrand | 642111 | ** | Phone |
Langstrand | 642112 | ** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 642118 | ** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 642119 | ** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64212 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64213 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64214 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64215 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64216 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64217 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64218 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64219 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64220 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64221 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64270 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64271 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64272 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 642730 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 642731 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 642732 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 642733 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 642734 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64274 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64275 | *** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 64276 | *** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 6440 | **** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 6441 | ***** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 6446 | **** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 64500 | *** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 64501 | *** | Phone |
Henties Bay | 64502 | *** | Phone |
Uis | 64504 | *** | Phone |
Arandis | 64510 | *** | Phone |
Arandis | 645110 | ** | Phone |
Arandis | 645118 | ** | Phone |
Arandis | 645119 | ** | Phone |
Arandis | 64512 | *** | Phone |
Rossing Mine | 64520 | **** | Phone |
Rossing Mine | 64521 | *** | Phone |
Rossing Mine | 64522 | *** | Phone |
Usakos | 64530 | *** | Phone |
Usakos | 64531 | *** | Phone |
Karibib | 645500 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645501 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645502 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645503 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645504 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645505 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645506 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645507 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645508 | ** | Phone |
Tsaobis | 645508 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645509 | ** | Phone |
Otjimbingwe | 64551 | *** | Phone |
Karibib | 645520 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645521 | ** | Phone |
Karibib | 645537 | *** | Phone |
Karibib | 645538 | *** | Phone |
Karibib | 645539 | *** | Phone |
Omaruru | 64570 | *** | Phone |
Omaruru | 64571 | *** | Phone |
Omaruru | 64572 | *** | Phone |
Omaruru | 64573 | *** | Phone |
Central Namibia | 64694 | *** | Satellite |
Walvis Bay | 647026 | ** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 647027 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 647028 | ** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 647100 | ** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 647130 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 647162 | ** | Phone |
Walvis Bay | 647165 | ** | Phone |
Swakopmund | 647172 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 65 | ****** | Phone |
Opuwo | 65 | ****** | Phone |
Oshakati | 65 | ******(***) | Phone |
Oshakati | 650886 | ***** | VoIP |
Anamulenge | 651701 | ** | Phone |
Blue Sodalite Mine | 651702 | ** | Phone |
Edundja | 651703 | ** | Phone |
Edundja | 651704 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 651705 | ** | Phone |
Eenhana | 651706 | ** | Phone |
Ehomba | 651707 | ** | Phone |
Elim | 651708 | ** | Phone |
Elim | 651709 | ** | Phone |
Endola | 651710 | ** | Phone |
Etanga | 651711 | ** | Phone |
Etunda | 651712 | ** | Phone |
Etunda | 651713 | ** | Phone |
Haiyandja | 651714 | ** | Phone |
Kaoko Otavi | 651715 | ** | Phone |
Kunene River Lodge | 651716 | ** | Phone |
Mahenene | 651717 | ** | Phone |
Ombombo | 651719 | ** | Phone |
Odibo | 651720 | ** | Phone |
Ogongo | 651721 | ** | Phone |
Ohandungu | 651722 | ** | Phone |
... View other 534 city phone codes Namibia ... |
Operator | Mobile code | Phone number length |
MTC | 81 | ******* |
MTC | 8111 | ***** |
MTC | 8112 | ***** |
MTC | 812 | ****** |
MTC | 813 | ****** |
MTC | 8150 | ***** |
TN Mobile | 60 | ******* |
TN Mobile | 82 | ******* |
TN Mobile | 85 | ******* |
Service | Phone number |
Police | 10111 |
Fire | 2032270 |
Medical | 2032276 |
Police | 1011 |
Fire | 211111 |
Medical | 211111 |
Service type | Phone code | Phone number length |
VoIP | 83 | ******* |
Audio | 886 | ****** |
Audio | 886 | ****** |
Premium line | 870 | ****** |
Premium line | 870100 | *** |
Wireless | 6020 | ***** |
Namibia International Code | +264 |
International phone prefix of Namibia | 00 |
Trunk phone prefix of Namibia | 0 |
Birthday greetings for sms messages
Morning greetings doesn't only mean saying good morning, it has a silent message saying: I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice dayGood morning texts for sms messages
Love is a beautiful dreamRomantic texts for sms messages
Thanks for always being there for me. I'll always love you. Happy father's dayFathers day greetings for sms messages
Look at the sun you will feel the power of god look at the moon you will feel the beauty of god. Look at the mirror you will feel the love of godThere are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. - General colin powellIn a party a handsome guy asked a girl 'Are you going to dance? ' She felt so happy & said-'yes' & the guy said-'that's good, so can I have your chairA baby dog asks mama dog: How papa looks like. Mama dog said: 'Your dad came from behind, I do not have the chance to see its face carefully'Naughty texts for sms messages
Only in souls the christ is brought to birth, and there he lives and dies. - Alfred noyesA man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears |