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Fathers day greetings for sms messages
Good relations doesn't need any promises, any terms or conditions. It just need 2 wonderful people. Cute like me and sweet like youRomantic texts for sms messages
There is only one difference between dream and aim. Dream requires effortless sleep. Whereas, aim requires sleepless effortsGood luck texts for sms messages
Don't give cherries to pigs or advice to fools. - Irish proverbApril fool jokes for sms messages
There are three things in life that are very valuable friends, family and self confidence so first of all love that three thingsAlways draw a circle around the ones you love, never draw a heart because hearts can be broken, but circles are never endingFriendship texts for sms messages
Selfish people may win, in the beginning. But just as everything else in life, there is always an endSelfish texts for sms messages
Whatever is warm & inspiring, whatever means most to you, whatever makes you smile & brings you joy that's what I wish for U! Have a great weekendGreetings texts for sms messages
You're such a great boss you deserve to be on mount rush more. We'll handle things here until you get back. Happy boss's dayIt's very hard to describe and not enough words to express. But give us just a minute and we'll try to do our best |