
United States phone codes
United States phone codes of cities starting with z

United States telephone codes

Cities phone codes sorted by alphabet

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
CityArea codePhone number lengthType of connection
Zabcikville (Texas)254985****Phone
Zachary (Louisiana)225286****Phone
Zachary (Louisiana)225301****Mobile
Zachary (Louisiana)225306****Phone
Zachary (Louisiana)225392****Phone
Zachary (Louisiana)225570****Phone
Zachary (Louisiana)225654****Phone
Zachary (Louisiana)225658****Phone
Zachary (Louisiana)225681****Mobile
Zanesville (Indiana)260638****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740221****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740252****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740297****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740319****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740408****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740450****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740452****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740453****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740454****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740455****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740487****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740562****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740586****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740588****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740607****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740617****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740624****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740683****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740704****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740718****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740735****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740813****Phone
Zanesville (Ohio)740819****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740868****Mobile
Zanesville (Ohio)740891****Mobile
Zap (North Dakota)701948****Phone
Zapata (Texas)956253****Mobile
Zapata (Texas)956265****Mobile
Zapata (Texas)956302****Phone
Zapata (Texas)956750****Phone
Zapata (Texas)956751****Phone
Zapata (Texas)956765****Phone
Zavalla (Texas)936897****Phone
Zavalla (Texas)936999****Phone
Zearing (Iowa)641487****Phone
Zebulon (Georgia)470777****Phone
Zebulon (Georgia)470995****Phone
Zebulon (Georgia)678568****Phone
Zebulon (Georgia)770567****Phone
Zebulon (Georgia)770581****Mobile
Zebulon (North Carolina)919269****Phone
Zebulon (North Carolina)919375****Phone
Zebulon (North Carolina)919404****Phone
Zebulon (North Carolina)919421****Mobile
Zebulon (North Carolina)919551****Phone
Zebulon (North Carolina)919646****Phone
Zebulon (North Carolina)919823****Phone
Zebulon (North Carolina)919887****Phone
Zeeland (Michigan)616237****Phone
Zeeland (Michigan)616283****Mobile
Zeeland (Michigan)616403****Mobile
Zeeland (Michigan)616610****Mobile
Zeeland (Michigan)616613****Phone
Zeeland (Michigan)616654****Phone
Zeeland (Michigan)616741****Phone
Zeeland (Michigan)616748****Phone
Zeeland (Michigan)616772****Phone
Zeeland (Michigan)616879****Phone
Zeeland (Michigan)616931****Phone
Zeeland (Michigan)616953****Phone
Zeeland (North Dakota)701423****Phone
Zeigler (Illinois)618595****Phone
Zeigler (Illinois)618596****Phone
Zelienople (Pennsylvania)724452****Phone
Zelienople (Pennsylvania)724453****Phone
Zelienople (Pennsylvania)724473****Phone
Zelienople (Pennsylvania)724609****Phone
Zelienople (Pennsylvania)724631****Mobile
Zelienople (Pennsylvania)724716****Mobile
Zenda (Kansas)620243****Phone
Zephyr (North Carolina)336353****Phone
Zephyr (North Carolina)336366****Phone
Zephyr (North Carolina)336820****Phone
Zephyr (Texas)325739****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813312****Mobile
Zephyrhills (Florida)813322****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813355****Mobile
Zephyrhills (Florida)813364****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813377****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813395****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813427****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813469****Mobile
Zephyrhills (Florida)813479****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813602****Mobile
Zephyrhills (Florida)813701****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813702****Mobile
Zephyrhills (Florida)813713****Mobile
Zephyrhills (Florida)813714****Mobile
Zephyrhills (Florida)813715****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813718****Mobile
Zephyrhills (Florida)813761****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813762****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813778****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813779****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813780****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813782****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813783****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813788****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813838****Phone
Zephyrhills (Florida)813862****Phone
Zimmerman (Minnesota)763482****Mobile
Zimmerman (Minnesota)763856****Phone
Zion (Illinois)224304****Phone
Zion (Illinois)224717****Mobile
Zion (Illinois)224730****Mobile
Zion (Illinois)224789****Mobile
Zion (Illinois)847246****Phone
Zion (Illinois)847379****Phone
Zion (Illinois)847731****Phone
Zion (Illinois)847746****Phone
Zion (Illinois)847872****Phone
Zion (Illinois)847912****Mobile
Zion (Pennsylvania)814383****Phone
Zion (Pennsylvania)814469****Mobile
Zion (Pennsylvania)814586****Phone
Zionsville (Indiana)317344****Phone
Zionsville (Indiana)317732****Phone
Zionsville (Indiana)317733****Phone
Zionsville (Indiana)317873****Phone
Zionsville (Indiana)317942****Phone
Zionsville (Indiana)317973****Phone
Zolfo Springs (Florida)863328****Mobile
Zolfo Springs (Florida)863474****Phone
Zolfo Springs (Florida)863735****Phone
Zoneton (Kentucky)502277****Phone
Zoneton (Kentucky)502504****Mobile
Zoneton (Kentucky)502869****Mobile
Zoneton (Kentucky)502908****Mobile
Zoneton (Kentucky)502955****Mobile
Zoneton (Kentucky)502957****Mobile
Zumbro Falls (Minnesota)507353****Phone
Zumbro Falls (Minnesota)507753****Phone
Zumbrota (Minnesota)507732****Phone
Zuni (New Mexico)505495****Mobile
Zuni (New Mexico)505782****Phone
Zuni (New Mexico)505871****Phone
Zurich (Kansas)785662****Phone
Zwolle (Louisiana)318645****Phone
Zwolle (Louisiana)318824****Phone

Date in various calendars
Gregorian calendar: 22 November 2024
Jewish calendar: 10 Kislev 5776
Islamic calendar: 9 Safar 1437
Chinese calendar: 11 day 10 month 4412 year

Today holidays
Reasons for mms or sms greetings
• John F. Kennedys Assassination Day (USA)
• Psychologist Day (Russia)
• Feast of Christ the King (Catholic Church)
• Albanian Alphabet Day (Albania)
• State Ruler's Birthday (Johor, Malaysia)
• Albanian Alphabet Day (Macedonia)
• Bank Workers Day (Armenia)
• Justice Workers Day (Azerbaijan)
• Prosecution Workers Day (Kyrgyzstan)
• Independence Day (Lebanon)
Examples of free Sms texts for sending

The hottest love has the coldest end

Love texts for sms messages

With my 1 heart 2 eyes 7 liter blood 206 bones 4. 5 million red cells 60 trillion d n a's... All wishing you a very very happy holi

Holi greetings for sms messages

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach da end of da road... But when U r walking with me, I wish the road never ends... Friend's forever

Friendship texts for sms messages

Keep a special place for me in your heart, not in your mind! Keeping me in your mind can be dangerous for U because people say I am mind blowing

Cute texts for sms messages

Women are the only exploited group in history to have been idealized into powerlessness

Advice texts for sms messages

Sometimes. When im all alone. I close my eyes & think of you & the thought of your love warms me inside & make me smile

Smile jokes for sms messages

I want to be with you tonight, tomorrow, and today it can't happen now but it will someday

Miss you texts for sms messages

For the world you are somebody, but for somebody, you are the world! Lots of love, somebody

Love texts for sms messages

There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva

Funny jokes for sms messages

10-fingers 09-planets 08-sides 07-wonders 06-sense 05-pandavas 04-seasons 03-choices 02-genders 01-wonderful friend *u*

Friendship texts for sms messages