Graduation greetings for sms messages
Wife: What is so interesting in me? Husband: I dont know the meaning of interestingTo accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream - Not only plan, but also believeGraduation greetings for sms messages
A person who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. A person who doesn't is a fool foreverLove is a post card life is a visiting card wife is a memmery card but friendship is a reshon cadr becouse keep it safeGreetings texts for sms messages
Always be on 'Their side' in some way, no matter whatMy wishes are silent but true, every where they will follow you, luck is yours, wishes are mine, I wish your present & future will always shineDon't only be close with someone who makes you happy. Be close with someone who can't be happy without you. It makes a lot of difference in lifeWhatever is warm & inspiring, whatever means most to you, whatever makes you smile & brings you joy that's what I wish for U! Have a great weekend |