Inspirational texts for sms messages
Give a man a free hand and he'll run it all over youLove is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodiesWen a touch could heal a wound wen eyes's cud speak volumes wen a smile can confirm I m there then why do v need owrds 2 say'i love you'If you think missing me is hard, then you should try missing youMiss you texts for sms messages
What's common between the sun and women's underwear? A) both are hot b) both look better while going down c) both disappear by nightNaughty texts for sms messages
I feel something in my heart it's like a little flame every time I see you this flame lights up this flame is special 4 you bcoz I love youApologizing - A very desperate habit - One that is rarely cured. Oliver wendell holmesTime and distance can keep us apart, but we are always heart to heart, no matter its night or day, you are just a thought awaySuccessful people always have two things on their lips, silence and smile'silence' to avoid problems and 'Smile' to solve problems |