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Republic day greetings for sms messages
Long ago, men who sacrificed their love, youth, parents, identity, laughter and their happines were called saints! Now they are called husbandsWhere were you before you came camping in my heart? You started a fire and now my heart is filled with flamesRock bottom is good solid ground, and a dead end street is just a place to turn around. - Buddy buie and J. R. Cobb, 'Rock bottom'Another month, another year, another smile, another tear, another winter, another summer too but there will never be another youLove is like a rose it blossoms then diesYou can never be a leader unless you learn to loseThe nhs regrets to inform you that your birth was an accident please report to your nearest hospital to be put down we apologise for any inconvenienceI was a beautiful baby. But they switched my in the hospital |